One Night Alone

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One Night Alone Page 5

by Sarah Havan

  “Hi, how’s Sadie? And that snow?” I asked. Will let go of my hand when he saw Derek coming down the hall, too.

  “Stop trying to make small talk.”

  “Derek,” Marla said. She then looked from me to Will. “I’m so happy for you two.”

  “Thanks. All I want is to be happy, but maybe I’ll never get the chance,” Will said softly.

  My heart broke in half. Derek really hurt him.

  Marla walked over to Will and wrapped her arms around him. “Please be happy, be yourself, be happy with who you are and who you love, no matter what anyone else says.”

  Will nodded, and Marla threw another glare at Derek.

  “What she said,” Sam said. “If you two are happy, hell, go for it then.”

  “All right, enough with this love fest,” Derek said.

  “And speaking of love,” Sam said, smiling. “Did you guys bump into Kassie? I think she’s retreated to the kitchen.”

  “Let’s save the introductions for later,” Derek said.

  “Stop being a jerk,” Sam said. “So our brother is gay. Who the fuck cares? Let him be who he is.” He stood up from the couch so now we all stood in the middle of the living room, facing each other like it was some kind of showdown.

  “My best friend gets stuck in a cabin with my brother for a night and what? You’re just so goddamn horny you’ll sleep with anyone around?”

  “What the living fuck, Derek? I asked about ready to knock him on his ass.

  “What am I supposed to think?” He threw his hands in the air like he was totally perplexed.

  “What is wrong with you?” I know I broke some sort of bro code or whatever the hell you called it, but he acted like an ass.

  He shook his head and licked his lips.

  “We’ve been talking, face calling, and he was there for me after Alisha, and we fell in love along the way.” I smiled at Will.

  “Is this about her, Alisha?” Derek asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Hell no. Me and Alisha didn’t belong together. The love just wasn’t there, and thankfully, we admitted it to ourselves before we got married. It still hurt like hell, though. But Will made it easier. He’s always there when I need to talk about anything. He makes me laugh, smile.” Will took my hand and intertwined our fingers.

  “You’re my best friend,” Derek said.

  “I am. Start acting like a friend and try understanding. I know it’s hard for you to accept. We’ve been there for each other for so long, and I’m still here. Now I just have Will at my side, and I know he’s younger than me, but that doesn’t matter to us. It’s the way we make each other feel that matters.”

  “You’ve known him since he was three. Jesus.”

  “I’m a fucking full-grown man, Derek. Parker and I were both children then, so do not try to make this like we’re some kind of perverts,” Will yelled. “Do you fucking understand that? Do you!”

  “You need to stop swearing at me.” Derek stepped in close, invading Will’s personal space.

  “Hey, let’s all calm down,” Sam said, putting his hands up like stop signs.

  Will bit the corner of his lip. “No, he is being rude and disrespectful, and I’m leaving.”

  I put my hand on Will’s shoulder. “I’m coming with you.”

  “Stay, you guys. Right, Derek?” Marla said.

  “Sorry, Marla, I’m not staying after the way he just spoke to me. I’m so sorry I didn’t get a chance to hold Sadie. Give her a kiss for me when she wakes up.” Will stormed off to the bedroom. I looked at Derek, shook my head, and went to follow Will.

  “What he said was not right, and I’m not staying in the same house with him. He can go to Hell,” Will said, kneeling on the floor and shoving his clothes into a bag.

  I squatted down next to him. “No, it wasn’t at all. You don’t deserve any of what he said.”

  “You don’t either.”

  “Some Christmas.”

  Will started laughing. “I know, right? But hey, I guess we have each other now.”

  “Let’s go find a hotel and have our own special little Christmas,” I said, wrapping my arm around his shoulders.

  “So let’s pack up our stuff and get out of here.”

  Both of our phones started bleating in tune. Will covered his ears with both of his hands.

  “Emergency alert.” I picked up my phone. “Blizzard warning,” I said, looking at what the alert said. “I guess we’re stuck here.”

