Grave Hauntings: Where Sexy and Sinful Meets Dark and Chilling

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Grave Hauntings: Where Sexy and Sinful Meets Dark and Chilling Page 12

by Parkerson, Charity

  As minutes passed, it seemed he wasn’t getting any better, so I did the only thing I knew. I stripped down to my panties and bra and climbed into the blankets behind him, hoping to share my own body heat.

  As soon as my front touched his back, I gasped and pulled away from him. It was like I had snuggled up to an ice cube. A big, six foot or more ice cube. Taking a deep breath, I pressed against him again and held still. Though I wanted to bolt, I wrapped my arm around his waist and placed my hand on his chest.

  His breathing was still slow and shallow, but I could feel his heartbeat against my palm and it was strong. That was a good sign, I thought, as I closed my eyes, willing my warmth to seep into him.

  As time went by, I began to feel the heat of the fire on my arm and knew it was doing something, but my arm was the only thing warm about me. Shivers began to wrack my body the longer I pressed against his still icy back, but when I tried pulling away, he moaned and grabbed my arm, holding it against him.

  At least he was moving, I thought, before a particularly painful shiver rattled my teeth. The man in my arms moaned again before beginning to shift. He turned over, pulled me against his warm chest, and I sighed. Thank goodness! I was beginning to feel like a popsicle. His front was more than warm, it was almost hot, but I cared little as I pressed closer, now absorbing his warmth.

  “You’re freezing,” his husky voice whispered across my cheek, and I jumped slightly, not realizing how close his face was to mine. How crazy was it that I felt more than comfortable snuggled up to this stranger? He was warm, hard, completely male and smelled enticingly good.

  His solid arms tightened around me a millisecond before he rolled, bringing me closer to the fire. “No,” I began to protest. He was the one that needed the fire. I was more than happy to let him continue to keep me warm.

  “Shh,” he said. “I’m fine, but you need to warm up.” He began fixing the blankets that had twisted as we rolled, and I saw the exact moment he noticed I was nearly naked underneath.

  My cheeks warmed as he looked up at me. His eyes were dark with obvious appreciation, but his brows were furrowed with confusion. “Why are you half dressed? No wonder you’re freezing.”

  “I was trying to get you warm, and you wouldn’t let me call an ambulance,” I defended lamely.

  “So you got naked to warm me up?” His voice was incredulous as his eyebrow rose wickedly.

  “I didn’t know what to do, okay? And when I looked up hypothermia online, it said to use my body heat.” I licked my lips and pulled the blankets closer around me, not feeling as comfortable as I had minutes before.

  Maybe I should get up and put some clothes on. Obviously he was uncomfortable with my nakedness. I had only wanted to help him. I wasn’t thinking properly, and I could tell by his expression that he thought I was half short of a full deck. I was far from stupid, but I did do things without thinking sometimes. This was one of them.

  I started to pull away, but his arms tightened, banding around me like steel, until I couldn’t move a muscle. My gasp caught in my throat as I looked up into a pair of dark, piercing eyes. They stared so deeply into mine, I thought for sure he knew what I was thinking and feeling. Like he could see my past, my future. It felt as if, in a small amount of time, he would be able to know everything about me, right down into my soul.

  “Have I told you thank you for saving me?” He asked as his face dipped closer to mine.

  His lips were full, though a little chapped. I didn’t care. I wanted them on mine more than anything. Had I ever felt like this before? My whole body tingled and not from the cool air, or the crackling fire behind me.

  “N-no. No you haven’t yet.” My heartbeat sped up as he pressed impossibly closer. I could feel his arousal against my stomach and my lips parted as my eyes fluttered. Just that small move had my eyes close to rolling back in ecstasy, so how the hell would more of his touch really feel? Amazing, I answered myself as his thumbs began rubbing circles seductively across my back.

  “You’re very brave to do what you did, helping a stranger like that.” His face was so close to mine, I breathed in his warm breath and almost moaned at the delicious taste.

  I shrugged my shoulder. “I did what anyone would have.”

  “No, I think you’re special.”

  I snorted and shook my head. Yeah, right! Special? I was nobody.

