Freshmen Fifteen (Love 101)

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Freshmen Fifteen (Love 101) Page 23

by J. Nichole

  Jennifer pushes her out of the way. “Nicole shut up.” Giving me a hug, she looks at me and her eyes tear up. “I’m going to miss you this summer.”

  To avoid crying, I look away. “Oh Jennifer. Don’t make me cry.”

  “And don’t let that crazy bitch Courtney ruin your night. If you can get through tonight, you’ll be good,” Jennifer says with a straight face.

  “Wish you all would be here. But I’m sure Chris has my back. I’ll be good.”

  Nicole looks up from her luggage. “If she tries you, tell her I’ll be all in her ass next semester.”

  Jennifer and I laugh. “I better get out of your way. I love you ladies. Have a safe trip home, call me.”

  While I wait on Chris, I pace my room, checking my bag three times. I hope I don’t forget anything for tonight. I lie on my bed, cautious not to mess up my hair.

  An hour later, and Chris finally texts me to come outside. Before walking out the door, I have to shake my shoulders and take a few deep breaths. My nerves are on overdrive.

  Closing the door behind me, I take thoughtful steps until I get to the front door of the dorm. When I open the door, I spot Chris across the street. Seeing him smile sends shivers down my spine. I strut across the street and Chris hugs me, completely taking me in. Just what I needed to tell him the words I’ve been holding for a while. I lean into his ear and whisper, “I love you, Chris.”

  He hugs me tighter and says, “I love you, Laila.” Softly kissing me on my nose, he backs away. “Now, for you to meet my parents. Let’s go get dressed.” My nerves that had subsided have now returned. Finally losing my virginity has consumed my thoughts. I forgot to worry about meeting his parents. Oh well, I hope they like me.

  I’m speechless when Chris walks out. He is already sexy as hell but when he dresses up, he looks delectable. He looks up and smiles when he sees me staring, “I take it you like what you see, huh?”

  “I love what I see!”

  Now standing beside me, we pose in his wall mirror. “With you standing beside me I look like a million bucks,” he says with a wide grin.

  Grabbing his wrist, I slip on his first gift of the night. The black Kenneth Cole watch he had been looking at for a while.

  “Laila, you must have saved up all your lunch money for this. I see you pay attention.” He kisses me. “Thank you.”

  “My lunch money and all my allowances.” I laugh.

  “I really do appreciate this gift.” He admires his watch.

  “It’s the least I can do. Tonight is special.” More special than he realizes.

  “We better get going to meet with my parents before they have a coronary. My mom hates being late to anything. She’s already called twice asking where we were.”

  “Let’s get moving. I don’t want her to think I’m the reason we are late. Although she has to know you take longer than three women to get dressed.”

  “You didn’t seem to look disappointed when I was finally dressed. Perfection takes time baby.”

  “No dear, perfection wouldn’t need time to look good.”

  “Touché. I guess it’s too late to ask, but you are okay with sitting with my folks at graduation, right?”

  “Of course I am.” Since my girls aren’t here, I’d be sitting alone, otherwise.

  While we drive, I check the mirror a few times to make sure every hair is in place and my make-up is on point. Chris looks over at me and says, “Babe, you look great. Nervous?”

  “Just a little. Can you tell?”

  Chris laughs and reaches over to rub my leg. “My parents are good people. Don’t be nervous.” Easier said than done.

  Walking up to the room, Chris tells me how excited he is for me to meet his parents. I can hardly speak. I just nod and smile.

  His father answers the door. He looks like Chris, only a few inches taller and a shade darker. He gives his son a hug before moving him out of the way to look at me. “Chris, did you know you were being followed by this model?”

  My grin spreads from ear to ear and I say, “Hello, Mr. Clark.”

  Chris formally introduces us. From the bathroom, I hear a sweet voice say, “Joseph, let those kids pass. I need to meet this girl who has stolen my son’s heart.”

  Walking through the door, I am greeted by Mrs. Clark with her arms wide open. I give her a hug. “Hello, Mrs. Clark. Nice to finally meet you.”

