Brit Party Anthology

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Brit Party Anthology Page 9

by Ladd,Ashley

  Dana stared at her lovers in amazement, the reality of their intelligence settling in once again. How had she ever thought of them as boy toys? They were destined for great things. In a few years their names would be famous in the medical science community.

  Kyle and Marcus, the executives visiting from Cranston, glanced at each other then nodded. Marcus cleared his throat. “As you’ve mentioned, we’ve reviewed the data. The progress you’ve made is impressive and we feel it’s just the start of what you’ll do. We want to move this project back to the Cranston site in the United States. As soon as possible. Within the month at the latest. You’ll find facilities there to better accommodate this particular research. Our lawyers have already started the process for testing permissions.”

  No! They were supposed to support the project, not move it. The reality of what they were saying punched Dana in the stomach and she thought she might be sick. This couldn’t be happening. Jason and Christopher were leaving, going to America while she stayed in England.

  All good things must come to an end…

  “Excuse me,” she said, getting up from the table. She had to get out of there before she threw up.

  “Dana…” Christopher said as she passed. She shook her head and kept moving. They’d only had one weekend together. She shouldn’t be so attached. Why then did it feel like someone had sucked the air from the room?

  Spots speckled her vision as she headed for the restroom a couple of doors down from the conference room. She stumbled through the outer ‘ladies’ lounge’ portion and headed to the sinks in the actual restroom. She closed her eyes, gripping the marble counter. The cool stone did little to alleviate the heat prickling across her skin.

  She should have paid more attention to her yoga breathing… Calm down Dana.

  She would be fine. So she’d had a weekend of bliss. It was the kind of fantasy most women her age only dreamed of—unbridled sex with two younger men. Two men who had treated her as if the sun and moon rose from her pussy. They’d made her their sustenance and the air that they breathed.

  She felt the same.

  But she couldn’t deny them this opportunity to fulfil the dream they’d shared for so many years. They’d find a cure. She knew they would. Both men were brilliant beyond their years. She couldn’t selfishly deny the world of what they offered…just to keep them in her bed.

  Taking a deep breath, she turned on the water and splashed her face then dried it with paper towelling. The spots continued to pepper her vision. Accelerated blood flow, rapid breathing, she told herself. Get a grip. So you go home and dream about them some more while you touch yourself. How will it be different?

  Now she knew what the real thing was, and it was a mere shadow of reality. She knew how the two men interacted, how they loved her…how she loved them.

  Backing against the wall beside the sinks, she slid down the marble until she crouched. Leaning forward she pressed her head to her knees.

  Get a grip, Dana. Get a grip. Breathe.

  “Dana?” came Jason’s frantic voice. “Are you okay?”

  He was in the ladies’ lounge? A guy?

  “Dana?” Christopher. Equally distressed.

  “I’m okay,” she called. She slid back up the wall until she stood unsteadily on her feet again. Fuzzy lines now blocked half her vision. A migraine. Great. Nice timing. In about twenty minutes she’d be able to see again but the pain would be blinding.

  Her hip bounced against the counter, and she stumbled as she slowly headed towards the door. She heard a whoosh as it was pushed open.

  “What’s wrong?” Christopher demanded. His voice seemed to thunder off the walls.

  “Migraine. Please don’t yell.”

  “Oh luv.” She found herself lifted and carried back into the dimmer lounge area. He sat down with her across his lap and she pressed her face into his shoulder.

  “Do you have pills in your purse?” Jason asked.

  “Yeah, but—” She realised she had no idea where her purse was located. In the conference room? Or had she dropped it in the bathroom? Or on the way to the bathroom…? Oh crap.

  She heard rattling, then a few tablets were pressed into her hand. “You left it by your chair when you walked out. Here. You looked ill, so I brought you one of the bottled waters, as well.”

  Muttering a grateful thank you, she downed the medication. With luck, the meds might take effect before the pain began.

  Jason slipped onto the couch beside Christopher and pulled her so that she sat on his lap while she was stretched across his friend’s chest. Slowly, he stroked her back and hip while Christopher sheltered her head with his own, cradling her against him.

  “We’re not going without you,” Christopher murmured.

  “You have to,” she insisted weakly. “You’ve made such progress. You can do so much.”

  “So can you. We want you to work with us. We’ll make that clear.”

  “Your genetics research coincides with our cancer work,” Jason added. “Together they appear to take us one step closer to the cure. We think your research may hold a key.”

  They’d been scoping out her research without her knowledge? It should tick her off, but she didn’t have the energy for it. She chuckled weakly. “So you want the old lady for her brain.”

  Christopher’s arms tightened around her. “Call yourself old again and I swear I’ll spank you.”

  Again? Didn’t he realise that wasn’t much of a threat? After this morning, she knew she liked it.

  “You have a couple of years on us. So what?” he continued. “You’re gorgeous. I feel you rolling your eyes. Stop it. You’re perfect for us. No twig-like girl stands a chance beside you. You’re a woman with curves and depth. Besides…between your years of uninspired marriage and our wild bachelor years, I think our ages are evened out.”

  “Now you’re digging.”