  “Yes, you are special,” he insisted, his palm pressing my lower body impossibly closer to his. A little whimper escaped my mouth as his cock pressed more firmly against my belly. I could feel the hot head rubbing precum against my sensitive skin and my stomach clenched. When my nipples hardened against his chest, I wiggled uncomfortably, hoping he didn’t notice, but it was futile. The lust rolled off of him in waves, to the point it was almost suffocating.

  I had never been so close to someone as I was him. His arms wrapped around me, keeping me pinned against him. My hands gripped his shoulders, as if holding on for dear life, and his head was tilted down, the tip of our noses touching as he spoke to me. I sucked in much needed air, not realizing I was holding my breath and got a lung full of this beautiful stranger. The taste of his breath, his scent, was like an aphrodisiac. I knew if I tasted his skin, I’d be a goner.

  “You’re amazing,” he said. “Thank you.” The words were whispered against my lips. I could feel them moving against mine, and I licked my lips, hoping to get a small taste. Instead, my tongue flicked against his mouth, and I watched, wide eyed as his eyes grew impossibly darker.

  “Let me thank you properly,” his deep voice ground out. “Let me make you feel good.” His cheek brushed against mine as he leaned in to rub his nose against my jaw.

  “I can make you feel so good,” he whispered just before his tongue slowly licked up my neck to my ear, causing my whole body to shudder.

  He pulled back to look at me. “Are you still cold?” He asked.

  “No.” Definitely not cold, I thought.

  “Good,” was all he said before his lips descended upon mine.

  Taking control, he pillaged my mouth, as he licked and sucked my upper then lower lip, before forcing my mouth open to plunge his tongue inside. Though I really wasn’t fighting him at all. I wanted him to do all those things, but it caught me by surprise. No one had ever kissed me like this. It wasn’t hesitant like a first kiss usually was. No, he ate at me like a starving man, and I gave him more and more, enjoying every bite as I did the same.

  My fingers clenched and dug into his shoulders as small whimpers came from my throat. His lips, teeth and tongue continued their passionate assault and my insides clenched right along with my fingers. How was this possible? How could I ache so much, to the point of pain, needing to be filled, just from a kiss?

  Without permission, my hips began rolling, seeking, needing. Answering that need, the amazing man in my arms lifted my leg and pressed his pelvis against mine, sliding his cock against my soaked panties. God, I almost came right then and there, it felt so good.

  But I was wrong, I didn't’ almost cum, I did cum. He ground his hips against me one good time, the head of his cock hitting my clit, and I went sailing. My mouth broke from his as my head flew back, my neck arched, and my eyes squeezed shut as I cried out. My body convulsed, hips thrusting against his, wringing every single piece of pleasure I could out of the moment, until it slowed to a low throb, though my body continued to shake as I caught my breath.

  “Wow,” I whispered. An orgasm just from a kiss. What would his touch feel like? What would his cock feel like? Would he allow me to find out? I took a deep, much need breath and thought, he better.

  His lips were at my neck again, kissing and sucking the sweaty skin. He moaned and continued to grind his hips against mine, sending shock waves through my body.

  “Do you want more?” he asked, though I wasn’t sure he’d take no for an answer. The way his voice sounded... The control I could tell he was trying to hold on to was slipping with a need so deep it astounded me.
br />   “Yes,” I all but shouted. “More.”

  His moist lips descended down my chin, and I lifted my head as he caressed my neck, stopping to nibble on my collarbone. The sounds coming out of my mouth, from deep in my throat sounded like nothing I’d heard before. This man, this beautiful stranger was everything I’d never known. And I did want more. More of him.

  He rolled me until I lay flat on my back, looking up at him with lazy, half closed eyes. His own gaze was drowning me with lust, causing every other thought to fly out the window. I didn’t care that he threw the blankets off of us, and I was surprised to not give damn that I was wearing plain cotton underwear. He looked down at me as if I were in the most expensive lingerie.

  He didn’t look long though. My panties were stripped off of me, and he pulled my bra straps down, trapping my arms as he set my breasts free, the underwire holding them up perfectly for his enjoyment.

