Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales

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Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales Page 5

by Clarissa Black

  I was particularly interested in his fluid rigidity. There was something aesthetically pleasing about his simplicity. One day, I decided to stay behind to watch the man. When the final class-bell came, Hideshi was nowhere to be found. The school had cleared out already, but still no Hideshi. I could see the Samurai peering inside the building. I too was growing impatient, so I did what I thought I wouldn’t do: I went inside to start look for Hideshi.

  The school was eerily empty that afternoon. I heard mumbled sounds in the hallway from the gym. Clutching my books, I followed the mumbled sounds of racial slurs. By the entrance of the locker room, I saw shadows of wild thrashing movements. I didn’t know what came over me, maybe a sense of American justice from my history class, but I stepped inside the boy’s locker room. Nervously, I entered.

  I stopped right in my tracks when I saw Hideshi. He was surrounded by at least ten other guys. With one of the biggest guys holding his arm behind him, pinning him down so that he was kneeling to the ground. I could barely see Hideshi’s face from the amount of guys crammed in that locker room, but I saw his bruising and his blood dripping on the floor.

  “That’s what happens when you mess with America, you dirty..” but before he could say anything, I had already interjected.

  “Stop it!” I shouted with ten heads suddenly snapping at me. I mean, I should be scared. Some of these guys had been to juvenile prison, some have sentencing procedures, and some were already in parole. They were probably gang members.

  “Well look at what we have here,” said their leader. Their criminal alpha male looked at me with maliciousness twinkling in his eyes. “A sexy young thang we have here gentlemen,” he said as the other guys chuckled.

  Suddenly a hand grabbed me from my side, twisting my forearm to my back into a tight locking hold. I suppose there were eleven of them. The alpha of their group chuckled some more as he walked towards me.

  He looked straight into my eyes. Then down my school blouse. Too many pairs of young, lust-filled eyes now looked at me. A mass of unrestrained masculinity slowly lurched towards me. I screamed, but before the sound can escape my lips, it was restrained by a hand that quickly covered my mouth. Gang assault. I know this wasn’t going to end well. A single tear started to roll down my cheek as the alpha grabbed my right breast.

  “Stop!” Hideshi cried out, sprawled on the floor, bloodied, and battered on the ground. He seemed like he was trying to get up.

  “Look boys. Our Asian samurai alien is trying to rescue our young friend here. Shut up Asian man, this is America. Am. Mer. I. Cuhhhhh. Ouch! You bitch!” I kicked him in his crotch. What a pitiful excuse of an American specimen.

  “You bitch! You’re going to pay for that! I’m going to make you scream..!” He said as ripped my blouse. Then came a growl.

  A sudden flurry of movement accompanied heavy sounds of thuds as bodies hit the hard ground. It was lightning fast.

  “Release her.” said Hideshi in an authoritative fighting tone. The alpha looked around and saw bodies on the ground. With a sudden movement he lunged towards Hideshi with his fist containing a knife.

  But Hideshi caught it.

  Ok hold-up. Hideshi wasn’t a large kid to begin with. He was actually tiny in comparison to these guys. So how could a slim Asian kid suddenly take down a whole gang in just seconds? Nothing added up. Well, nothing adds up except that Hideshi had crushing grip on the alpha’s fist.

  The alpha cried out in pain as Hideshi tightened his grip. A solitary knife clanked to the ground. There was a feral tint in Hideshi’s stare. Something primal that was previously hidden had now just surfaced. There was more to Hideshi than meets the eye, I thought to myself. The guy who held me finally couldn’t take it anymore and fled.

  “Aaaaaah! What are you doing?” The alpha said to Hideshi. Now cowering in his knees looking up to the slits of Hideshi’s feral eyes. Hideshi in turn seemed to have gotten a lot larger; his muscles expanded with the tightening of his shirt around his chest. His black hair gleamed and streamed down his face, half-covering it in a melodramatic way. The slits of his large eyes turned to sharp triangles of anger.

