Sinfully Wicked: Magic and Mayhem Universe

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Sinfully Wicked: Magic and Mayhem Universe Page 6

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Excellent.” Zelda nodded. “But you may be a single parent if Thorne doesn’t stop calling me at all times of the day and night.”

  “Oh no.” Wicked sighed, rubbing her forehead. “I told him to stop.”

  “So did Mac.” Zelda cocked her eyebrow. “But I know he’s worried, and actually he has a point, Wicked. You are human.”

  “I’ve known human women who’ve given birth to Shifter babies. Most do fine,” Monica added, but Wicked was sure Zelda had picked up on the “most” in her reassurance. There was more behind her words she wasn’t saying.

  “Most do?” Wicked asked, fidgeting in her seat. Nothing was going to happen to her babies. “What about the others?”

  “Ugh, I’m not supposed to tell you this. Thorne will kill me.” Monica looked around nervously as if her brother would magically appear.

  “Well, since he’s not here and we aren’t letting you leave that seat until you tell us, you best be talking.” Zelda crossed her arms and stared at Monica. “We have to be prepared for what’s to come. We’ve got time now, but the longer we wait….” Zelda let that hang in the air.

  “The ones who had twins, especially panther, bear, or cougar, either lost their own lives or one of the babies.” Monica added the last in a whisper. “Humans aren’t made to carry our babies.”

  The table remained silent; Zelda even waved the waitress off who was coming to take their order.

  “But it’s been done,” Monica added, trying to sound upbeat. “And even though Thorne and I were twins, it doesn’t mean that you will have twins. I don’t think.”

  Wicked glanced at Zelda before looking at Monica. “I’m having twins,” she replied. A frown then scrunched her forehead. “Please don’t tell Thorne. He doesn’t know yet.”

  Monica grimaced, then placed a hand on Wicked’s arm. “You’re going to be fine, Wicked.” She gave her a nod as if that sealed the deal. “You have plenty of time to find the right doctor. I know my brother will move heaven and earth to find someone who knows what they’re doing.”

  “We may already know someone,” Zelda said thoughtfully. “Mira was telling me that one of the Warriors is a doctor and delivered her baby.”

  “A vampire doctor?” Monica asked, intrigued.

  “A Warrior vampire doctor. I believe Mira said his name was Slade, and that he was the best doctor around.” Zelda grinned with a chuckle. “Actually the one Warrior, Steve, called him Dr. Hottie McVampire.”

  “Hell, you can’t go wrong with a VC Warrior named Dr. Hottie McVampire.” Monica wiggled her eyebrows. “I just may have to come down with a sniffle or something.”

  “I’ll call Kira and see what I can find out.” Wicked felt a little better about the situation. In truth, she was nervous. She’d done a spell to find out if she was indeed having twins. She was. She also knew the sexes and debated whether to tell Thorne or not. He was already worried, and she didn’t want him to freak out over the fact that she was having twins, a boy and a girl.

  “Okay, let’s eat,” Zelda said, ending their discussion on that for a bit. “I’m starving.”

  “Oh God!” Monica gasped, knocking over her water.

  Wicked reached to help her clean up the mess, but stopped when she saw the terrified look on her face. Without even looking, she knew exactly who had walked into the diner.

  Wicked looked in the direction of the door a Zelda whispered, “I don’t know what’s going on, but he has a protection spell.”

  “I know.” Wicked had felt the same as soon as he’d walked through the door, but hadn’t even considered it was Monica’s ex.

  Turning, she saw a huge man stalk their way. With muscle upon muscle and long black hair with a beard to match, he was surprisingly light-footed. “He a Shifter?”

  “Bear.” Monica’s voice was weak with fear.

  “Fletch, I assume.” Wicked glanced her way to see her shaky nod.

  “Let’s go.” Fletcher’s voice rumbled through the diner, causing everyone to look their way, but he glared at only Monica.

  When Monica started to stand to do what he said, Wicked grabbed her arm, pulling her back down. “She isn’t going anywhere.”

  Fear crept up her spine at the sinister sneer Fletcher turned on her. If Monica hadn’t told Wicked his genetic makeup, she would have guessed him to be a bear Shifter; he had the look. “I don’t know who you are and I don’t care.” Fletcher’s tone rose. “She is leaving with me, and there isn’t a fucking thing anyone can do about it.”

  “Actually you may be wrong about that,” Zelda said, her voice just as crisp and clear as if she were having a conversation with proper ladies at a brunch.

  His head snapped toward Zelda. “I know what you are, witch,” Fletcher spat in disgust. “I’ve done my research. No spell you have can work on me. And I have no problem going through you, bitch.”

  The room was filled with outraged gasps. Wicked watched as each and every person in the room began to shift to protect their Shifter Whisper.

  “It’s fine. Please!” Monica jumped up, her eyes searching all the people who were coming to their aid. “Fletcher, leave them alone, and I’ll go.”

  “I don’t think so.” Zelda also stood and zapped Monica, who disappeared before everyone’s eyes. “Now what are you going to do, little bear?”

