Bad Girls

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Bad Girls Page 10

by Aurora Yeo

  “You won’t lose me, Avery. I’ve come back, even after ten years. You can’t get rid of me so easily. I’ll be that annoying fly that will follow you around for as long as you live.” He used his index finger to lift my chin slightly. Before I could even comprehend what was exactly happening, he had already leaned in and placed a light but sadly short kiss on my lips.

  “You promise?” I asked.

  Wesley wiped a tear away from my cheek as his eyes softened. “I promise,” he whispered, pulling me into his chest.

  I breathed in his cologne and tried to slow down my heartbeat, but I couldn’t help but laugh. Warmth filled me, draining my doubts away as I clung onto his body. Wesley was my salvation, and he had pulled me out of hurt so many times, even on a daily basis, with the little things he did and would undoubtedly keep doing. He knew me better than anyone. He knew how I liked my coffee with half as much milk and a teaspoon of sugar on a rainy morning, how I slept best on my left side with a pillow tucked under my chin, how lightning and thunder never quite scared me but instead thrilled me, and how I was most myself when I was with Wesley.

  “I’ve become such a sappy person, oh God.” I laughed, and his chest rumbled too, his laughter filling the entire room.

  “You’re my sappy person, Avery Chase. Only mine.” His arms tightened around me as I wrapped mine around him as well. I didn’t want to let go. Not even if the world crashes and burns, nor if the heavens finally decide to purify the globe of humans. Maybe not even when we’re both old and gray and almost six feet under. I just wanted to stay in his arms, embraced by everlasting comfort and adoration.

  “I know.”


  By the time I had gotten home, I knew that I was already going to be late. Wesley had dropped me off, telling me that he would come over to fetch me for our first date, to which I agreed to go in about an hour’s time, and I was obviously not ready. Mascara ran down my cheeks, and I looked like a raccoon. My purple hair was wild, frizzy, and tangled so much so that a comb got stuck in it.

  The second hand of the clock ticked almost mockingly as I took a glance at the time, beads of perspiration already starting to drip down my forehead as I limped the best as I could. Ten minutes had already flown past since I had set foot in the house.

  After throwing my things to one side, I scrambled into the shower. The whole process proved difficult, as I could only use one hand; the other wasn’t supposed to get wet. Thankfully, it took me faster than I expected, and I was done within minutes, hurrying toward my closet to find something suitable.

  After digging through my entire wardrobe—though honestly, it resembled more of a walk-in closet—I finally settled with a short black pencil skirt and a simple but gorgeous white t-shirt with silver studs on the shoulders. Of course, my outfit wasn’t complete without a pair of gorgeous black heels and a cream purse. Shoving everything that I needed inside, I heard a horn. I peered out of the window and was greeted by Winnie’s gorgeous Mustang, windows rolled down. As I stepped out of the front door, Wesley also stepped out of the driver’s side of the gorgeous car as if we were in some chick flick.

  “You stole Winnie’s car?” I laughed, taking his outstretched hand as he led me to the passenger seat.

  “I had to make a good first impression.” He grinned, getting into the car quickly, and soon, we were off on the road. “Besides, it isn’t my fault that Winnie had left her car keys so out in the open. It was placed on the kitchen counter, just begging to be taken out for a joyride.”

  “You made your first impression years ago, Wesley. With chocolate ice cream on your nose and all over your mouth.” I laughed as his face turned into a tomato.

  “I think someone as handsome as me deserves a second chance.” He winked, and I laughed, letting the wind carry my voice.

  Chapter 21

  I must admit: I absolutely love Disney. Disney movies and Disney songs—I just love them. I know it’s childish and girly, but everyone loves Disney, right? Even when they deny and tell others how childish it is to watch Disney movies, they secretly still enjoy it.

  Growing up, every little girl had at least wished once upon the evening star to be a Disney princess, to have her prince in shining armor on a white horse to save her from an evil villain. I guess when I was younger, that was sort of my dream too. It just all began to fade away after a while.

