Junkyard Queen (Alexa O'Brien Huntress Book 12)

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Junkyard Queen (Alexa O'Brien Huntress Book 12) Page 16

by Trina M. Lee

  Nova fell quiet for some time, simply savoring the essence of debauchery and devilry. Finally he asked, “What would you be willing to give in exchange for assistance with Willow?” Ignoring the guttural groans and cries from the bonfire orgy grew more difficult with Nova’s scarlet gaze upon me.

  Bargaining with an incubus demon could only go one way; no secret, he wanted a taste of me. It wasn’t personal. I was merely a new flavor in the candy shop. And he wanted a lick.

  “Are you asking if I’ll fuck you? Because that’s never going to happen. I don’t do demons.”

  “Bold claim coming from the lover of a fallen angel.” Nova side-eyed me with a challenge. “What makes him any different? He’s fallen. Cast out. There is no light left in him.”

  But there is though.

  The thought rose unbidden. I didn’t believe Falon to be capable of goodness, not real, true angelic goodness. But somewhere deep inside I disagreed with Nova.

  Son of a bitch.

  Instead of responding to Nova’s inquiry, I hit back with my own challenge. “You just can’t understand why I’ll take him as a lover and not you. It bothers you, doesn’t it? Because we’re the same, you and I? You think I should want you because you’re an incubus. And it drives you nuts that I don’t.”

  “I thought you came here to get help,” he replied, turning away from the fire. “You want something from me, that means I get to ask the questions.”

  “Fine. You want to know what makes Falon different? He walks his own path. It might not be dark or light—maybe it’s a little of both—but he owns it, and he doesn’t give a shit what you or I or anyone else thinks of that.” I heard myself say it, shocked when I recognized it as truth.

  Nova ambled back to the church, gliding over the snow and ice, robe flowing around him, all dark and still somehow ethereal. He turned to me when we reached the back steps. He pinned me with a scrutinizing stare that bore into me, invasive in his search. There was a touch against my power as he psychically poked at me. Searching, seeking, finding.

  I held his gaze, refusing to let him get a rise out of me. What he did was blatantly rude, so I poked back, a little power shove. Just enough to convey that I wouldn’t be messed with.

  “He’s yours,” Nova said so matter-of-factly that it stunned me to the core. “How intriguing. I didn’t think a vampire could lay such a claim to an immortal.”

  That wasn’t right. Nothing about this conversation was going as planned. Trying to conceal my surprise, I shrugged like his words meant nothing. “I have no idea what you’re going on about.”

  “Like hell you don’t. They become ours. Some of them. The ones we lure in so deep they can never escape us. You know damn well exactly what I mean. As does Kale Sinclair…” A haughty grin lit up Nova’s face. “Among others, I presume.”

  Of course he knew things about me I’d rather he didn’t. That was how The Circle worked. They compiled information on all of us. I’d found files that Veryl had kept on everyone who worked for them under his watch.

  “Falon isn’t mine,” I declared, defensive in the face of his certainty. “Not that it matters. It has nothing to do with why I’m here.”

  Nova wagged his finger in my face. “Avoidance. Nice tactic. So tell me how you did it, how you claimed Falon. That’s what I want in exchange for my assistance.”

  He really thought I knew. I didn’t realize I’d done anything to Falon; as far as I knew, claiming him wasn’t an option. Although the entity at the FPA building sure thought it possible.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t. Or if I did, then it must’ve been the same as any other.” Annoyed now with his intrusive questioning, I decided that perhaps I didn’t need Nova’s help after all. “Just forget I ever came here.” I pivoted on a heel to leave.

  Nova’s hand encircled my upper arm in a vice-like grip. “Why so quick to leave if you’re not hiding something, Alexa?”

  Instinct kicked in, and I hit him with an energy blast. It thrust him back, but since he didn’t let go of my arm, he dragged me with him. I fell into his chest with a thud.

  Lucky for me, he hadn’t grabbed my dagger arm. Using my free hand I withdrew the Dragon Claw. “Get your hands off me, Nova.”