  “Please stop…. Please I beg you.” The alpha said as his pleading turned to begging from the crackling of his palms. The other gang members were now getting up, witnessing an amazing scene of their leader in a very desperate position. Hideshi didn’t stop there. He grabbed the alpha by the neck and jerked him clean off the ground and into the air as if he was just a rag-doll play thing. Hideshi, proudly displayed the alpha like a puppet, rotating him so that everyone could see.

  Mortified, the other gang members looked at their leader. The alpha was losing consciousness now. I guess he wasn’t that tough without his gang after all. Hideshi grabbed even firmer. His unrelenting grip caused the alpha to twist and contort in violent spasms. I could see that from Hideshi’s feral eyes that he could end the life of this young man. I called out.

  “Stop it!” I shrieked. Hideshi turned towards me. The glowing anger in his eyes slowly dissipated, returning to their original mellowness. A heavy thud and gasping sounds was heard when Hideshi softened his grip. The alpha regained his composure, picked himself up and fled the locker room along with the rest of his crew.

  “Are you ok?” He asked with a gentleness in his expression typical in his reserved culture.

  “Yes. Thank you for that.” I said.

  That’s how I met Hideshi.

  The news of the incident broke-out. The thugs were all expelled which caused a tension in our school. At one camp were other kids who identified with these thugs, and the others, most notably the girls, looked up to Hideshi as a savior ninja. His popularity sky-rocketed when local news came, but he declined all interviews. He preferred to be alone after that. He largely fell silent, as if contemplating, meditating. His silence soon followed his withdrawal from the groups he used to frequent. Maybe he didn’t like the attention. Either way, Hideki, after that incident, only hung out with me.

  After class we would hang-out in the library. Sometimes I would accompany him to the dojo where he would train under the watchful eyes of the samurai. But I have to admit, I was growing in love with Hideshi. He was extremely secretive kid. Maybe it was part of his culture. The mystery only increased my and others girls intrigue of him. I felt protective of him, and was happy that he would rather hang-out with me than with anyone else.

  I asked him one evening in the dojo, “You know Hiddy” calling him ‘Hiddy’ was my little cute way of calling him my own. “When were in that locker room, I kept thinking about it, but you took down those guys with absolutely no effort. I couldn’t help notice that you could have done that sooner. And I mean. Why would you let them beat you up if you could easily beaten them up like that?”

  He didn’t answer, so I didn’t press on. I was satisfied with feeling a warm-tingling sensation from having cute, mysterious Hideshi as a friend. Teenage years were an especially torturous time for young girls like me. Having to deal with quickly approaching adult world, knowing my place in my world, and understanding the issues of identity. And even how racial tensions comprised most of my world. I mean a young man in Hideshi certainly had felt it, and our union, I felt was frowned upon. But I didn’t care and neither did he.

  The prom was coming up and I wanted Hideshi to ask me out. After the prom would be our finals, and then summer break, when Hideshi would finally return to his country. I wanted him to ask me out, but I felt that he was painfully shy or inexperienced in the matters of love. After having consulted countless teen magazines, I did everything to make me more attractive to Hideshi. I’ve mastered hinting indirectly how I wanted him to take me out for prom. But nothing worked. Maybe he thought our friendship had respected boundaries or maybe American prom was just an unfamiliar custom.

  “Hiddy,” I said as he practiced his body slams on the Samurai after class. “You know about the prom right?”

  The quick twisting of his hips quickly slammed the guard to ground lik
e a cement block. The muscular panels of his chest shone under the incandescent light. For an Asian guy, he sure was muscular, I thought to myself. But that was me being ignorant.

  “Yeah of course Cindee. I know you Americans have that custom.” His accent was getting better. He even had the inner-city drawl right. “There’s really nothing like it in my country.”

