Los Angeles (International Guy Book 12)

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Los Angeles (International Guy Book 12) Page 7

by Audrey Carlan

  “Would it have anything to do with the fact that she’s Skyler Paige’s doppelgänger?” She announces the exact concern we have without making us give it up. Strange tactic.

  “I think that’s obvious, Ms. Gonzalez. Care to tell us why you’d have a look-alike on the show when everyone in the world knows that my man here”—Royce hooks a thumb over his shoulder toward me—“has been in a relationship with the actress for a year?”

  Her lips press together before she tips her head back and laughs. “Uh, you just answered your own question. Skyler Paige is hot stuff. Tara Darling looks just like her. With you two in the judging panel, the audience is going to eat that shit up with a shovel! It’s pretty genius, if I do say so myself, and since I chose her, and your contract is with me, she stays. Do you have a problem working with someone who looks like your girlfriend, Mr. Ellis?”

  Holy shit. Louise turned the situation around on me so fast I didn’t even feel my head spin around on my neck.

  Before I can speak, she continues.

  “Honestly, I think your issue with her says a lot more about you and your inability to see beyond your personal life than it does about me and my show. Are we going to have a problem?”

  I open and close my mouth, feeling like I just got bitch-slapped. I shake it off and put my hands in my pockets while taking in Tara Darling. She looks so much like my Sky it’s almost hard to look at her . . . but, she’s not my woman. I just have to remember that and do what I came here to do.

  “No. Though I assume you’re up to date on the things that have plagued me and my girlfriend over the past year and have been spread all over the newspapers and celebrity rags.”

  She nods.

  “Please excuse me if I jumped to conclusions about Ms. Darling’s involvement in the show.”

  “Straight up, Mr. Ellis, she’s here because she looks like your woman and will bring more viewers based on that alone.”

  I inhale, giving myself precious moments to calm down. She’s not here to hurt me, or mess with me; she’s here to up the ratings. Now that is something I can deal with. Heck, Skyler will think it’s a hoot.

  “Fine. We’ll continue on as planned.”

  “Excellent. Do your thing. We need to have the women ready in forty-eight hours. Then we’ll mix and match up the contestants and the women for some practice rounds, making sure they don’t see each other. We’ll choose the final pairings for the live show at that time.”

  Royce’s head shoots to the side. “Live show? I thought you were taping this.”

  “Yeah, we were going to, but once upper management realized we could do it live and have you and Parker sitting in the judging booth, we could pan to the two of you and the live audience reactions more often and hopefully score more viewers.”

  I close my eyes and grind my teeth.

  I have to remind myself that they’re paying through the nose for this contract, and people use Skyler’s celebrity status all the time to get ahead. The happier the client, the more likely they’ll refer us additional business contacts in the future. Win-win. I just need to focus on ending this job with a happy client so that I can go back home to my girl as soon as possible. They want to change the plan and go live with the pilot, that’s on them.

  Royce holds his hand out to Louise. “Thanks for the discussion. We’ll get back to work.”

  She shakes his hand and reaches around to me. I shake hers.

  “This is going to be fun, Mr. Ellis.” She grins wide and saunters off toward the production booth stairs.

  Fun. Yeah right.

  Hmm. Something deep inside my gut is telling me there’s more going on here that Royce and I are not part of. Tingles prickle at the back of my neck as I watch her walk up the stairs.

  I turn around and take in the six females standing patiently under the bright lights, waiting for direction.

  Royce looks at me and nods toward the ladies.

  I clap my hands. “All right, ladies, let’s have a quick introduction and find out what your goals are for being on Mix and Match.”

  “Let me get this straight, Crista. You signed up for Mix and Match because you want to get married and have a baby in the next two years?”

  The pretty, redheaded woman with a lush, curvy body and big, bouncy curls hanging down her shoulders nods emphatically. “Exactly! You know me so well!” she practically squeaks.

  I look down at her detail card. “Nope. Sweetheart, you put it down under the section marked interests.”