  “I’m leaving before it gets too bad.” He zippered up his bag and stood, throwing the bag over his shoulder.

  “It’s not safe, Will.”

  “I’m going to try. A few miles up the road there was a small motel, so we don’t even have to go far.” He shrugged and forced a smile.

  I took him by the shoulders, turning him so he’d face me. “Will.”

  “I’m going.” His eyes began to glisten with tears again.

  “All right. I’ll follow in my car.” I went and threw my stuff in my bag, and the two of us headed for the front door.

  “Where the hell are you two going?” Derek stalked toward us across the living room.

  “I said we’re leaving.” Will dropped his bag and grabbed his coat.

  “You’re being ridiculous, Will.”

  “No, I’m not.” He zippered up his coat and pulled on his hat, shoving past his brother.

  “Parker,” Derek said. He looked at me with his brows drawn in.

  “I’m going with him.” I pulled on my coat and gloves.

  “Go then. Have a Merry Christmas.” He waved us away with his hands.

  Will blinked back his tears.

  “I expected more from you, Derek. Marla, Sadie has a gift under the tree. Happy holidays.” I followed Will out of the house. He was almost to his car.

  “Wait,” Sam said, chasing me out the door.

  “He doesn’t speak for all of us. Please stay.”

  “I know. Maybe we can get together some time without him. Merry Christmas, Sam.”

  I walked over to Will’s car. The snow already coming down hard. He sat behind the wheel, staring out the windshield.

  “Hey,” I said, leaning in and kissing his cheek.

  “You might not want to kiss me in front of them. Derek will go ballistic.”

  “I don’t care,” I said. “Let’s go. This snow is coming down.”

  Chapter Thirteen: Will

  It looked like a plow had never come through. Everything was blanketed in white. When I started my car, the wheels spun some, but I was able to get down the drive and onto the street. Parker drove behind but kept a good distance. The drive began at a slow speed and then became even slower as I couldn’t see much out of the windshield. The wipers rendered useless. As I turned onto the main road, my tires skidded some, making my heart beat five thousand times faster in my chest, but I straightened them out and carried on. No other cars were on the road. Snow built up on the hood of my car and everything was so white, and my chest started to constrict some because I had that trapped-in feel, but I was determined to get to the motel, so I kept on.

  Then my car went sideways, my tires spinning. Trying not to panic, I slowly applied the brakes, but my car kept sliding. After what felt like forever but was more than likely only a handful of seconds, my car stopped with a thud. My body thrust forward but got jerked back by the seatbelt, and pain shot through my skull from the impact of the airbag exploding in my face.

  I was dazed for a moment, and within seconds snow covered the car. I felt trapped. I was going to be buried alive. My breaths became short, and my chest ached. Blood poured out of my nose, trickling over my lip. I fumbled for the handle to the door, but my arms didn’t want to function properly. I couldn’t breathe.

  “Will,” I heard off in the distance somewhere, the wind carrying away the voice. The car door opened--there was Parker, panting and covered in snow.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, undoing my seatbelt.

  “Please, get me out of here,” I managed to say. He tucked his arm under my shoulders and helped me up. My knees buckled as a wave of dizziness washed over me, and I fell against him. Wind and snow whipped all around, and I couldn’t see much at all, just Parker’s brown eyes saying he was there for me.

  “We’re not far from the motel. Not even half a block. Do you think you can make it to my car?” he asked.


  “Can you breathe okay? It sounded like you were having some trouble.” He gingerly wiped blood off my face with his coat sleeve.

  “I’m out of the car. I’m okay now.”

