Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters

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Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters Page 5

by Myunique C. Green

  I gazed out of the window, looking over my new home, the hauler Ash had mentioned loading was already unloaded and my mom’s car was parked in front of the middle of three garage doors.

  “You’d think with four cars needing to be parked, they’d have had this house built with four garage doors,” I complained. “Since you don’t even drive your car I guess I’ll be taking the third garage space. Your bucket of bolts can stay outside.”

  When Ash finally pulled into the driveway and turned the car off I reached into the backseat and lightly tapped Corey on the leg. The poor girl jumped up from the seat so fast she slammed her head against the glass window. Immediately she grabbed the side of her head with both hands and toppled over into the seat.

  “Oh my! Are you alright?” I said, opening the car door and walking around to the back. I opened her door and reached in to lightly grab her arm and lift her up.

  “Yeah I’m fine,” she replied calmly, pulling away from me. Not a hint of embarrassment or even pain was in her voice, I figured it was because worse things had happened to her living under an abusive father.

  I gently pulled the girl out of the car and reached down to grab a few of the bags she had under the seat. “Do you want something for your head? I’m sure that had to hurt like hell.”

  “No, I’m fine. Pain relievers don’t work on me, I’m naturally immune to poison.” She took her hand away from mine and wobbled to stand on her own. I took her hand again and led her up the walkway to the front door; behind me Ash was getting the rest of the things out of the trunk and sitting them on the ground.

  The door to the house was surprisingly left half open so I just gave it a little nudge with the tip of my foot and opened it the rest of the way. I sat Corey’s things on the floor and looked around for any sign of my parents- between everything that’d happened still fresh on my mind, I hadn’t had enough time to come up with a really good lie about why I was bringing a complete stranger home. It was kind of like bringing a stray dog home and asking your parents if you could keep it.

  “I thought I heard a door slam outside, how was the trip?” My mom said as she sauntered down the stairs holding one of the cardboard boxes.

  “I don’t think that was the car door you heard slam,” I replied under my breath.

  My mother sat the box down in the corner of the disorganized living room and walked over and planted a tiny kiss on my cheek. When she caught sight of Corey she was utterly stumped and unsure what to think of the child. “Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met before,” my mom said, extending her hand for a friendly shake. “I’m Alizarin’s mom, Psenora.”

  “Mom, this is Corey, a friend from Hot Springs.”

  Corey smiled and got up from the couch and walked over to my mother with her hand extended. “This is a lovely home ma’am.”

  My mom smiled back and pulled me to the side. “Was she living under a bridge in Hot Springs?” she asked, puzzled.

  Since I hadn’t thought of that story on my own, I was happy that she had done the work for me. All there was left to do was agree. “Yes, I found her lying down under an overpass and told her she could come a live with us until she got on her feet.”

  I never took you for the Good Samaritan type, my mother thought curiously.

  I tried to avoid her eyes, remembering what’d happened last time. Breaking down in front of my mom would be like begging to take a trip to the psychiatrist.

  I rolled my eyes and looked around the house; it would be awhile before we were done getting it in order or at least to the point of controlled chaos. I barely noticed Ash while he brought the suitcases from the trunk into the house, but I was glad he hadn’t asked for help. At this point all I really want to do is shower and go to bed.

  When my mom pulled Corey off to the side and began whispering with her, I took it as my opportunity to disappear for the rest of the night. “So which way to my room?” I called out, once again looking over the house. It was surprisingly hot and stuffy in the house- small beads of sweat began appearing on my forehead as I tried to move through the house. “Why the heck is it so hot in here? Do we not own an air conditioner?”

  “If you’re so hot, turn on the fan in your room, which is up the stairs and to your right,” my dad announced as he walked into the room from the back door.

  “It wouldn’t kill you turn the ac on, David.” I grabbed my luggage and drug them up the stairs.

  “Hey, hey! That’s dad to you,” he called behind me.

  I shrugged even though I knew he couldn’t see me. There was no reason why my arms were as tired as they were, they almost felt like dead weight as I reached the hallway. While trudging down the hallway, I peeked into all of the rooms I passed. Ash’s room was across the hall from mine like it had been in our old house and the room Corey would soon be sleeping in was next to Ash’s. Jasmine’s room, I thought, remembering my older sister.

  My parents began to have this house constructed after the unfortunate fire that devastated our family. I sighed, I didn’t want to think about it, it was old news by now, still, everything reminded me of her.

  “At this point, all I need is a hot bath and a little peace and quiet,” I mumbled as I opened my room door and flipped the switch. When the room lit up, I saw the room for the first time in person- the pictures never gave it much justice. The walls were the dark purple I’d requested and the bed, desk and television stand had all been set up. I said a silent thank you to whoever had took the time to do this then made sure nothing was missing by briefly walking around and making sure I had all my boxes. It was bigger than my old room and I could seriously never complain about having more space to throw my junk.

  In the corner, four boxes were stacked nicely and there were three packs of plastic hangers in the closet. Behind me, Corey walked into the room and looked around.

  “This is nice, where do I sleep?” she inquired softly while sitting her bags down on the floor.