  Soon, my dream of princes in shining armors just didn’t seem realistic anymore. Instead of being a princess, I had become a villain. But hey, who is to say that villains can’t be princesses or even queens? In fact, there are more villainous queens in real life than in fantasy stories. Villains are just born royalty or made with all the characteristics to rule like me.

  So when Wesley dragged me out of the car and into Disneyland, I honestly couldn’t even contain my excitement. I just gaped at him when he took out the two tickets to Disneyland, and I felt like crying there and then. His excited little grin had me jump into his arms while saying “thank yous.”

  “Man, if I had known that you would love coming over so much, I would have asked you long ago. Would have saved me so much trouble.” He placed a finger on his chin as if deep in thought. I smacked his arm lightly and beamed at him.

  “Sorry, Wes. But trouble and I just don’t separate. You want me, you get him too. We’re a package deal.” I winked at him, holding his hand and pulling him toward the entrance of the theme park and into Main Street, USA.

  Children ran about laughing and screaming in delight as their parents trailed behind them. There were tourists walking around, pointing and gesturing excitedly to the attractions and general design of the theme park, though, I was pretty sure that I looked just like them as well. In the background, the roaring of rollercoasters and screams of delight echoed. I jumped up and down excitedly, clinging onto Wesley’s arm like a kid in a candy store. The more I examined the ever-growing crowd, though, the more my smile fell in annoyance.

  “Aw, man. It’s gonna take us forever to take all the rides.” I sighed, studying the map carefully as Wesley wrapped an arm around my waist. We were headed toward Critter Country where country music played, mixing with the great jazz music from New Orleans Square.

  “Well, I know what I want to take first.”

  “What?” I asked curiously, and he flashed me a mischievous grin.

  “Tell me, how is your relationship and history with rollercoasters?”


  My eyes widened, slowly and carefully examining the entire ride. A log was filled with about six passengers all drenched from head to toe, laughing. The “waterfall” could easily be a thirteen-level drop, and I was not looking forward to ruining my newly bought shoes. Though I absolutely adored rollercoasters, I wasn’t keen on ruining my makeup and outfit.

  “Oh no no no no no. I am not going on that.” I pointed at a perfectly timed live snapshot of another log dropping down the waterfall.

  “Oh come on. This is, like, the best ride there is.” Wesley pleaded, his eyes big with hope. “Plus, they even take pictures that we can buy as souvenirs after the ride is over!”

  “Those eyes don’t work on me, boy.” I raised an eyebrow, and he scowled.

  “Well, I’m going on it no matter you like it or not.” Without warning, he lifted me off the ground, tossed me over his shoulders, and carried me to the queue.

  “Wesley Jerald! I’m wearing a damn skirt, you idiot!” I punched his back repeatedly, and he laughed, placing me down once we were in line and there was no way for me to escape without having to push and shove my way past a handful of impatient tourists and parkgoers.

  “Sorry babe, but that’s the only way you’re ever gonna follow me in. You’re heavy by the way. Ought to lose the extra fats.” He laughed, pulling a little at my cheeks to prove his point.

  “I’ll have you know I’m a size four.” Scowling, I slapped his hands away and placed both hands on my hips. “And a size four isn’t fat. Not that you should comment on a girl’s size like tha
t. We don’t like it.”

  “I know. You’re just adorable when you’re mad.” He smirked, and I scowled more.

  “Jerk,” I weakly mumbled and folded my arms folded across my chest.

  “I know, but you still love me.” He winked, and my cheeks blushed immediately.

  I stared at the ground, thinking of something to say. Do I, though? Do I actually love him that way?

  “Hey, stop stoning. It’s our turn.” Wesley tugged at my hand, and I snapped out of my daydream and followed him wordlessly into the log.

  Let me just say that I was absolutely thankful that I didn’t wear much makeup; only waterproof mascara and lip gloss, because when I got out of the ride, my shirt was see-through. Bright idea, Avery, choosing a white shirt out of all the colors you have.

  As the day went on, I started to loosen up and ended up running for every ride I spotted, stopping only occasionally for food and shopping. I was always happily munching a Disneyland churro throughout the day.

