Resurrection of Artemis

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Resurrection of Artemis Page 7

by Izzy Szyn

  “Yes,” Commissioner sighed at his long-time secretary Mildred.

  “Mr. Williams is demanding to see you,” Mildred rolled her eyes. “He’s upset that Artemis isn’t in jail.”

  “Did you tell him that Dark Master and Calypso are dealing with her?”

  “Yes, but he…” Mildred started to reply when Williams walked in.

  “You were told to have her arrested. She broke her ban,” Williams demanded.

  “Mr. Williams, Dark Master told me the reason behind what she did. It’s not safe for her to be incarcerated, and she’s agreed to help to find the real culprit behind what’s been happening here in Quail City,” James told him.

  “The real culprit is probably fucking those two,” Williams replied. “The only culprit is Artemis.”

  Silently, James agreed on the personal relationship between the three of them. The other stuff though? James agreed that it appeared that someone was trying to frame her. The fact that the man in front of her is her father and demanding her arrest, made James want to Taser his ass. “Mr. Williams, there’s no evidence connecting her to the events that have happened here in Quail city. Furthermore, there is evidence to support that your daughter is in danger.”

  “She’s not my daughter,” denied Williams.

  “You can deny her all you want, but you are her biological father,” James pointed out. “Surely you don’t want her to get hurt. Or do you?” Could Williams be behind what’s going on? Or one of his sons? Word around Quail City was that a couple of his sons had tech abilities, too. One of them had started his own company, but it failed. Rumors circulated for years that he was not stable mentally and didn’t have the business sense of a flea.

  “I want her in jail tonight,” Williams declined to answer.

  Asswipe, James thought. “Well, that’s not going to happen,” James thought. “You may not care, but I refuse to take the chance that an innocent young woman could be harmed or killed. She will remain in the hands of Dark Master and Calypso.”

  “We’ll see about this,” warned Williams. “You’ll be hearing from the Governor.”


  Ha, he didn’t need her after all, Hinderer thought, touching some keys on the computer. His plan was almost in place. But first he wanted to give them a sample of what was coming.

  He wasn’t really that surprised when he went to the coffee shop where she worked and she wasn’t there. One of her co-workers told him this was her day off. She was probably hiding out at wherever the crime fighters lived. But she had to come back out sooner or later.

  It never even crossed his mind that she might help them bring him to justice.


  Amy still couldn’t get over the fact that she was actually going to be working with Noah and Vanessa. Inside Amy was jumping for joy, outside she remained calm. She couldn’t wait to show them the stuff she’d been working on.

  “Do you have a lawyer?” Noah asked.

  “No,” Amy answered. “Why, do I need one?”

  “Yes, one that handles patents and copyrights,” Noah told her.

  “We have the names of a couple of good ones,” Vanessa said to her.

  “I just never thought of needing one,” confessed Amy. “I can’t really afford one, and before you offer, no. I’m not letting you pay for it.”

  “How about you consider it a loan?” Noah offered. “You’ve got good ideas. I really liked that game that you developed, even though I’d only seen a few seconds of it.”

  “Thanks,” Amy replied. “I’ll think about your offer.”

  “Good,” Noah walked over to her. “You are one talented, sexy lady.”

  “Thanks, again.” Amy’s pulse started to beat faster.

  “Maybe when this whole thing is over we should take a trip,” suggested Vanessa. “We haven’t taken time off in years.”

  “But how will Quail City deal without you guys for a couple days?” Amy teased them.

  “Not days, weeks,” Noah corrected her.

  Before she could reply the phone on Noah’s desk started to ring. Almost sounded like the ding of the microwave. “It’s the Commissioner,” Noah looked at her regretfully. “When this chat is over, we need to discuss how we’re going to find Hinderer.”

  “Okay,” agreed Amy.

  “Yes, Commissioner?” Noah said into the phone.

  Vanessa stood up and stretched, “I’m ready for lunch. Are you hungry?”