  “Well in this country,” I ventured. “The guy approaches the girl and asks her out for prom. Like a ‘date’ you know about dates don’t you Hideki?” I said as I shifted my weight.

  “You mean like in a relationship?” He said. For such a fierce fighting guy he had such a mellow voice. I saw him tremble a bit; I knew he was going to ask me out. I just have to fish it out of him. That would be a dream come true for me. To finally go out with the guy of my dreams, my mysterious hero-ninja, Hideki. A tingling sensation started forming in my tummy. I looked at the wonderfully shaped exotic eyes of Hideki, his straight silky hair of magnificent jet black.

  “Yes, Hideshi.” I said. “Like in a relationship. You know I have other guys ask me out to the prom but I declined them all. I’m still waiting for my first choice to ask me out.”

  “What do we do in prom exactly? Some girls had asked me to go out with them.” He said as he grabbed a towel to dab the sweat from the lining of his chest. I knew girls had asked him out, and I knew he had said no to them.

  “I’d love to go with you.” A storm of butterflies knotted my stomach. He said he loved to go with me! My cheeks reddened and I felt another crunching sensation from in my tummy.

  He sat on the bench besides me, just an arm-length away. Japanese were known to respect space. Then he inched closer to me with our shoulders rubbing together. I looked at him straight in the eye. I was certain he was going to ask me out.

  “Hideki..” I started panting. “In the prom.. we will be together. Like a couple; I mean as a date. We get to dance, laugh, cheer, and maybe…” I inched in closer to him. I wanted to lose myself to him.

  He inched closer still as he slowly wrapped his arms around my shoulder. He’d probably seen this in the many teen sitcoms we watched together. I wanted to melt right there and then.

  “Cindee” he started with that rich masculine eastern accent of the Japanese. “I have something to tell you..”

  “Go ahead Hideshi..”

  “In my culture, men are not supposed to express their feelings. We’re supposed to be stolid, you know, unmoving. But ever since, I met you…” His eyes darted around as if it were trying to find an untraceable point in the air. I think he was just nervous. “Well, I just.. ever since I met you.. feelings… emotions in me. I want to let it out. And you’re the only one that could make me feel this way… this affinity.. ”

  Affinity? Was that a loose translation of a Japanese crush? Come on Hideshi, say it. Say that you want me.

  “Go on Hideshi… don’t worry about it. I’m here for you.” I licked my lips sensing a sudden rush from the air.

  “Would you go to prom with me?” Then with one slick gesture he produced a beautiful Japanese red rose. Where did he get those? And most importantly. He must have thought about this even sooner before I even started hinting at it. What a slick boy Hideshi is.

  I quickly lunged to embrace him. I clenched my arms around the muscular panels of his back. I inhaled his sweet aroma, an exotic combination of pine, ground, sweetness, and overwhelmingly masculine. I hugged him as if he had fulfilled a promise to me. It was an innocent moment of childhood fulfillment.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked. I almost blurted out laughing. How clueless he appeared but how suave he really is.

  “Yes Hideshi. I’ll go out with you.” Then in an instant he put his muscular across me, leaned towards me, and looked at me straight in the eyes. I could feel his hot breathe as he inched towards me in a slow relaxed movement. I was mesmerized by the black pupils that shone with a dark sheet of opaque violet. It was as if the universe was crashing down on me. The gaze was so intense, so innocent, so beautifully Hideshi.

  The soft touch of his lips sent a shiver throughout my body. His soft pink lips glided with mine. Softness of tender flesh touched each other. I started stroking his long silky hair, feeling each strand caress the outline of my fingers.

  An adventurous tongue, gave me all the encouragement I needed. We were soon enveloped with dancing of our mouths.

  It was like this I met Hideshi.

  The next morning he was gone.

  “Good morning Cindee” the voice of Jazzy buzzed through. I was a professional now and my phone was hooked to my car audio system. I had to take these calls.

