A Coyote Among Wolves ( Gay Menage)

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A Coyote Among Wolves ( Gay Menage) Page 1

by Krishna Brooks

  A Coyote Among Wolves

  By: Krishna Brooks

  ©Copyright Krishna Brooks 2016

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  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the author or publisher.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to the author. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers.

  A Coyote Among Wolves

  As an unmated omega, I'm in danger by myself.

  After being attacked by a rival pack, my uncle told me to run. But my legs can only carry me so far. Before I can make it to The Watering Hole, neutral ground for shape-shifters, the alpha of a wolf pack catches me. But Zander isn't as mean as he looks.

  Packless, I must rely on him for protection. When my uncle doesn't come to get me, I fear the worst. I'm alone and without a mate. It's only a matter of time before someone claims me. But I never thought it might be Zander.

  Does a coyote have a place among wolves?

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  About the Author

  Now Available

  Chapter One

  Run. Run. Run. Don’t stop.

  I could still hear my uncle’s voice inside my head and I pumped my legs as hard as I could. My muscles were screaming in protest and my paws were raw but I was afraid that if I stopped, they would catch me. The attack had come out of nowhere but my clan was strong in both number and body. Unfortunately, as an omega, I could do little more than snap and snarl. And because I was unmated, I would have been singled out first. My uncle had covered my path as I ran as far away from our home as possible.

  My lungs burned and my body felt so heavy as if I had several pounds of weight strapped to my frame. I crossed the Mississippi River into the unfamiliar forests of Illinois, the scents and sounds foreign. The darkness of night hid my coyote body and the moon guided me toward the east. I was so far from home now but I knew my uncle would find me. I just needed to keep moving.

  I panted and slowed to a trot until I could no longer walk and everything went dark.


  Sounds. Hushed voices. Unfamiliar heartbeats.

  Had I been caught? I whimpered and realized I was no longer a coyote but human. The ground under me was surprisingly soft and warm. I needed to run but all my strength was gone.

  “What is your name?”

  I shivered under the man’s deep voice and pinched my eyes closed, hoping he was a part of a terrifying nightmare.

  “Going to play dead?” he said and chuckled.

  Warily, I peeked an eye open and shot up as a mountain of a man stared down at me with ice-blue eyes. My back hit something so that I was unable to get away. I attempted to slip off to the side but ran into glass.

  “Calm,” the man said, his voice lowering. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  I tried to still my breath but my heart was hammering hard. I was caged and with him blocking my path, I couldn’t get away. Not that my legs would carry me very far in my state of exhaustion. He held his palms in the air, his face loose. He was big, his body heavily muscled and he smelled like a shape-shifter—a wolf. Not exactly the kind of creature I wanted to be around. My animal was on alert, begging me to get away. A coyote was no match for a wolf. Especially a big, strong alpha like this one.

  “That’s a little better, yes?” he purred. “I’m Zander. What are you called?”

  Swallowing hard, I looked around and I realized I was not in a cage, but the hatchback of an SUV. Several men were standing around outside but this wolf—Zander—commanded my attention.

  “Randy,” I managed, my voice hoarse.

  He motioned to the side and produced a bottle of water. He held his hand out in offering and I snatched it from him. The cool, clean water went down easily, moistening my throat and quenching my thirst. I moaned as I finished off the bottle, the sensation of a sloshing stomach was nice.

  “Now then. You want to tell my why you are in my territory?” Zander asked, his tone even as if he were in control of his anger. I wasn’t sure if that were a good thing or not.

  I kept my eyes down in submission. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  He was quiet for a moment, his eyes roaming my body. “Tell me who you are running from.”

  I shouldn’t tell him anything because there was no knowing if he were friends with the attackers. But I’d encroached on his territory and was afraid of being beaten for trespassing. “My clan was attacked. My uncle told me to run so I did. I am to meet him at the rendezvous point.”

  Zander cocked a brow. “And that is here?”

  “No, I—” I looked around, unsure of where I was. I knew I was not in the city judging by the inky blackness of the night and the reaching, crowded trees. “He told me if I ever got separated from the pack to run to The Watering Hole. It is neutral ground and he will find me there.”

  The wolf-shifter scratched his chin and looked at me for a long time as if he were deciding my fate. “I know of this place but it is several hours east. Okay, Randy. I will take you there. Rest and heal up.”

  I gaped as the hatchback was closed, the sound startling me. The roar of motorcycle engines rumbled to life and I sunk low to the floor. I closed my eyes, praying I would wake from the nightmare.

  Chapter Two

  I rested my cheek against my fist as I waited. It was another Friday night at The Watering Hole. Shifters of all kinds—bears, wolves, cats and even a few flyers—were out having a good time. All the noise and bodies made me nervous. But my uncle had been right. This was neutral ground and it still surprised me that so many clans could get along in close proximity to one another. An argument popped up every now and then but it was quickly squashed by the dragons that ran the joint.

