Unraveled- 8 Delicious Tale of Passion

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Unraveled- 8 Delicious Tale of Passion Page 2

by Fawkes, Sara

  wanted had little to do with revenge, and more to do with showing the woman who dressed in prim and

  proper business suits that real control came in the form of surrender.

  With his cock throbbing, and heat coursing through him, he moved back to his desk to look over

  the day’s schedule a second time. He glanced at her name again, and his entire body came alive,

  because there was no denying that he’d just been gifted the perfect opportunity to help her free her

  submissive side. Of course, given that he’d only have one weekend, he’d have no choice but to push

  her limits and resort to some stronger methods to seduce the submission out of her. His fingers itched

  as he thought about that lush heart-shaped ass of hers and how much it needed his attention.

  He inspected the itinerary closer and discovered that Jack Armstrong, a pilot that had been with

  the company since its early days was scheduled to depart for Freedom at nine sharp—Ms. Andrews the

  only passenger on board. Quinn considered her final destination. Not only had his company taken

  guests to the private island numerous time, he personally knew the resort well, having played there a

  time or two. Although this time he suspected the plane wasn’t going to make it to the well-known

  island nestled in the Atlantic Ocean, especially if he was the one in the pilot seat.

  He picked up the paper, and traced his finger over her name as a devious plan began to formulate

  in his mind. As he sorted through all the naughty details, all the tricks he was going to use on her, he

  checked his watch then picked up his phone to call his personal assistant. After giving her a list of

  things he needed before takeoff, he dialed a friend and called in a favor. Once all the pieces were in

  place, and the discreet information he needed was on its way, he crossed Jack’s name off the

  manifesto, shrugged out of his dress jacket and grabbed his flight suit. Ms. Andrews might be looking

  for a little adventure at Freedom, but he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to be the guy to give her what

  she really wanted, yet had no idea how much she needed.

  Chapter Two

  Rebecca wrung her damp hands together and tried to wrestle her nerves into submission as the small

  plane cruised through the cloudless sky. It wasn’t so much that she hated flying, it had more to do

  with what waited for her when they landed on the private island. But since her friends had gone to so

  much trouble to put this package together for her, and she truly didn’t want to disappoint them, she

  couldn’t very well say no and let it go to waste. Which was why she was currently flying over the

  Atlantic Ocean, on the way to some sordid sex club. That, of course, didn’t mean she had to partake in

  any of the resort activities, whatever they might be.

  She glanced at her suitcase, and relaxed a tiny bit, knowing her files were tucked safely inside.

  Maybe the weekend wouldn’t be so bad after all. She could hole up in her room and get some work

  done and her friends would be none the wiser.

  Pushing back into her seat, she looked at the ground below then stole a glance at the pilot

  negotiating the skies in front of her. He was a big man, with broad shoulders and hard body—one that

  filled out his dark flight suit rather nicely thank you very much—and gave her something to think

  about other than her final destination. She perused his profile, but with his hat pulled low and pair of

  dark sunglasses covering his features, she couldn’t identify his face. She studied him a moment

  longer, and felt a niggling in the depths of her stomach. There was just something about him that felt

  familiar—something that reminded her of Quinn Montgomery—but she knew it was well below the

  stature of a man who ran a multimillion-dollar company to be flying a customer to a sex resort.

  She turned and stared out the window for the remainder of the trip and when the plane finally

  landed, she looked around, detailing the small island fringed by the cold waves of the Atlantic. The

  makeshift runway was surrounded by lush foliage, and off in the distance, high on a hill, she spotted

  an impressive estate. Although upon closer inspection, it looked more like a millionaire’s summer

  home than a lavish resort where hedonist activities took place. And if this was a sex resort, where was

  everyone? The place was empty. Not a single vacationer to be found.

  She leaned forward and tapped the pilot’s shoulder, certain he’d made a mistake. But when he

  unbuckled his harness, opened the cockpit door and climbed from the plane, the niggling in her

  stomach grew to a full blown case of panic.

  What is going on?

  The pilot widened the door even more, and with every nerve in her body on edge, she remained

  seated. She straightened her back and said, “I think there’s been a mistake.”

  “There’s been no mistake.”

  Her heart jumped into her throat because the second he spoke, the second she heard that rich deep

  voice, one that evoked a myriad of sinful thoughts and had her mind whirling back to the trial of

  Quinn Montgomery, she knew her day had just gone from bad to worse.

  “What’s going on?” she demanded, steeling herself as alarm flashed through her.

  Mr. Montgomery removed his hat and glasses, and when she caught the intensity in those shrewd,

  dark eyes, a fine shiver moved through her, and much to her dismay she found it most difficult to hold

  his steely gaze.

  “Welcome to Montgomery estate,” he said, his tone low, controlled as he opened his palm to her.

  “My summer home.”