  “You get to sleep in the empty room across the hall,” I replied, walking over to sit my duffle bag on top of the desk.

  At some point, I think I must have gotten too close to her because a pungent order hit my nose. If I hadn’t already gave up everything I’d eaten earlier I was sure If I had anything else I’d have ended up seeing it on the carpet. But why hadn’t I smelled it before? I thanked God that I wasn’t trapped in the car with that smell on the way up here.

  “You can take a shower if you want to, the bathroom is right down the hall.” I said, fighting the urge to disrespectfully hold my nose.

  “What’s a shower?” She replied questionably.

  “Are you serious?” I breathed, “Follow me.”

  I walked down the hallway and showed Corey the bathroom I’d discovered while trying to find my room. I also tried to calmly explain to her what a shower was and only after practically bathing her myself I went back to my room and waited for her to finish.

  I can’t believe she didn’t know what a shower was? I wondered unbelievingly.

  Well we can only imagine the living conditions she had to endure there with her father. I’m really not surprised she has no idea how to clean herself. It even looks and smells like she hasn’t bathed in months.

  Yeah I guess you’re right, I replied.

  I didn’t have to look into their eyes to hear their thoughts and see their visions, at a time when all I wanted in my life was just an ounce of quiet- it’d completely fled from me. I slid my feet as I walked around the room opening boxes and taking things out so that I could put them in their respective places.

  There was a tiny tap on the door then Corey walked in- completely dripping wet and naked. “What the hell?” I squealed, averting my eyes.

  “I’ve finished,” she answered, coming closer to me.

  I quickly searched through some of my bath stuff that I’d taken out and threw her a towel. “Don’t come any closer,” I said, rudely, from being taken off guard by the whole of it all.

  “Don’t tell me thi
s is your first time seeing a naked body, Alizarin.”

  “Yeah, but it doesn’t mean I want to know you like that, save your nakedness for the opposite sex. I’ve already put the stuff you brought with you in the room across the hall. Go and put some clothes on, my mom will most likely come and collect the towel in the morning.”

  She left out of the room, shutting the door behind her. I walked over to my dresser and picked out a nice pair of low cut panties and a tank then found another towel. Hopefully a shower would ease some of the tension that seemed to be on my back. I wondered again how if I could heal, why’d my back hurt as bad as it did? Something wasn’t adding up and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

  When I got to the bathroom, water covered the floor and I had to grab onto to the towel hanger in order to keep from slipping and busting my ass on the tile. I slid off the black tee I had on then slowly unhooked the bra. I threw them both at the mirror as I stared at my reflection, “You’re just a freak of nature,” I growled angrily at myself.

  After my shower, I stepped out of the bathroom wrapped with a towel and tiptoed down to my room. The air in the room was warm and inviting, I considered sleeping nude for a moment as I stood there in front of my window. It a good thing that the houses here were so evenly spaced apart, enough so that the neighbors were too far away to catch a glimpse of me standing here in the window totally naked- unless they had a pair of binoculars handy of course.

  I looked down at my bare chest and traced the mark Ash’s wound had left less than two hours ago. I decided that it was better that I sleep with clothes on and hurried to slip the pink lace panties up my thighs and to my waist then slinked into the tank.

  There was a long white-framed rectangular mirror sitting off to the side of the room and a new pack of magic hooks sitting on the computer desk. I took the items and walked them over to the back of my room door. After attaching the mirror to the door, I stared at myself, trying to put the pieces together. So she didn’t notice the purplish streak corrupting my natural brown hair. Typical, she never notices anything I do.

  I lay face-up on my bed staring at the black and silver ceiling fan, watching as it spun in countless circles before I leaned over and switched off the lamp. Goodnight Ash, I thought for a moment today that I was going to lose you.

  For a minute you did, he replied as he drifted off into La-La Land.

  I glanced out of the window across from my bed and watched the soft autumn breeze blow gently through the trees. I wished for a moment that I was out there, dancing and spinning around with arms opened wide, embracing the cool sweet smell of maple leaves. I let the thought consume me before drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter Six


  Tuesday August 24, 2010

  The moonlight lit up the dark room as I lay sprawled out on the bed. Soon I would have to be up for school and there would be another segment of “Drive Ash Insane.” There wasn’t a chance I’d be falling back asleep again so I threw the cover from over my legs and got up; I figured I’d at least get a head start on my day.

  Corey had kindly informed me that the reason I was seeing, hearing and smelling things so intensely was because of some strange power of senses. Heightened senses. “Princess powers,” I whispered into the air, feeling as though I could see my words as they left from my mouth.

  I couldn’t help but feel quite a bit of jealousy as I thought about Aliza’s powers, but at least mine weren’t completely debilitating.

  The phone on my nightstand buzzed and I froze in place; to normal ears the vibration would have seemed small and barely unnoticeable, but for me, it was loud enough to make the room shake.

  I quickly snatched it up and looked at the message- it was from the phone company. I threw it onto the bed then moved through the room looking for a pair of house shoes. I trudged down the dark hallway, wearing nothing but a pair of mesh gray shorts. I heard the heavy breathing of everyone in the house, and smiled when I heard Aliza mumbled something from her dreams. I didn’t bother turning on any of the lights because I didn’t need them, I saw perfectly fine. In a weird way I felt like a lion, moving around in the dark as graceful and as swiftly as I would if I was moving in the light.

