A Lady's Seduction [Highland Menage 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Lady's Seduction [Highland Menage 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Reece Butler

  He lifted his head, grinning at her. She panted, her breasts heaving enticingly.

  “What was that?” she asked between gasps.

  “An orgasm. Ye peaked, Alana. ‘Tis what should happen between a man and a woman.”

  “Every time?” Her voice squeaked.

  “Aye, more than once each time if ye can relax and let yer men pleasure ye. When I play with yer clit”—he put his finger on it—“it makes ye squirm. Just as ye did riding yer horse today.”

  She groaned, slapping her palms over her eyes. “You saw that?”

  He chuckled. After exploding in his mouth she was suddenly embarrassed he’d seen her grind her clit against her saddle?

  “Aye, I saw ye. And was hard all day wishing it was my cock ye were riding and not yer mare.” He heard a warning meow a second before something furry brushed against him. “We’d best get ye covered. Cormac will be back soon, and ye’ll want yer food afore the cats get it. The scent of the cheese must have lured them.”

  “I’ll share with them. Then they’ll wish to sleep with me.”

  “Cormac will be sleeping with ye.”

  “Does he like cats?”

  “We both do.”


  Fraser had warned him Alana would insist on having a few of the beasts around no matter where she lived. Duncladach had one, Shadow, who kept vermin away. He helped her dress before putting on his plaid. She ate, sharing her cheese with her new friends. He guarded her while she relieved herself then lay beside her, back-to-back. She fell asleep though he lay awake, hard and longing.


  He couldn’t last much longer than that.

  Chapter Nine

  “Mayhaps I shouldna have stayed so long,” muttered Cormac to himself as he plodded downhill to the stables.

  Twice that day he’d offered to let James lead the way rather than bringing up the rear with the packhorse. Too late he realized his brother wanted to watch Alana’s arse. She was a tempting wee bundle. So tempting he hoped she’d be quick to seduce them.

  “How else will the lass escape William’s snare?” he asked the night. “Nay, ‘tis a noose, for ‘tis sure he’d kill her.”

  William would kill Alana but not until he took everything else from her, including her pride, her body, and, if he could, her very soul.

  Surely she’d wish to seduce a pair of MacDougals into marriage instead? He quietly entered the stable. James lay back-to-back with Alana, who was wrapped in her plaid. Both were asleep. His gut clenched. What had his brother done while he was dicing with the guards?

  He nudged James with his foot, none too gently, and backed away. James came awake with a snarl. Curling to his feet, dirk in hand, he was ready to strike until he recognized him. They went outside, James yawning and stretching while Cormac fidgeted.

  “Ye looked cozy in there,” he said. “Did I see a wee strip of silk under her head?”

  “She couldn’t breathe and needed help to get her bindings off. The knot was so tight I had to cut it.”

  That meant she’d removed her shirt. Had anything else come off? Or gone in? He eyed his brother. “Did ye take a few liberties with the lass?”

  “Liberties? Nay.” James smirked, no doubt enjoying Cormac’s frustration. “She demanded I put my hands on her.”

  His cock jumped at the thought. So did his heart. “And did ye do as the lass wished, then? And nay more?”

  “I did as the lass wished, with my fingers and my lips.” James chuckled. “A short bit of work on her nipples and clit was all she needed to fall apart. She is a wild one, our Alana.”

  It wasn’t jealousy that made Cormac seethe. He was glad Alana had chosen them. Having felt the MacDougal touch she’d not turn to another now. He and James, and all their brothers, were always in competition with each other.

  “She reached her peak? I wished to be her first.”

  “I gave her but a taste, leaving her primed and eager for the man who’ll be her husband.”

  Primed? Did that mean Alana wanted more? “And then?”

  “I helped her dress, without the binding, and we fell asleep.” James yawned again, scratching his head. “I’m still aching with need.” He shuddered. “We need a priest, Cormac. Soon.”

  “There’s none here.”

