Brit Party Anthology

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Brit Party Anthology Page 13

by Ladd,Ashley

  A primitive growl arose from Kevin’s loins, and he swooped her into his arms and deposited her back on the bed. “Children, huh? Guess we’d better get started.”

  She patted her belly. “Maybe we already have.”

  Kevin’s hard cock pointed at her pussy and moved in for the kill. As he straddled her, he murmured against her lips, “Just in case, we’ll just have to keep making love until there’s no doubt. Insurance.”

  She smiled, thinking of life with her best mates. “I like insurance very, very much.”

  About the Author

  Ashley Ladd lives in South Florida with her husband, five children, and beloved pets. She loves the water, animals (especially cats), and playing on the computer.

  She's been told she has a wicked sense of humour and often incorporates humour and adventure into her books. She also adores very spicy romance, which she weaves into her stories

  She invites you to visit her blog and enter her monthly contests at: and to stop by her website to get the scoop on all her upcoming releases and new books at:

  Email: [email protected]

  Ashley loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Ashley Ladd

  Wild Fantasies

  Confessions of a Nympho

  The Perfect Gift




  Dakota Rebel


  To my friends, who have supported me above and beyond belief. To Beth, my unexpected muse, to Joe M, my personal reader, to Dave and Angela who believe in me, to Chris and Jenny, who love to make me laugh. And as always, to Mr. Rebel, for everything.



  Chapter One

  I ran into Maxiel, our local vampire pub, at eight-fifteen PM. I was late, as usual, but he would be expecting that. I had never yet been on time for this weekly date. He might even worry if I got there on time or, heaven forbid, early.

  I scanned the few occupied tables and found Will in the corner already nursing a beer. And even from across the room I could tell the waitress was flirting with him. But I couldn’t blame her. I’d been with Will for twenty years, and I still flirted with him every chance I got.

  He looked up, saw me watching him and flashed me a grin. I did a little finger wave and started towards him. The waitress disappeared quickly, which also didn’t surprise me. I’m not known as an understanding girlfriend. And I like it that way. It keeps the skanks away.

  Not that I ever really worry Will would stray. I believe I keep him plenty happy.

  “Hey Sadie.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me deeply. I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him back just as hard. The feel of his skin against mine never failed to send little shocks through my body. I could spend eternity with him and he would still make me shiver in anticipation of what was coming. Because with Will, something was always coming. Luckily it was usually me.

  I heard a loud thunk and turned to see the waitress had brought the beer Will had ordered for me. Foam ran down the side of the bottle from the force with which she’d slammed it on the table. I hissed at her through my fangs. She rolled her eyes then walked away.

  “Bitch,” I muttered. “Why don’t you come back here and fucking try me, you American twat?”

  “Shh. She’s not worth it. Besides, she’ll probably be gone by the end of the week anyway. Just let it go.” He nuzzled my neck, his fangs just barely scraping the skin.

  I smiled. He was probably right. Most of the waitresses who had problems with me disappeared before too long. We were very good customers at this pub and the owner liked to keep us happy. And what made me happy was being able to spend time in public with Will without having to worry about waitresses making unwanted passes at him.

  “Do you want to rack?” Will asked, motioning towards our pool table.

  “Do I ever?” I replied before sitting at our table and taking a long swig of my beer.

  “You know, if you don’t start showing up on time, I am going to make you start racking. Where were you anyway? You were awake when I left the flat, so I know you didn’t oversleep this time. What did you have to do that was so important?” he asked, walking towards the table with the tray of balls he must have gotten before I arrived. I am sure the waitress was only to happy to grab his balls for him.

  “There was a sale.” I raised my leg to show him my new shoes. “I was only going to pop in for a second, but it was a really good sale.”

  “And how much did that cost me?” He glanced down at the shoes, obviously not really even seeing them.

  “Aren’t they cute?” I bounced my foot impatiently while ignoring his question.

  He shook his head laughing. He looked again, this time taking my ankle in his hand and pulling my foot closer to his face, almost pulling me off the barstool in the process. “They are adorable. And I am glad to see that kept me waiting for a good cause then.”

  “Besides, if I had been here on time you would have missed quality flirting time with your future ex-girlfriend.” I pointed the neck of my beer in the direction of our bitchy waitress.

  “That’s true,” he said, dropping my leg and doing a convincing leer at her. “It would have been a shame to miss such fascinating conversation.”

  “Oh really? And what did Ms. Skeezy have to say that was so great?”

  “The usual,” he said walking back to me. “Why am I wasting my time with a woman who obviously doesn’t appreciate what she has? When am I going to find a real woman to satisfy my needs?”

  “She has a point,” I said, draining my bottle and motioning for another. “When she comes back with my beer you should take her up on it.”

  “Maybe I should,” he said with a smirk. “I’ll chat her up, and you can rack.”

  “Bite me.” I couldn’t fight the smile enough to make any false anger believable.