  “Good morning to ya’ Jazzy!” I said as I turned to an exit free ramp headed away from the city and into the fields of Omaha. I haven’t been to fields in a long time. The open spaces felt like an opened book with me riding thru the middle spine.

  “Glad you accepted the offer of the Tanada group. They’re one of our newest clients you know. They’ve fairly recently expanded to the US market. I sense a lot of opportunity to for you Cindee.” She buzzed as I put on my shades. It helped with the glare. But mostly it helped with the image that I wanted to project. A professional woman who was on the move.

  “If it’s opportunity then I’m your gal Jazzy.” I said as I inspected my hair in the rear view mirror. For some reason I wanted to look my very best.

  “You will report to the assistant director of facilities. Please inquire when you’re there.”

  “Yes boss! Will do!”

  “As always send me a description and a log of your hours. Accounting purposes. You’ll have a free reign on this one Cindee. Seems like somebody in there likes you.”

  “A free reign on my hours?” In this business that was almost an impossibility. I mean we could technically design a mock sketch in a day but bill them all for several months. “That’s awesome.”

  “That’s all for now. Good luck and be safe out there!”


  I couldn’t shake away the feeling that maybe Hideshi was there. Driving through the plains of this country had made me feel strangely melancholic. I was a grown woman now chock full of life experiences. I’ve managed to put myself in a situations that most of my friends could even dream of. I was well experienced with relationships. I’ve dated good men and bad men, and could accurately ascertain the two. My sexual experience had also been interesting, even opting for friends with benefits with certain colleagues of my mine. Heck, we all needed the release of pleasure from living the stress of our lives.

  But then there’s Hideshi. That empty feeling of having all of your hopes gone in a second. There’s no recovery from the obliteration of an innocent heart. A bleeding heart from the news that her prom date, hero-ninja, had suddenly left without good bye. Obliterated. It was just a silly memory, but at the time, it was everything to me. He was my everything as silly as it sounds. An Asian guy from overseas that had captured my heart.

  I sat crying for weeks leading up to prom. Even though I was quickly snatched for priom, I just couldn’t shake the idea that I would rather be with Hideshi. I loved him. It was a cheesy memory from the long past, but these memories served to one way reconnect ourselves later on in our life.

  The sloping hills finally turned flat. That is why architecture was so appealing. Every beam, trusses, every block, and pipe, were all interconnected to each other. Everything was part of a whole, and they work in conjunction with everything else. Time, I guess, is the biggest architecture of all. We will never know the final product until we get to the other side of the beam, the other side of time, and there we will find that it is indeed connected to something. When we step out of the building what we see is a story, conveyed as parts but appreciated as a whole.

  But these were not thoughts I would like to delve into at the moment. The pain of losing him back then when I was a frail young girl was too much. I’m strong woman now. And I need to focus on this project.

  I pushed the radio button to li
sten to the local broadcast.

  “Lonely? We at the lonely hearts club at the Omaha tavern barn are here to help..” the radio announcement irked me as I pressed the scan button.

  “Get your beef at the wholesale express meat express. Lowest prices GUARANTEED.” Again with the advertisement. Let me put it on the talk show frequency.

  “… this is important to the region’s economic growth. We need to have these types of investments to stimulate market demand. When a meat packing facility is opened, services are procured, giving opportunities to those who want to improve themselves… ” Sounds interesting. I turned up the volume to give it listen.

  “The Tanada group is doing exactly that with their newly opened Kobe beef plant on northern tip of Omaha. Have you tried Kobe beef? It is phenomenal. Even surpassing the USDA meat quality scale. We might have to invent a new type of scale to keep up with the new Japanese company. It is certain to spur demand on several fronts. I mean sure there are those are jealous of their success, and want to keep things all American. But I think we’ve reached a threshold that these foreign companies are already doing a lot of good to the American economy. We have our businesses in their countries and surely they have businesses in our country. America is a highly evolving place. Our businesses have to tackle with the issue of their identity.”


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