Young, Allyson - The Promise [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour]

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Young, Allyson - The Promise [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour] Page 8

by Allyson Young

“So?” asked Peter from the doorway.

  Sean sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “Didn’t I say she’s a keeper?’

  “Uh-huh,” Peter answered. “And does Jilly understand that for sure?”

  Sean looked away.

  “Aww buddy,” moaned Peter. “Didn’t you tell her how you felt and reiterate what we want?”

  Sean stood and went to the trash can to dispose of the condom, his back to Peter. “I showed her. She knows.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Peter muttered and headed into the bathroom.

  The door slammed again, and Sean looked at it longingly. He scraped his hands over his face. Peter could tell Jillian. He personally was a showing kind of guy. He would make breakfast for them all and feed Jillian. Peter had stocked up with many kinds of canned and frozen food in anticipation of having Jillian over, but not so much fresh stuff. Sean would head out to the market down the street and pick up some goodies. He didn’t care if he looked domesticated. His woman had needs other than her carnal ones.

  * * * *

  Jillian faced Peter with her hands on her hips. “Sheesh, Peter, I thought a closed bathroom door indicated a need for privacy. I was about to shower.”

  “I’ll help,” offered Peter.

  Jillian sighed. She would get clean only to have to shower again. Oh, the price she had to pay. Poor her. “Okay.”

  Peter adjusted the water temperature and helped her step inside, then pulled off his boxers and followed her in. He tenderly soaped and washed her all over, taking only a little extra time on her tasty bits, and then washed and conditioned her hair. Jillian reached for the safety razor beside the bar of soap, and he plucked it from her hand, raising her arms one at a time to shave the fuzz in her armpits, then knelt at her feet to glide the razor over her legs. He grinned up at her, the water running over his face and beading in his eyelashes.

  “Spread your legs a little, honey,” he suggested.

  Jillian complied, and Peter made a show of inspecting her labia and mound for any hair growth that might have sprouted overnight, running the razor suggestively over her, then poking the plastic end just up inside her. Jillian went to her tippy-toes and shrieked. The water began to run cool, and Peter quickly stood to shut it off and wrap her up in a big towel, effectively cocooning her. He swept her up and fumbled with the door handle but managed to carry her to the bed without incident, rolling her out of the towel and onto the sheet still rumpled from the sex with Sean. Peter followed her down, synching his body with hers, pressing his forehead against hers, peering down into her eyes. They stared at one another for what seemed like an eternity until Jillian tried to look away.

  “Don’t,” Peter said softly. “Don’t deny this, Jilly. I love you, honey. I want you with us always.”

  Jillian closed her eyes, only to open them as Peter surged his hips forward and entered her, then held still, his erection pulsing deep within her. He felt so warm, so good. The last time he had held still within her like this had been the time he’d extracted the promise. She shook her head.

  “I’m not saying anything to get you to fuck me, Peter. I won’t tell you something so special when you are eight inches deep inside of me and I want to come so badly I could scream.”

  Peter smiled down at her and began to thrust. “I love you, honey. Love you. I’ll say it at breakfast, in the car, at the office, watching a movie, when you’re pissed at me or me at you, while we’re making love, while we’re fucking…”

  Jillian pressed a finger against his mouth. “Okay, Peter, I believe you.” Her voice became strained as he pivoted and pushed against that special spot high inside her. “We need to talk, and we will, but not now. Please…”

  Peter moved faster and harder against her, and Jillian marveled at his texture, his heat, and his skill. He felt different, somehow. Her clit surged to grind against the base of his cock, against the crinkly hair there and spoke loudly to her. She held Peter closely, her legs crossed at the ankles behind his back, heels drumming on his buttocks. She twisted her fingers in his hair and hung on as he drove deep twice more, bumping her cervix and scraping her G-spot. Jillian came as he did and felt the outpouring heat of his coming seared her soul.

  They realized at the same instant that Peter had not donned a condom, to judge by the look on his face. He looked panicked. Jillian pushed out from under him and rushed off to cleanse herself. Peter followed her into the bathroom. Jillian crouched in the tub, as it slowly filled with water and looked up at him.

  “Baby, I’m sorry,” he managed. “Do you know where you are in your cycle? Could it be safe?”

