The Diary of a Side Chick (Side Chick Diaries Book 1)

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The Diary of a Side Chick (Side Chick Diaries Book 1) Page 7

by Tamicka Higgins


  Tron was standing in front of Honeys East, looking at the drawing that the remodeler had sent to him. He was comparing it to the current look of the building and trying to make sure that the two looked nothing alike. While he stood in front of the building, jotting this and that down, he felt his phone vibrate. He took it out of his pocket and saw that there was a text message from Shawna, saying that she wouldn’t be home until later because she’d added one more appointment. He nodded, sending her a text saying okay.

  Tron went on doing what he was doing and in about thirty minutes, Desirae popped into his mind. As much as he didn’t want to flare up her feelings about him possibly leaving Shawna to go be with her, he wouldn’t mind if he could stop by her place and bust one real quick. He decided to hit her up and see what she would be doing.

  When Tron called Desirae, she didn’t answer. He then looked at the time, realizing that she was probably at work. Within minutes of putting his phone down in the passenger side front seat, it started vibrating. The person calling was Desirae.

  “Wassup,” Tron answered.

  Desirae sounded like she was in the back or something because Tron couldn’t hear any background music or noise when she was talking. “You called,” she said.

  “Yeah, I was try’na come see you and shit,” Tron said. “I’mma have a little time later before I gotta go into the restaurant and handle some business.”

  “Awe yeah?” Desirae said.

  “Yeah,” Tron said, smiling. “So, I was try’na see if you wanna let a nigga come through. I mean, I could just go hang with my girl.” He knew adding that last part would make it enticing for Desirae.

  Desirae thought for a minute before she answered. “I don’t get off until ten thirty tonight,” she said. “You know its Friday night and the mall close at ten.”

  “Fuck, that’s right,” Tron said, realizing that he wasn’t thinking about the day and everything. “Aight. Since you don’t get off til 10:30 tonight, I got another idea then.”


  Shawna’s day went smooth as usual. Of course, with it being a Friday night, so many women were in and out of the shop trying to make sure their hair was perfect for going out over the weekend. In an ironic way, Shawna really started to see what lengths some women will go through to look good in hopes of finding a man. At the same time, though, this was definitely good for her business.

  Nalique came walking through the doors at 7:25. At five foot six, Nalique was a little built – not in a masculine way, but she was very thick and shapely. Her hair was clearly in need of a relaxer and perm; her edges were just atrocious. Aside from all that, Shawna could pick up on how Nalique wasn’t in the best of moods as she started to do her hair.

  “Girl, what’s been going on?” Shawna asked in a very friendly voice. She wanted to go ahead and let Nalique get whatever it was off her chest. She did this with all of her clients so they would be relaxed and stuff. Since this was Tron’s boy’s chick, she was definitely going to chat with her and whatnot.

  “A bitch is going up to that club tonight,” Nalique said, in a very matter-of-fact way.

  “What’s wrong, girl?” Shawna asked. She always wanted to know any and everything that might be going on up at that club. The fact that Nalique had rushed in the last minute, and was clearly not in the best of moods, made Shawna want to know even more. Furthermore, she wanted to know if it was something that she needed to be concerned about.

  “Girl, that nigga been up there fucking one of them girls,” Nalique said.

  Shawna’s heart jumped, even though the idea of Tyrese fucking around did not really surprise.

  “What make you say that?” Shawna asked.

  “I heard he been fucking with some bitch up there they call Diamond,” Nalique said. “I told Tyrese he betta not be smashing any of the hoes.” Nalique shook her head. “You know how these niggas are…just don’t listen and shit. I heard from my cousin, who heard from this one dude we know baby-mama that used to work up there until like the other day or some shit, that Tyrese and this chick had been getting kinda close. Then, after a while, from what I hear, that nigga been meeting her up there at that place at random times.”

  “Meeting her up there like when the club is closed and shit?” Shawna asked. “Like after hours and shit?”

