Rapture (McKenzie Brothers)

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Rapture (McKenzie Brothers) Page 1

by Lexi Buchanan


  [McKenzie Brothers 02]


  HFCA Publishing


  [McKenzie Brothers 02]

  Copyright © 2013 Lexi Buchanan

  All rights reserved.

  This book is a written act of fiction. Any places, characters, or similarities are purely coincidence. If certain places or characters are referenced it is for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  ISBN-13 – 978-0-9576803-9-5


  To Bookers, a wonderful group of women, who I’m proud to call friends. I love chatting books, sexy men and ‘urban dictionary’ with you all. I love how one innocent question from our ‘founder’ can turn into so much fun. You rock ladies xxx


  A huge thank you goes to my hubby, Mark, and our four children, Abigail, Conor, Flynn and Heidi for their patience with my time spent writing. We will eventually have a clean house!

  I’d like to thank my editor, Sirena Van Schaik for setting me straight, even while sick with flu.

  A special thank you to Nadine Winningham, for her eagle eye and time spent reading through a ‘raw’ manuscript and the time spent in sending me notes and comments.

  Thank you to Catherine Roberts and Emma Clifton for allowing me to add them as part of the bachelorette party! That was so much fun to write.

  A big thank you also goes to my team of Beta readers, Emma Clifton, HM Bendana, Kristy Louise Garbutt, Marsha Thalleen, Gabriela Tortolano and Nadine Winningham.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45



  Michael and Lily’s Wedding


  Lily had looked stunning as she walked down the aisle towards my nervous as hell brother Michael.

  Along with my brothers, I’d spent most of the day having fun at Michael’s expense, which probably hadn’t helped with Michael’s nerves any.

  A grin spreads across my face as I watch the reception crowd. Thinking back to earlier in the day when the four of us were bugging Michael, his lips tight with frustration as we teased him about Lily getting cold feet and running.

  Michael had gone white and dropped rather abruptly onto the chair behind him. Lucien had made for the exit before Michael decided to react to our teasing by asking him where he was going. Laughter had filled the room as Lucien replied, ‘to ask Lily to run off with me,’ and Michael’s face had changed from white to red.

  Eventually, mom had appeared and clouted us all across the back of our heads like she used to do when we were kids. Her calming presence had put a stop to the teasing. Yeah, Mom still had it in her to keep us all in order, despite the fact that the five of us towered over her these days.

  The fact was you only had to look at Lily with Michael to see how much she loved him. They were ‘it’ for each other, and with Lily being pregnant, well, that was an added bonus. One I was actually looking forward to – being an uncle.

  Spotting Lily alone for the first time during the day, I walk over to her. “Hey, beautiful.” She really is beautiful, with her hair swept up, pearls in her ears and around her neck.

  “Sebastian, you look handsome,” she replies, her arms wrapping around my waist as she gives me a quick hug.

  Stepping back, she continues to look at me – and look at me some more as her forehead creases in concentration. I shift under her gaze and smooth the creases of my shirt. I’d taken my jacket off, which left me in the white, silk shirt Lily had instructed us all to wear. Not that I was complaining, without the jacket the shirt showcased my abs, which I’d gotten through hard labor working the job sites of our company, McKenzie Holdings.

  Narrowing my eyes, I allow Lily to stare back at me, hoping to break her concentrated gaze.

  “You eyeing me up?” I ask grinning.

  “Yep. I’m trying to decide who I need to introduce you to,” she grins as I scan the crowd around us.

  “No, you’re not going to introduce me to…” I trail off, my gaze stopping on a woman across the way, “her.”

  My breath catches in my chest as she walks out of the marquee, if you could call it walking. She practically floats with grace and elegance. She’s breathtaking! One of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen with a tall slim build and full breasts that accentuate her hourglass figure. Her long dark hair is a cascade of curls down her back, and over her shoulders.

  “Ah, Sebastian.”

  “Who’s she here with?” I urgently ask. I need to know. “Lily, who is that bodacious babe with?”

  I wince at my tone. I’ve never been so desperate to meet someone before, especially a woman who has ‘commitment’ written all over her.

  Lily snickers. “You did not just call her a bodacious babe? How old are you? Seventeen!”

  “Trust me, no horny seventeen year old boy would be thinking of doing what I’m thinking of doing to her.” What I want to do to her isn’t going to be spoken out loud in front of Lily. Michael would kill me if I say any of that to his wife.


  “Bill and Ted’s,” I reply, not really listening.


  “Never mind. You haven’t said who she’s with.” As I talk, I fight the urge to walk over and pull her to me. Instead, my gaze follows her as she crosses the lawn in front of us.

  “You need to keep your zipper up. She’s here with Ramon.”

  Ice splashes through my veins as I look at Lily. Her eyes are sparkling with mirth, but the crook of her lips makes me realize she’s serious.

