Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales

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Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales Page 3

by Clarissa Black

  He was edgier than usual. And the beef! And the milk! It seemed he had an urge to consume as much beef and milk as he could get his hand on. We literally had to make several visit to the grocery loading basketful of meat to satisfy him. I asked him about it and he only responded that he had a strong ‘craving’ right now. Funny thing was that he kept looking over our shoulders, like he was trying catch someone. He had the overall effect of being protective, which was saying a lot to how he normally is.

  When we got to that parking lot, he looked to the distance as if trying to stalk an unknown entity. He was sort of forceful the way he grabbed me close to him when we were out in public. I suspected he was still disturbed by his encounter with Angelo. We really didn’t talk about it, so I dropped it.

  My finals were getting dangerously close and I had been blasting away for studying for my finals. Angelo was already done with his thanks to the schools policy of waiving finals for athletes. Cramming late at night in the downstairs kitchen while Angelo napped, I felt my eye-lids getting heavy. Instinctively, I reached out to get some of the rocktarts. Their sugary goodness is what I depended on to stay away. But my wandering fingers only reached the crumbs at the bottom of the box.

  Damn it. I was out. And I really need to get this chapter done. Instead of waking up Angelo, I decided to drive myself to the nearest convenience store.

  The roads felt so desolate when I realized that it was already close to midnight. I gave the change to the cashier and clutched a brown bag full of dockyards. When I walked to the car I saw somebody that I didn’t expect.

  Oliver smile and beamed a warming smile.

  “Well hello there. I didn’t think I’d find someone as cute as you this late at night.” He said as he inched close to me.

  “Yeah. Hello to you too Oliver.” I responded.

  “How’s your mate brother doing?” He chuckled.

  “He’s not my mate. I mean who uses that anyway? Neither is he my brother.” I said as the car beeped with press of the unlock button.

  “Oh” he said. “That’s not what I heard. Not brother. And not mate either.”

  I nodded. Opening the door and placing the brown bag down on the seat.

  “Well I’m sure he’s got someone else. And that leaves you where exactly?”

  “Excuse me?” I said raising an eyebrow.

  “Hey all I’m saying is that I would like to give you a chance to go out with me.” He said with a grin on his face.

  “A chance?” I said. It was happening all so quickly. His forwardness struck a chord me.

  “Yeah. I want to take you out. You know, like on a date.”

  “Oh.” It was my first time that someone asked me out. What was I supposed to say? I mean he was hot guy. Maybe a little bit on the aggressive side, but that was ok. Having someone else take me out was something that I had never experienced.

  “Oh ok...” I said shifting my weight, twirling my hair with my free hand.

  “When?” I crossed my arms.

  “Well, when are you free?” he said leaning close to me as he thumbed through his phone.

  “I have finals this week then...” but before I could finish he had already cut me off.

  “Great! So I’ll see you after your finals are done. I know the campus. Now put your number on this phone,” before I could think more of it I was already thumbing my digits on his phone.

  When I returned his phone, I asked, “Why on campus?”

  “Well, we can’t have your brother, I mean that guy find out we’re heading out right? You can tell him you’re going out with some friends.” He said with a little bit of cockiness in his deliciously over-confident voice.

  “Yeah... right...” I said as my body signaled that it was time to leave. He must have sense this.

  “Great. I’ll pick you up at five. That way you’ll be back early.” As he turned to go.

  “Oh ok.”

  “Good luck on your finals.”


  Driving back to the house, I felt a little guilty about the situation. I knew that Angelo would freak out if he found out I had a date with Oliver. That would be a slap in the face for him. After all that he’s done for me and how much great concern he had shown for me.

  When I opened the door. Angelo was sitting on the couch thumbing to the TV. “You should have let me go instead. Rocktards was it?”

  “Ummmm yeah. Have you been up?” I said as he flipped and inspected me.

  “Yeah. I couldn’t sleep. And what’s wrong?” he said.

  “What do you mean what’s wrong?” placing the bag on the table and opening my book to where I left it. I tried to nonchalantly return back to studying. Angelo from the couch with his hands under his chin was staring at me.

  “Can I help you?”

  “There’s something off.” He said. “You’re usually not like this.”

  “Oh... hehe.” Nervously I said. “I’m probably just stressed out with this final exam. Got to go back to studying.” I said as I raced to my room.


  The finals examination went by smoothly. I was confident that I aced it. But maybe my confidence was came from what I was wearing. Psychology states that our clothes give us an impression on who we are, and that wearing nice clothes gives your ego the needed confidence boost – a sort of self-actualization. Whatever, I was just happy to be done with the exam and about to go on my first real date.

  Some guys were looking at me. Checking me out! Was I dreaming that up?