  “Hell yeah, girl,” Nalique said. “They told me what the bitch look like. I’mma pop up in there tonight, make sure I am looking good as fuck, and just see how Tyrese react and what I see.”

  “Girl, don’t go up there and start no mess,” Shawna said in a helpful way. Now, though, the thought of Tron possibly meeting one of them girls up there and fucking her when the club was closed was starting to really get to her.

  “Girl, I ain’t,” Nalique said. “You know I am too fuckin’ class for that shit. I just wanna see what happen. I ask Tyrese about it. And of course he said no, but that still don’t mean ain’t shit goin’ down up there when I ain’t around just cause he said no.”

  Shawna made a point to just keep her thoughts to herself. To her, Tyrese had always been the kind of dude who would fuck anything that had somewhat of a shape and was alive. For Nalique to not see that, it really made Shawna wonder what the fuck she was seeing.

  “You want to go?” Nalique asked.

  At first, Shawna was a little taken back. She’d never gone up to the club without Tron. At the same time, she was thinking it wouldn’t hurt her either to go up there and see what is going on. Maybe she would see something too.

  “Girl, I don’t know,” Shawna said, not really being able to decide.

  Nalique looked in Shawna’s eyes through the mirror. “Girl, if I was you,” she said. “My ass would be going up there. You can’t trust these niggas, or what they say. You know that. I swear, I ain’t gon start no shit. I’mma just go up there and see what is going on, and I’mma make sure a bitch look on point when she do. Can’t go up in there with them hoes working for them dudes and be looking raggedy.”

  “What time you goin’ up there?” Shawna asked.

  Nalique shrugged. “I don’t know,” she answered. “I guess like ten o’clock or eleven, maybe.”

  Shawna thought about it for a moment, and thought how maybe surprising Tron up there would actually turn out to be something nice. She wasn’t going to ask to go to the back of the building or anything, and she certainly wasn’t going to go up and get in the way of him making money. Even if she did see something, she would make sure what she was seeing really was what was going on before she made any sort of big deal out of it. After last night, she wanted to make sure that if she were to ever try to accuse Tron of anything, she would know for a fact that there was something to accuse him of.

  Shawna nodded. “Alright, girl,” she said to Nalique. “I’ll go with you.”

  Chapter 7

  Desirae was practically tripping over her own feet to get off of work. She was starting to feel like she was making some progress with Tron since he was seeing her more frequently than he had been in the first couple months. She just decided that she was going to keep doing what she was doing, in terms of letting him know that he had another home when he finally came to his senses – when he finally realized that he was with the wrong chick and that nobody but himself was making him be there.

  Earlier, when Tron had called, she had answered in the stock room so her supervisor and customers wouldn’t see her talking on the phone. Since he wasn’t going to be able to come through her place, he said instead that he was going to be waiting for her in the parking lot when she got off work. This was the first time he had ever done anything like this. When Desirae got outside, mall security was locking the doors to the department store. Sure enough, out at the edge of the parking lot, was Tron’s Charger. He had parked right up against Desirae’s car.

  Desirae started walking across the parking lot. Before she had even gotten ten feet away from the curb, Tron zipped over.

  “Wassup, sexy?” he said smilin

  Desirae just smiled, still wondering what had gotten into him that he’d be outside waiting for her to get off work like this.

  “Shit, nothing,” Desirae replied. “So, what is this about?”

  “What do you mean what is this about?” Tron asked. “Why there gotta be something about this? Why can’t a nigga just show up to see you?”

  Desirae looked at Tron like he should know exactly why she was asking that question. “Nigga, please,” she said. “You ain’t never did this shit before. I’m just the bitch in the closet. This is a big-ole open parking lot.”

  “Awe, don’t start that shit again,” Tron said. “Why don’t you get in?”

  “Where we goin?” Desirae asked.

  “I thought you might want something to eat while I got a little while,” Tron said. “If not, that’s cool, I guess. A nigga will just save his money then.”