  Jillian took a calming breath. “Get me a calendar, Mr. Quality Control,” she ordered.

  * * * *

  Sean was coming in the front door, laden with several sacks, when he nearly ran into a nude, wild-eyed Peter.

  “What the fuck?” Sean nearly shouted. “Are we playing again?”

  “Uh, nope, just getting Jillian something she needs right now.”

  Sean’s eyes narrowed. “What’s going on?”

  “Not now, Sean, I need to get it. Right fucking now.”

  Sean watched Peter’s naked ass disappear into the den. He dropped the groceries on the counter and stalked down the hall in search of his woman. He found her crouching in the tub, obviously in a temper, but with something else showing on her face. Something that he didn’t like or ever want to see. Jilly was scared. Peter couldn’t have done this to her. He wouldn’t hurt or scare her. What the hell?

  “Babe?” he said gently, moving to sit on the edge of the tub. “Jillian, are you okay?”

  Jillian pushed his outstretched hand away. “Why the fuck do people ask that when it’s obviously not okay? Like when somebody gets hit by a bus. Are you okay? How fucking stupid is that?”

  Sean fought the upsurge of his dominant side, his hand itching to spank Jilly’s ass red until she stopped with the lip and explained herself.

  “Jillian,” he tried, in his deeper, Dom voice, “what is going on?”

  She gestured at Peter, who was standing in the bathroom, planner in hand, looking pale and worried.

  “Ask Mr. Spontaneous there. So much for quality control! Give me that.”

  Peter handed her his device, clearly anxious about the proximity of the water in the tub to his work lifeline.

  “Somebody tell me what the fuck is going on here!” Sean demanded.

  Peter stared at him then shrugged. “I forgot to use a condom.”

  Sean surged up and took Peter down into the opposite wall, driving a fist into his chin. It was hard to fight in such relatively close quarters, and fighting with a naked man was pretty weird, but Sean was going to beat the shit out of Peter and present the bloodied body to Jillian as a consolation prize. It was his idea! His! He, Sean, wanted to give Jillian a baby, and Peter got there first. Ice-cold water poured over them both, cooling Sean’s ire quickly. He sputtered and gave Peter one more shot to the gut before rolling away to hold his hand before his face. Peter drove an elbow into Sean’s now-exposed cheek in retaliation and then subsided against the renewed blast of water from the showerhead in Jillian’s hand.

  “Are you both nuts?” she screamed, standing naked in the tub, her fiery tresses flowing around her shoulders, her breasts outthrust in indignation. Sean could see up between her legs, and he hardened instantly despite the cold, clammy clothing that encased his erection.

  “I might be pregnant in the middle of the best years of my career, and you two are fighting like animals! Get out of this bathroom now, and lock that goddamn door behind you. Get civil before I come out because we sure as shit have some things to talk about,” she ordered.

  Sean found himself standing and moving out the door before he could give things any further thought. Peter hauled his sorry ass up and limped after him. The lock engaged as the door shut.

  “Get dressed, and I’ll see you in the kitchen,” Sean told Peter, who simply nodded.

  Sean s
tormed into the other bathroom and stripped off the fresh set of clothes he had worn to the market, finding an old pair of sweats to pull over his still-erect cock. Christ, that woman just did it for him. She had been so furious and so hot. He had wanted to sit her on the vanity and pump himself into her so hard she would have felt him in her throat. In the meantime, he and his best friend were going to have that talk.

  Peter wandered into the kitchen where Sean was pouring coffee. A mug was shoved at him, and he grabbed it and then collapsed on a stool by the breakfast bar. By then Sean had cooled down. A little.


  Peter nodded. “I was bugged that you didn’t tell Jillian that you loved her and wanted her to stay with us, so I went to tell her again myself. I didn’t want her to cool off. I’m more than pussy whipped, Sean. I’m terrified that she won’t accept us both. And she needs both of us. I’d back off and out if I thought it was the right thing and see the two of you together, but…”

  Sean waved his hand in an abrupt gesture. “I know, buddy, although I don’t know if I could be as magnanimous as you. I’d take her for myself in a heartbeat, but she does indeed want and need us both. But that doesn’t explain why you fucked our woman without a condom!” Sean’s voice rose as he completed his statement, and Peter winced.