  Jason caught her chin, making her look at him and she was pleased to see her vision was starting to clear. “The age thing doesn’t matter. Say it.”

  “It does sort of.”

  He groaned, tipping his head back on the seat. “Dana!”

  “Well…come on. At my age, we’ll have to have the kids you mentioned right away.”

  Both men stared at her and embarrassment flooded through her.

  “I mean—”

  “Don’t you dare take it back Dana Matthews! You’re ours forever,” Jason interrupted.

  Well, that wasn’t exactly what she’d said. It’s what she wanted though.

  Christopher kissed her, then Jason did, neither stopping until they were a jumble of limbs tangled on the couch. And then they started again.

  A discreet cough eventually broke them apart. “Excuse me.”

  Wide eyed, Dana looked up at the two men standing over them. Heat flooded to her cheeks. Wait! This was the freaking ladies’ lounge, wasn’t it? What the hell were all these men doing in here? And now she was out-numbered four to one. Weird.

  “I take it you three are together,” Marcus said. “A threesome?”

  “Yes,” her lovers both said emphatically, hugging her tight.

  Marcus looked at his partner, Kyle. “That solves the housing problem. Um…we hate to interrupt you three, but the staff in the hallway pointed us to you. We have to rush for our plane. Our wife is expecting any time and we want to be home, but before we go, we just wanted to tell you, Dana, we’re sorry to uproot you again. This should be the last time, we hope. We hope all of you will love Cranston.”

  Kyle smiled. “You’ll find the town very accepting of our lifestyle.”

  The pair shook hands with Jason and Christopher, nodding respectfully to Dana. “Congratulations, may this be the start of something huge.”

  Dana looked at Jason and Christopher as the men left, her heart full of her love for them. The start of something huge? She had a feeling it certainly would be.

  About the Author

  When it comes to books and movies, Brynn Paulin
has one rule: there must be a happy ending. After that one requirement, anything else goes. And it just might in any of her books.

  Brynn lives in Michigan with her husband and two children, who love her despite her occasional threats to smite them. They humour her and let her think she's a long as she provides homemade chocolate chip cookies on a regular basis. Brynn is president of her local chapter of Romance Writers of America and also hosts a weekly writing critique group. She’s conducted workshops at several writers’ conferences around the country as she enjoys mentoring and meeting new people.

  According to Brynn, her writing success can be attributed to 70's music, her local road construction crews, a trusty notebook, and of course, her husband (and willing research subject), AKA Mr. Inspiration.

  Email: [email protected]

  Brynn loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Brynn Paulin

  Redemption: Fallen

  Redemption: Incubus

  Tribute for the Goddess

  Tempting Tamera


  Ashley Ladd


  To my Borders crew: Stephi, Monica, Elizabeth, and Jala. Thanks for watching my ‘puter and running errands while I’m caught up writing my stories. You’re the best.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Ben & Jerry’s: Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc.

  Dockers: Levi Strauss & Co.

  Polo: PRL USA Holdings, Inc.

  Dumbo: Disney Enterprises, Inc.

  Posturepedic: Sealy Technology LLC LTD

  Rolex: Rolex Watch USA, Inc.

  Three Musketeers: RKO

  Chapter One

  Alec Russert snuggled deeper into the crook of Kevin Crosby’s arms and laid his ear against his lover’s heart. Enamoured by the sexy swirl of dark blonde hair on Kevin’s chest, he traced his lover’s flat nipple. Despite his nearness to the sexiest man on earth, he couldn’t get his mind off his best mate and her predicament. “That bloody sucks for Jennica. She believed Thad was ‘the one’.”

  A low growl rose from Kevin’s throat as he feathered a kiss across Alec’s lips. “Bugger that. If he’s ‘the one’, I’m a talking horse. She’s far better off without that wanker.”

  Alec’s heart ached for Jennica. “Yeah, I know. But she has her heart set on having a baby and her biological clock is ticking.” Alec twisted in his lover’s arms. When his cock grazed Kevin’s, shudders of delight rippled through him and his cock flexed.

  Kevin moaned and he wrapped his fingers around Alec’s cock. “Righto. She’s such a dinosaur. What is she? All of thirty-five?”

  It was hard to think straight as his blood began rushing into his dick. It was an effort to stay coherent when Kevin’s played with his cock, while his strong arm held him. Breathlessly, he murmured, “Thirty-six.”

  “Blimey, she’s older than the dinosaurs.”

  His own desires surfaced. “We’re not getting any younger, either. I know how she feels.”

  A frown pinched Kevin’s brows, and he drew back. “We don’t have biological clocks.”

  Missing his partner’s warmth, Alec screwed up his face. “Not in the same way. But do you really fancy a kid when you’re too old to enjoy it? I want one now, when I’m still able to get down on the floor and play with it.”

  Kevin stared at him cross-eyed. “You’re serious about this, aren’t you? Do you know how hard it is to adopt? Even for a married heterosexual couple? How expensive? It’s a real ball-breaker.”

  Alec’s mind clicked away at mach speed as a smile tugged his lips. “Who said anything about adoption?”

