Unraveled- 8 Delicious Tale of Passion

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Unraveled- 8 Delicious Tale of Passion Page 36

by Fawkes, Sara

  “He means, love, that instead of dating both of us separately...” From behind her Dorian stroked

  his fingers over the line of her jaw, down her throat, into the dip of her collarbone.

  “All three of us would date. Together.” It sounded so strange to say it, and the reality of my

  decision made my heart beat a little faster. I had no idea what I was agreeing to—didn’t know what

  the boundaries between Dorian and I were going to be.

  God, if I’d thought I was walking on the wild side when I’d first met Adele years ago...

  Baby, look at me now.

  “This is insane.” Adele’s voice was a whisper, but I latched on the fact that she hadn’t said no.

  “Who does this?”

  Dorian opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything I grabbed Adele and kissed

  her like my life depended on it. When I pulled back, we were both a little bit breathless.

  “Who fucking cares what other people do? This is about us.”

  Adele raised her fingers to her lips, looked at Dorian, looked at me.

  “How?” She finally asked. “How do we—do you—know that... I mean... what if you don’t like it?”

  She spoke delicately, and I knew that she was skating around the big issue, the elephant in the

  room, so to speak.

  How the hell does this work when it comes to sex?

  “If you’re there, we’ll like it.” Dorian ran his thumb over the soft pillows of Adele’s lips, and I

  watched as she trembled. “Mal and I—we’ll figure out the rest.”

  I held my breath, watching her as wonder lit up her face.

  “Okay.” She said finally, determination edging out uncertainty.

  “Okay?” I echoed, my heart beginning to hammer in my chest. I’d expected her to need time to

  think about it, not to dive in head first. “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” Marti’s nasty words had clearly stirred

  something up in Adele—there was a spark of stubbornness in her eyes that told me she was going to

  do this, come hell or high water. Sliding one hand into Dorian’s, and the other into mine, she nodded


  “I want this. More than I can say. Come home with me.”


  The orange tabby cat followed us home.

  I didn’t notice its presence until it leapt ahead of us just as I opened my front door. I watched with

  bemusement as it stalked into my condo like it had every right to be there.

  “Brace yourself,” Dorian said as the cat—who I referred to as Humper in my head—wound her

  way through my legs.

  But she apparently wasn’t interested in me that way. Nuzzling my boot with her whiskers, she

  looked up at Dorian with what I could only describe as a wicked look went he followed me into the


  “Christ,” he muttered, fixing Humper with a warning stare. “Don’t even think about it, puss.”

  “What about me? Should I think about it?” I asked, turning to eye him up and down. God, but he

  was beautiful. Those worn jeans hung from lean hips that were so sexy they should have been illegal.

  His black T-shirt stretched tight over his lean, hard chest, and when he moved his solid biceps made

  his ink dance.

  The look he sent me was pure, smoldering sex. Cupping his hand behind my head, he pulled me to

  him, crushed his mouth to my own. He kissed me breathless, made my pulse kick up a notch.

  Dorian had barely released me when Mal shut the door with the heel of his boot, then pulled me

  from Dorian’s arms into his. He let me study him for a moment, the boy who was now six feet of hard,

  sexy man.

  “You’ll do as you’re told,” he informed me as he lowered his head to mine. Where Dorian’s kiss

  had been hot and hard, Mal’s was slow and full of sensual promise.

  I felt desire flooding into my pussy, and I squirmed.

  This was insane. This was not what normal people did.

  And yet I knew that I’d already made up my mind. I needed this. Dorian and Mal had come into

  my life for a reason.

  I’d worked through my pain as best as I could on my own. Now I wanted these two wonderful,

  amazing men to wipe the dirty memories away, to replace me with something clean.

  Well, not too clean.

  “Upstairs?” Mal murmured against my lips. I nodded, my pulse skittering. I got the shock of my

  life when he hefted me into his arms, Gone With The Wind style, and started to carry me up the stairs.

  Oh my. That was just... wow.

  Strange as this situation was, it was also the most romantic thing I’d ever experienced in my life.

  And on top of that, I could feel Mal’s muscles working against my body as he carried me, making me

  want to strip us both naked so that we could be skin to skin.

  “Nice move, mate.” Dorian followed us, reaching over Mal’s shoulder to dance his fingers over

  my hair.

  I craved more of their touch. It anchored me in a way that I hadn’t even known I’d been missing.

  “Watch out for my roller skates.” I murmured as we reached the top of the stairs. Mal sidestepped

  them neatly, but Dorian looked at them, then at me with a wicked grin.

  “We might use these in the future, love. You, in nothing but the skates.”

  I’d always thought I was pretty hard to shock, but Dorian won that game, hands down. My mouth

  fell open, my cheeks flushing as the erotic image danced across my mind.

  That would be so fucking hot.

  “I—” I choked on the words. I was in over my head, desperately treading water and trying to stay


  These two gorgeous creatures were my life preservers. I could hang on to them and let myself go.

  “Maybe next time.” Mal gestured with his head towards my bedroom door, and Dorian led the

  way. He turned on my bedside lamp, which cast a soft, rose tinted light over the room.