  She pouts, and I’m not gonna lie, with the woman’s puffy, plump lips, she looks cute doing it. I can’t imagine, based on her looks and mannerisms, that she would be unable to get a date or hook a man to her star. Though I have an idea why she’s striking out.

  “Do you tell men on your first few dates that you’re looking to get married and have a baby?”

  She smiles wide and nods. “Oh yes. I believe in complete honesty, always. I tell them on the very first date.”

  Sweet Jesus. “And uh, how many second dates have you had recently?” I soften my tone.

  She frowns and purses her lips. “Hmmm, not many . . . Actually, come to think of it, I haven’t had a second date in a while.”

  “See a pattern there?”

  Crista scrunches up her face in a manner that makes me believe she’s attempting to connect the dots but coming up blank.

  “Let me lay out something you need to know about men. We don’t often want to think about marriage and children even on the fifth date, let alone the first. Maybe after six months of a committed relationship when we’ve had a chance to really get to know a woman, spend time with her family, see how we pair up in the other areas of the relationship . . .” I let my words dangle in the hopes that she’ll pick up on what I’m getting at.

  She frowns and fiddles with the hem of her too-short skirt. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a man who loves a lot of skin and a lotta leg on display, but when you’re first trying to score a man who’s going to last long-term, the last thing you want to do is lead with your physical attributes. This woman is going to need to turn on a man’s mind as well as his body if she’s going to have any staying power with him.

  “Meaning . . .”

  “In the bedroom.”

  She grins wide and lifts her chest in a move akin to being prideful. “Oh, I sleep with them on the first date if I’m attracted to them, so there’s no worry there.”

  I groan and rub my temples with thumb and forefinger. “Crista, right off the bat, I’m going to warn you against sleeping with a man you’re interested in on the very first date. It can give the impression that you’re easy even if you’re not.”

  Her eyes widen. “But then how are they going to know what I give in the bedroom is so good they’re going to want to keep it in their bed for the rest of their lives?”

  “Sweetheart, what goes down in the bedroom is a definite plus for a man, especially if his woman has skills in that arena. However, it’s not the only thing that matters. Regardless of popular opinion, not all men think with just their dick. I know when it comes to my girl, I fell in love with her smile and laughter, her giving heart, the way she makes me feel, not just how good we are together in the sack.”

  Crista taps at her chin. “What you’re saying is I’m giving up the goods too quick, and freaking men out by talking about what I really want, which is marriage and children.”

  I reach for her hand and take hold, putting my other one on the top. “Let a man fall in love with you, not with what you can do for him in the future and vice versa. You need to really think about what you want in a man who you plan to spend the rest of your life with. Date. Have fun. Relax a little, and stop worrying about what the future will bring.”

  “You’re not married, and you’ve been with that awesome actress for, like, forever!” She pouts. “I don’t want to wait a long time to have my family.”

  I shake my head and sigh. “You don’t have to wait forever. Though it’s not unusual for
a couple to date for a year or several before taking that ultimate step.”

  “So you don’t want to get married and have babies with the world’s hottest woman?” Her voice rises. “If she can’t get you to commit forever, I don’t stand a chance in hell.” Her voice wobbles, and I can hear the emotion pouring through, which usually is a precursor to tears. And I hate to see a woman cry.

  “Crista, you misunderstand. I absolutely plan on marrying my woman, when the time is right for the both of us. Every couple is different. There’s not an exact amount of time that has to pass, but the ideal scenario is you getting to know one another for a while before you make that life commitment. Understand now?”

  She sniffs, and I can see her chin wobble, but she holds it together. “I just . . . I just want to find the right man so bad. I’m not getting any younger, and I just know I’m meant to be a wife and mother. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to be, and the older I get, the less likely it is I’m going to find a man who wants me.”

  “Sweetheart, that’s not true. You can’t be more than what, twenty-five?”

  “Twenty-six actually.”

