Resurrection of Artemis

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Resurrection of Artemis Page 2

by Izzy Szyn

  “So what do you want to do with your life?” Calypso asked.

  “Why not just come out and ask me what you really want to ask?” Amy told them. “You want to know if I’m Artemis, don’t you?”

  “We know you are,” Dark Master answered.

  “Is that why you were flirting with me at the coffee shop?” Amy felt stupid.

  “No, we want to fuck your brains out, let’s get that out there right now,” Calypso told her. “I want you in our bed, I want to eat your pussy like an ice cream cone.”

  Amy’s heart raced even faster, she could picture her doing just that. It took everything in her not to reach between her legs and touch herself. “If you want to know if I’m behind what’s happening here, I’m not. I don’t do that anymore. I certainly wouldn’t play with traffic lights. People could get hurt or killed. I just want to remain straight for the next five months so I can get a job at Adams.”

  “What do you want to do at Adams?” Dark Master asked.

  “Obviously work on computers,” Amy answered. “I’ve got a lot of ideas on building better computers. Also I have some games I want to develop. Artemis is dead and buried. She’s going to stay that way.”

  The silence was almost deafening as they sped through the city to her apartment building. When they stopped, the car was filled with a sexual energy that only a good fucking or three would satisfy, if it ever did. But that wasn’t happening tonight.

  “Thanks for the ride,” Amy told them after she got out of the car.

  “We haven’t begun to give you a ride yet,” Dark Master told her. “But we will soon. Sweet dreams, Artemis.” He was speeding off before she could reply.


  He watched as they drove off with her in their car. Probably questioning her about what has been happening around Quail City. Idiots. They, like everyone else, will only see what they want to see.

  “Sir? Ready to leave?” Carlos, one of his henchmen, asked.

  “Yes,” he replied getting into the car. Carlos was one of the best he’d had so far. Willing to do whatever was asked of him, no questions asked. “Did you get a look at her?”

  “Yeah, when she got in the Dark Prowler,” Carlos answered as he started to drive. He’d worked with a lot of criminals in the past, but this guy Hinderer, or whatever he called himself, was almost certifiably crazy. But the money was good. He’d managed to stash a lot money to the side since landing this job. Soon beaches and palm trees will be in his future.

  “Good.” He had plans for Artemis, ones that she wouldn’t be able to refuse. Sooner or later she will cave. She was weak. Just like the people who created her. They couldn’t keep their clothes on, as a result, she was born with the gifts that should have been his.

  He was good with computers and technology, but she was even better, as much as he’d hate to admit it to anyone. He needed her to complete his plan. One that will bring the citizens of Quail City to their knees.


  “If only the good citizens of Quail City could see Dark Master now,” teased Noah Adams’ assistant, both in the office and out of it, Vanessa London, also known as Calypso. Her hands were circling his hard cock, before sliding it inside her mouth.

  “Hopefully the good citizens, oh shit, will behave themselves,” moaned Noah. His hands began tangling in Vanessa’s glorious brown curls. Holding her head still, he started to move.

  Even after being together for four years, it hadn’t dampened their attraction for each other. Noah may be one of the richest men on the planet, but he was still a man. A man who loved getting his cock sucked. She loved him more now than she did when she first met him. But as much as they loved each other, they both knew something was missing. Or someone.

  “You’re thinking about her, aren’t you?” Vanessa said to Noah.

  “So are you,” he answered back. “What did you think of our conversation with our little hacker?”

  “I think that she’s telling the truth, but lying to herself,” Vanessa replied.

  “What do you mean?” Noah asked.

  “I don’t think she is behind what’s been happening here in Quail City lately. I don’t think that Artemis is as dead as she thinks she is. She’d be a valuable asset to our team. You know it as well as I do,” Vanessa told him.

  “She wants us, too,” Noah groaned as Vanessa took him deep into her throat, flexing her throat muscles. Damn, she was good at that. Thinking about Amy joining them, sucking his balls or sucking Vanessa’s breasts, made him swell larger.