  “I hope I didn’t do it on purpose, although when you talked about knocking her up last night, well, I want Jilly to have our kids. But while it might have been a subconscious, me first kind of thing, I honestly didn’t mean to do it overtly. Really, Sean. I bathed her, took her to bed, she pushed back on my proclamation of love, and I kind of used sex to push back and see if she would say it.”

  “So you showed and told, Peter,” Sean said, and there was a hint of amusement in his tone. “And did she say it?”

  “No,” Peter mourned. “Although she said we all needed to talk, right after I did her again. So I was pretty pumped about having that talk, and I screwed her, and it was great, and then we realized…I feel like I’m maybe fifteen years old here.”

  “Okay.” Sean thought for a moment. “I’m still going to beat the shit out of you when your champion isn’t around, but we’ll wait and see what Jilly has to say. If she thinks she could be pregnant, I’m going to fuck her bareback, too. That way we won’t know who knocked her up. If she isn’t, you’ll grovel and I’ll console her, and then we’ll play a few bedtime games after breakfast. I thought of some ideas when she was standing in the shower like that.”

  Peter smiled around his bruised lip. “Yeah, that was hot. And we can’t let her be so bossy with us. But you forgot one thing, Sean. We’ll know who fathered the baby when it’s born. It will probably look like its father, and we’ll have to do DNA testing for health reasons and stuff.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” growled Sean. “Jilly won’t know until then who the dad is, and I want my chance, too.”

  “And what about Jillian?” came a poisonously sweet voice from the hallway. “Doesn’t she get a choice in this life-changing event?”

  Both Peter and Sean jumped to their feet, slopping coffee every which way.

  Sean recovered first. “We’re moving pretty fast, babe, but it doesn’t matter. You belong to both of us, and we’ve already talked about playing us off against the other. Not going to happen. You and I are going to get busy if you think Peter did the deed.”

  * * * *

  Jillian, wrapped in her robe, stood tall and glared at them. Peter shivered involuntarily. Boy, was she pissed, and there was going to hell to pay before Sean got inside of her again, covered or not. And he would be lucky if his anal orifice didn’t feel the toe of her dainty shoe, let alone anything else she might be thinking of inserting. He didn’t think any amount of explanation, any amount of mind-blowing orgasms or the withholding thereof, would convince Jillian to let them have sex with her until she worked her anger through or it burned out.

  “Then you’ll have to force me, Sean,” she bit out. “I’m not going to tell you if I am in my fertile cycle or not. I guess you’ll just have to wait nine long fucking months, you bastards.”

  Jillian’s bottom lip trembled, and then her face crumpled and she began to sob emotionally, the tears flooding over her cheeks. Peter got to her first, ignoring her pummeling fists as he gathered her up and crossed the room to cuddle with her on the couch. Once again Sean had missed the point. He had gotten right up to the heart of the matter and then fucked up. Moreover, he clearly knew it, standing over them with remorse written all over his face, fists clenching, feet shuffling.

  “Jillian, sweetheart, I’m so sorry,” Peter repeated, over and over. “It will be okay, I promise. We’ll work it out. You will still have your career because you’ll have two husbands to help you through it if you’re pregnant. Heck, I’ll stay home with the baby, and Sean can stay home with the second one.”

  Jillian looked up at him, incredulity written all over her face. She hiccupped. “Good God, Peter. How long have the two of you been planning to, to…” Words seemed to fail her, and Sean knelt at her feet, grasping the hand closest to him.

  “We’ve been hoping to connect with you and see if you would have us for a long time, babe. We didn’t know for sure if you could take us both, accept our kink, but we had such faith. I’ve been trying to tell you that I, well, that I love you. I do. I want to marry you. So does Peter. Both of us, even if you can only have one husband in this country.”

  “Or anywhere else, Sean,” Jillian choked out. “I want you both, and I might just love you both. I don’t feel differently about either of you. But it’s been so fast. I can’t think straight.”

  Peter kissed the top of her head and cuddled her closer. “Could you be preggers, honey?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes.” Jillian wouldn’t look at him.

  Peter saw Sean stiffen at her feet.