  “I want to see you.” His words weren’t a question. He toed off his sneakers as he spoke. “I don’t

  want to miss any of this.”

  Mal slid me down his body, placing me gently on the bed, and I could feel the hardness of his

  cock, could feel how ready he already was. Nerves blasted through me as I looked from one man to the


  “I... I have no idea what to do.” Once upon a time I’d thought of myself as anything but vanilla

  when it came to sex, but even then, I wasn’t sure I would have taken on two men.

  The girl who had once seduced Malachi Hunter over instant coffee was long gone, and all that

  remained was... me. What if I wasn’t enough for them? What if they left me, taking my heart with


  “What are you worried about?” Mal asked, and when his hand dipped to cup my breast through my

  shirt. My nipple pebbled against his palm, slowing my train of thought.

  “The... oh... logistics of this.” My head fell back as Mal squeezed the heavy flesh of my breast.

  “You know... what goes where.”

  “She’s thinking,” Dorian informed Mal, his voice wry.

  “We need to make her stop that,” Mal agreed. And then he fisted my shirt in his hands, ripping it

  over my head.

  The air hit my skin, chilling me, but then Dorian was behind me, his fingers deftly unhooking my

  skimpy red bra.

  I’d picked it out this morning with both of them in mind. The memory made my sex dampen, and I

  squeezed my thighs together against the sudden ache.

  Reaching around my torso, Dorian cupped my brea
sts in his hands. Mal stroked down over my

  stomach, his finger dipping just below the waistband of my shorts.

  With the two of them touching me, I was overwhelmed. Nerves began to riot through me, and I

  thought I might have to stop.

  Logically, I knew I wanted to do this. But a tiny, tiny part of me wondered if having sex with both

  of my men at the same time added a kernel of truth to the rumors that had flown about me two years


  A cat’s yowl broke through the heavy air of the room. As one we froze, then looked in the

  direction the sound had come from.

  Humper had snuck into the bedroom after us, and she was once again consummating her

  relationship with Dorian’s shoe. Mal barked out a laugh at Dorian’s disgusted expression.

  Though I whimpered when his hands left my breasts, I couldn’t hold back my own giggle as he

  gingerly tossed the shoe into the hallway, then unceremoniously picked up Humper and tossed her

  after it.

  “Your new cat can have my shoe,” he started as he closed the door firmly on Humper’s plaintive

  meows, “as long as nothing else, not one fucking thing, interrupts this again.”

  His eyes were dark with the same need that I felt as he prowled—that was really the only word for

  it—towards me.

  Taking my hands, he lifted me from my seated position on the bed, then ran a series of kisses

  down my neck. I shuddered at the feel of his lips dancing over my skin.

  My nerves were gone.

  “You’re still wearing too many clothes.” Mal brought his fingers back to my waist as Dorian

  continued to pay attention to the curve of my neck. With movements far more sure than he’d ever had

  years ago, he opened the fastenings of my shorts, then pushed them down my hips. His hand slipped

  between my thighs, making me cry out, and he pulled back, puzzled, when he found the long slit cut

  into the nylon.

  “Don’t ask, mate.” Dorian took his mouth off of my neck just long enough to shuck his own shirt,

  then lifted my arm and started to swirl his tongue over the wildflower inked into my forearm.

  Bemused, Mal hooked his fingers in the sides of my tights, working them down, down, until I

  could step out.

  “Kinky bastard,” he shot at Dorian, then ran a finger under the elastic at the side of my thigh. “Oh,

  I like this. This is sexy.”

  “Thought you might.” I was breathless as I slid a hand beneath Mal’s shirt, playing my fingers

  over the definition of his abs. “God, when did you get so ripped?”

  Mal tugged his shirt over his head, then pulled me to him. My breasts were crushed against his

  chest, their sensitive tips sending jolts of pleasure through my system as he continued to toy with my

  thong with one hand, and struggled to release the fastenings of his jeans with the other.

  “Let me.”

  Dorian let me take my arm back, only to started running his tongue over the ravens that flew

  across my back. I shivered, but still managed to undo the zipper of Mal’s jeans. Pulling those and his

  boxers down, I inhaled deeply, then wrapped my hand around the rigid column of his cock.

  He hissed out a breath, and the hands at my hips squeezed tight. Dorian stopped kissing my back to

  tuck his chin on my shoulder, then slide his fingers inside the scrap of fabric that was my thong.

  His fingers slid easily through my folds to find my clit—I was already so wet. He began to work

  the hard bundle of nerves between his thumb and forefinger, and soon I was gasping, my hips rocking

  back and forward, pressing into Mal’s erection in the front and Dorian’s behind.

  “Please... I need...” My head fell back and I pressed into Dorian’s hand. When he pulled his fingers

  out of my panties I could stop the whimper that escaped my lips.

  “You need what I tell you you need, love.”

  “Fuck,” Mal muttered against my neck. In a move so utterly unlike him, his fingers caught the

  elastic at the sides of my thongs and ripped, shredding the fine silk. The scrap of fabric fell to the

  floor, leaving me naked and breathless.