  “How can she be with Ramon?” That wasn’t possible.

  Michael has come up behind us. “Well, I guess our brother is finally serious about someone and Lucien needs to get his facts straight in future.” Michael wraps his arms around Lily.

  I grind my teeth together as I think about this new problem – one I never expected to have. “She can’t be with him. Are you sure?”

  “I’m sorry, but she is,” Lily tells me, sympathy clear in her eyes as she cocks her head to the side.

  The girl, Ramon’s girlfriend, is walking towards me, and all I can do is wait, frozen to the spot.


  Walking out o
f the marquee, I glance around the yard looking for Ramon. Where has he disappeared? I sigh to myself and give up the hunt.

  My gaze falls on the bride who is standing with her new husband and the same good-looking guy who’d been standing in front with the groom during the ceremony. Michael and Ramon’s brother, I assume, but I’m not sure which one. I know he isn’t Lucien, because I’d met him on arrival so he’s either Ruben or Sebastian. I can’t understand my sudden interest in him. As hard as I try, I can’t keep my eyes off of him.

  Before I can head in any other direction my feet start taking me towards him. He hasn’t taken his eyes from me, which makes me nervous and also sends tingles to places I shouldn’t have tingles considering I’m with his brother.

  When I’m a few feet away from Lily, Michael and the delicious guy, I force my gaze on Lily. “Hi Lily. Do you know where Ramon is?”

  “I haven’t seen him for a while.”

  Lily looks to her husband then back to me. The entire time, I can feel Michael’s brother staring at me, his gaze burning right through me.

  “Let me introduce you to Sebastian, Michael’s brother. Sebastian, this is Carla.”

  I turn towards him and freeze. Never in a million years have I ever reacted to anyone the way I’m reacting to him. His dark eyes hold mine in some sort of trance. I’m unable to look away.

  He leans forward and takes my hand into his. “Carla, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he practically purrs and his voice melts my insides. “Are you really with Ramon?”

  His question jerks me back to my senses and I take a small step back. What the hell am I doing being drawn in by Ramon’s brother? My life is too damn complicated as it is without Sebastian adding to it. “It’s great to meet you, but I better go and find Ramon,” I murmur before turning quickly on my heels and dashing away.

  What are you doing? I chide myself, but I can’t stop the quickness of my steps as I flee from Sebastian and from the feelings he draws from me. I pray he doesn’t follow me because I’m not sure if I have the strength not to throw myself at him. He has me turned inside out.

  Back inside the marquee, I grab a glass of champagne and quickly gulp it down before grabbing another one. Towards the back left of the marquee, I spot a vacant table, which I make my way to, and hope to hide for a while. Maybe I’ll even spot Ramon from my perch.

  The ceremony had been beautiful, and Lily had looked amazing in her wedding gown. She really was a glowing bride. When Michael had seen Lily walking down the aisle in her wedding dress, I’d noticed his eyes filled with unshed tears.

  I wanted that one-day, someone to love me unconditionally. Someone I can love with my entire being. Someone who’ll look at me the way Michael always looks at Lily. Sebastian.

  I shake my head of his image. It won’t do me any good to keep thinking about him. Instead, I smile to myself, at the memory of being in the ranch house with Ramon as the wedding cake arrived, much to Michael’s embarrassment. I’d spent about an hour trying to work out why a wedding cake would embarrass the groom. The cake had four layers with scarves made out of confectioners’ sugar around the base of each one. Nothing embarrassing and even Ramon wasn’t sure of the reason for Michael’s discomfort. I finally found out there was something more about the cake…or rather about the scarves. Lily had snickered when she told me, her only words, ‘it was the scarves and you should use your imagination’.

  I feel my cheeks heat as I think of all the things I could do with a set of scarves and the heat intensifies as my imagination casts Sebastian as my willing accomplice.

  “Carla, I’ve been looking for you. I’m just going to help Ruben finish getting his car sorted, and then we’ll leave. Is that, okay?” Ramon quickly asks making me jump, my fantasy disappearing on wisps of guilt.

  “Yes, that’s fine,” I manage to say to his already retreating back.

  The band that’s been hired for the day is very good, and has certainly entertained the guests; young and old alike. They have now started to entertain the more amorous guests, by playing the slower, romantic songs.

  Michael is leading Lily onto the dance floor, and then he takes her into his arms as the singer announces it’s the last dance of the evening. He starts to sing, ‘I Don’t Want to Miss A Thing’, the original having been sung by Aerosmith.

  I smile, standing up to leave, and practically walk into Sebastian. I lift my eyes to his, not able to look away. I stay frozen to the spot.

  “Dance with me Carla. I know you’re with my brother. I don’t like it, but I’ll respect it. Please, just one dance.”