  “You too, sweetheart. We have plenty of time to get to know each other during graduation, but we should probably get going.” She hugs her son. “Chris, I don’t want you to be late.”

  “Ma, you know we have almost an hour before I need to be there, right?”

  “We should probably still get going. The traffic in this town is ridiculous right now. Joseph, it’s not like it was when we were here on the Hill.”

  “Baby, that’s because we were here over twenty years ago.”

  “Now, now. No need to tell our age.”

  Chris laughs at his parents. I didn’t realize they had attended Lee. What else do I have to learn about Chris?

  To calm his mother, we get moving out the door. His mother calls the rest of the family and tells them to meet us in the parking lot outside.

  Outside, Chris introduces me to his grandparents, an aunt and uncle, a few cousins, and his brothers. His brothers resemble Mrs. Clark but have Mr. Clark’s complexion. If they weren’t older than Chris, I would try to hook them up with the girls.

  Mrs. Clark cuts the reunion short. We shuffle into cars and head to the conference center. Chris gives me a kiss, and gives his parents a hug before he leaves us to line up with the other graduates.

  I’m surrounded by Chris’ family as we sit down. Everyone takes a turn asking me questions up until Judge Joe Brown takes the podium to deliver the commencement speech.

  Admiring the sea of maroon robes, I am inspired. Three more years, I’ll be in that number. Finally, Chris stands to cross the stage. His family stands… cheering and yelling, despite the request of no cheers when graduates cross the stage. When we take our seats, I see tears rolling down Mrs. Clark’s face. I’m sure my mom will share the same sentiment when I graduate.

  Chris’ brothers lead the way to find Chris once the ceremony is over. They find him surrounded by his bruhs. Standing back, I let his family congratulate him before I approach. I try to check my phone for messages and realize I must have left it at Chris’ apartment.

  Chris comes over and pulls me into the circle. “Did you enjoy sitting with my family? I hope they didn’t ask you too many questions.”

  I laugh and say, “I survived.”

  “While the bruhs are here, let me introduce you to the neos.”

  Of course, Sean is lined up with the other neos. They each introduce themselves to me and his family. When Sean begins to speak, Chris whispers in my ear, “You remember him, right?” My neck snaps so fast I almost get dizzy. “You don’t have to say anything. I know all about the little situation,” Chris says.

  Sean hardly makes eye contact with me. Mrs. Clark saves the day and says, “I think we are ready to go over to the restaurant. Can’t be late for our reservations.”

  Walking to the parking lot, I feel a shove on my back. I look up at Chris before I turn around. Courtney is standing behind me, in a stance as if she is ready for a fight. Chris pulls me closer to him. “Courtney, don’t even think about doing anything crazy.”

  “I’m supposed to be leaving with you, meeting your family. Why are you letting her take you away from me?” She steps closer. Preparing for what she may do next, I take a step back.

  Chris’ brother appears beside him. “Do we have a problem?”

  Without breaking his stare from Courtney, Chris pushes me towards his brother. “Listen. I’ve had enough of you messing with Laila. I haven’t had anything to do with you for a while now. You need to let that be.”

  Chris’ mother walks up and startles me. “Laila, is everything okay?”

  With tears in my eyes, I look a
t her and she pulls me into a hug. “This is one of Chris’ exes and she’s been tormenting me for a while now.”

  She looks at Chris’ brother and says, “Take her to the car.” As I walk away, I hear Mrs. Clark talking to Courtney. Thought I needed my girls for this confrontation with Courtney, but Chris and his family have my back.

  At the restaurant, my stomach begins to rumble. I should have eaten earlier today. When the food arrives I’ll have to eat politely when I would much rather just scarf it down.

  A few bottles of wine are poured and Chris’ father makes a toast. I wish I were of age. Toasting with a glass of water doesn’t feel the same.

  While we wait for our food, Mrs. Clark starts to tell me about her days on the Hill. She tells me about how she and Mr. Clark met. Her genuine smile melts my heart. “While we were dating, I had to deal with my fair share of exes. The longer you two are together.” She winks. “They will grow weary and move on. Even this crazy Courtney girl.”