  I cracked open the face powder mirror to evaluate my make-up. I had trailed my eyes with deep eye shadow to help give my blue eyes that deep water edgy look. My eyes were my favorite part of me anyways. I love my blue eyes. The girly magazines helped me with what I would do with the rest. My hair were nice and wavy and with just the right amount of volume. It said on the first date to try to look sensual, but also adjust the look so that it comes across as seductive yet sophisticated. That was the hard part, but I found the perfect dress that made it seem like my waist was a little bit narrower. And of course, the plumpness of my cleavage would draw the eye away from the rest of my curves. That’s what I wanted. I couldn’t help feel a tad bit excited for this date.

  The beeping of my phone ended my anticipation.

  Parking lot. Can’t wait to see you.

  I got in the car and he complemented on how I looked. I blushed. There was something about his car though, it was littered with junk, like a whole pack of his boys partied in there. I thought it would be nice if he cleaned it out for me. Sigh…

  Instead of a restaurant, we went on a pool place. Ok so that was standard procedure for date right?

  “So what can I get ya?” he said the corking a blue filament chalk on his pool stick.

  “What do you mean?” I said.

  “I meant to drink.”

  “Oh. I’ll pass. I don’t drink.” I mean it was barely 5:30pm. And this place looked shady. I think I was a little over dressed.

  “Suit yourself.” He said as the white ball slammed against the other balls sending in a loud crackling sound.

  “So any boyfriend? How does a sexy girl like yourself not have a guy?” he said. There was something about him that was a little off.

  “I don’t know... Why do you ask?”

  A ball whizzed through the table and landing on the pocket on the edge near me. “Because I want you.”

  I felt my tummy turn just a little bit.

  “But I’m not hot. I mean I’m not even sexy.”

  “You don’t think you’re sexy?” he said positioning himself for another shot.

  “Not really.” I said rubbing my hands absently.

  “Then you’re mistaken.” He let go sending the ball to violently ram into the hole.

  I grabbed some of the fries that he ordered to complement his beer. I mean this guy was trying to hit on me hard. I think he’s some kind of chubby chaser. He spent the rest of the time shooting balls. He didn’t even let me win. He a
sked the questions that the magazine said made for a horrible date. Investigative types. What my hobbies are. My favorite food. Color. Movie. Boring!

  But the funny thing is, every time I asked about him, he seemed to be avoiding the subject. He would change the subject. I remember the magazine saying these things as a sort of red flag on a date. I felt my gut clench. Something was really odd with this guy. I just couldn’t put a finger on it.

  Finally he had put all those balls in those holes. He neared me. I could smell the alcohol from his breathe. Then he put his leather jacket around me. His masculine stench permeated it. Ew.

  “Ready to leave?” He put his hand around my waist.

  “Yup.” I said curling my lip and swallowing hard.

  “We’re going to be meeting my friends.” He said.

  “You’re friends? I thought this was date?” I said to him leaning against the pool table as he finished the last drop of his beer.

  Wiping his chin off the drool of beer.

  “Yeah. They are surely going too... ” Before he finished, he let out a deep belch. “...love you.”

  “Maybe next time. That would be great.” I felt my toes curl as I averted his gaze. I felt a little bit uneasy of meeting his friends. Also I thought he was being too direct with me. I didn’t think there would be a next time. Whatever gets me out of here will help said those magazines. Even it meant a half-lie.

  “Definitely looking forward to it,” I said as he staggered to me. His arms caged down on me. Resting on my waist. I cringed.

  Was he going to kiss me?

  “You’re probably thinking if I’m going to kiss you.” He said as he softly pulled me close to him. I could smell his breathe. Alcohol and some fries.

  “I was.”

  He lunged towards me, with his mouth pulling me in towards his lips. Our lips locked. I closed my eyes. My nose crinkled. His tongue went inside my mouth, but instead of finding encouragement, I didn’t feel anything. Instead, my body stiffened. And I counted the seconds.

  I peeled off him, “I have to go home.”

  “Was the kiss not good?” He asked while touched me in the shoulder. Then he touched my cheek.

  “It was great. It’s just that I didn’t expect to be so exhausted after the exam.” I said turning my back against him removing his jacket from my back. “Maybe we can do this again this time.”

  He stared at me and there was a look in his eye that was of constrained rage. “Yeah ok. So I’ll take you home ok!?” he said wrapping his arms on me.

  I peeled off it again. “It’s ok. I thought I’d rather walk. It’s not far from here anyways. “

  “But I thought you were tired?”

  I leaned towards his arms then slid down the jacket to his hands. “Yeah, but I could use some fresh air. Don’t worry about it. I need some exercise anyway.”

  “Ok. Whatever you want.” He leaned towards me to give me another kiss. It was awkward because I felt the instinct to dodge his lips. But I stayed put and received the slamming of his lips against mine. I swallowed hard. It was an awkward feeling. There really was no attraction between us.

  “Can I go now?” I said averting my eyes from him, my body facing the exit.

  “Yeah you can do whatever you want.”