  “Do you think she is involved with someone else?” questioned Vanessa, licking the vein around his shaft. Moving her hand up and down as a drop of pre-cum appeared at the tip.

  “If she is, we’ll just have to extricate her from the situation. She’s ours, she just doesn’t know it yet,” Noah tilted his head back.

  “Excuse me, sir? Miss?” said Noah’s butler Al. “I hate to interrupt.”

  Vanessa turned her head, “What is it Al?”

  “Something’s happened.”

  “It can wait a few minutes,” Vanessa answered. “He’ll never fit in his costume like this.”

  “Very good,” Al said before shutting the door.

  Noah lifted Vanessa and carried her to the wall, before sliding her down on his cock, loving the clouded look in her eyes as he filled her.


  Amy stood under the hot shower spray, her hand between her thighs, her fingers inside of her. Hearing the voices of Calypso and Dark Master in her head. Hearing them telling her to fuck herself harder. Her fingers slick with her liquid.

  The minute she walked into her apartment, she kicked her shoes off and placed her tote bag on the chair, before heading straight for the bathroom, stripping her clothes off along the way. She saw something floating to the floor, looking down she saw the money they’d given her. Picking it up, Amy placed it on the table. She needed a shower. A COLD one. She gritted her teeth stepping in, but the cold shower only made her teeth chatter. Giving up, she turned the water to hot.

  Getting out of the shower, her stomach started to growl. Wrapping a towel around her head, she walked into the bedroom. Once again, saw the money staring at her. Deciding to order pizza courtesy of Dark Master and Calypso, she picked up her phone and placed the order on the app of her phone, before throwing some clothes on.

  She thought about putting on a bra, but there was no one that would be impressed. The pizza delivery guy was usually so stoned he’d never even notice. Seeing she had about an hour, she decided to call her mom. “Hi Mom.”

  “How was work?” Her mother, Ruby, asked. “Did you see him?”

  . “Not today, not even his assistant,” replied Amy. “But you’ll never guess who I met today.”

  “Who?” Ruby replied.

  “Dark Master and Calypso, they even gave me a ride home,” Amy told her.

  “Wait, they drove you home? Do you think they know who you are?”

  “They definitely know who I am. Or was,” answered Amy. Just thinking about them again made her shower pointless. “The traffic lights in the area were turned off. They came in the coffee shop just before I got off and started asking questions.” And flirted, but she wasn’t telling her mother that part.

  “What did you tell them?”

  “I told them that Artemis was dead,” Amy told her. “I’ve got five more months before I can think about quitting The Bean Dive. I’m not going to mess it up by playing with traffic lights.”

  “I still don’t think it was fair to punish you like that,” Ruby told her daughter. “You were helping people.”

  “Mom, some people don’t see it that way,” Amy answered.

  Amy, like a lot of kids, was raised in a single parent household. Her father, a wealthy businessman, refused to pay child support. Even though there was a court order for him to pay child support, he never did, and because of who he was they never went after him. Ruby had to work two jobs just to keep a roof over
their heads and food on the table. There were many times that they had to cash in bottles and cans to get enough money for dinner.

  Luckily, their neighbor, an elderly gentleman named Mr. Gregory, offered to babysit Amy while her mother worked. He never had any children and treated Amy like she was his grandchild. Mr. Gregory was also good with electronics, especially computers. He taught Amy everything he knew.

  Mr. Gregory made it seem like a game at first. Soon though, Amy became the teacher rather than the student. She was twelve when she discovered the world of hacking. And she was good at it. She learned early on not to leave any traces behind. Instead of discouraging her, Mr. Gregory encouraged her to continue. Using her newfound knowledge, Amy started to dip into one of her birth father’s many accounts. Only taking out the money that he owed her mother. Than setting up an account at another bank for her mother.