  “Let’s go before we end up buried like the car.” Parker kept his arm around me, and we trudged through the snow, wind lashing across our exposed faces. Within seconds, I was frozen to the bone. After we trekked for what felt like three hours, we made it to his car. With our hands, we brushed away the snow so we could open the doors. We got in, and at the slowest speed ever, Parker inched down the road. A small light from the motel sign that shone through the snow was the only indicator we made it somewhere. He turned in off the road and stopped in front of the motel. He could’ve parked on the lawn, for all we knew, because a parking lot or driveway was nowhere to be seen under all the white. Parker got out of the car and ran around to my side, helping me out. We started for the front entrance. I blinked away the snow that clung to my lashes and glanced around. The downfall had let up a bit, and the trees were now in view, the branches bowing down from the weight of what had poured from the sky. We found the front door and ambled in.

  We stood in a small lobby with room for pretty much the two of us and the front counter, which nobody stood at. I hugged my arms around myself to try to keep my shaking under control. It didn’t make much difference.

  “Hey, hey,” Parker said, wrapping his body around me.

  “Oh, hello,” said an older woman wearing a pair of coveralls.

  “We’d like a room please,’ Parker said.

  “Oh my word, he’s bleeding. Are you two okay? He didn’t hit you, did he?” she asked with a hand over her heart.

  “No, no, airbag. My car slid off the road.” Talk about an I-told-you-so moment.

  “You poor dear. Have a seat. I’ll get something for that.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” I didn’t want to put someone out when it was my own dumb fault.

  “That would actually be great, thank you,” Parker said. The woman left, and Parker looked behind us and to the side. The lobby was empty of seats. “There’s a chair behind the desk.”

  “We don’t have to make this a big deal.” I just wanted to get in our room and for the day to be over already.

  “You have blood frozen to your face and a swollen nose. It’s a deal. And you’re shaking.”

  “So are you. Your teeth are chattering.”

  “Here we go. Here we go.” The woman came back and handed Parker a first-aid kit and a washcloth.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll get you some warm drinks and shovel a path to your room door.” She gave a friendly smile before disappearing again.

  Parker took off his gloves and pushed back my hood and un-zippered my jacket. He took the washcloth and gently wiped off my face. “How does your head feel?”

  “I have a headache, but that might have more to do with the cold.”

  “Okay, just take it easy and hopefully a plow will come through, and we can take you to the hospital.”

  “I don’t need to go to the hospital.”

  “You can have a concussion or internal bleeding and not even know it.” He bent down and looked into my eyes.

  “I’m okay, really.” I took the washcloth from him and held it to my face.

  “All right,” he said, pushing my hair to the side. “It’s starting to freeze.”

  “I bet yours is, too.” I flicked his hair with my fingers.

  After several more minutes and Parker trying to still fuss over me, the woman from the front counter came back.

  “I’m Mrs. Johnson,” she said, handing us our room keys. “If you two need anything, just holler.”

  Once in our room, we stripped off our clothes and huddled close under the covers. I didn’t think I’d ever stop shivering.

  “This has been an awful day,” Parker said.

  “I think it’s getting a bit better.” I took his arm and pulled it around me.

  “It is. You should rest.” He snuggled in closer.

  “I just hit my nose.”

  “Do you still have a headache?” he asked, pressing his fingers to my temple.

  “It’s getting better, but maybe we should nap for a bit.” I figured perhaps sleep somehow could help wash away the feeling the morning had left on me.

  “Aren’t you supposed to stay awake with a head injury?”

  “Parker, I’m sleeping.” I closed my eyes, and as I started to doze off, he kissed my forehead. Sleep really does a body good. The only thing that slightly throbbed when I woke up was my nose.

  “Hi,” Parker said, still lying on his side, his head propped up with his hand, the same position he was in when I fell asleep.

  “Did you nap at all?”

  “No, I watched you the whole time. Wanted to be safe.”

  “Maybe now it’s your turn then.”

  “I’m not tired. I’m too busy taking you in. That you’re here with me. It’s amazing.”

  I placed my head on his chest. “You’re amazing and so is this,” I said, reaching down and grabbing his cock. He was hard and ready to go.

  “Oh yeah?” He kissed under my ear.

  “Yeah,” I said, stroking him. “Make love to me.”