  “Come with me.” Mal sat on the bed, his back against the headboard. Reaching for me, he seated

  me in front of him, my back to his front. His hands spread my legs, and his feet hooked over my

  calves, holding me open wide.

  His hands again found my breasts, each rolling one sensitive tip until I rocked back against him,

  felt his solid cock rubbing against the base of my spine.

  “Now that’s a pretty picture.” Dorian’s eyes roamed over my naked flesh as he quickly shed his

  jeans, then his briefs. I’d seen his cock just hours ago, but seeing him naked, the dim light making his

  tattoo dance...

  I almost swallowed my tongue. Both of my men were so gorgeous, so sexy.

  So mine.

  “I have to taste you, Adele.” Naked, Dylan lay stomach down on the bed, his face positioned just a

  breath away from my pussy. “I want to make you come. Want to feel your climax on my tongue.”

  I could have come from his words alone, but when he smoothed his fingers over my pussy,

  sensation sizzled along my skin and I rocked restlessly, wanting more.

  “Does it feel good, having him touch you?” Mal spoke into my ear, his voice low, his fingers

  insistently working over my nipples. I nodded frantically, pressing back against him, felt delight when

  he exhaled a shuddering breath at the pressure.

  Between my legs, Dorian worked two fingers through my folds, back and forth, up and down,

  teasing my clit just for a second at a time before sweeping back in the other direction.

  He tucked two fingers inside, moving them in and out, a parody of fucking, and I wanted to


  “More. Please.” I widened my legs, then couldn’t close them again, Mal holding me open. Dorian

  looked like a fallen angel as he pressed a kiss to my belly, dipped his head to kiss me where I so badly

  wanted him to.

  “Oh my God.” I cried out when Dorian ran the rough flesh of his tongue around my swollen clit.

  Around and around he circled, letting the tension in me build, all the while fucking those two fingers

  in and out of my slick pussy, working me into a frenzy.

  I thrashed against Mal, tangled my fingers in Dorian hair, and bucked my hips into his face. He

  hummed with arousal against my tender flesh, and I knew I wasn’t going to able to stop my climax.

  “You’re going to scream.” It wasn’t a question. Sliding his fingers from my sex, he replaced it

  with his tongue, pressing inside my liquid heat, his teeth grazing my clit. His mouth was hot, and wet,

  and I felt an answering rush of liquid between my thighs as my tension tightened, tightened, tightened

  some more, then snapped like a rubber band.

  I moaned, long and loud, as sensual pleasure washed over me, starting in my pelvis and radiating


  My eyes closed as the final tremors subsided. When I opened them again, Dorian was kneeling

  between my spread legs, a smirk on his lips.

  My arousal glistened on his chin.

  “You’re pretty loud when you come, Adele. I’m going to have fun with that in the future.” I

  blinked up at him as if I’d just woken up. He took advantage of my sated limpness to take each of my

  legs and hook it over his forearms in turn. Sometime while I’d been thrashing on the bed, he’d

  sheathed himself in latex, was stroking his hand up and do
wn his impossibly hard erection.

  “But you didn’t scream. I see I’ll have my work cut out for me.” And then the head of his cock was

  at my entrance, pushing inside of me, working its way inside my head.

  He moved with slow confidence, not stopping until his testicles tapped against the curve of my ass.

  I gasped when he moved, just the slightest bit, because with my legs spread open so wide, he was

  deeper than I’d ever had a man inside me before.

  He slid back, then forward again, and Mal moved me down until my head rested in his lap, his own

  erection pressed against my cheek. I turned my head until I could run my tongue over his length, and

  when his cock pulsed against me I felt every inch of my skin sizzle like it was on fire.

  “You feel so fucking good.” Bracing his weight on his hands, Dorian’s movements quickened, a

  sheen of sweat making his skin shine. “Babe, I’ve got to pull out. I’m going to come.”

  “No.” I dug my fingers into his shoulders, refusing to let him go. “I need to see you. I want to

  watch what I do to you.”

  “Adele.” Dorian’s voice was a low moan. My hands found Mal’s knees, and he clasped me around

  my waist, supporting me as I arched my back, trying to take Dorian deeper.

  “Fuck me. You make me lose control.” Dorian’s movements became lightning quick, and his

  pelvic bone pressed against my clit with every thrust, sending sweet little jolts of sensation through

  me. I watched, fascinated, as he reached out and took hold of his orgasm.

  He groaned, long and loud, and pressed his hips to my own, hard. He shuddered, the movement

  vibrating my flesh, and I felt his cock spasm, heating me from the inside out.

  Collapsing, he pressed his cheek to the inside of my thigh for a long moment, brushing his lips

  over the tender skin where my pulse flew. The tenderness of the gesture undid me, and I blinked

  frantically against the sudden burning in my eyes.

  The silence in the room was heavy, thick and warm like an embrace. Mal’s breath misted against

  the top of my head; Dorian’s against my sex.

  If it weren’t for the need that was still rioting throughout my body, I would have been perfectly at


  I stretched, and though he tried to stifle it, Mal’s quiet groan made my lips curl into a smile.

  “Something I can help you with?” Deliberately, I turned my head so that my hair brushed over his


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