  Caging me in with his arms on either side of my head, he settled between my legs, letting the briefest touch of his cock caress against my wet folds. A deep, grunting, almost growl came from his throat and rumbled in his chest. I pressed my palm there, the vibration making a direct line to my pussy. I quivered with excitement. “More,” I whispered.

  He growled again and dipped his head to take one aching nipple into his mouth. “Yes!” I pushed my breast toward him as he sucked and bit down on the hardened nub. His mouth devoured my breast, sucking in as much as he could before slowly letting it pull out. Then he turned to the other and I arched back with a cry on my lips. Damn, it felt so good.

  I wrapped my arms around him to grip his ass and pull him closer until I brushed the hardened rod between his legs. I was so lost in his mouth, in the way he rubbed against me that I hadn’t realized he moved until I felt fingers inside me. I rode them unashamed, seeking to be filled more. His thumb rubbed my clit and my heart sped in anticipation of the climax coming closer.

  Then he pulled away, and I gasped at the loss. I watched as he looked me over, starting with my face, then down my heaving chest, across my fluttering belly until he reached my jerking hips. His eyes made their way back up, latching onto my own hungry gaze.

  “There is so much more I want to do to you, and I will, but I’m taking you now.” His voice broke no argument. He’d take me, and yet I felt completely at ease with him. I wanted him to take me, take me hard, soft, fast or slow. Anyway I could get.

  “Yes,” was all I could say.

  Though he made it sound like he would thrust into me right then, he didn’t. His big hands reached for my breasts, teasing them with soft caresses. My fingernails dug into the rug underneath me as my head shook back and forth. The pleasure was surprisingly intense.

  When his hands left my breast to trail down, I sighed in relief. I needed him. I needed him now.

  He gripped my hips, lifting them so his cock could rub against my swollen nub. I was wet, aching and wasn’t sure how much more I could take. “Please,”

  His eyes held mine as I writhed beneath him. “Please what?” he asked.

  “Please, I need...” I was too breathless to finish.

  “You need my fingers?” He asked as his thumb rubbed my clit. I whimpered, but shook my head no. “You need my tongue?” He lifted my hips again until I was practically upside down, and I gasped, though my surprise dimmed when he speared me with his tongue, fucking me until I was on the brink of exploding.

  Once again he pulled back, lowering my hips. His cock continued to rub me, keeping me right on the edge. It was madness. Enjoyable, blissful and tormenting madness.

  “Or do you need my cock?” He asked just before plunging into me. My back arched so far, I thought it would break as I screamed, “Yes!”

  He thrust fast and hard, stretching me to my limit. The burn felt exquisite and with my hips at that angle he hit a spot I hadn’t known existed. I had been too close to the edge for too long and fell off the cliff in one quick plunge. A guttural scream tore from my throat as I met each of his pounding thrusts.

  I reached up sightlessly, finding his shoulders and pulled him down. My nipples felt raw as they rubbed against his chest, making the pleasure even more intense. His hips never stopped as our lips smashed together. It was my turn to devour him as he groaned his own release into my mouth.

  Thinking that was the end of our lovemaking, I relaxed and leaned back to look at him, but I was wrong. He pulled out and before I could utter a protest, he went down on me. I gripped his hair, pulling at his long brown locks as he licked my swollen lips, biting, until I began to twist and turn. I was wet, dripping, aching. It felt so dirty, so naughty and so good, he had me climaxing again in seconds.

  How was this possible? I had no time to wonder as he pulled me up, effortlessly holding my weight as he turned me around.

  My palms connected with the couch cushion, my hips in the air. His warm hand pressed against my upper back, urging me to lay down. “Relax.” His warm breath blew over my ear, causing me to shudder. “Just feel, baby.”

  I obeyed without question. How could I not after the way he made me feel? I laid my head down and relaxed my body, starting with my shoulders, until every muscle loosened all the way down to my toes.

  “That’s a good girl,” he said as he gripped my hips and plunged into me.

  Relaxing went out the window. How could I relax when he pumped into me so hard? One finger found my throbbing clit while another brushed over my ass, circling, as my hips lifted for more?