  It’s comforting knowing Mrs. Clark can relate. “I really hope so, Mrs. Clark.” Smiling at Chris, I say, “I’d like to be around for a while.”

  She rubs my back. “I’m glad, Laila. I can tell how much Chris cares about you.” Those words make my night.

  I’m not a fan of Italian food, but when the chicken parmesan is placed in front of me, my stomach is happy. Unintentionally, I zone out of the conversation while I enjoy each bite. Midway through my meal Chris leans over and says, “Laila, you good? You haven’t said much since your food arrived.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Sorry babe. I should have eaten earlier. I was starving.”

  He apologizes for not feeding me. “Enjoy your food and save room for dessert.” He grins.

  I look around the table and realize I’m the only one with an empty plate. Damn, now his family will think I’m greedy.

  Once everyone finishes, we leave, and Chris’ parent’s hop in the car with us. At the hotel, Mrs. Clark looks at Chris and says, “Walk us up, dear. I’m enjoying my time with Laila.”

  “I’m tired, mom, but I promise I’ll bring her by in the morning before she leaves to go home.” He looks at me and says, “Is that okay, Laila?”

  “It sure is.” I smile at Mrs. Clark. “See you in the morning.”

  During the car ride to his apartment, I ease my nerves by talking about his family. “Your family wanted to know a lot about me.” I giggle. “Your brothers especially. I like your family.”

  “They like you too, and my brothers had a lot to say about Courtney. They’re glad I am with you and not her.”

  Sighing, I look down. “I hope Courtney is over this situation now.” Looking at him curiously, I say, “What did your mom say anyway?”

  He laughs. “She gave her a good warning to leave me and you alone.” He looks at me nervously, and says, “But she did have a crazy look in her eye. As if she isn’t done yet. I don’t want to imagine what she will do when she finds out I am on campus next year.”

  “Hopefully Courtney finds someone over the summer and moves on.”

  When we pull into the apartment complex, my body stiffens. Chris gets out, grabs my bags, and opens my door. My body feels paralyzed. It’s time, but I’m ready.

  I finally will my feet to move, Chris reaches out for my hand, and we walk into the apartment.

  Both of Chris’ roommates are sitting in the living room. When I walk into the door behind Chris, one of his roommates jumps off the couch and rushes over to Chris and says, “Ugh, Chris let me talk to you for a second.”

  His other roommate shakes his head and stands walking towards us. My heart begins to race as I stand, watching them whisper to Chris. Something isn’t right. Before Chris can react, his bedroom door opens. Out walks Courtney. This bold bitch.

  Chris yells, “What the fuck. You’re fucking crazy.”

  Courtney has a crooked smile on her face as she walks towards Chris. Not once does she look in my direction. “Chris, come to bed baby. Like old times. Can we just go back to old times?”

  Chris drops my bags and lunges towards her, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her while screaming, “Get the fuck out of my house, dumb bitch,” emphasizing each word. I rush beside him pulling his arm from her shoulder.

  “Chris, stop. She isn’t worth it.” Finally, Courtney looks my way with raging eyes.

  Chris throws my arm off his shoulder and says, “Move, Laila. I’ve had enough of her shit.” One of his roommates pulls him away, leaving me face to face with the devil.

  Courtney lunges towards me, but before she can touch me, I slap the shit out of her. She staggers, trying to regain her balance, and as I turn to walk away I feel her hand on my shoulder. Chris jumps between us and one of his roommates pulls Courtney away. He practically drags her out of the front door. She doesn’t leave peacefully. She pleads with Chris between calling me every word of profanity in the English language.

  His other roommate tries to explain, “Chris, dude I’m sorry. She was so convincing when she told us she had talked to you and you knew she was coming.”

  Interrupting, I say, “Do you think we should call the cops?”

  Chris shakes his head feverishly. “And ruin our night even more? Hell naw.” He looks at his roommate and confidently says, “You two can handle her, right?”

  “We got you. Not sure where Taylor took her, but I promise she ain’t getting back in here.”

  Chris turns to me and says, “Let’s go to bed.”