  Kevin released his cock and jerked away from him, disbelief shadowing his soulful eyes. “Don’t even kid about a thing like that. It’s not funny.”

  Hurt, Alec pulled away, losing his erection. He poured a glass of sparkling wine from the bottle he’d left on the nightstand and took a sip. When the bubbles tickled his nose, he screwed up his face. “Who’s joking? I want to be a dad. I thought you did, too.”

  Kevin swore and swung his legs over the side of their bed. The muscles in his back bunched as he hunched over and massaged his forehead. Wrenching around, he looked at Alec. “Well, yeah. Some day. Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?”

  Alec did his best to keep a straight face as he downed the rest of his poison in one large gulp. Then he shoved his unruly hair away from his narrowed eyes. “What do you think I’m thinking?”

  Kevin blew out a long sigh, his eyes blazing blue wildfire. “That you want to put the bun in Jennica’s oven?” Wariness and a million more questions flooded Kevin’s eyes. “Have you thought this through? Or is this another of your hare-brained schemes?”

  Alec’s heart twisted almost as wryly as his lips. He’d been doing little else but thinking about it. He walked on his knees across the bed and hugged the love of his life. He rested his cheek against Kevin’s as his heart turned over. “I love kids. I love you. I want us to be a family. We have a lot to offer a child.”

  Kevin turned his head so that his breath warmed Alec’s face. “With Jennica? Or would she raise the kid and we just get occasional visitation? Would he know we’re the dads?”

  Alec tried not to frown as he pulled back to study his partner’s expression. Jitters ran down his spine. This was not how he should have proposed this suggestion, he realised. Instead of his post coital suggestion, he wished he’d prepared a romantic dinner, lit the room with dozens of flickering candles and played Kevin’s beloved soft jazz CD. After plying his lover with his favourite chardonnay, then he should have brought up the subject. Alec wanted to kick his own bloody arse.

  Before he could reply, Kevin continued, “Do you think she’d go for it?”

  Alec took in a deep lungful of air and almost fell over in relief. “We’re her favourite men in the world, aren’t we? And we’re a lot more bleeding reliable than any of those wankers she’s been hooking up with.”

  A grin feathered Kevin’s lips, and a rainbow of wonder dawned in his eyes. “You and I are going to be daddies.”

  Without warning, Kevin wrapped his arms around Alec and bent him back onto the mattress with a deep, heartfelt kiss. “So…which of us will donate the DNA?”

  The thought of having a baby with Alec filled Kevin with a warm glow. God, but he loved the man so very much. Against his lover’s lips, he murmured huskily, “I never thought I’d love anyone this much again.”

  Alec hugged him as he always did when any mention of Duncan, his former lover, came up. Kevin wished the words hadn’t slipped out, that the memories would stop haunting him. Alec didn’t deserve to feel like he was only second best or have to tip toe around his wounded spirit, especially not after this many years and all they meant to each other.

  And yet, Duncan’s dying words wouldn’t stop reverberating in his head. “I love you. Don’t blame yourself. Promise me you’ll be happy.”

  Tears stung the backs of Kevin’s eyes even though he was completely in love with Alec, completely happy. It was one of those mysteries of the universe he couldn’t answer. It was as if he had two hearts, one for Alec and one for Duncan. One was whole and the other eternally broken.

  With great difficulty, he tried to rein in his thoughts and control his rampaging emotions. He dragged his thoughts back to the subject at hand. “Are you sure Jennica should be the mother to our child? I mean this could complicate our friendship…” He swirled the amber liquid in his glass and stared into it, wishing it could provide a glimpse into the future. Maybe that was the key to submerging the past. But as much as he loved Jennica, she wasn’t the easiest person in the world to be around. Sometimes he was a little jealous at how close she and Alec were, and although he’d never dream of burdening Alec
with that knowledge, he felt left out.

  He muffled the cynical laugh that tried to choke him. Who was he to be jealous?

  Alec scooted forward and linked his hands in front of him. Staring into the distance as if he could see into the future, he said on a ponderous note, “There’s nobody else I would want to mother our child. She’s beautiful inside and out. She loves kids. Yeah, I’m one-hundred-thousand percent sure.”

  There was nothing in this world or the next that Kevin wouldn’t do for or give Alec. However, he prayed friendship wasn’t clouding his lover’s perception. He downed the rest of his bubbly and gave Alec’s hand a squeeze. Leaning forward he said, “If that’s what you want.”

  A frown marred Alec’s beautiful eyes and tugged at his lips. Hypnotically, he ran the pad of his thumb across Kevin’s knuckles. He stared deeply into his eyes, willing him to bare his heart. “Isn’t that what you want, too? Talk to me. This has to work for both of us, or it’s a no go. We both have to be sure.”

  Kevin’s heart jumped. Scared they could get sucked into a deadly quagmire of future regrets and hard feelings if he expressed his doubt, he shook his head. “Of course, that’s what I want.”

  A beautiful smile dawned over Alec’s handsome face and Kevin caught his breath. Alec’s smile never failed to make his heart flip over in his chest and knock him off his feet. “I would never do anything to hurt you or to jeopardise us. You know that, right?”


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