  Zander slid next to me, the booth dipping under his weight. He passed me a pleasant look and I kept my eyes on the table, not out of submission, but… something else. He and his pack had been kind enough to take me to Chicago. They had given me shelter and food while I waited for my uncle to come get me. With every passing week, my hope that my family had survived diminished.

  “Sax should be along soon,” Zander said and motioned to my full Long Island Iced tea. “Not your drink, yes?”

  I flushed, feeling bad that he had bought it for me and it was going to waste. “I’m sorry.”

  “I get it,” he murmured and took it. I stole a look at the way his throat moved as he sipped at the watery drink. I quickly returned my attention to the table and proceeded to stare at the knot in the wood. These past few weeks of living in the city had thrown me for a loop. I was lost between worrying for my pack and dealing with the heat that coursed through me whenever I was near Zander. At twenty-one and under the protection of my uncle, I’d yet to experience an alpha as an omega did. “There.”

  I followed the wolf-shifter’s attention and spotted a ridiculously tall shifter making his way toward our table. His eyes burned like an inferno and his long, red hair seemed to move l
ike a flame. As he took a seat in front of us, it got hot quickly and I tugged on my collar.

  “I imagine you must save a lot of money not having to heat this place in the winter,” Zander said and I snapped my attention to him, fearful he’d be throttled. Dragons were not to be messed with.

  The dragon blinked at him for a moment and burst out in laughter. “Good one. And I’ll take that into consideration. I can’t be there twenty-four-seven, however, so the heat must stay on. Although, I think the polar bears wouldn’t mind it if it were a little chilly.”

  As the two alphas bickered lightly, I managed to relax. Just listening to Zander’s smooth, well-pronounced words soothed me.

  The dragon’s eyes fell on me and I fidgeted under their hot attention. “Randy Littlepaw. How are you doing?”

  “Okay. Thank you, sir,” I said. “And thank you for doing this for me.”

  Sax nodded. “I wish I had good news. I found signs of a fight—disturb ground, blood and the cabin you mentioned had been looted and razed. What I did not find was evidence of your pack. If they did survive they were run off. I attempted contact with the invading clan but they refused to speak to me. That area isn’t under our protection so there was little else I could do.”

  “You could have just roasted them and pretended you know nothing,” Zander teased.

  Sax stroked his chin and grinned. “Done that before. Ended up starting a rebellion.”

  Every word hit me like a spear of ice. It burrowed deep into my skin and punctured vital organs. I managed a raspy thanks for taking the time to look for my pack. I excused myself and took shelter inside the restroom. My heart hammered and little blotches of color floated in front of my eyes. Four weeks and my uncle hadn’t come for me. Now I knew why. He was dead along with the rest of my pack. I was now alone.

  I don’t know how, but I managed to stay on my feet, my bones feeling weak and brittle. The door opened and I wished I had locked it. Zander stepped in and flipped the lock behind him. I couldn’t look at him, couldn’t think because I was ready to break. My head tightened as the tears gathered and my throat closed. My vision blurred and the last thing I saw was Zander’s big chest covered in black fabric nearing me. Strong arms corralled me against him as I bawled uncontrollably. I tried to gather myself as I made a mess on his chest, but it was pointless.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered.

  I moaned in disagreement but as he held me, I relaxed. Every breath was filled with his delicious alpha scent and every touch loosened my body. We hardly knew each other but I needed the support of an alpha, more so now than ever.

  Someone started banging on the door. “Come on! I need to take a dump!”

  “Let’s call it a night and go back to the room,” Zander said and offered me a tissue.

  I accepted and blotted my face. He unlocked the door and snarled at the shifter waiting to make use of the facilities. Zander took me by my wrist and led me toward the bar where his second in command, Uriel was lounging.

  “Bad news, I’m guessing,” Uriel said softly.

  Zander nodded. “I’m taking him back to the room. Don’t make it a late night tonight, okay?”

  “I’ll gather the pack. We will join you soon.”

  My legs were numb as Zander led me outside to where his packs’ motorcycles were. Despite the absence of sensation in most of my body, his touch was alive on my skin. I’d ridden a few times at his back when the wolves didn’t feel like lugging the SUV along. Each and every time had been exciting. The moment was dampened by the fact that this would be my last. He had no reason to keep me around anymore and I had none to stay. Where would I go, was the question. And without an alpha to protect me, what would I do?


  The ride back to the hotel suite Zander had rented was short and the moment we were in the room, I stuffed the clothes he had purchased for me in a backpack. Wait. Would I even be allowed to take them?

  “What are you doing?” Zander inquired, his face hard.

  A jab of fear stabbed me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to presume. Perhaps, there is some way I can reimburse you for the clothes?”