  I left the bar inhaling the fresh crisp air of the outside world. There was a great feeling of being free. Thoughts ruminated on my first date. That would classify as a ‘bad date’ according to the magazines that I read. I mentally checked off the attraction check list and concluded that there was none. The next of course of action, according to those snappy dating gurus was to not go through date number two. A female strategy on my part. I smiled.

  Finally, I could go home and see Angelo. There was nothing more I wanted more than to see him, and enjoy my short break with him. Suddenly, he seemed rather appealing to me. Walking down the street, I couldn’t help but think how stupid I was for not realizing that I was the luckiest girl on the planet. I mean, I had a nice hot guy who wanted me. Stupid of me to not think I deserved him. What was wrong with me?

  When I got home, I entered the shower as quickly as I can. The soap foamed on my skin several times then came the pumice stone. I must have scrubbed myself with that several times. I just wanted to get as much of the smell away from me. I stepped out the shower, dressed in my provocative lingerie masked as pajamas and went downstairs.

  “How was your finals?” He asked thumbing over the TV. He was cute as ever. His shirt sleeveless shirt showing his large biceps. He wore his favorite team’s sports cap.

  I playfully jumped on him.

  “Eh? What’s with you?” He said surprised.

  “Nothing…” I smiled coy smile, caging him this time with my legs, pinning him down. My fingers this time trailing the outline the hard planks of his chest from underneath his shirt.

  “This is different? Are you hungry? I could get some Pizza? The parentals are still gone.” He said grabbing the cordless phone. I mean it was the first time I ever acted like this so naturally he would think nothing of it.

  “No but I’m hungry for something else.” I clipped the button from his shorts. His eye twinkled. I yearned for him.

  I climbed off him then knelt down between his legs. Yanking his shorts down to the floor. I could see his fleshy sausage throbbing bigger from his briefs. I clamped on the outline of his sausage, tasting the soft cotton, and also a little bit of him. He moaned.

  Fingers slid underneath his briefs. Gripping his manhood. He tiled his head back in delight. Pulling his underwear, I quivered in delight seeing his blood engorged manhood proudly standing erect. I knew he was massive but I didn’t realize that he was this big.

  He was almost the size of my arm. And getting bigger with each downward stroke. I stared incredulously at the deliciousness of his meat. It was as heavy as a baseball bat. I gulped from the uncertainty of whether I would be even to contain his meat inside me. I didn’t want to disappoint him.

  His thickened rod glistened under the living room light. The leather sofa crinkled from his leaning back. He looked at me straight in the eye. I knew what I needed to do.

  Soft luscious lips wrapped the tip of his cock sausage, whose flavor was that of sweet and salt and utterly alpha male. The taste was so good that my tongue wrapped around, not just the head, but at the base of his shaft. The licks on his jagged foreskin turned his breathing ragged.

  “Am I doing it right?” I asked smiling. He nodded.

  I licked him all along the depth of his shaft, feeling every macro-inch of the bulging veins that wrapped around him. Soon I wanted his sausage in my mouth. But the tip of his massiveness was too big. Whatever. I would try anyways. I opened wide to contain his rod in my mouth. Looking at him in the eye to check if he liked it.

  His hand rested on my head. It was a funny feeling, but his gentle push helped me secure more of him. I was able to get at least half-way down his shaft. My mouth bobbed up and down.

  “Yes you’re doing right.” He said, “Now play with yourself, Claire. Get ready for me.”

  But I had already started. I rubbed my fleshy center vigorously matching the rhythm of my bobbing head. I wanted him inside of me. My mouth did not leave his cock when he stood up. Grabbing the back my head he pushed me towards him. He must really like this. I was so happy.

  “Now get up, Claire.” He said in a friendly commanding tone. “And bend over the sofa”

  Without asking any question, I dutifully obeyed. The leather sofa crinkled again as I bent my body towards it.

  “That’s right. I want you to enjoy this. Raise yourself up a little bit more.”

  The lifting of my air was instantly met by the pushing of his cock against my shorts, penetrating my hole just a little a bit. In a second my pink panties were pulled down to the floor. He started by caressing my back then gripped my flowing breasts. Good thing I didn’t wear a bra. Outlining the curvature of my fleshy mounds, kneading them, testing their weights, stretching them apart and
squeezing them together.

  “You’re really good at that.” I said almost moaning.

  Hands soon bore down my sides grabbing my waist. His cock rested on my moist flower’s opening. I was as so wet that drips started sliding down my inner thigh. I got excited but at the same time worried about the massive cock that was peering at my opening. Ready to impale me.

  “You ready Claire? I want you to enjoy this.” he asked. I nodded and raised my ass more to give him the best angle.

  “Good girl.”

  He entered me slowly. Spearing me to the center of my deepest insides. He was only an inch in me, but it felt like I was extremely filled up from the insides. The fleshy walls expanded desperately to contain him.


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