  He held tight for just a second longer before releasing me. Raising both hands he eyed my dagger. “You’d really use that on me? An elder member of The Circle?”

  “If you give me enough reason, then yeah.” I brandished the weapon, ready to hack his fool head off.

  I could feel eyes upon us as those nearby took notice of the lowly Hound threatening one of their own. The last thing I needed was another demon problem.

  Time to take my leave.

  “If you’ve done something to Falon, The Circle will not overlook it. Enslaving immortals will be highly frowned upon.” Slowly Nova lowered his hands. That serpentine tail flicked like mad behind him.

  “Enslaving immortals?” A bark of laughter burst out. “If I knew how to do that, do you think I’d need help with Willow? Give me a break.”

  Nova looked successfully chagrined. “So how do you explain Falon’s attachment to you? Mere succubus talent?”

  I saw an opportunity to throw Nova’s own words back in his face. At our first meeting, he’d openly mocked my interest in Falon “What can I say? I’m just that good.” Before he could stop me, I stalked away.

  Snow crunched beneath my boots, as I made my way to the gate. This had been a waste of precious time.

  “If you want to stop Willow,” Nova called, “you’ll have a greater chance of success if you use your twin flame bond. After all, that’s why such a bond is created.”

  I turned to face him, walking backward now. “Oh? And what do I owe you for that prime piece of advice?”

  Nova’s lips peeled back in a grin that revealed his four sharp fangs. He said not a word as he watched me go.


  “Enslave immortals. Can you believe he said that? He’s such a dick.” I’d left the Black Market bristling with frustration that I needed to vent.

  Jez listened while I bitched and moaned. Sipping a Sprite, she nodded, attentive and sympathetic to my plight. “If only it were that easy, huh? To just enslave a demon. Clearly Falon is a special case. Nova should know that. He’s an incubus.”

  “He’s a stupid asshole too,” I muttered.

  The Wicked Kiss had returned to normal. Any signs of the party the night before had been cleaned up, and I made a note to give the day staff a bonus. It was calm tonight. Even some of the regulars were absent, likely sleeping off a blood hangover.

  “So where were you last night?” I asked. “I expected you to come by.”

  Jez twisted a golden lock from her ponytail around a finger. “I figured it would be vampire central here, more than usual. So I hung out with Smudge.”

  “Smudge? Do tell.”

  “It’s not like that.” Her coy smile betrayed her. “She’s training me, teaching me the ways of The Circle watchdog. She figured since I was already doing P.I. stuff, it only made sense.”

  I chuckled. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense. But your heart rate just went up. You like her.”

  “I’m getting to know her. That’s all.” A lovely smile curved Jez’s lips, but sadness flitted through her eyes. “I’m not jumping into anything fast. It’s… risky.”

  It had been about six months since Jez’s girlfriend, Zoey Roberts, was murdered. She’d made significant progress since then. Healing had recently begun, but only after an ugly stint with drugs and partying.

  “Getting to know each other is good. Take your time. Enjoy the ride.” I wanted nothing more than for Jez to be happy.

  Despite everything she’d gone through, she always managed to find a reason to laugh. The woman had a dark seed within her, a piece of her demon father, and even that didn’t keep her from living. I admired that strength.

  “So,” I continued. “A watchdog? Does that mean you won’t be running the streets with me

  Like the watchful cat she was, her green gaze flicked about the room, assessing, then lingered on the front entry. “We haven’t run the streets together for some time. I miss it. But I think monitoring the city is important. Smudge could use the help. And I have the skills.”

  That she did. I couldn’t imagine a better creature to take on such a task. A werecat had all the right senses, the speed, and the ability to slink through the dark unseen.

  “Is it cool with you?” she asked. “I’m supposed to be part of your team. So if you need me for anything, just say the word.”

  My team. Yeah, I supposed I should probably work on putting that together. Veryl had a team. I’d been on it. Now I’d be running one. What an odd turn of events.