  His brows lowered and his expression stiffened further. He stalked toward me and my heart kicked again. I stared at his chest, determined to let him see that I was not interested in challenging him.

  “You’ve been so kind to me… If there is any way I can…” I couldn’t finish, my brain mush from all that had happened.

  He yanked the backpack from my grip and tossed it against the wall where it floundered like a dying fish. “You think I would kick you out butt naked? With no food, no water, no money to procure things like shelter and clothes? Forget all that but do you really believe I was going to chase you out at all?”

  I couldn’t breathe again, his booming voice ringing in my ears. He’d been so nice to me but that didn’t mean he didn’t expect something in return. I still didn’t understand why he’d gone out of his way to help me. Rough fingers gripped my chin and my head was forced back so I could do nothing but look into his gorgeous, terrifying eyes.

  “I would have thought you would know better by now,” he said and I could see that he was angry. He blew out a big breath and pulled me into a hug. The moment his solid frame came against me, I moaned. “No, Randy. You aren’t going anywhere. I’m giving you the choice to join this pack.”

  “But, I’m coyote,” I managed, surprised a wolf like him would want anything to do with me.

  “Is there a point to that statement?” he inquired, a hint of amusement in his voice. His fingers glided through my hair and stroked my scalp until I was ready to collapse on the bed in a state of peaceful surrender. “You’re an unmated omega without a pack. I’m not letting you lose on the streets where you can be taken advantage of.”

  I didn’t know how to respond to that, not that I could. Zander was too nice to me, his voice perfect in my ears, his scent soaking into me. He guided me to the bed where I sat down. I wanted to pull him against me but he leaned against the bureau and folded his arms over his chest. “You are a part of this pack now. Exactly where you fall is up to you. That is your choice.”

  I gaped at him, unable to comprehend anything.

  A little smile ticked at his lips. “Do you like it when I hold you?”

  Heat crept up my neck and I looked between my feet, not sure how to tackle that question. Is the sky blue? His chuckle was like a purr.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” I didn’t need to see his face to know his eyes sparkled like sapphires when he was happy. “I wasn’t looking for an omega when I found you but being around you, having you in this pack has opened my eyes. Everyone is a lot calmer with you around. And I find myself longing for an omega to keep me warm at night.”

  His words hung in the air and I looked at all the furniture as if it could offer me an explanation. “You… you want to... mate me?”

  He lifted his body from the dresser and I shot to my feet in response. He took my face in his hands and growled low in his throat. I was unable to peel my gaze from his ruggedly handsome face, his eyes glowing with need. The look was so hot that it parched my throat. He leaned in slowly, his lips closing on mine and the moment they touched me, my body came alive. Gone was the numbness, my system flooding with sensation and unfamiliar things. The kiss was chaste, nothing more than a test.

  “You must accept and be sure I am what you want,” Zander said against my lips, his breath hot.

  I nodded. I’d been severely lucky. Anyone could have found me and they might not have asked my permission. There was no way I could turn this down. I needed the protection of a pack and the support of an alpha.

  “No,” he growled and gripped my neck. “I want to hear you say it.”

  My words were nothing more than a rasp. “I want to mate you.”

  He kissed me again and his authority and possession came through loud and clear. I tried to keep up, his tongue ruling mine, his hands holding me close. I moaned into his mouth as
a knot formed in my groin. I heard the sound of motorcycles in the back of my mind but all that existed in this moment was Zander… my new alpha. My mated-alpha. He eventually released me and I sucked in a big breath. As reality slammed back into me, I spotted the pack standing in the door jamb, watching with interest.

  Zander took my hand. “Randy has agreed to mate into the pack.”

  Wolfish growls filled the room and Uriel threw an arm around my shoulders. “Welcome. We’re a lot cooler than most. We have cookies, don’t you know?”

  I couldn’t help it. I smiled for what seemed like the first time in a long time. The other two wolves—Thad and Jenk came to welcome me, their gazes heated. I looked between everyone and realized what entailed to being mated and the duties befallen to me.

  “No,” Zander said sternly. “Not tonight. He needs time to mourn.”

  I looked to him, unable to express how thankful I was that he knew what I needed. He pecked my lips. “When you are ready, you will be fully marked. From now on, you will always sleep with me.”

  I watched wide-eyed as he undressed, his body moving beautifully. I was aware they slept naked. I’d stolen a few peeks at his marvelous, muscular ass but this was different. I did my best to stay on my feet as he was revealed to me. His expression read all alpha confidence as he stripped me down to my skin. He led me into bed and I cuddled up against him, surprised by how nice it was to be skin to skin against him. Uriel came up behind me and I was caged in by hundreds of pounds of pure muscle. I felt so safe.

  Zander kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes as he held me tenderly.


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