  There’s a saying on how a day passes the fast when you spend it with the people you love most. That saying is, unfortunately, absolutely true. The day went by in the blink of an eye, and before I realized it, it was already time for the last attraction of the day: the fireworks over the castle.

  Clutching dearly onto my giant Stitch toy that I had insisted on getting, I leaned against Wesley’s shoulder as we waited for the fireworks to begin. I would have never imagined that I would actually go on a date with Wesley Jerald, of all the different people I knew. Hell, I never even imagined Wesley going out with anyone at all when I was younger. He was always this kid who separated himself from the outside world as if he was better than all of us. I was one of the lucky few who managed to get close to him and actually be his best friend before he left in search of his older brother.

  As music blared from speakers and the night sky dazzled with hundreds of whimsical fireworks, I felt as if I was small again, as if I was a princess and knights and princes in shining armors were real. At that moment, I no longer felt that I was a villain. Finally, I got to be the princess in my own fairytale, no longer the evil queen of someone else’s.


  I turned my head slightly to look at Wesley in the eye, and his expression seemed so serious that I sat up straight. “What’s wrong?”

  “Did I ever tell you exactly how beautiful you look?”

  I smiled wider than a Cheshire Cat, and my cheeks turned deep red once more. I hugged the soft toy a little tighter, all of a sudden shy and feeling like I wanted to just bury my face in the earth and no longer see the light of day.

  I could only thank the heavens that it was already past sunset, and though the stars and the moon shone in the night sky, the light still wasn’t enough for Wesley to see my scarlet cheeks.

  “Well, it wouldn’t hurt if you tell me again?” I nudged his shoulder, and he burst into laughter. I laughed along as well; his laughter was so contagious, and since it was a rare sight to see Wesley laugh in public, it made me feel even more jubilant than before.

  “You, Avery Chase, are absolutely one of a kind,” he whispered, looking straight into my eyes, but that mischievous grin never once left his face. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

  I smiled widely and placed a finger on my chin, acting to be deep in thought when in reality, my heart was pounding wildly. “Hmm, I don’t know. I mean, William is pretty cute too. I think I will be a pretty good match with him, don’t you think?”

  Wesley’s face fell, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “Just kidding. You’re absolutely adorable. Yes, I will be honored to be your girlfriend.” I grinned, and he placed a small kiss on my lips.

  “For the record, I find evil villainous queens way hotter than a pink prissy princess,” Wesley smirked. “That’s because they know exactly what they want and will do whatever it takes to get it while princesses stay in their towers wishing for someone to rescue them. Evil queens got the nerve, and that just reminds me so much of your undying spirit.”

  An array of colors exploded behind the castle, painting the black sky. I leaned into Wesley’s embrace. Without another word, I pressed my lips against his, smiling all throughout as cheers filled the background. At that moment, it was just me, an evil queen, and her equally villainous king.

  Chapter 22

  On the first of December, I was finally allowed back in school after almost three months of “house arrest.” It was cruel, really, how they decided to send me back to school on a Monday, the worst day of the week. No, they couldn’t have sent me back on a Thursday or a Friday. It could be better even if it were a Tuesday. Nope, it just had to be Monday, just how they liked it. They liked to torture poor, innocent me.

  I wasn’t having any of that, though. If I had to go back to school, I would go in with a big entrance, all eyes on me just like the start of senior year. It was still fresh in my mind what Charlotte had done to change Summer over to her side, and poor ole Summer was too in love with dear darling Ryan to even think for a second how absolutely retarded and weak Charlotte’s argument was.

  Really? Dyed my hair brown? The idea of dyeing my hair to a shade of boring brown just to get the attention of a guy I hated was just wrong. Summer hadn’t figured out that I would never degrade myself like that by changing so drastically for a guy, especially a guy I would willingly gut with a screwdriver any day.