  “Gladly.” He moved between my legs and nuzzled my neck, his fangs rubbing against the skin again, this time with more pressure. I gasped at the feel of it. It was a small prick of a bite, just barely breaking skin, but enough that when he licked the wound he came away with a small drop of blood on his tongue. Which he was kind enough to stick out and show me.

  I pushed him away and swatted his ass.

  Running my tongue over my fangs, I watched him bend over the pool table. He was racking the balls for our weekly billiards game at Maxiel. I’d always told him I wasn’t any good at racking, but to be honest, I just liked the way his jeans hugged his arse when he was bent over.

  The waitress dropped off two more beers, more softly this time, then walked away with out a word. I smiled to myself, figuring someone had “talked” to her about her attitude towards me.

  “So Sadie, what’s the wager this week?” Will asked, straightening up and hanging the rack over the table. He walked over to me and put his hands on my hips.

  “Why do I have to decide?” I asked. “Don’t you always pick?”

  “I’m starting to feel bad about this game.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “I always win and you always have to pay up. So I thought if I let you pick what you want to do when you lose this week, I can alleviate some of my guilt.”

  “What a gentleman,” I said smiling up at him. “What was the bet last week?”

  “Forgotten already?” he asked. “I would have thought your arse would still be sore after the whipping I gave you.” He ran his hand over my bottom making me shudder for him.

  No, I hadn’t forgotten the lashing I had gotten after losing last week. Just like I hadn’t forgotten the week I had spent as his slave when I’d lost the week before that. Or the week of blow jobs I had given him the week before that. He continued to get more and more creative with his wagers, and I had been looking forward to him picking the wager this week as well.

I don’t mind if you pick,” I said. “I kind of like it when you do.”

  He smiled and kissed me deeply, pulling my body tight against his. The kiss was so forceful he nicked me with his fangs again. I growled low against his mouth when I tasted the sweet metal of my blood in our mouths.

  He didn’t usually draw blood in public. Even in a vampire safe pub like Maxiel it could be considered tacky. But he had already done it twice and I was going to start wondering why if the behaviour continued.

  I wanted to think it was because he just couldn’t resist me. But I had a feeling the waitress may have come on to him a little stronger than he would ever admit to me.

  “Excuse me, are you two going to play or are you going to shag? Cause there are people waiting to use this table.” A male voice broke up our moment.

  I spun around with my best glare on my face, but it wilted when I saw our friends, Tony and Dave, standing there smiling like idiots. It had been weeks since we had seen them. We all took turns hugging, shaking hands and doing that guy thump on the back thing.

  Will and I had known Tony and Dave for many, many years. Dave and Will even had a “thing” together for a while, though neither of them ever talked to me about it in detail. All I really knew was that they were living together before Will met me, then Will moved in with me and no one was ever hurt or bitter about any of it.

  The four of us had even caused quite a bit of havoc together in our younger years. We all got along really well and had the same sense of inappropriate fun.

  Our parties used to be notorious. All the vampires in town wanted to be there, and humans wouldn’t come near the neighbourhood. It had been great fun for a while. Then Will and I sort of grew out of it…but Tony and Dave never really did.

  “So, is this the only vampire pub in town where you two are still allowed?” I asked them.

  “No,” Dave said, pretending to sound hurt. “We are still allowed at Draper’s too.”

  After vampires “came out” Parliament had gotten together to find a way to protect its citizens from “our kind.” They decided there would be pubs where all the patrons understood the rules of blood sucking. Women and men who wanted to be bitten could come to these establishments and offer themselves to us. In return we promised not to kill them or take unwilling victims off the street.

  Tony and Dave weren’t as quick to take to the new ways as some of us were. And while they never took “victims”, trying instead to stick to groupies, they sometimes used a little more coercion on the humans than allowed by law if they wanted one who didn’t seem to want them back.

  I never really understood that. The bars in the vampire district were crawling with humans begging to be bitten. The arrangement had been made so that everyone could get what they wanted, vampires could get their fill of blood anytime they wanted it, and humans who wanted to be bitten would have cool scars to show their friends.

  For the most part this had all worked out great, except that vampires didn’t have anywhere to escape the groupies. That is until Maxiel opened.

  There were no humans allowed in here and it was the busiest of the vampire pubs. But on Thursdays, when Will and I had our weekly game, Maxiel’s was usually slow. And skanky waitress not withstanding, they treated us really well there.

  “Do you guys want to play teams?” Tony asked, interrupting my thoughts.

  “This is kind of our weekly date,” Will said, looking at me.

  “You guys can hang out with us if you want to, but we are playing for some pretty high stakes tonight,” I said.

  “Oh yeah?” Dave asked. “Money?”

  “Not exactly.” I hoped I wasn’t blushing as I said it.

  “Oh,” the boys said together, so much for hoping.

  “That’s enough.” Will’s voice held the hint of anger.