  Ruby didn’t have a clue as to why or how she was finally starting to get child support from Amy’s father. Only that for the first time she was able to provide food for her daughter and not have to sweat over paying rent, utilities, or buying food. She was just grateful and soon was able to quit her second job. Amy and Ruby now had something they always wanted, time to be together more.

  When Amy learned of a friend with a similar situation, Amy thought nothing about going into the account of her friend’s father and getting the money that he owed, that he claimed he didn’t have. Soon word spread about her computer skills. She gave herself the nickname of Artemis, named after the rumored daughter of Zeus and the twin sister of Apollo. One of Amy’s favorite classes in high school was history. Especially Greek mythology. She felt a connection to Artemis, who was described as a protector of young girls.

  People soon came to her, seeking help in getting money to help take care of their kids, or if they needed help paying for their medical needs, or stopping the utility companies from shutting off things like electricity and heat. Amy did it without a qualm. At first she didn’t take money from them, but people insisted. As her bank account grew, so did her cockiness. Like most people on the wrong side of the law, Amy never thought she would get caught. But like most good things, her computer career came to a screeching halt when the police showed up at her door. Even though Amy was careful, she wasn’t careful enough.

  When she was confronted by the man who donated his sperm to her mother, she was instantly grateful that he was absent from her life. Rather than let it be known that this well respected “family man” was the father of an illegitimate child, he agreed to making a deal with her. In exchange for no prison time, Amy agreed not to work with computers for five years. She also wouldn’t let word get out that she was his child and ruin his tenuous relationship with his wife and family.

  “Amy? Turn on your TV, now,” urged Ruby.

  “Why? What’s going on?” Amy grabbed her remote and turned on her favorite news station.

  “Are you sure you were at work?” questioned Ruby.

  “Is Artemis back? That’s the question authorities are asking this evening, when money started shooting money from ATMs across Quail City,” the news reporter was saying.

  “Mom, I swear I didn’t do it,” Amy defended herself.

  “I believe you. But will the authorities? Or even worse, your father?” Ruby sounded worried. “This almost looks like what you used to do. You just might be seeing Dark Master and Calypso sooner than you think.”

  “I wonder if that’s the intention of whoever is behind this?” asked Amy. “What if they’re trying to pin the blame on me? Divert everyone’s attentions in my direction, while having something even more sinister in mind? Maybe that’s why they showed up at the coffee shop?”

  “I’ve thought about that, too,” Ruby admitted. “But why? More importantly, who?”

  Amy’s stomach flipped when there was a knock on the door. Telling herself that it could be the pizza guy, but knowing in her heart that it was no doubt them. They were here, at her door. About to undo everything she’d accomplished in the shower. “Mom, someone’s at my door.”

  “Gee, I wonder who? Do you think they’d be willing to take a selfie with you?” wondered Ruby.

  “You’re so funny, Mom,” Amy replied.

  “Amy, open up the door,” Dark Master said from the other side.

  “I’ll call you back later,” Amy promised before hanging up. Opening her door, she started with, “Sorry, I was on the phone. I already know why you’re here and I didn’t do it.”

  “There have been incidents that prove the contrary,” Calypso stood next to her. “How do we know that you didn’t already have it planned out when we drove you home?’

  “The ATM incident this evening was a classic Artemis stunt,” Dark Master stood on the other side of her. “Why?”

  “I swear to you, I’ve not been responsible for anything that has been going on in Quail City,” Amy told them. Damn, they made her insides melt. Maybe if she pretended she did it, they’d frisk her?

  “That’s interesting, since we traced the computer signal to your apartment,” Dark Master said. “I know you have a computer, where is it?”

  “In my bedroom.” Amy made the mistake of looking into his eyes. It occurred to her that she’d seen them somewhere before. Just not sure where.

  “Which way?” asked Calypso.

  “I’ll go and get it, it’s right down the hall,” Amy responded.

  “No, I’ll get it,” Calypso told her. Oh crap, Calypso will probably think she was a slob. Her hamper was overflowing, not having change to do laundry, she’d just gotten quarters earlier at work. “This is interesting.” Calypso commented walking back with the laptop in her hand.