  Refusing to accept the offered hand, she forced herself to level him with a stare and climbed from

  the plane on her own volition. Even though he was dressed in a flight suit, everything about his

  demeanor screamed of sex, sin, seduction...long hard spankings.

  Okay, where the hell had that thought come from?

  Exasperated with the way he could affect her without even trying, she fished her phone out of her

  purse and held it high. She checked for a signal, then cursed silently. Her mind raced to her friends

  and their final warning last night. Truthfully, even if her phone worked here in the middle of nowhere,

  she knew her calls would go unanswered.

  Don’t come home until you’ve had at least a dozen orgasms.

  Without conscious thought her glance drifted to Mr. Montgomery’s hands, and her mind took that

  second to think about what they’d feel like on her skin, touching her, stroking her, bringing her to

  orgasm again and again. Oh God! Her entire body flushed and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do

  to stifle the tortured moan crawling out of her throat. Just standing next to a man who could

  undoubtedly divide and conquer with a simple look had her feeling edgy, out of control, completely at

  his mercy.

  He took a measured step closer and as his presence dominated the wide expanse of island, and

  threw her off her game, she worked to summon a modicum of composure and asked in her best

  professional voice, “What do you want?”

  He cocked his head, his glance leisurely moving over her face. “Relax, Ms. Andrews, you’re not

  in the courtroom anymore.” His smile came slow. “You don’t get to ask the questions here.”

  Her towered over her, and with a stance that was both commanding and authoritative it became

  abundantly clear that here, on his private island, she was now playing in his territory, by his
rules. No

  longer was she the one calling the shots.

  Oddly enough, equal mixtures of excitement and apprehension trickled through her and elicited a

  shiver from deep within. What the hell was going on with her?

  “I’m not going to hurt you if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “I’m worried about a lot of things,” she countered, shading the hot, morning sun from her eyes

  while trying to hide her reactions from him.

  The muscles along his jaw flexed. “And that is why you’re here, Ms. Andrews.” Everything in the

  slow, calculated way he spoke did the most peculiar things to her libido.

  Tension grew in her body and her thoughts raced to catch up. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Silence hung for a long time, her flesh growing hotter with each passing second, although she

  suspected it had little to do with the blinding rays beating down on her. “It’s time to stop worrying

  and let someone take a few decisions out of your hands.”

  “Someone? Let me guess, that someone would be you?” she shot back.

  Anticipation moved over his eyes when he answered with, “Of course.”

  She swallowed. “And how do you plan to do that?”

  “You’ll see,” he said, the slow, promising way he drew out those two little words hinting at

  something wickedly intimate.

  She sucked in a breath. “And what you’re going to see is the inside of a prison, because this––”

  she paused to wave her arm around the isolated island “––this is kidnapping.”

  “Kidnapping?” He rocked on his feet like he was mulling that over. “I suppose if that’s how you

  want to look at it, then yes, it’s kidnapping.” He held his hand out. “Now shall we?”

  She jerked away from him. “Now, we shall not. You can take me back home right now.” Folding

  her arms, she rooted her feet, refusing to budge.

  The corner of his mouth twitched–– twitched, like he was laughing at her. “Don’t worry, Rebecca.

  I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

  Oh God, the rich, sensual way he said her name, the leisurely way it rolled off the tip of his tongue

  with such heat and hunger filled her with need and excited her in ways that didn’t make sense,

  considering he’d just kidnapped her and planned to do God knows what to her.

  I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.

  His amusement vanished. “Now why don’t you come inside, and have something cool to drink.

  You’re flushed.”

  “It’s hot.”

  He arched a brow, skepticism flashing in his black eyes. “Perhaps,” he said.

  Just then Rebecca spotted a middle-aged man coming their way, and her pulse leapt with hope.

  Maybe she could plead her case, tell him she was being held against her will, and he could call for

  help, get her off this isolated island. But when she glanced back at Quinn he had a knowing looking

  on his face.

  “There are three loyal members of my staff here, and they answer to me only.” He waved a hand.

  “That is Michael, and he’s here to attend to your needs during your visit.”

  “What I need is to get out of here,” she said flatly.

  Ignoring her he continued, “You’ll also meet Ester, my cook, and Mario, the grounds keeper.”

  Michael nodded his head and greeted them both, then proceeded to grab their luggage from the

  plane. “Right this way, ma’am,” he said, gesturing toward the foliage lined path leading up to the

  grand estate.

  Deciding to follow, and hoping there was a landline inside the house, she pushed past Mr.

  Montgomery and stayed close to Michael as he led the way. Once inside the opulent, airy home, the

  cool air conditioning refreshing against her hot skin, she searched for a phone.