  “What have you told them?” I turned to Will and could feel my eyes narrowing.

  “I didn’t have to tell them anything,” he said. “They’re deviant enough to figure it out on their own. Besides, if you are going to blush every time a guy wiggles his eyebrows at you, you’re going to give away a lot more than that about us.”

  “Your break,” I said to Will, shoving him away in false anger.

  He walked around to hug me from behind. “We still haven’t decided what the wager is yet,” he whispered in my ear.

  “Then you had better start thinking quick.”

  “I do have one idea,” he said, his voice husky and low against my ear.

  I turned in his arms and looked at him expectantly.

  “If I win, I get to watch you have sex with Dave and Tony.”

  “Interesting,” I said slowly. I didn’t blink. I didn’t even move. I tried to keep my body as neutral as possible. Will knew I had been with both of them before, though never at the same time. The idea had possibilities. “And if I win?”

  “It’s your call,” he said.

  It didn’t take me long to decide what I wanted from him, but I wasn’t sure if he would go for it. It wouldn’t be the first time for him, but it would be the first time in a long time.

  “Okay. If I win, I get the same thing,” I said softly.

  “If you want to have sex with them for me, we can just skip the game and go home now,” he said, his eyes wide with surprise.

  I laughed. “No sweetie. If I win, you have sex with them while I watch.”

  He didn’t even pause, “Okay.”

  “That was fast,” I said a little shocked. Even if he had been with men before, hell even though one of them had been Dave, I wasn’t expecting such a quick affirmative reaction from him.

  “I’ve seen you play,” he said, as if that explained everything. “No offence, Sadie, but I’m not really worried.”

  “I’ll break.” I hoped my voice sounded as indignant as I felt at his reaction. He had no idea what he had just done to himself.

  I took the cue from his hand and walked to the table. I ran it through my fingers a few times and bent over the rail. I pulled back and slammed forward hard. The balls flew across the felt, three solids going in the corner pockets. I aimed and took my second shot. One then two more balls fell into the pockets before I missed and it was Will’s turn.

  He looked at me stunned when I handed the cue back to him. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

  “Did I mention I always lose on purpose?” I asked. “Usually the bet is something I really want to do for you or to you. But tonight I am feeling a little inspired to win.”

  Will walked slowly to the table and I headed back to watch him with the boys at our table. I ordered a couple more drinks, but I didn’t have long to wait before it was my turn again. I had apparently thrown Will completely off his game. His first shot was good, but he missed the second and I was up again.

  I couldn’t help but smile as the truth of my words sunk in. I had never tried to win before, and he had never really seen me play. But now that the wager held something interesting for me to win, I wasn’t about to miss the opportunity.

  When Will stepped up to take his turn again, I turned to the boys.

  “Hey, you guys, do you want to help me with something?”

  “Sure,” they said together.

  “Will decided to include you two in our bet tonight and I figure I should get your permission before the game is over.”

  “What kind of wager?” Dave asked.

  “Well, he decided if he wins I will have sex with you two while he watches,” I said.

  “Yeah, I think we could agree to that,” said Tony quickly.

  “Fantastic. Thanks guys,” I said and turned back to watch Will take his shot.

  “Wait a minute,” Dave said. “You seem to be kicking his arse though. What happens if you win?”

  I knew that wouldn’t really work, but it was worth a shot.

  “Oh, well, I get to watch you two shag him. If that’s okay I mean.” I knew Dave hadn’t been horribly upset by Will leaving him for me, if that is even what happened, but I was
n’t sure he would be willing to jump into bed with him again.

  Tony and Dave glanced at each other then at Will as he missed another shot. They looked back at me and grinned. I never understood how they managed to move in unison like that. I always assumed they had some kind of mind link, like twins separated at birth or something. It was spooky sometimes.

  “Okay,” Tony said. “But I don’t want his dick in my arse.”

  I laughed and told the boys no one would be asked to do anything they weren’t comfortable with. It was all agreed by time my turn came around again.

  The game went quickly after that and when only the eight ball remained on the table it was Will’s turn. He walked around the table looking for his angle. Finally he called a pocket and took his shot.

  We all watched the cue ball skip off the rail then land in the pocket and the game was over. I smiled up at my men and fought the urge to jump up and down clapping and cheering. I had won for the first time ever. And oh what a prize I won.

  Will drained his drink and shook his head. He walked over to me and gave me a congratulatory kiss.

  “I guess you won,” he said. “But how do you know the guys will go for it?”

  “Don’t worry sweetie. I already cleared it with both of them, and they are fine with it. So I guess we’d better get going. We have a long night ahead of us.” I kissed him again and dropped some pounds on the table. I even left a tip for the skeezy waitress. Karma points for me.

  Will looked at Tony and Dave, and they grinned back at him.

  I shook my head and led the strange group of vampires to the parking lot. Yeah, it was going to be a very long night.


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