  “No, it’s cool. If you want to play watchdog, then that works for me. I trust that you can make your own decisions regarding where you’ll best serve The Circle.” I paused, thinking about how much had changed in the past year or so. “It’s kind of crazy, isn’t it? We used to be so in the dark about this stuff. Just patrolling the streets as instructed. Never seeing who pulled the strings from behind the curtain.”

  Her nod made her ponytail bounce. Sliding her hand over to the phone sitting on the table in front of her, she checked the time. “It’s nice to know who’s behind the scenes.”

  I studied her, tentatively assessing her energy. Mild tension. Tightly reined apprehension. I kept up the idle chit chat until I caught her glance toward the door again. “What’s up, Jez? You seem antsy. Are you expecting someone?”

  Her gaze dropped to her drink. A non-alcoholic drink. Not her usual by any means. She started to speak a few times, stopped, and started again. It began to drive me nuts.

  “Lex, promise you won’t be mad.” Her voice wavered ever so slightly.

  That did not give me any warm fuzzies. My mind raced. What could she have done? I didn’t smell any narcotics in her system. She’d been clean for a while now, other than her casual drinking.

  “I can’t promise that,” I answered, nervous. “What’s going on? You’re kind of freaking me out.”

  Shoving her glass aside she drummed her long fingernails on the table top. “I did something. But only because I felt like I had to. I hope you understand. The last thing I want to do is upset you.”

  A sense of foreboding settled over me. I noted the way her hands trembled, and I began to tremble too. Vibing off her, I stiffened, unable to relax. “Why would I be upset?” I felt it then. An energy I’d know anywhere. Centuries old and drenched in honey.

  No. Fucking. Way.

  Mouth dry, hands shaking, I turned toward the entry in time to see my greatest weakness walk through the door. This couldn’t be real. Never had I pinched myself to ensure I was awake, but I did it now.

  Kale Sinclair stood in the doorway. Slowly he surveyed the place like he hadn’t seen it in years rather than months. Tall, dark, and as handsome as they came, just the sight of him coaxed a ragged sigh from me. Dressed all in black, leather duster cloaking him, Kale glided toward us. Unable to process what was happening I dropped my gaze to the table and tried to talk myself out of fleeing.

  Jez leaped out of her seat and flung herself into his arms with a squeal. “You made it. It’s so good to see you. I missed you.”

  He hugged her tight, holding on until she finally let go.

  I knew I had to look at him. But God it was so hard. I counted to three and forced myself to meet his beautiful mismatched eyes. One brown, the other blue, I found myself enchanted all over again gazing into them.

  “Alexa.” My name was a husky murmur on his lips.

  I couldn’t help myself. Hearing him say my name, seeing him standing there, I was up and in his arms before I could stop myself. Throwing my arms around his neck, I held tight. I breathed in the scent of leather and soap, savored the way he felt.

  That saccharine essence of him taunted me. My weakness. My voice refused to work. Emotion choked me. I’d missed him more than I’d let myself feel in his absence.

  He pressed his face to my hair and breathed in my scent as well.

  This was so dangerous. I knew that. And yet I was overjoyed to see him.

  And also curious. After what felt like several minutes but was not nearly long enough, I pulled back to search his face. “Don’t get me wrong. I couldn’t be happier to see you. But what are you doing here?”

  Kale stroked a finger under my chin, tipping it up so he could peer into my eyes. “Shya’s curse. I’m here to be your sacrifice.”


  Sucker punched right in the gut with those words, I stepped back, needing space to clear my head. The honey-drenched vibe of Kale clouded my thoughts. “Are you serious?” I demanded. “Have you lost your mind?”

  Like his sudden arrival wasn’t surreal enough, he had to go and play the fucking sacrificial lamb. Because this was what he’d wanted for some time now. Death. Freedom. From me.

  Kale took my hand to stop my backward motion. “Alexa, I know this is difficult. But if you think about it, it makes sense. There is no one more perfect to break that curse than me.”

  The bitter sting of betrayal cut deep. With an accusing glare, I turned to Jez. “You told him. Why did you tell him? Did you know he came back for this? To die?”