  “Yeah,” Amy stood up. She wondered if Vanessa’s idea of lunch meant real food, or something else? Her pussy flexed in anticipation, but her stomach growled. It’d been a while since she’d eaten anything.

  “I think we’ll get food first and then you can be our dessert,” Vanessa kissed her lightly on the lips.

  “Okay,” Amy readily agreed.

  “Hold on, Commissioner,” Noah said loudly. “I’m going to put you on speaker phone. You two have to hear this, especially you Artemis.” Pressing a button on the phone, he set the receiver down. “Okay Commissioner tell them what you told me.”

  “Artemis? While I may have disagreed with your methods when you were younger, I know why you felt you had to do what you did. That being said, Williams was in here just a little while ago demanding your arrest. I told him that you were working with Dark Master and Calypso to bring whoever this Hinderer is to justice. But he keeps insisting that I either arrest you, or he’ll go to the Governor to have me fired.”

  Amy started to panic. She didn’t want to go to jail. Vanessa, seeing the pale look on her face, held her hand. “It’s going to be okay. You’re not going to jail,” she promised. “Did you tell him that her life could be in danger?”

  “Yes, but he didn’t care.” Commissioner James replied.

  “What would appease him? Getting my ass spanked in public? Whipped?” Amy asked.

  “Hey, that may not be a bad idea,” Dark Master answered.

  “I was just kidding,” Amy told him. “I have no wish to be put on public display while the two of you whip or paddle me, or something. I refuse to be humiliated that way.”

  Vanessa rubbed her hand over Amy’s rear. “I promise you’ll enjoy what happens after.” She whispered in Amy’s ear. “There’s spankings, then there’s spankings.”

  “What, you’re going to fuck me on camera afterwards?”

  “You’d enjoy it,” Noah assured her.

  “You did enjoy what happened last night,” Vanessa whispered in her ear.

  “But that was a private thing between the three of us,” Amy continued to protest. “Isn’t public punishment illegal?” Amy questioned them. She saw it in their eyes they were serious. They wanted to spank her.

  “In some places, yes, in Quail City, no,” Noah answered.

  Amy started to rethink her position on being here. If they cared about her at all they’d never consider humiliating her in public. Being spanked by them in the bedroom was one thing, but for the whole planet to see? NO WAY IN HELL. “Umm,” she couldn’t think what to say, in the first time in forever. She felt like they stomped on her in some way.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Noah came over to her, pulling her stiff body into his arms.

  “I think she’s scared,” Vanessa came up to them, smoothing the hair behind Amy’s ear.

  Amy felt worse than she did when Williams had her escorted out of his office by security. She had to find a way out of here. Maybe she should just confront Hinderer? Even if he killed her, she couldn’t feel worse than she did right now.

  “I think the spanking thing was a really bad idea,” Commissioner James said over the speaker. “No one would allow themselves to be publicly humiliated like that. Ms. Wilson? If you want to leave, I’ll personally find you a place where you’ll be safe until Hinderer is caught.

  “First off, she isn’t going anywhere,” Noah in his scariest Dark Master voice. “We might’ve been out of line with that spanking comment, but we’d never purposely hurt her.” Noah tilted her he
ad up, “Sweetheart, you belong with us. I’m sorry that we scared you.”

  Amy heard them as if at a distance. She wasn’t sure what to believe. If they’d cared about her they’d never consider humiliating her like that. What about the commissioner? Wasn’t it his job to protect and serve everyone? Not just the people who had a lot of money?

  “Ms. Wilson? I brought you some tea,” Al appeared out of nowhere.

  “Commissioner? We’ll call you right back,” promised Vanessa. She was really worried. It was as if the person that they’d loved all these months had gone somewhere.

  Vanessa saw the same worried look on Noah’s face. His face was showing the feelings that they’d never fully admitted to each other that they had for Amy. Noah lifted Amy and carried her to the living room.