  I walked aimlessly through the house for a moment before deciding to conduct my own test: how man Juniors could I make? I strutted through the kitchen and out of the backdoor, the air outside was warm and thick, a silver streak of moonlight hit the house, lighting the windows. I would be able to hear anyone before they got out of their beds, and if it was Aliza or Corey I wouldn’t even care.

  I slowly tugged away from my first Junior; he was the easiest since I’ve used him a few times before. The second one wasn’t so easy. When I got to the last pull at the kidney, I was in pain, although still nothing compared to the initial pain I felt at the gas station, the day I first discovered I could do this and also the day I almost died.

  Death is a funny thing- you never think it could happen to you until you’re lying on your back, bleeding out. I’d almost given up just to show Aliza she should appreciate me more. Then I realized that it wouldn’t really serve me much good if I was dead. Using myself as an example was stupid.

  Remarkably, the more Juniors I created, the more the pain started to cease. There were Juniors everywhere now, they filled the entire backyard and the world look so much different from every aspect of the yard; it was interesting yet creepy to the tenth power. It seemed as if I was watching the world through fifty different television screens simultaneously.

  Upstairs, Aliza turned over in her bed and switched on the light. “Well that gives a whole new meaning to the phrase one man army,” she whispered.

  How the hell are you doing that?

  “You’re my brother,” she replied sleepily, switching the light back off.

  That’s not an answer. She had to be deeper in my mind than I or even she realized.

  It is to me, she thought, wandering off back into sleep.

  I shrugged it off and figured she’d give me a real answer whenever she was ready and if she didn’t I’d figure out a way to get it out of her somehow.

  “You should come inside, the sun is coming up.” Corey said softly from her window.

  How had I not caught Corey getting out of bed? “I’ll just blame it on the lack of sleep,” I murmured to myself, walking back into the house. I had nearly forgotten the Juniors, as they stood in the middle of the yard dumbfounded. Now how do I get them to go away?

  “Try snapping.”

  I stopped all thought and movement as I tried to place the whisper; it wasn’t Aliza or anyone from inside of the house. “Who’s there?” I stuttered softly, balancing myself.

  “A friend,” The voice echoed. It was soft yet hoarse and dry, my ears tingled as it spoke, sending a chill down my spine.

  “Do you have a name?” I huffed, annoyed. “I don’t know how you’re doing it Aliza, but stop it you’re creeping me out.” I turned the doorknob and stepped into the house. From the small glass window in the door, I watched the Juniors disappear as I snapped my fingers. Aliza couldn’t have possibly known that would work.

  “Anything is possible,” the whisper said throughout the house.

  “Isn’t that the truth,” I mumbled, no longer phased by the mysterious voice.


  Wednesday August 25, 2010

  “Asher, could you please give the class the answer to number two?”

  I looked down at the paper then calculated the problem. “X= 19,” I breathed, not enthused by this class at all. Not to mention I hated when people called me by my whole first name.

  The teacher walked passed my desk and smiled. “Thank you Asher, you’re correct.”

  A headache began building as I picked up the tiniest sounds, this had to be what Aliza felt like with the voices. Everything was intense. Small sounds were now huge, traumatic noises that rocked my vision.

  Behind me someone tapped my back and I turned slightly around in my seat.
“Can I help you?” I whispered, as the teacher carried on with the lesson.

  Instead of replying aloud like I had done, the girl handed me a note, lightly kissed with her red lipstick. “For you,” she mouthed.

  I took the note from her hand and put it into my pocket, not really caring to read it. No one likes blondes anymore; I preferred red-heads like Corey. My body shuddered at the thought. Corey was sticks and bones- she’d been kept away from a hot meal for way too long. But I had to give her one thing; she had a smile that lit up the darkest room. It was something about the way she talked and the way she moved that toyed with me, her voice was almost rustic and graceful, like an ancient song. I shook my head. No more thinking about Corey, she’s beneath me.

  Mighty big talk for a princess. But I’d still bet she has more balls than you do, Aliza thought.

  I clenched my fist. Wait until I see you, I’m punching you in the chest. Shouldn’t you have clarity right now anyways?

  There was a long bridge of silence before she replied. I was going to tell you about this place that I just heard about. They’re supposed to have some of the best burgers in town. But, since you threatened to punch me in the chest good luck eating the cafeteria food, loser.

  My pulse spiked as I became angry and blood rushed to my cheeks. Aliza had a way of getting under my skin like no other. But I knew that through the blood, sweat and tears we had each other’s backs, and that’s what it really came down to in the end.

  I suddenly remembered how she’d squandered her allowance. How’d you plan on paying for that burger? I wondered if she could tell I was smirking along with this thought.

  Angus House. Ten minutes north. Meet you there, she replied.

  I smiled to myself then went back to paying attention to the teacher. That’s right, I rule.

  Chapter Seven


  Monday August 23, 2010


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