  “Well, I’m thirty. My woman is your age. We’ve been together a year, and we’re working on our forever and what that happy ending looks like for us. I promise you will find the right man for you; just don’t play all your cards on the first go. Make him work for the beauty that is you. Get me?”

  She tips her head from side to side as if she’s thinking about it. “Yeah, I guess I could try your way for a while, see how it goes.”

  “And as for the show, just pick the guy who seems the most fun to go out on a date with. No crazy questions about marriage and babies or you’ll scare the three of them off right away.”

  She giggles, and it sounds musical. “I can do that.”

  “All right. Head over to Royce now so he can go over your TV persona.”

  Crista stands up and tugs down her skirt.

  “And make sure when you do the show that you wear a skirt just a tad longer.” I grin and waggle my eyebrows. “Give the man something to look forward to uncovering on a future date. Hopefully somewhere around the fifth!”

  She laughs and waves her hand as she struts off in high-heeled sandals.

  Before the next one is done with Royce, I pull out my phone and note that my brother called and didn’t leave a message.

  I go to the favorites and press his name.

  Paul answers in his standard bark-like manner. “Yo, P-Drive.”

  “You called me, dude. What’s up? How’s Dad?”

  Paul sighs, and I can hear him moving around, a door opening and then slapping against wood. That noise is the distinct sound of my parents’ back screen door slamming shut. I’ve heard that sound a million times in my life and can recognize it anywhere.

  “Bastard’s cagey as hell. Tired of being locked up in his house. He’s in his fifties and doesn’t like to be told what to do, how to do it, and how hard to push his own body. He’s mad as hell, and the rest of us get the brunt of his anger. Mostly, he wants his body to bounce back as if he’s still twenty years old, but it’s not that simple.”

  “And therapy?” I ask, knowing my dad. He’s a terrible patient when he has a cold. I can only imagine what he’s like having to go to therapy two or three times a week.

  “Aw, brother, Pops hates going to physical therapy, but he’s actually improving. Was able to put a little bit of weight on his feet when the therapist and I held him up today.”

  The image of my father standing between two metal bars, spaced apart enough to fit his body, burns my mind like a blowtorch to the chest.

  “And Mom?”

  Paulie chuckles. “Ordering him around like normal. Only this time she does it when he’s stuck in his lounger and can’t run off. The thing is, in the end, what she nags him about, he listens to. He may bicker back, grumble, but he’s not giving up. He’s a fighter, always has been, always will be.”

  “It’s what he taught us. Never give up if you want something bad enough.” I rub at my forehead and sigh. “What you’re doing, Paulie, stepping up for Dad and Mom . . .” I run my hand through my hair and stand up to pace the room. Anxiety and negative energy pump off me so intensely I have to move in order to calm them.

  “Wouldn’t be anywhere else. ’Sides, you and the brothers have got Lucky’s, and I’ve been living here, so no reason not to pony up, yeah?”

  “Yeah. Still, I know it’s got to be a lot on you when you and Denny are going through the start-up of Ellis Imports. Still can’t believe he named it after you.”

  He chuckles full and deep. “Yeah, well, I think that was a subtle hint that my man wants us both to carry the Ellis name.”

  I grin. “Denny is definitely slick and goes after what he wants, which is you, my man!” I laugh, enjoying Paul’s romantic ups and downs.

  “Speaking of . . . I’ve got good news!”

  I smile, needing a dose of some happy family news right about now. “Lay it on me, brother.”

  “Not only did Denny and I start the interior design on the business, we found a little house, bro.”

  “No shit?”

  “Straight up. We finally found a pad of our own. Denny is over the moon. I thought he was excited when he bought the warehouse on the pier for our company. Not even close. My guy is ecstatic about the house.”

  “Tell me about it. Where is it? Close to me and Sky?”

  Paulie laughs again. “Too rich for my blood. It’s a two-bed, two-bath with a yard big enough for me to have a dog, and the kitchen and living room are open plan so Denny can entertain to his heart’s desire. He says he can’t wait to have you all over for dinner.” His voice dips into a command rather than a suggestion. “We’ll be setting that up soon, so I can make my guy even happier he made the move from his country to ours. You good for that?”