  Vanessa went to the fireplace and turned it on, they had to reach to Amy. It was as if she wasn’t there. Vanessa knelt on the floor by Amy’s feet, taking her hands in hers. “Amy, come back to us. Honey, we’re sorry,” Vanessa kissed her cheek.

  Amy started to shiver, the room was warm, but she was freezing. She heard Noah and Vanessa talking to her, but didn’t really want to listen. She didn’t know what was happening to her, but she suspected maybe it was a panic attack.

  They said that they wouldn’t hurt her, but what if they were just saying that? She realized she was stuck in this house, no clothes other than the ones they took her into custody with. Did she substitute one potential dangerous situation with another?

  She had no idea how long she sat on the couch, but suddenly things started to focus again. Noah and Vanessa had their arms still wrapped around her, soothing her. “Amy?”

  Was that her mom? How did she get here? “Mom?”

  “Oh, thank goodness,” her mother sighed in relief. “You had us scared. Noah came to get me, said you needed me. He told me everything.”

  Amy struggled to get out of Noah’s arms. She felt hot and sticky and needed a shower. “I don’t know what happened. I could hear everyone, but it was as if I wasn’t really here.”

  “Honey, you’ve been through a lot,” Ruby sat next to her. “You were only a few months away from you achieving what you’d worked so hard for. But this Hinderer thing has us all worried.”

  “You know about him?”

  “Yes,” Noah stood up and handed her his cellphone. “Try making a call.”

  Amy took a look at the screen and instantly saw there were no bars, and the words NO SERVICE, were at the top. “What’s going on?”

  “Somehow Hinderer managed what he planned. Television stations are only on when Hinderer delivers his message.” Vanessa informed her.

  “Then what are you doing here?” Amy asked. “Shouldn’t you be looking for him?”

  “You’re more important,” Noah said to her.

  “Ms. Wilson, do you mind if we have a moment with your daughter?” Vanessa asked her.

  “Call me Ruby,” she replied.

  “Al? Will you show Ruby to her room?” Noah asked.

  “Certainly,” Al answered. “You two have some serious making up to do. I want a front row seat when she is ready to kick your asses.”


  He smiled as he watched the chaos that ensued. He, of course, made sure that he wasn’t affected by what he did. People freaking out because they couldn’t update their silly statuses, couldn’t post comments or make phone calls. No one went to work, because the stop lights weren’t working.

  Criminals were having a blast looting businesses, taking things that they wouldn’t know what to do with later. The door opened, and he stepped in. “You’ve got to stop this,” his father insisted.

  “I will, in just a couple more hours. This is just a taste of what they’ll get,” Hinderer told his father. His father stood there glaring at him. If he just moved a few inches more to the right, his father would have something to glare at him about. “Did you contact the Governor?”

  “Yes, and he’s refusing to fire Commissioner James,” His father stepped a little closer towards him.

  “Any word on where she is?” Hinderer thought it was interesting to watch his father squirm.

  “No, but I suspect she is with Dark Master and Calypso,” Williams answered.

  “All this is your fault,” Hinderer said to him.

  “How is it my fault? You’re the one responsible for everything that’s been going on,” his father defended himself.

  “Excuse me, sir?” Said his newest henchman, John.

  “Where is she?” demanded Hinderer.

  “She wasn’t there,” John answered.

  “Your orders were simple, go to the bitches’ mother’s house and get her,” Hinderer walked up to him. “Why didn’t you wait for her to come back?”

  “I spoke with her neighbors, they told me that she had a suitcase in her hand and had gotten into a car,” John informed him.

  “I see,” Hinderer stood in front of John.

  “We’ll get her another way,” his father said to Hinderer. “At the coffee shop tomorrow.”

  “If she goes in,” John said.

  “What are you talking about?” Hinderer asked.

  “Well, with all the lights out and computer systems down, it’s going to make it hard for anyone to go to work,” John replied.

  “You do have a point,” Hinderer said.

  “Maybe you should forget this whole thing?” His father suggested.