  Jez’s wide green eyes shimmered. “No, of course not. I just thought he’d want to know what we’ve all been dealing with here. I didn’t think…” She looked to Kale, bottom lip trembling. “You haven’t had time to think this through. You’re jumping the gun here, Kale.”

  “I’m not. I’ve never felt so sure of anything. That demon has held too much power over us. He thought he guaranteed himself the last laugh, but he’s wrong.” Kale touched my cheek, his hand strong but gentle. “There is no better way for this to end for us.”

  He forced me to meet his imploring gaze. I didn’t want to, didn’t want any of this. Like a bad dream it felt unreal, but this nightmare was very much my reality. My forbidden love, the one who brought out the worst parts of me, came back to die at my hand.

  Our story couldn’t end that way. If he’d come home just to die, then he’d come home for nothing. “I see how you might think so.” My voice wavered. “But I can’t accept this. I won’t. I’d rather suffer a hundred lifetimes in that stone with Shya than kill you.”

  Kale’s lips found mine, silencing my protests. Three months of longing ravaged me. I hadn’t let myself dwell on it, but I’d missed him like crazy. I kissed him with the deep desperation Kale always seemed to bring out in me. That desperation always accompanied the knowledge that we would never be. Could never be. Our strange attachment existed despite being wrong in every way.

  “No.” With a shake of my head, I at last managed to pull away. “I won’t do it.”

  A sudden awareness settled in as I detected the presence of an energy so much like mine. Not Arys but another of our bloodline. One who belonged to me. “You brought Jenner.” It wasn’t a question. Didn’t have to be.

  I watched the egomaniac vampire saunter through, fielding interested women almost immediately. He strode in with a cocky swagger, pausing to survey the club like a king appraising his castle. A white t-shirt showed off buff arms littered with tattoos. His usually brown hair had been bleached almost white with a hint of dark roots.

  “He wanted to come.” Kale shrugged.

  It might not seem like a big deal to Kale, but that was because he hadn’t been the one to make a deal with Jenner. I had. Because I didn’t think he’d come to collect so soon. He’d gone out of his way to ensure Kale’s safety during his time in Las Vegas, and I’d asked him for several other favors. In exchange he’d wanted one thing: a night with me. To sate the constant craving.

  I’d deal with that later. I was currently too busy being horrified by Kale’s willingness to sacrifice himself. So much for keeping the truth about the curse from Arys and Shaz. Now that Kale was here, I’d have to tell them why. Because my dear friend c
ouldn’t keep her mouth shut.

  Sensing my discontent, Jez lightly touched my arm. “Lex, I’m sorry. I know it wasn’t my secret to tell. Please don’t be pissed at me.”

  “You’re right,” I snapped. “It wasn’t yours to tell. What did you think would happen when you told him? Did you think he’d just stay in Vegas and pass up a chance to finally make me kill him?”

  Jez recoiled at my nasty tone. Defenses up, she shot back. “He asked about you because he gives a damn. So do I. I knew you’d never tell him how bad it was, so I did. You can’t do everything yourself. Eventually you’ll have to accept that.”

  “Accept what? That Kale’s death will free me from Shya’s curse? Are you ok with that?” My tone rose with each word. Overwhelmed by Kale’s sudden appearance, my emotion sought an outlet and found it in attacking Jez.

  But she wasn’t content to be my verbal punching bag. True to her feisty nature, she bared fangs and got close enough to glower down at me from her taller stature. “Hell no, I’m not ok with that. I’m also not ok with watching you get your ass kicked every month. But if you don’t chill the fuck out, you’re going to get it kicked right now.”

  Kale stepped between us, shoving us apart. “That’s enough, ladies. Cool down. I didn’t come here to start a war between friends. I came to do the right thing and finally find my peace. Arguing amongst yourselves changes nothing.”

  Jez’s face crumbled, and she stormed away before we could stop her.

  That had escalated quickly. My fault. The emotional upset had driven me to unleash my temper on the wrong person. I scrubbed a hand through my hair and swore. Once she cooled down I’d apologize. None of this was her fault.


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