  This bitch won’t win. She won’t ruin my night. Coaxing a smile, I turn to Chris and say, “Alright, let’s go.” I grab my bag from the front door and we walk into his room.

  When we get into his room, Chris grabs my bags throwing them to the ground. “Laila, seeing you that angry was sexy as fuck.” He leans in and devours my mouth, erasing every thought of Courtney.

  Chapter 33

  Reluctantly, I pull away from the kiss and whisper in his ear, “I do have one more gift for you. Be right back.” I take my bags into the bathroom and take a shower to freshen up. Earlier today, I grabbed one of Chris’ button down shirts for tonight. I slip my bare body into it then take one last look at myself in the mirror.

  The lights are off in the room and Chris is lying across the bed. To set the mood, I turn on Goapele, Closer starts playing on my phone. Slowly, I take a few steps towards Chris as he begins to sit up in the bed. A few more steps and I walk into his outstretched arms. I embrace him and we start kissing.

  My heart begins racing. Placing his hand over my heart, he picks me up and lays me on the bed. “I recognize this shirt. This can’t be my gift.”

  “No, it isn’t.”

  He lifts the shirt over my head. “ it hiding somewhere on your body?”

  “Not quite.”

  He begins a trail of kisses around my neck and between my breasts. Then he pauses. “Do I get a clue?”

  “South from my neck, north of my knees, between my thighs is where you’ll find it.”

  Chris’ eyes widen and his smile spreads across his face. “Just to think, I thought the watch was one of the best gifts I had received today.”

  As he touches between my thighs, he says, “Just remember, you can’t take this gift back. Once you give it to me it’s non-refundable.”

  “Don’t worry, babe, this gift is yours to have.”

  Chris begins to kiss me passionately...intensely. From the tip of my nose, circling each of my nipples, and licking my navel. I try to take control and pull him onto the bed but he rejects my approach.

  He continues kissing me, following the trail from my navel to my slit. Kissing me once, then continuing down my right leg to the arch of my foot. Taking each toe into his mouth, he sucks. Slowly. Ending the trail, he returns to my slit, taking his dessert a mouthful at a time.

  Not wanting to climax too soon, I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth until my body relaxes again. After he has finished, he begins to fondle me with his fingers. My back arches, and
again, I am losing control. When I think I can’t handle any more, the pleasure deepens. His tongue greets his fingers and rhythmically he plays a tune that makes me sing.

  Just before I am about to orgasm, he stops. Suddenly.

  Moans escape me and I say, “Chris...please...don’t...stop!”

  He grins and reaches over to his nightstand, grabbing a condom. Undressing, he takes off his pants, then his shirt, and lastly his boxers. His manhood is at full attention.

  My mouth drops as I watch him roll the condom onto his penis. This is it, no turning back. I close my eyes in anticipation.

  “Laila, I love you. Are you sure you want to do this? As bad as I want to, I can stop now.”

  I mouth, “Yes.” Reaching for him, I pull him towards me. He caresses my hair, then suddenly I feel the tip of his manhood. He enters inch by inch. I feel each and every bit of him. I remember what Monica said, and begin taking slow breaths to relax my body.

  After the length of him has completely embodied me, he begins to stroke. Not too fast at first. The pleasure counteracts the pain. While he is stroking, he kisses my neck. The pain is an afterthought.

  My hips come alive and begin to meet Chris’ rhythm. With each grind, I release a moan. Chris whispers in my ear, “Are you okay?”

  Words escape me. Instead, my lips respond with a kiss. His hands begin to roam my body. He quickens his pace. The strokes get longer and harder. As he glides in and out, his hand finds a place between our bodies. He caresses my clit and I completely lose my mind.

  My head turns towards the bed, and I bury it in the pillow as I release a scream. My legs twitch and my body tenses. By far the best orgasm I have ever had. He continues caressing me, continues stroking. Then suddenly my body reacts. This time we are in unison. We both release. Chris moans. I scream...again.


  “Yes, he’s coming over in a couple of hours. Baby Ava has been up all night. I didn’t think being a mom would be this hard. TV makes it look easy.”


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