  “Nay, but Colin was a pious lad. MacKenzie of Kintail may have one at Castle Leod. Alana’s eager for more than kisses. Ye may have to give in and bed her afore marriage.”

  Give in, as in having her pussy clench his cock as they came together? “If she’s discovered a woman’s joy, she is ripe for a husband.”

  “Or two,” added James with a sideways look.

  Cormac waited a moment just to irritate James. “Or two.”

  “Gillis handfasted with Fiona afore she married Angus,” said James. “‘Twould be best if we did the same. We’d both have a claim to protect her, from her father and William.”

  “Aye.” Noises up the hill made them look up. “Ye’d best get through the gate afore they close it for the night.”

  James cursed, and then ran up the hill. The guards waited for him, laughing when he said he’d pulled the short straw and so got to sleep next to the fire rather than in the stables with their wee cousin and the horses.

  Cormac waited until the gates shut James inside.

  “So, the wee lassie wished yer hands on her, aye? Methinks she’ll want more.”

  He certainly wanted more. He wished to claim Alana as his, to have her cry out his name as she shattered around him. It had to be her suggestion, though.

  Walking carefully due to the cock fighting to rise under his plaid, Cormac returned to Alana’s nest. She’d ridden hard all day without a complaint. He’d hated to keep her in the saddle so long, but it was necessary. The last rays of the late evening sun gave just enough light to see. He’d never watched a woman asleep before. Soon he would have the right to hold her, protect her, and make her scream his name. Though his cock throbbed with the need to sink into her, his heart felt tenderness watching her sleep.

  He stripped off his plaid and then knelt beside her in his shirt. He placed a hand on her warm haunch. She rolled on her back, eyes wide, and squeaked in fear.

  “Hush, wee lassie. ‘Tis Cormac, come to hold ye and keep ye safe.”

  She relaxed, her eyes closing again. She stretched out her legs, wincing.

  “Ah, ye’re sore from the long ride today. Would ye like me to work out those cramps?”

  “Will it hurt?” She bit her lip, reminding him of the wee lassie they’d met so long ago.

  “Aye, but nay as much as in the morning when ye must climb on yer mare again.” She sighed, then nodded. “What hurts the most?”

  “The part I sat on.” She hesitated, biting her lip. “Should I remove my breeks?”

  He couldn’t help the wide grin. “Aye, ’twould be best.”

  “Best for you, or for me?” She tried to scowl, though her eager face gave her away.

  “I canna deny I’ll enjoy puttin’ my hands on ye, but I’ll make sure ye feel good after.”


  “Will ye trust me?”

  “Aye, always,” she immediately replied.

  A lump formed in his heart as well as his throat. No one other than his brothers trusted him so completely. He would not destroy it.

  “Take off yer breeks, and lie on yer stomach.”

  The sun was finally down. He couldn’t see well so had to imagine as she made sounds in the dark. Was she purposefully taking her time? She stood, shuffling her feet. She slowly slid her breeks down her legs. She placed a hand on his head for balance, then stepped out of them. He immediately scented her as her pussy was the level of his nose. He would taste her, and soon.

  She lay down, twitching for a moment to get comfortable. Because of the dark he had to feel his way around. He started with her ankle before sliding his hand up her leg and spread thighs until his thumb went up between them until ti touched her puss
y. It came away wet.

  Oh yes, Alana Sinclair would soon be whimpering under his tongue!

  He kept his mind on his actions rather than what he wanted to do as he worked the area where her leg joined her arse. When she relaxed from that he moved down her thighs to her knees, finishing with her calves. He did not touch between her thighs though it half-killed him to scent her arousal and not bury his tongue inside her.

  “How are ye now?’ he asked.

  She sighed, and not in a good way. “I’m wondering when the feeling good will start.”

  He chuckled. “For that ye’ll have to roll onto yer back.”

  “What will you do?”

  “The same as I just did, only softer.” And with more than his fingers. “I’ll need yer shirt off.”

  “Won’t I get cold?”

  “If ye do I’m nay doin’ it right,” he replied with a chuckle.