  Parker gave me a tender kiss on the lips and rolled me onto my side, massaging my shoulders. After kissing the back of my head, he got out of bed for a moment. When he got back in bed, he lay on his side behind me. I heard the snap of the lid of the lube bottle and shivered when he applied it to my hole. He leaned over me and kissed me hard on the mouth, his tongue exploring it deep inside. He reached over me, took my erection in his hand and stroked it a few times. Lifting my leg, he bent it over his arm, holding it up. He wrapped his other arm under my neck, petting my hair, and slid in the tip of his cock. I let out a shaky breath from the burning of him entering me. Parker kissed my neck as he sank in deep.

  I cried out from the pressure. It wasn’t as intense as the last time but was still so much. He waited a bit before he moved, and I got used to him inside me. A sensation I wanted to feel over and over again.

  “Oh, Parker,” I said. He held me so close and took his time. He hit my prostate and didn’t pull out right away, just kept pushing into the same spot, sending jolts of pleasure through me. I gripped his arm and moaned, and he pulled back out and thrust in again.

  “I love this so much, Will.”

  “So do I.”

  We kissed each other and felt our bodies all over. Parker rolled onto his back, pulling me on top of him, my back against his chest. He hooked his arms under and around so he gripped my shoulders and held me tight to his body. I bent my head back as he thrust up into me. He held me like he never wanted to let me go, moaning. My ass clenched around him as my orgasm built, my body shaking as I felt it from my core to my cock and everywhere else. “Oh God. Parker. Oh Jesus. Parker.” I panted and moaned and couldn’t hold it any longer. I arched back against him. The pleasure was overwhelming. He held me tighter, and thrust in so deep, holding it there, releasing as I did. “I’m coming. Oh fuck, I’m coming.”

  I collapsed on top of him, and he petted my hair back on my forehead.

  “Will,” he whispered in my ear.


  “I fucking love you.”

  “I love you too.” I rolled off of him, and we lay on our sides, nose to nose.

  Parker kissed me on the forehead. “I wish today went differently.”

  “Yeah, me too. I’m so pissed at Derek. He made me feel awful about myself.” I cupped my han
d behind his neck.

  “He is an asshole. I’m here for you, and so are Sam and Marla. You have people who love and support you.”

  “I still have to tell our mom.”

  “Your mom is a wonderful woman. She too will support you. At least, on you coming out. We’ll see what she says about us,” Parker said, throwing his leg over my hip.

  “Maybe she’ll say something about how we make such a lovely couple.”

  “We do make a lovely couple.” He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. Sadness still filled my heart, but the happiness he made me feel helped overshadow it.

  We both jumped at a loud banging sound.

  “Who’s that?” I asked, looking at the door.

  “I don’t know, but maybe we should get dressed real quick.”

  “Why do these things happen when we’re naked? I said as the banging from the other side of the door carried on. We got dressed and finally answered the door. Derek stood there, covered in snow.

  “What the?” Parker scratched his head and stared at my brother.

  Derek pushed himself into the room, bringing the cold with him, a shiver ran down my spine, and I hugged my arms around myself.

  “I don’t want to hear any more from you,” I said.

  He pushed back his hood and plucked off his hat, shaking snow all over the floor. “What happened to your face?”

  I touched my nose and winced. “Airbag.”

  “Holy shit, what happened?”

  “Snow and a ditch. Like you even care. Why are you here? How did you even find us?”

  “The nearest place for you guys to stop. I knew you wouldn’t make it far. And besides an old couple a few doors down, it’s just you guys. The woman at the front desk told me what room.”

  “What?” I asked.

  Derek shrugged. “I slipped her a twenty.”

  “How did you even make it here?” Parker asked, coming and standing next to me. Grabbing my hand so I’d have to un-fist it.

  “It let up for a bit. Listen, you guys, I want to apologize. I know I acted like an asshole.”

  I shook my head. “No. I won’t accept it.”


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