  Fletcher roared as he shook, his body contorting in the most gruesome display. Suddenly, there was the biggest bear Wicked had ever seen heaving and slobbering in the middle of Assjacket Diner.

  “Oh shit!” Wicked cried out, looking for an escape, but she was trapped, and so was Zelda.

  Chapter 13

  Shifters of all kinds converged on Fletcher who was now the biggest black bear she had ever seen. He stood on his hind legs, the top of his head almost reaching the ceiling. Drool dripped from his large sharp teeth as he roared. She was against the wall with Zelda right beside her with nowhere to go. Fletcher lifted his massive arm, the claws bigger than any she’d ever seen stretched out before them. With only one swipe, he would take them both out. Her hand automatically went to her stomach as she cried out in fear.

  Just as Fletcher began to swipe toward them, a small familiar ball of fur and fury latched onto his paw, thrashing with claws and teeth.

  “Bruce!” Wicked screamed. “No!”

  Fletcher’s huge head bent toward Bruce, ready to tear him apart with his razor-sharp teeth when other Shifters jumped on his back, legs, and everywhere they could reach. Fletcher roared again and shook them off like they were nothing. Bruce went flying into tables. He smashed into the wall and fell to the floor in a crumpled heap.

  “No,” she whispered, praying that Bruce survived. She swore to the Goddess if he did, she would get him a room full of the best salmon, even if it made her sick for weeks.

  “Mac!” Zelda screamed so loudly it shook the building and had not only her but everyone including Fletcher covering their ears.

  Zelda did something with her hands, and before Fletcher could continue back toward them, the door flew off its hinges as Mac, followed by Thorne, rushed into the diner. It only took a second for their eyes to find them.

  “You dare threaten my wife!” This time it wasn’t Fletcher’s roar, but Mac, King of the Shifters, who roared.

  “It’s Fletcher,” Wicked called out, warning Thorne exactly who and what they were dealing with. “She’s safe.”

  Fletcher turned from the men and, in one stride, was in front of Wicked, his rancid, hot breath blowing her hair back. Her eyes went from the bear’s sharp teeth to Thorne, whose eyes turned red with rage. In a second flat, he had shifted into a beautiful sleek panther and pounced. A large wolf joined him, but their momentum sent Zelda and Wicked through the wall of the diner.

  “Oh my God.” Zelda crawled toward Wicked, who was shaking off the shock of what just happened. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” She army crawled back just as Thorne was tossed toward her. She tried to break his fall, but the panther land
ed gracefully on his feet right over her. Staring down at her for a split second, he growled then spun, going back after Fletcher, who was now fighting off Mac who was in wolf form.

  Finally getting safely back, she, along with Zelda and the rest of the diners who remained in Shifter form, watched the battle. Fletcher was losing, but he continued to battle until Thorne gave the killing blow with a swipe of his large claw across the bear’s throat. The relief of seeing Fletcher remain still on the ground buckled her knees. Zelda held her close to her side, and Wicked could feel her shaking as well.

  Hearing a gasp, Wicked turned around to see Monica, who stood by a tall, handsome man, who looked to be guarding her. Tears rolled down her face, but Wicked knew it wasn’t for Fletcher. It was tears of relief that her fear of the bastard was finally at an end.

  Thorne and Mac, still in Shifter form, walked around the bear, growling and nipping, making sure he remained on the ground. They soon disappeared only to return quickly. Thorne held Bruce in his hands. She noticed he was naked and twirled him some clothes as she rushed toward Bruce.

  “Oh no!” she cried, her eyes searching Thorne’s.

  A coughing moan came from Bruce as he turned his head toward her slowly. “I expect a lot of ass kissing and three-course meals along with a mighty hefty payday for this.” He fake coughed again.

  “His leg is broken,” Thorne growled, his eyes narrowing. His body remained tense as if he were still in battle.

  “It is?” Bruce cried out as he tried to move his leg. “Oh fuck! My leg’s broken! My leg’s broken.”

  Wicked rolled her eyes, then glanced at Zelda, who hurried toward her with Mac at her side. Out of respect to Zelda, who was the Shifter Whisper, she didn’t want to overstep her bounds, but she also wanted to fix her familiar who had tried to save her life. Zelda walked over and took Bruce from Thorne and walked away.

  “He’ll be as good as new,” Zelda said as Bruce wailed about his leg.

  Both Mac and Thorne were a bloody mess. Wicked reached up to wipe away the blood that was about to run into Thorne’s eye. “Are you okay?”

  “No,” he answered without hesitation.

  “Zelda!” Wicked called out worried for Thorne, but Thorne waved Zelda off when she turned to look at them. “But—”

  “Physically, I’ll heal.” Thorne’s voice was low and rough. “Mentally, I’m fucked.” He took her in his arms and held her tightly.

  “I’m okay, Thorne,” she whispered against his chest. “Bruce stopped him until you showed up.”

  “Are you hurt? Please tell me you’re not hurt,” Thorne said into her hair.

  “I’m not hurt.” She looked up into his torn face and saw wetness in his eyes. “I promise you, I’m not hurt, and neither are the ba— neither is the baby. We’re fine.”