  Great, now they’ll think she was a pervert or something, she thought when she heard the music from the game she’d been creating. “Umm, I can explain.”

  “Can’t wait to hear it,” Dark Master walked over to Calypso and looked at the computer screen. “Did you create this?”


  Dark Master looked at her. “A sex game?”

  Calypso handed the computer to Dark Master. “It looks like a simulation game.”

  “Yeah, I love playing role playing games, but I’d get bored because I really couldn’t do what I wanted with the characters. There needs to be, in my opinion, more games that women would like to play. Most of the sex simulation games are on porn sites where the women are helpless, stupid, or whatever. In my game you can either play it safe, or you can increase the heat level,” explained Amy.

  “Why haven’t you marketed it yet?” Dark Master asked her, staring into her eyes. Then it clicked. Holy crap, Dark Master is Noah Adams. She’d know those steel colored eyes anywhere. If Noah was Dark Master, than his assistant Vanessa London must be Calypso.

  Shaking her head to answer the question, she told him, “I’m still banned for another six months,” she reminded him. “I’ve been working on this and other stuff for when I’m finally able to apply at tech companies.”

  “I like it,” Calypso sat down on the couch with the laptop. “I like that you can change things up. Tell me Amy, have you ever done this?”

  Glancing on the screen, Amy saw three people in bed together, a guy was getting a blowjob from two girls. Just looking at it, produced images of the three of them together. In their bed. Sharing Noah’s cock with Vanessa.

  Amy sat next to Calypso and really looked at her. Just as she thought, Vanessa London was Calypso. No wonder she was so attracted to them. They were the same people. She felt somewhat better that she wasn’t as fickle as she feared. “No.” But she wanted to. With them.

  “You’re thinking about it now though, aren’t you?” Noah aka Dark Master said to her. “Except that it’s me on the bed, Calypso sucking my balls, and your lips wrapped around my cock? Wondering how deep in your throat I can get?”

  “Maybe” She replied. “But, I’m not the only one thinking about it. Just because you’re a superhero, doesn’t mean you’re not a normal man.” smiling t
o herself when she saw his eyes change to lust. Was he going to kiss her? She could tell that he wanted to.

  “I like that you don’t back down from a challenge,” Calypso said to her. “I’d love to share his cock with you some day. Taste your pussy after he fills it with his come.”

  The sexual tension in the air was so thick it wouldn’t take much for her to rip her clothes off. But someone may be watching, and she didn’t want to run the risk of someone else discovering their identity. She’d never tell, but there were others that would scream it from the highest rooftops.

  “Let’s get back to the original reason why we’re here,” Dark Master cleared his throat. Taking the computer, he typed something into it. “From this computer, Amy has been telling the truth. But I’m sure this isn’t your only computer.”

  “What do you mean?” Amy asked. Surely he didn’t know. He might suspect, but he wouldn’t know.

  “You have other computer equipment here,” Dark Master challenged. “Where is it?”

  “Now Amy, you wouldn’t be keeping stuff from us, would you?” Calypso asked.

  Amy argued with herself in her head. If she showed them, then they may think that she was behind what happened. It was a damned if she did, damned if she didn’t situation. “I’ll show you,” Amy sighed.

  She led the way back to her bedroom, conscious of the two people following her. Pressing a button behind the light switch panel, the wall slid open. Seeing her computer equipment made her sigh.

  “Very impressive,” Dark Master said stepping inside.

  “Thanks,” Amy beamed despite herself. “You can see for yourself, it hasn’t been used in a long time. I mainly use it when I’m in the developmental stages of something I’m designing.”

  Calypso and Dark Master walked over to the computer with the duo monitors. “I’m surprised that you don’t have the latest.”

  “The latest costs money, which I don’t have much of right now,” Amy answered. “It works, that’s all that matters to me. Maybe after I get Noah Adams or someone in his company to let me work for them I might be able to upgrade.”


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