  “I’ll go,” Desirae said and hopped into the car.

  Tron pulled out, asking her what she had a taste for. It was getting kind of late for the sit-down restaurants. Plus, Desirae didn’t want to try to do too much since Tron had said that he only had a little while. When they turned onto Lafayette Road, Desirae spotted a Chick-Fil-A further down and told him that she wanted to go there.

  Tron obliged, taking her over to the Chick-Fil-A and letting her get whatever she wanted. When they got their food, Tron went and parked in the far back area of a strip mall parking lot. With the music on low to the Hip-Hop & R&B station, the two of them ate their food together. Desirae liked this feeling – the feeling of sitting next to Tron, out in the parking lot at night, while they ate a little dinner together.

  “You know, I was really surprised when you called me earlier,” Desirae said. “I ain’t think I was gon here from you again.”

  Tron chuckled a little and shook his head. “Look, I know how you feeling and shit,” Tron explained. “But I met you at a hard time in my life. If you don’t wanna kick it anymore, or you got other options, I swear a nigga wouldn’t be mad if that’s what you wanna do. I would miss you though, can’t front.”

  Desirae looked at Tron, really hearing the sincerity in his voice. It was the first time he’d ever mentioned missing her in some way. She smiled.

  “I feel you,” Desirae said. “And I’m sorry. You know how I get in my feelings sometimes, especially when you can’t come through a whole lot and see me.”

  “Naw, naw,” Tron said, his eyes dropping down to Desirae’s bodacious thighs. They pushed together and looked juicy with the way she was sitting in her seat. What Tron loved about Desirae’s body was that even when she was sitting down, it was clear that she was sitting on a phat ass. “Don’t worry about that,” Tron said, sounding sympathetic to Desirae. “I know how you feeling and stuff, but I just don’t want you to think that it’s just easy for me and shit. I got feelings for you and shit – have since I met you – and I enjoy the time we spend together more.”

  While Tron’s words still didn’t totally erase how Desirae was feeling, she did like that he admitted to her that he liked spending time with her more – the more emphasizing to her that she was giving him something that his chick obviously could not. By this time, she had moved past the not-knowing-his-birthday thing and everything.

  The two of them finished eating and rolled by a drive-thru trashcan before Tron rolled back over to the now-empty mall parking lot. Just as he was pulling up close to Desirae’s car, Desirae noticed a bulge in Tron’s pants. She leaned over and grabbed it, feeling the hard head of his dick bulging against his jeans.

  “What is going on over here?” Desirae asked in a playful way.

  Tron blushed, in a way that Desirae always found to be so cute. “You know this dick be getting a little riled up when he get a little energy in him,” Tron said.

  Desirae ran her hand up and down. “Oh, I know,” she said then started to undo his belt buckle and zipper. Because of Tron’s size, it was so hard to get his dick free from his jeans. Delicately, Desirae kept working while Tron slid his pants down to his mid-thighs. Desirae smiled as she looked at how it stood up, shining in the light of a parking lot light, almost seeming to hover between the steering wheel and his torso. Sometimes, Desirae just loved to look at it. There were times that she thought about dudes she had messed around with in the past. None of them could even compare in size, stroke, or just pure skill.

  Tron grabbed Desirae’s head and started kissing her. When he broke away from her, he said in low, sexy voice, “A nigga really be missing you.”

  Desirae smiled. “I be missin’ you too, nigga.”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” Tron said.

  Tron kissed Desirae a little more, putting quite a bit of passion into his technique. He could slowly feel her becoming looser and more comfortable. It also helped that the tints on Tron’s Charger were so dark that it was hard for people to see inside. So his lights wouldn’t be on, he turned off the car. Out, on the edge of the parking lot, it was so quiet that the only thing either of them could hear was their kissing.