  As she panned the living space, she took in the huge floor-to-ceiling windows lining the back of

  the house, and the magnificent view of the ocean below. Michael disappeared up the wide staircase

  with their luggage in tow, and Rebecca stepped forward, needing to put a measure of distance between

  her and the man whose mere presence had the ability to warm her blood quicker than a double vodka


  She examined the expensive sculptures and artwork lining the walls, making note of the dark,

  creamy leather furniture and polished marble floors. Even though his summer home was grand and

  lavish, there was still something inviting and homey about it.

  She felt him step up behind her, the warmth of his body weakening her knees as he placed his

  hands on her hips. “You can roam at your leisure, Rebecca,” he murmured into her ear, causing the

  fine hairs along her neck to bristle. “The truth is, I’m not going to keep you captive.”

  She turned to see him, but wished she hadn’t. Sexual tension arced between them, the air around

  them charging. She fought to recover her voice and asked, “So I can leave?”

  “If you want to get off, you can get off.” His voice dipped lower, became much deeper when he

  added, “But that will require you to stay.”

  As she caught the sexy, double entendre, her mouth opened and closed, hardly able to believe what

  she was hearing.

  His smile turned predatory. “But you need to know that staying means following my orders.”

  She swallowed hard. “Look, I know what this is about. You’re upset with the outcome of your

  trial and you brought me here for revenge.”

  “That’s not what I’m after,” he said.

  “Then what exactly is it that you want from me?” She braced herself for the answer because every

  instinct she possessed told her revenge was exactly what he was after, and he planned to make her pay

  for his losses...but payment wouldn’t come in the form of cash. No, it would come in another form all


  The muscles along his jaw flexed and his black eyes shimmered when he said, “Total and utter


  Oh, God, the price was higher than she’d ever anticipated.

  Her mouth opened, closed, and opened again, and while there were so many things she wanted to

  counter with, all she could do was croak out a heated moan.

  “If you decide to stay, all decisions will be taken away from you.” He waved a hand. “Here you

  don’t get to ask questions or decide on anything.”

  Her limbs grew weak, and an unexpected lick of heat prowled through her body, settling itself deep

  between her legs.

  “Michael will be back in a moment to collect you. You will follow him to your room, and put on

  only the clothes I picked out for you. Nothing more, nothing less. Then you will join me for brunch

  on the terrace. It’s a beautiful day to eat outside, don’t you think?”

  Rebecca just stood there staring, her mind still processing. He wanted her to put on clothes that he

  picked out for her? Then meet him for brunch? Was he kidding?

  Indignant, and unable to believe what he was suggesting, she drew in a quick breath to refuel her

  addled brain and said, “If you think I’m going to wear clothes—”

  “It’s not a suggestion.”

  As blood drained to her toes, she forced her chin up. “I thought you said you’d never make me do

  anything I didn’t want to.”

  “That’s correct.”

  “Then I don’t want to wear clothes you picked out for me.” She gestured to the professional

  pantsuit draping her body. “I have my own clothes.”

stepped closer and her heart leapt as his heat and scent overwhelmed her. “I’m a patient man,

  Rebecca. But we only have the weekend. And it’d be wise not to push my patience too far.”

  “I am not—”

  “Disobedience comes with a price.”

  Her heart hammered. “A price?”

  “I’ll be forced to punish you until I have your compliance. Understand?”

  “Punish...me?” she asked, a shiver moving through her, but much to her surprise it was a shiver

  from anticipation, not fear. She planted her hands on her hips, struggling to hold her ground. “Just

  how do you plan on punishing me?”

  For a brief second she thought she saw the corner of his mouth curl up in a grin, but his steely

  control was back in place when he said, “By taking my hand to your bare ass.”

  “Oh, God,” she squeaked out, a rush of sexual energy hitting her hard. She gulped air, and before

  she could get her head on straight, the vision of her draped over his lap, her ass up in the air as he

  spanked her, had her body quivering, almost violently.

  Mr. Montgomery looked past her shoulder, and gestured with a nod. She turned to see Michael

  waiting for her.

  “Right this way, ma’am,” he said and even though she didn’t want to follow him, she needed

  reprieve from Mr. Montgomery and the raw, sexual energy he emitted—not to mention the way it took

  her from a professional woman to a wanton hussy in seconds flat.

  Hoping her legs didn’t fail her, she made her way to her room. She took in the huge bed with its

  cushiony, plush bedding and pillows, then turned to see the walkout deck with its magnificent view of

  the ocean. On her right she spotted a private bathroom, but unfortunately her suitcase was nowhere to

  be found.

  She turned to Michael, who pressed his hands together and said, “Please, make yourself at home.

  If you require anything, anything at all, press the intercom and I’ll see to your needs.”

  “What I need are my belongings.” she said.

  “Mr. Montgomery will supply you with all you need during your stay.” He gestured toward the

  bed, then disappeared into the hall, closing the door behind himself. Rebecca spun around and spotted

  a phone on the bedside table. So she wasn’t a prisoner after all, and really could get off if she wanted


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