  “I think I understand that making a baby would have been something we discussed, right?” she asked. “This wasn’t a way to push me into a relationship with you, was it?”

  Sean shook his head. “No, although I flirted with the idea, that’s how badly I want you, babe. Then Peter jumped the gun, the son of a bitch.”

  “So,” Jillian continued, “if, say in two years time, I wanted a baby and we were together as a threesome, how would we decide who the father would be?”

  “We wouldn’t.” The two men spoke as one. Peter gave Sean a rueful look.

  “It doesn’t matter, Jilly,” he explained. “Any child would belong to us both as fathers. As far as we know, we are both capable of making babies, so we would just not practice birth control. It would happen without choosing, and we’d avoid any unnecessary jealousy or competition. My stupidity has fucked that up, for which I am eternally sorry. You and Sean have every right to be pissed at me.”

  Jillian pulled out of his grasp, thinking hard. “Shit. So it’s like roulette. I can wait two weeks to find out, and if not, life goes on as we know it. Or I catch pregnant and Sean knows he had no part in it, which will create all sorts of issues. But if Sean does the deed shortly, and I’m not pregnant with your baby, I could still get pregnant with Sean’s. I am so going to fix your wagon later, Peter. It’s a good thing I, well, feel that L-word and trust you both. Now give me time to think.”

  Peter watched in awe as Jilly stormed off. Sean had a similar look on his face. They silently agreed to follow whatever decision Jilly made, although Peter suspected that Sean had to wrestle with his temper and was plotting how hard he was going to punch Peter at the earliest opportunity. Or maybe help Jilly do her worst to him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sean and Peter sat drinking beer, watching football on the muted television. By the way they turned instantly to look at her when she entered the room, Jillian would have bet they hadn’t been concentrating on the game. She stopped in front of them and fixed them with a stare.

  “Okay,” she announced. “I’ve thought this through. I believe that there is such a thing as karma, and what will be wi
ll be. This has been the most insane, amazing few days of my entire life, and I accept that you both want to be with me, and for the rest of our lives. Be sure, both of you, because if you fuck me over, I will stalk and harass you to the absolute best of my ability. Not to mention that the upkeep any offspring from this relationship will indenture you for the rest of your miserable lives. And knowing that you will have destroyed me will live on in your conscience forever and beyond.”

  Sean and Peter nodded like those bobblehead dolls found on the dashboard of taxicabs. Jillian fought down a hysterical laugh. She had thought this through from all angles, pushing aside her physical attraction to them and her developing emotional connection, considering the future with all her analytical ability. Shit, whom was she kidding? She was nuts about them both. While Peter had well and truly screwed up by forgetting to use a condom, Jillian knew that he hadn’t done it selfishly, and part of her rejoiced that both these men were actually pleased with the idea of her bearing their child. She trusted them to do the right thing. For some crazy reason, all of the lonely, empty years she’d experienced just fell away, and Jillian was ready to embrace the future.

  Sean seemed a little pissed at her ultimatums and promises of a different nature. She was coming to know him really well, and he wasn’t paying attention. That had to change.

  “Sean?” she asked. “This really concerns you, lawyer boy. Ready to deliver your closing statement?” she asked snidely.

  At his dark nod, she continued. “I am assuming that Peter’s boys are going to do the trick if I don’t have sex with you, Sean, so you might want to drop trou and ‘get busy’ I think it was you said? This isn’t so much a ‘slow and steady wins the race’ thing, but rather survival of the fittest.”

  “Hey,” Peter protested.

  * * * *

  Sean scrambled to his feet, nearly tripping over his erection. Well, maybe not tripping, but it was preceding him. He swept Jillian over his shoulder, hardly pausing, and called out to Peter to make breakfast. He nearly threw Jillian on the bed and tore open her robe. For a moment he was transfixed. He hadn’t been happy, hearing her blandishments, seeing as she had said she trusted them and loved them. But that was Jilly. He had mentally added her attitude to the list, on top of the recent cold-water dousing, and of course her lip when he was trying to pry the reason for her upset out of her when she was in the bathtub. It wasn’t hard to come up with a number of infractions where Jilly was concerned, and he looked forward to correcting her. His attention was drawn back at her exasperated sigh.


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