  She knew he picked up on her slip of almost saying the babies, but Monica rushed over, putting her arms around both of them. “I’m so sorry I brought this here.”

  “It’s over now.” Thorne hugged his sister before Wicked took her turn.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” Wicked wiped the tears from Monica’s face. “You’re free now. The bastard can’t hurt you anymore.”

  Monica’s face crumbled as she cried and nodded at the same time. “Thank you.” She looked up at Thorne.

  “Don’t ever thank me for taking care of you.” Thorne frowned down at his sister. “We’re family, and it’s what families do.”

  “Do you mind if I stay here, find a job and get my own place?” Wide-eyed, Monica still stared at Thorne, and Wicked knew she didn’t want to watch as the men started moving Fletcher.

  “I’d be pissed if you didn’t.” Thorne ended with a growl then gave her another hug. “You belong here with us.”

  Monica nodded, and Wicked noticed her eyes went toward the man who’d positioned himself in front of Monica. Wicked didn’t know him, but would be damn sure she found out everything about the guy.

  “I’m going to need a babysitter so you better not be going far,” Wicked added. A grin then spread across Wicked’s face when Bruce came prancing up to them.

  “Yeah, twins are going to be a handfu— Oh, crap.” Monica slapped a hand over her mouth as tears flowed. “Wicked, I’m so sorry.”

  Wicked’s eyes went directly to Thorne who looked a little pale.

  “You have got to be kidding me.” Bruce stopped in his tracks. “Twins. As in two panther rats. Should have let the damn bear eat me. Fuck! There goes my life.”

  Wicked ignored Bruce as he stomped off, cursing as he went.

  “I was going to tell you.” Wicked grimaced at the thundering expression on Thorne’s face.

  “How long have you known?” Thorne crossed his arms over his chest, the blood streaking down his face making him look sinister.

  “A few days.” She didn’t lie, but the look on his face made her wish she had. “I was going to tell you and then—”

  “You weren’t going to tell me, were you?” Thorne interrupted with a knowing glare.

  “Yes, of course I was.” Wicked cleared her throat nervously. “But I was going to wait since you’ve been so nervous about it and well, I just thought it would be better to let you know when, you know, I had them.”

  “Wicked!” Thorne roared, his eyes opened wide.

  Wicked cringed. “But listen.” She held her arms out, trying to calm him down. “We have a doctor. A real good doctor.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Monica smiled as she butted in. “That Dr. Hottie McVampire Warrior guy.”

  “Dr. Hottie… what?” Thorne’s tone didn’t sound the least bit reassured. If anything, he got louder and more pissed.

  “Monica, excuse us, please,” Wicked growled, wondering if she really wanted Monica to stay, but then felt bad. Of course she wanted Thorne’s sister to stay. It was her fault for not coming clean with Thorne right away. She quickly transported her and Thorne back to her apartment so she could try to make this right in any way she could. If she had to get naked to do it, then so be it.

  “Explain.” Thorne didn’t even blink that they were back at her apartment. His eyes zeroed in on her.

  Aware she needed to calm him down, she decided to do it naked. With a twirl, she cleaned the blood off his face as her clothes disappeared. She knew, by the tick in his jaw, he was doing his best not to look away from her eyes.

  “I love you, Thorne,” she whispered in her sexiest voice.

  He cleared his throat this time. “I love you, too,” he responded, his tone a little less severe. “Now explain.”

  Wicked walked closer to him as she started to unbutton his shirt. She loved him in black button-up shirts with long sleeves. It’s why she always dressed him in that. Maybe it was because she liked to unwrap the package inside the shirt.

  “We’re having a boy and a girl.” She touched his skin with hers as she undid his shirt. Glancing up, she saw the proud glint in his eyes at her words. “Please don’t be mad at me. We almost lost each other today and well, does being pregnant make a woman… you know?”

  “Horny?” he supplied. She nodded as she licked her lips. “Fuck, I hope so.”

  She giggled at his answer then squealed when he picked her up and carried her toward her bedroom. “Just know this conversation isn’t over about Dr. Hottie what-the-fuck-ever.”

  “Thorne, no one could ever be hotter than you in my eyes.” She leaned up and kissed the side of his neck. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Wicked, I’m about to show you just how okay I am.” He kicked the door closed behind them.

  “Good, because I really do think being pregnant makes me horny.” They laughed just as they heard the telltale signs of Bruce being zapped into the kitchen, no doubt by Zelda.

  “Where’s my fucking salmon?” Bruce yelled toward the closed door, then stormed toward the front door. “Heroes never get their happy endings or their fucking salmon!”

  Magic and Mayhem Universe Books

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ll the side splitting books in the Magic and Mayhem Universe, go to

  About the Author

  Teresa Gabelman is the New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of the Protectors series, Lee County Wolves series, and Stone’s Wolf Sanctuary. When not writing about alpha vampires, sexy shifters, and the women who drive them crazy, she can be found on a lake with a fishing pole and Kindle, spending a fun evening with family.

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  Being a full-time writer has allowed Teresa to connect more with readers, which is what she loves most about writing. If you find the time, she would love to hear from you!

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  Email: [email protected]




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