  “Definitely. Sky and I are in all the way. Stoked for you, man. Layin’ down roots with your mate, buying a home, building a business . . .”

  “It’s what it’s all about. The American dream. The nice thing about that is everyone’s dream is different, but it all settles on being free to live life how you want to.”

  “It’s why you fought so hard, brother. This is your time. You’ve served your country with honor and commitment; now it’s time to give that same attention to your guy. Give yourself and your man the life you’ve always wanted.”

  “Fuck yeah.”

  “Fuck yeah.”

  “When can I tell Denny you’ll be back, so we can show you the house? He also wants to get with Skyler about the interior. He said he likes your home so much he wants to soak up your girl’s talent for making a house a home.”

  I smile wide. My girl has done a damn fine job making our home perfect for us. Even though some of her choices seemed wild and wacky at the time, I’ve chosen to just trust her judgment. There’s nothing you can’t paint over or replace except for the woman who put it there. I prefer to let her go wild and sit back and watch the show. It’s always a good one and ends with both of us being happy.

  Paul continues. “Figure Denny and Sky can knock some ideas around, and while they do that, you and me can toss some meat on the grill. Maybe get Mom and Dad outta the fuckin’ house for once in the past three months.”

  “Grilling with my brother, my mate and yours shootin’ the shit about interior design while we leave ’em to it? Bring Pops and Ma outta their shell for some food and easy laughter? Sounds perfect to me. When I get home, we can set it up. In the meantime, happy for you, Paulie. It’s all coming together for you. After what you’ve done for our country, you deserve this. All of it. Everything good the world has to offer.”

  “Man, I don’t need or want for much. Just my man, my family being around me and healthy, a cold beer, and a place to put my feet up and lay my head at night. Everything else is just aces.”

  And he’s right. The bare necessities are what truly make a person content.

  “We’ll se
t it up. Happy for you,” I say again.

  “Thanks, Park. Call when you’re back, yeah?”

  “Will do. My love. You know you got it,” I say, my voice thick with emotion.

  “You know you got it right back, little bro.”

  I chuckle and end the call. When I turn around, Tara Darling is sitting in the hot seat waiting for my instruction.

  “Are you going to grill me like Royce did?” she says as I approach the empty seat in front of her and maneuver my body into it.




  “Calm down, Skyler. You’re making me nervous, and I never get nervous.” Ellie walks over to the bar in our hotel room, pours a glass of red wine, and brings it over to me. “Here. Drink this and relax. She’ll be here any minute.”

  I nod, grab the full glass, and take a sip. The cherry and currant notes of the wine flutter against my taste buds in a welcoming flavor I can appreciate. I lean back into the cushy leather chair and let the anxiety of the day flow out of me with each sip.

  “You know, we’ve worked every angle of this plan from top to bottom. Worst-case scenario is he finds out what you’re up to and that you’ve been fibbing recently.”

  “No, the worst case is him finding out and breaking up with me because I lied to him. We promised we wouldn’t ever lie to one another again.” I worry the bottom of my lip with my thumb and index finger.

  “Skyler, are you having second thoughts?”

  I frown and drink more wine. “Not exactly. It’s just the longer it goes on before the big reveal, the more scared I get of doing something that will make me lose him. He’s my life now, Ellie. Without him, Tracey might as well have taken me out that day.”

  Ellie makes a slashing move with her hand. “Cut that thought off right there. I do not want to hear any more negativity. You’re deep in this now. There is no going back. The pieces are in place, and a lot of people are in on this. It’s time to go with the flow and let the plan work its magic.” She places her hand on her hip and taps her foot. “Honestly, Skyler, if I thought Parker was going to be unhappy about what you’re going to do, I wouldn’t have agreed to help. That man dotes on you. He’s a hundred percent in love with you. You share a home. Animals. Friends. There’s nothing to worry about. Okay?”


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