  I gripped the cushion, my breaths panting against the fabric. I was going to come again, and I wasn’t sure I could handle it. My body shook, the pleasure too much, too soon, and I began to panic.

  “Shh,” he hushed, never ending his pounding cock. “Just feel me.”

  I closed my eyes and tried to relax all over again. As impossible as it seemed, I did it, focusing on the slide of his cock inside me. In and out. In and out. Then his circling finger breached my forbidden hole, and I dived once again. God, I felt like the bottom just dropped out from beneath me, the climax coming so hard and fast that I never saw it coming.

  “That’s it, baby,” he growled. “Feel it.”

  I felt it alright. I felt it in every nerve, every hair follicle, all the way to my bones, and I never wanted it to end.


  I lay in his arms, resting my head on his solid chest, sated, sweaty and exhausted. How many times had I climaxed? How many times had he for that matter? I didn’t know. All I knew was that over and over again, he took me to heights I’d never seen before, and I wanted more, more, more, more...

  I felt him tremble beneath me, and I look up to see so much tenderness in his eyes, I felt my own eyes stinging with unshed tears. I knew this was only one night. I wasn’t sure how I knew, but I could feel it.

  “I have to go soon,” he said, confirming my fears.

  “Why?” I had to ask or I would wonder for the rest of my life.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  “Try me,” I pleaded.

  His sigh was long, deep and filled with resignation. What could be so bad? And why was he shaking so hard?

  “Once the sun comes up, I won’t be me any longer.”

  I glanced to the window in the dining room. It was still dark, but it wouldn’t be for long. “What will you be?” I asked.

  “A wolf.”

  “A wolf?” He nodded, and I stared at him, searching his face. Not a single sign that he was lying betrayed him. Could he be for real? A Wolf? “Like a werewolf?” I asked.

  He nodded again. “Yes, but not like you think. Wait,” he stopped and stared down at me. “You believe me?” His deep voice was incredulous, yet hopeful.

  I swallowed hard, thinking about his question. Did I believe him? I didn’t even know him, but... but, “Yes,” I said simply. I couldn’t explain it, but I did believe him, like no other.

  His smile was breathtaking, transforming his rugged features to something more than beautiful, but it was sh
ort lived as a shiver wracked his body.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, pulling him closer. “Are you cold again? I knew we should have gotten you to a doctor.”

  “No. No, I...” I he licked his lips nervously. “I’ll change soon. That’s why I have to leave.”

  “Oh,” I looked out the window again, noticing how the dark had lightened a bit. Then it suddenly hit me. “But it was a full moon last night. Shouldn’t you have been a wolf then? Not turning into one now.”

  “I only turn human on the night of the full moon.” His voice was low, almost apologetic.

  I shook my head at the crazy notion. “So you’re only human one night a month? That’s...” I couldn’t even wrap my head around how crazy and awful that had to be for him. “I.. I don’t know what to say.”

  We were quiet for a moment before I asked, “Can I watch you change?”

  He shook his head no, “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you see me that way.”

  I glanced out at the lightening sky. The night was more than I could hope for. I’d only hoped for a tricker-treater or two, and instead, I got this man. This amazing, sexy man that would be gone in minutes.

  Though I was sad I had to snicker at the whole thing. “What?” He asked, his brow furrowed at my laughter.

  “I just realized it’s Halloween, or it was, and you’re a werewolf. Well, a reverse werewolf,” I laughed again, and he smiled at me. “What a night,” I exclaimed.

  “Yeah,” he whispered, his eyes darkening. “What a night.”

  “Why were you here?” I asked him.

  “I have a safe place to go. I’m not sure how far it is from here. I lost track of time and didn’t make it.” For some reason I didn’t believe him. He wasn’t lying completely, but the way his eyes flickered, I knew there was more to the story, but I wouldn’t push. Not tonight.

  “I shifted back to human before I made it to my safe house. I was so cold, and when I saw your cabin, all lit up and welcoming, I took a chance. I’m glad I did,” he whispered, nuzzling my neck.


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