  “Oh.” She still didn’t move. “Will ye touch me like James did?” she whispered.

  “Did ye like it?”


  “Then I will, and more.” Thank God!

  He listened, fists and jaw clenched with the need to touch her, while she removed her shirt. She shifted around for a bit before lying quietly. He made himself wait until her breath slowed before touching her. He started at her ankles and stroked his hands up to her thighs, soothing and caressing until she was well relaxed. He picked up her feet, bent her knees, and set her soles together, opening her fully.

  “Cormac…” she said hesitantly.

  “Ye said ye trusted me to make ye feel good. This will feel verra good.”

  He let his fingers drift over her froth of curls. When she didn’t complain he made one circle where he thought her clit was. A swift intake of breath proved she liked it. He leaned over, replacing his finger with his tongue. Her essence exploded on his taste buds.

  She gasped and grabbed his hair. He flicked her clit. Her fingers yanked him closer. He slipped his tongue between her folds, tasting her sweetness until he had to come up for air.

  “Ye taste good, lass. Do ye want more?”

  “Aye. Much more.”

  He chuckled, then made himself comfortable. He planned to be there for a while.

  * * * *

  Alana couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. Couldn’t move. All she could do was lie still while Cormac drove her crazy with his tongue. She’d been so overwhelmed with James that she hadn’t been able to separate out her senses. She hadn’t known it was possible to feel like this. To desperately want him to touch her in ways that must be sinful, but felt oh, so wonderful!

  He placed her hands on her breasts, silently telling her to take over. She did, massaging them and squeezing them as she had with James. Tension coiled inside her. His strokes quickened, and his finger finally touched the button she’d discovered while riding her horse that day.

  “This is yer pussy,” he said, cupping the slick folds between her thighs. “And this wee button is yer clit.”

  He pressed a finger on it and wiggled. She gasped, clenching hard. He slid his finger past her pussy and down. He stopped at a place she’d not touched except when necessary. His finger was wet and easily slid over her tender flesh. She’d never realized her anus was so sensitive.

  “Do ye like me doin’ like this with my wee finger?” He pressed and twisted while sucking on her clit. She clenched her buttocks, gasping. A deep chuckle emerged from between her spread thighs. “Aye, I thought ye might like that.”

  “Put your mouth to better use than talking!”

  She heard a deeper chuckle before he set his mouth on her once more. The tension she’d just learned about thanks to James, wound higher and higher with every flick of his tongue. He twisted his finger and she exploded.

  Even when she got her breath back her muscles were as limp as wet thread. Cormac had to help her put on her shirt. He pulled her back into his stomach, his legs sturdy behind hers, separated only by his shirt, and hers. She felt safe and warm. He muttered something, then half sat up. When he lay down again something thick pushed under her bent thighs. A hard cock lay between his flesh and hers, a mere thickness of linen separating them.

  “That feels good,” she murmured.

  “It should, lass. ‘Tis my cock sliding as close to yer pussy as it can get this night.”

  She’d peaked yet neither James nor Cormac had. They had to put their cock inside her and release their seed if she wanted a bairn. Doing so without even handfasting was against everything she’d been taught. Yet she’d been accused of the same, condemned without being allowed to speak her truth. Why not do now what she’d already been banished for? She’d spent too many years doing what others expected. Tonight she would take control of herself, and her future. She reached for his cock. It was hard, yet the surface was soft, like silk.

  “Alana,” he said, croaking the word. “My sweet, if ye touch me like that I’ll nay be able to hold meself back.”

  “I dinna wish you to hold back. I wish you to put this inside me.”

  His groan sounded like he was in agony. “Lass, ‘tis for yer husband.”

  “Aye. So do it, and be my husband.”

  His shoulders shook with quiet laugher. “Trust wee Alana Sinclair to turn the world on its head and ask a man to marry her.”

  “I’m not asking just any man, I’m asking Cormac MacDougal.”


  “My father cares not what happens to me as long as I produce grandsons for him. I like you and James, and I trust you both. MacDougals are well-known for making sons. I like your touch, and want more. Will you not marry me and save me from a terrible fate?”