  Without waiting for a response, he steps close and places one hand on my hip before caressing my face with the other.

  I inhale, rubbing my cheek against his palm as a shiver wracks my body. I need to leave, and quickly because all I want is to stay here with this man, but I won’t break my promise to Ramon. After everything he’s done for me, I just can’t let him down. He’s counting on me…

  Five Months Later

  Chapter 1


  What the hell is wrong with me? I curse. Here I am hiding like a naughty child in the pantry wishing I could disappear. Better yet, wishing I hadn’t agreed to come today, but then I’d have upset Lily.

  It isn’t fair! I stamp my foot and do an abrupt turn before I begin pacing back and forth trying to remember what I’ve come into the pantry for to begin with. I take a deep calming breath, and lean against the pantry shelf. Get it together Carla, you’re here for Lily!

  I’ve become friends with Lily over the past five months as well as her friend Sylvia. The last thing I want to do is let Lily down, especially while she’s so emotional, more so because of her pregnancy hormones.

  I’ve witnessed a few emotional times for Lily, which have been amusing in part; watching Michael, Lucien and on occasion Ramon try to hug her and mop her up. There was no way I could have missed today, even if I’d had prior warning that he was going to be here.

  It is, after all Lily’s baby shower and Pippa is holding the event at the McKenzie ranch for Lily. Baby showers are supposed to be for the women, right? The men folk are supposed to go and do something else, pat Michael on the back and tell him what a good job he did of knocking Lily up. But oh no, not the McKenzie men. Michael is standing guard over Lily, while he has everyone else fussing around her, waiting for his brothers to arrive.

  Thanks to Ramon, I have about ten minutes before the McKenzie men arrive, which is why I’m hiding in the pantry. If I’m honest with myself it wasn’t the McKenzie men I’m hiding from, but one in particular. Sebastian.

  Ever since Lily and Michael’s wedding, I’ve been unable to get him out of my head, and when I think about him, I always end up hot and bothered with a longing so strong I don’t know what to do about it.

  Once every two weeks, Ramon takes me out to his parents’ place for Sunday lunch to spend a relaxing afternoon with his family. Except it isn’t relaxing for me. What it means is that every two weeks, I have to endure being so close to Sebastian without touching him. He always keeps his distance from me, which I know is for the best. But it doesn’t stop the flare of jealousy or the twinge of pain in my heart when his smile slips as he looks at me and he turns cold and aloof. A few times I’ve excused myself, and disappeared into the bathroom to try and pull myself together and to dab at my eyes.

  A couple of times, I’ve caught Lily watching me and know she realizes there’s something strange between Ramon and me. I’m just surprised Lily hasn’t asked anything because it’s unlike her to stay quiet.

  I sigh and glance around at the shelves, hoping for an answer, or at least the item I’m looking for to come forward. Despite all the feelings for Sebastian, I love Ramon. He is my best friend and has been for a few years. I met him when he’d been working up in Canada on a McKenzie project, or rather my brother had met him, introducing him to me, all three of us hitting it off straightaway. Despite having known Ramon for years, I only recently met his f
amily leading up to Lily and Michael’s wedding.

  It had been a surprise for me when I first met Ramon’s family because not one of them knew who I was. When Ramon told them he’d known me for a few years, they’d all looked skeptical and I couldn’t blame them really. I suspected he hadn’t mentioned me to them previously because of his connection to my brother, Noah. That would have been awkward, considering what I suspect.

  Neither, Ramon or I know where my brother has disappeared to. One minute everything seemed to be going really well then the next he’d up and left Lexington without a word to Ramon or a message to me. I’d still been in Canada at the time, but he hadn’t come home or even called me to let me know he was okay.

  I shudder at the thought. My life in Canada hadn’t been that great. After being knocked around by an ex-boyfriend looking for my brother, I’d fled the country and arrived in Lexington two weeks later with multiple bruises and stitches above an eyebrow. I’d hoped that my brother was in Lexington to help me, but I turned up at Ramon’s door and my brother had been nowhere in sight.

  Ramon had taken me in and we’d come to a twelve-month agreement.

  I would live with him for twelve months and pretend to be his girlfriend. Why he needs a pretend girlfriend, I can’t figure out. Both my brother and Ramon had shared enough women when they were together in Canada so that couldn’t be the problem.

  Idly running my fingers over a can of peas, I ponder the relationship between Ramon and my brother. I know, without a doubt, that Ramon misses my brother and I sometimes wonder if there had been something more between them because Ramon seems too pissed that Noah has disappeared than that of a concerned friend.

  Noah is a whole other problem. He might not be around, but I worry about him daily. All I can do is hope that he’s all right because I refuse to think anything else.

  Ramon has been supportive and it’s clear that he’s worried about Noah. He even hired a private investigate about eight months ago, but as yet there hasn’t been any trace of my brother.


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