  Soon enough, Desirae couldn’t resist anymore. One thing she loved the most about when she was with Tron was tasting that bulbous head on his dick. Even though he had tints, there was still enough light coming into the car that it stuck out, sitting high above his crotch. Desirae broke away from the kiss. With Tron’s hand guiding the back of her head, Desirae lifted out of her seat a little – to the point where she was comfortable – and lowered her head into his lap. Tron grunted out loud, loving how, like no other chick, Desirae took him into her mouth, took a deep breath then went all the way down.

  Chapter 8

  Later that night, when Shawna was done doing Nalique’s hair, she ran home and changed into a cute outfit and made sure her hair was on point. The entire drive over to Honeys East, she couldn’t help but wonder how Tron was going to react when he saw her and Nalique walk up in the club. This was totally unplanned and unannounced. If Tron got mad, it would just make him look guilty for something. Why would you be mad at your girl popping up at your club if you’re not doing anything wrong at the club? If Tron acted like he didn’t care, that could mean that he was trying to play it off and hide his real feelings. If Shawna caught Tron doing something he didn’t have any business doing, she didn’t know what she would do. That was the only scenario that seemed to go unanswered for her.

  Shawna met Nalique in the parking lot at Honeys East and the two of them walked in together. Instantly, they caught the attention of the guy working at the bar as well as a few girls walking around. Anybody who had been involved in that club in some way for a long time knew Shawna and Nalique’s faces when they came walking through the door. Furthermore, they would also know that these two chicks were the girlfriends of the club owners. Of course, this wasn’t all roses. The few times that Shawna or Nalique had been there, they could definitely feel a little animosity coming off of the girls as they walked around half naked. This was to be expected though.

  Shawna admitted to herself that she felt a little funny being out with Nalique in this way. It wasn’t that she wasn’t cool with Nalique. The funny feeling was due to the fact that up to this point, she really didn’t know Nalique all that well. She had always been Tyrese’s girl since Shawna had known Tron. However, the two of them really didn’t have many instances where they spent a lot of time together. Hanging out with her now, and in this way, kind of bonded the two, and Shawna saw that she might have more in common with Nalique than she thought.

  The two of them went over to the bar, ordered a couple drinks, and quickly turned around to face the floor. Men huddled at the stage while a light-skinned dancer worked the pole.

  “This is what these niggas think of as entertainment, huh?” Nalique said, in a very sarcastic way.

  Shawna snickered herself. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  For a few minutes, they scanned the floor and just took in the scenery. The place was dim and just as small as Shawna remembered, but it was kind of
comfortable in its own way. Across from them, or to the right of the doorway, were booths where people chilled in a more private way. To the left, or over on the side of the floor where Shawna and Nalique were standing, there were more tables, and then further back what looked like areas where men could sit and get a private lap dance. While one dancer worked the pole up on the stage, others walked around out on the floor. They grabbed the attention of men when they walked by.

  Now that Shawna was here, and seeing for the third or fourth time the kind of women that Tron would have access to on a regular basis, she found herself not as comfortable with the situation as she once was. This uneasy feeling set in her stomach – a feeling that was telling her that surely any nigga would be up in this club, after hours or whenever, smashing one of these hoes. What would really be in the way to stop him? Shawna asked herself. Ain’t like we married or anything.

  “Girl, which one you think is Diamond?” Shawna asked Nalique, scoping around.

  “I don’t know what the bitch look like,” Nalique said. “The person I heard it from ain’t have no picture, but they gave me a good description of her. I’mma just play it coo and see what happen.”

  “Where is Tron and Tyrese is what I’m starting to wonder,” Shawna said, looking around.

  “That is a good question,” Nalique said. “You would think since they the owners and can’t be home certain nights of the week cause of this place that they asses be out here or something.”

  Shawna turned around, realizing that she could ask the dude working behind the bar. When he saw Shawna trying to get his attention, his nodded his head and came walking over to her.

  “Where are Tron and Tyrese?” Shawna asked.


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