  He was silent for so long she had to fight panic. She should not have said it that way. She wasn’t marrying him just because of William. Yet she would not be lying here now, Cormac’s arms around her, if her father hadn’t threatened her with a forced marriage.

  “Cormac, I didn’t mean—”


  She jammed her jaw shut, not wishing to say something that would deny her this chance at life. His hand tightened on her breast. He caught her nipple between two fingers and squeezed. A jolt of lightning reminded her of the peak she just experienced. Was that his answer? Her heart pounded, praying he would stay.

  “And will James also share yer bed?” he whispered against her neck.

  “If he chooses.” She hesitated, still unsure. “Do you think he’ll mind?”

  A soft snort of air blew past her neck. “What, that I’m yer husband, and nay him?”

  “Aye,” she whispered. “Though you are older.”

  “Aye, and I’m bigger. In all ways.” He shifted his hips, making his cock slide against her. Her pussy clenched in need. “What if James handfasts ye in the morn, and we marry when we find a priest?”

  Alana exhaled, slumping in relief. A second later her body thrummed in response to the promise of his touch. A laugh bubbled up. Here she’d gone ten years without a man wanting her, and now she had three. No, two MacDougal men and a mangy cur.

  She shifted her thighs farther apart and reached for Cormac’s cock. It was big, but Lady Janet had explained that a woman’s place swelled to receive her husband. The first time, though, it could bring pain. She could tolerate pain knowing the joy that would follow.

  “Will ye marry me, Alana Sinclair?” Cormac murmured in her ear. “Will ye share yer bed with me and James, and let us care for ye, and protect ye and any bairns we may have?”

  “Aye,” she whispered back.

  “Then release my cock for I’ll be putting it someplace better than yer wee hand.”

  She released him. He moved quickly, tossing off his shirt. He lifted her and turned. A moment Cormac lay on his back with her on top with nothing between them but hot skin. His chest hair tickled her breasts. She was short so her spread thighs cradled his hips.

  “I dinna wish to harm ye,” he said. “But the first time may hurt.”

  “Lady Janet said w
ith the right man I’d then feel pleasure.” She laid her head on his chest, smiling to herself because it felt so right. “Methinks you are the right man.”

  “I’m a big man, and I want ye so bad. If ye sit on me ye can control what happens. I’ll do me best to keep my hands off ye, so not to push ye down on me.”

  Alana sat up. He was so broad her knees didn’t touch the floor, so she had to crouch over him. She found his cock, gripping it eagerly. Feeling it, knowing it would soon enter her, made it seem a lot bigger than it had a moment ago. Perhaps she should be afraid, but as a child she would jump in the water quickly, squealing at the cold rather than wading in, shuddering. She took a breath, lifted herself higher, then set his tip in her pussy. His cock hit her barrier.


  She stopped at his yelp. “Am I doing it wrong?”

  “Nay lass. Didna expect ye so fast or that ’twould feel so good.”

  She squirmed, making him swear under his breath. She realized she held power over him! Of course he allowed her that power. All he had to do was put his hands on her waist and thrust up while pulling her down and he would skewer her. That he didn’t, proved all the more he was the man for her. Or one of them. She smiled into the dark.

  She was still a virgin. Another bit and that would no longer be true. Another bit and she would be safe from William as Cormac would move heaven and earth to marry her. She took a deep breath and pushed herself onto him. A sharp pain, gone in a moment, and he was past. She grinned at him in triumph, knowing he couldn’t see. He muttered something.

  “What are you saying?”

  “Latin verbs, conjugated,” he bit out. “Te stop me fillin’ ye. Please, lass, dinna tarry!”

  His finger touched her clit. She gasped at the sensation. With her body expanding around him the response in her clit was so much more than before. His other hand found her breast, pinching her nipple. Moaning, she slid all the way down his cock, reaching bottom with a sigh of contentment. She shifted her feet so she was kneeling, his groin supporting her.


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