  If I had to dye my hair, it would have been something dramatic, something so absolutely me. Like purple, a color that was far from ordinary and could stand out from a crowd with just one look. Speaking of my purple hair, the color was starting to fade to lavender. I just touched it up yesterday before school so that my blonde roots wouldn’t show. There was nothing like a therapeutic trip to the hair salon to calm my nerves.

  Driving to school with my new and improved mode of transport was a sweet success. Since my precious Diablo got totaled in the accident, my dad offered to get me a new car, so then I thought; Why not go all out?

  I drove my matte purple Ferrari, which was specially customized to say “Avery” at the back, and it felt sweet and glorious. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. The step-out-of-the-car moment was even more epic with my sunglasses and my signature black heels. I felt like a celebrity. I felt like royalty.

  I felt like a queen.

  What’s perhaps even more shocking for the entire school population was the way that Wesley greeted me once I stepped through the front doors. He pulled me in and kissed the top of my head. We strutted through school with everyone glaring at us with awe.

  All the way down the hallway, all I could do was simply smile at the staring crowd, soaking up all the attention. Their queen bee was back, and they should have known it.

  Going in class was even more wonderful. Charlotte was seated in front, crying like a complete mess at her test result. Walking by, I had realized that her test paper was a big fat C, and that made me feel good. I know that it wasn’t right for me to gloat in the light of other people’s failure, but I did often find myself throwing all my morals and humanity when it came to Charlotte. Blake was by her side running a hand over her back, trying to calm her down. What actually surprised me, though, was that Blake had an annoyed expression on his face while doing so. Neither of them had noticed me yet, but oh do I plan on making my entrance grand.

  Karma is a bitch, Char.

  “Oh, would you look at that? Charlotte “goody” Brooke got a C in history. How sad. Sob sob.” I rubbed my hand over my eyes mockingly, and Charlotte looked up at me, glaring even with her tear-stained cheeks. “Maybe if you had spent more time in the library instead with Blake, you could’ve actually done well. I mean, you are a nerd, aren’t you?”

  “Don’t you have some other guy to mess with in the janitor’s closet instead of being an A-class bitch?” she snapped, causing Blake to finally look up at me as well. His face was filled with absolute surprise and something else I couldn’t quite find the words for.

�Aww, did you miss me, Char? I know I missed you. Such a comedy relief in my life.” I wiped a fake tear from my eye as I sighed. “And sorry to disappoint you, hun, but my boyfriend wouldn’t like it if I became as much as a slut as you. I don’t need to go stealing someone else’s man. I’ve got my own.” I winked and sashayed to the back of the class, totally ignoring the piercing look Blake shot me. The crowd of students watching us went wild.

  Well, if he really missed me so, maybe I should pay him a little visit later after school. Right now, I have debts to collect and lives to ruin.


  Classes had barely even ended when I was already at my locker, eagerly chucking in all my books and stationery as Wesley leaned against the neighboring locker. He was examining a piece of gum wrapper in his hands, his eyebrows furrowed as he read the ingredients listed.

  “Ava,” he started.

  “Hmm?” I shut my locker door and readjusted the bag on my shoulders.

  “If I swallow a piece of gum, do you think I’ll die?” In a flash, all seriousness left his face, and he smiled, the pink piece of gum still in his mouth. I rolled my eyes. “Theoretically, of course.”

  Unable to hold in my laughter, I burst into a fit of hysteria as I slapped my knee, wiping away a stray tear as I shook my head. All while a bunch of students turned to stare at us, all shocked and surprised to see Wesley and me bantering so playfully. When I noticed their stares, my face darkened immediately.

  “Don’t you people have better things to do other than just stare?” I hissed. Immediately, they scattered like leaves on a windy autumn day.

  Turning back to face Wesley, a much softer expression slipped onto my features as I shook my head, looping my arm with his own. His amused eyes were fixed on me, just simply content with gazing as I hip-bumped him lightly to make him turn away.

  “Quit staring. It’s creepy. Didn’t your mother ever teach you that it’s rude to stare at people?” At my hypothetical question, Wesley shrugged. “And to answer your question, I don’t think one piece of gum can kill you. But that doesn’t mean that you should go swallow it.”


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