  “Forget the whole thing?” Hinderer saw red. His father just proved what he’d always thought. He was just a weak, pathetic excuse for a human being. “You’d like that wouldn’t you? But, seeing how this is all your fault...”

  “How is it my fault?” Williams asked yet again.

  “If you’d kept your pants zipped all those years ago, then we wouldn’t be in this situation. She got the genes that were intended for me. She’d walk by me at school, despite her clothes obviously being from the used clothing store, but she’d look right past me. Like ha-ha, you might be legitimate, but I got the tech skills you should’ve been born with.”

  The look in his son’s eyes, for the first time, scared Williams. He needed to find a way to extricate himself from what was about to go down. No way in hell was he going to lose everything. “So how do you plan on getting her?”

  “I’m not going to, you are,” his son said to him.

  “What if I refuse?” Williams asked.

  “Good question. I was sort of hoping for it, actually” Hinderer walked over to John who was standing in the right spot. Taking John’s hand, he held it palm up, taking joy in the yelp of pain from the slash of the knife across his palm. The blood began dripping down his hand.

  “What the hell?” John cried out, grabbing a handkerchief from his pocket to stop the blood from flowing. “I’m going to need stitches.”

  “There isn’t enough stitches in the world to help you,” Hinderer said before pushing the button and watching John fall below. The screams were almost like music to his ears, before he closed the floor once more. “If you don’t want to become shark chow, you better figure out how to bring her here.”


  “Let’s get one thing clear,” Noah said to Amy. “You’re not leaving here, now or ever.”

  “You can’t force me to stay,” Amy replied. “I’m not sure that I can be involved with people who might decide to humiliate me in public that way.”

  “Amy, look at me,” Noah said. When she finally did, he continued. “I know I can safely say this for Vanessa, as well as myself, we love you. We have for a long time. I’d like to think until what happened earlier, that you had feelings for us, too.”

  “It just scared me,” Amy admitted. “That the two of you would casually talk about spanking me in public. Granted, I liked what you did in the computer room, but it was private. Between us. But being spanked in public? I have a sperm donor who wants to humiliate me and my mother by putting me in jail. I’m not sure I can handle people t
hat say they care about me wanting to humiliate me, too.”

  “It was a bad choice of words,” Vanessa admitted. “We’d never hurt you like that. Noah’s right. We love you. I think I’ve been in love with you since we first met. The spanking in public was totally out of line. We’d never hurt a hair on your head on purpose.”

  “I just feel like my life is out of control,” Amy admitted. “I’ve done nothing to him in years. The only contact I’ve had with him and his family is when Graham comes into The Bean Dive. He’s an even bigger ass than his father. There’s something cold and calculated there that gives me the creeps. Even in school. There were rumors around that he hurt people, but because of who he was, it was covered up.”

  “Hurt how?” Vanessa asked.

  “I’m not sure, but you know how rumors are, especially in school. You could have a scratch on your knee, but by the time word spreads you’ve got an amputated leg or something,” Amy said.

  “Do you forgive us?” Noah tilted her head to look at her. “I swear on my life that we’ll never put that look of fear in your eyes again. I’m going to make up for it for the rest of my life.”

  “You promise to never threaten to publicly humiliate me again?”

  “Sweetheart, the only thing we want to do to you is make you scream our name as you come,” Vanessa said. “But we also want you to work with us, in every way. Not just at Noah’s company, but as Artemis.”

  “But this is a one-time thing,” Amy told them. Fight crime with them on a permanent basis? It may not be a bad idea, and a way to redeem herself. Some might think what she did wasn’t wrong, but others thought of her as a criminal. Maybe she can change their opinion?

  “We’ve never wanted anything more than for you to stay with us,” Noah replied. “The first time we saw you, we both felt the attraction. I felt guilty at first because I wanted you with the same fierceness that I wanted Vanessa.”

  “Same here,” Vanessa said. “I love being with Noah. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a guy. But when I saw you, I wanted you, too. We’d only planned to visit the coffee shop that one time.


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