Valkyrie - the Vampire Princess

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Valkyrie - the Vampire Princess Page 8

by Pet TorreS

  The boy beside her, I confess he also had his charm. He was strong and tall, his pale face was attractive as was his brown hair.

  Girls would definitely look at him. His eyes had the same characteristic, similar to Valeska’s eyes. They were gray too.

  I looked at all the corners of that living room and I missed something. Then I frowned at them as I was trying to find definitively what I was looking for, with my impatient eyes.

  “How are you?” Valeska asked me.

  My brain did not assimilate her question yet. I was still lying down. Then I lifted my head slightly and pronounced slowly...


  “Keep calm! He came with you,” she said in a friendly voice.

  “Where’s he?” I asked feeling a discomfort that would not leave me unless Eros was there next to me.

  “He is talking to Vincent,” the boy answered.

  I slowly got up as I was a little dizzy. It seemed my body was out of my control.

  I realized I was barefoot and dirty, wearing the same dress from last night at the rock and roll concert. I just thought I was dreaming.

  “She looks dizzy,” the boy said, looking at his companion.

  “It is normal for her to look like this,” a voice coming from the corridor said behind them.

  An eccentric man came to where we were. As soon as I looked at him, I felt like I already knew him. He was the man from my childhood dreams. Although I did not see him clearly in those dreams, I knew it was him.

  He was very well dressed. He was in his wine-colored tunic and he also had rings on his fingers. His nails were extensive, his long hair was black as night and fell to the middle of his back. His pale skin and his gaze was stunning.

  My father was a handsome man. Now I knew why my mother had not resisted him that night. I thought I would come across an old man. He looked like a man of about thirty-five years. A man in his prime.

  Almost twenty years later he looked the same way. My mother on the other hand, had some smile lines and a few wrinkles, not to mention a few gray hairs that were lost in her scalp, those which she tried to hide from view with hair dye.

  I waited for this day for so long. That is, I wanted to be face to face with my father. I just thought this day would not be like this, in this place, on another planet.

  He was distant from me and looking at me.

  “My daughter!” He said, motioned and stretched his arms for me to come between them. I hesitated to do so. I had not got used to the idea that he really was my father.

  “Come on and give me a hug!” he insisted.

  I walked toward him. My steps were slow and it seemed I would never reach him. Before I realized it, I was surrounded by a paternal hug.

  “You’re part of me, Valkyrie,” he said to me.

  I continued hugging him for many minutes, until he let me go and looked intently at my face.

  “You look like me,” he said.

  I smiled at him without thinking of anything.

  “Your mother also helped you to be beautiful,” he said, still looking at me.

  “Won’t you say anything to your father?” Valeska asked.

  “Leave her!” my father ordered. “I'll have all time in Neptune to hear her,” Vincent said, upset.

  Valeska remained silent. Her mistake seemed like it was an offence to Vincent’s ears.

  “ ... My father ...” I said and my eyes were troubled because of the accumulation of my tears.

  “What a soft voice!” my father exclaimed as he was enchanted at it.

  My father introduced me to his two servants.


  My father was very pleased to point out that they were part of our family and they were there to serve me too.

  “Everything you need, Valeska and Bizak will be around to serve you,” he said and put his hand on my shoulder.

  “Valeska, take my daughter to have a bath!” he ordered.

  “Yes ... master.” She did what her master had ordered her.

  Valeska took me to a place I would call a type of bathroom.

  All castle rooms were extremely exaggerated, even the bathroom. It was approximately the size of the house where I lived with my mother on the planet Earth. There were no showers, taps or toilet. I was surprised at everything.

  I saw only lit torches and a huge hole in the ground. It looked like a lake with dark green liquid. This would be my bath water.

  Valeska took care of everything. She even helped me get rid of my dress. Then she took me to the hole with water, which I called ‘the lake’. My feet froze after I touched its water.

  When I felt the water covering all my body, my skin became lumpy. I was shocked. I had never had a bath in water as cold as that.

  “It's too cold!” I muttered.

  “You feel this way because your blood is hot!” she said and smiled wider, showing her teeth.

  I realized that they had no problem with it. After all, they were as cold as the water in which I took my bath.

  I came to a bedroom that was intended for me. My bedroom had huge curtains on the window and my bed was made of stone. There was no mattress. It looked like a marble table, that is, plain and cold...

  “There’s no pillow? ...Not even a bedspread?” I asked her as I glanced at all with my critical eyes.

  “We do not need anything like that,” she responded naturally.

  “Do you lie down on top of it?” I asked as I believed it to be a marble table. I could not avoid my disappointment at all.

  “There are several ways to sleep here. When you have become one of us, you will find yours,” she replied as she was staring at my frightened expression.

  I felt fear to hear those words, that in a little while I would be like them, whether I wanted it or not.

  I had no choice, that is, I just should accept my sad fate.

  She put me into a salmon-colored long dress. Its fabric was heavy and harsh. When she was zipping my dress behind me, she saw the picture on my back - the ‘Symbol of Neptune’.

  “You have it on your back!” she said and her eyes were upon my picture.

  I felt discomfort again coming over me.

  “My picture is situated here,” she said and showed me her tattoo. It was on her neck. I could see it as soon as she lifted up her hair, keeping it away from her neck.

  “All of us have one like this,” she said, turning to face me.

  “Why do all of us have it?” I asked her.

  “It was born on our bodies when we were chosen by your father to be part of his lineage,” she explained and looked at me with enthusiasm. “And it also protects us from the light, so we can go out in the daylight on the planet Earth”.

  “Now I understand why Eros was attending school in the mornings,” I said looking at the wall, as I was recalling scenes of Eros in school.

  “That would never be permitted if he couldn't contain the symbol of Neptune on his body,” she affirmed.

  Valeska was proud of being a vampire. She tried to do everything with passion and served my father diligently. She was grateful to him for all he had done in his life and mainly grateful that he turned her into a vampire.

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