Coming Altered: Welcome to Carson, Book Four

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Coming Altered: Welcome to Carson, Book Four Page 13

by Renee Harless

  “Fuck,” he exclaims as he shoves the hand that was just in her hair through his own, his longer locks waving against his fingers.

  Cassidy can’t do anything but stare at him in shock, her mouth hanging open in alarm and a fearful expression haunting her eyes.

  When he turns to look towards her his expression changes instantly to one of regret.

  “Dammit, I’m sorry. I just want you so fucking bad. It’s been so long and we’re in the back seat of the car. And…”

  Cassidy interrupts his musings as a smile grows across her lips before mentioning, “You can ride the bus with me tonight.”

  Her joy flourishes deep within her soul as his eyes light up like a child’s on Christmas morning.

  “You really mean that?”

  “I do. I wouldn’t have said so otherwise.”

  His happiness is contagious and Cassidy can’t help but reciprocate the heated kiss. But their solitude doesn’t last long as Cassidy notices the sound of screams growing in volume as their car approaches the loading area for the buses.

  “I think we’re here,” she theorizes against his mouth, but instead of stopping Harlan unclasps her seatbelt with the grace of a dancer and pulls her body flush with his. He hitches her hips upward using the back of her knees and she tumbles onto the bench of the seat.

  “Harlan,” she cries out as she looks towards the front of the car which is now empty, but he leans forward covering her body.

  “He’s going to give us about five minutes as he empties the trunk,” he estimates as he slides a hand across her torso and then under the waistband of her black leggings. “I want to watch you come. It’s all I’ve thought about for weeks.”

  The moment his fingers graze against her clit, Cassidy knows it won’t be long before she falls apart. His kisses are intoxicating and she feels drunk on lust, inebriated on desire, drowning in ecstasy. And she wants more.

  Her hips rock against his hand, yearning and craving for more. Cassidy senses when her peak comes within reach. The muscles in her legs quiver and her stomach clenches tightly.

  “Shit!” she cries out as her hands grip at Harlan’s shoulders, using him as an anchor as her body floats away in pleasure.

  “That’s it, Cass,” he breathes towards her ear. “Fuck, I want to be inside you to feel your pussy tighten around my dick.”

  Cassidy had thought her orgasm was pending its closure, but as his whispered words caress the soft skin of her ear and neck, wave after wave move through her core causing a deep groan to sputter past Harlan’s lips.

  Finally, after what seems like hours, but is most likely a couple of minutes, Cassidy’s body relaxes onto the soft buttery leather of the town car while Harlan rests above her, gazing at her with a new expression, one she finds herself mirroring internally.

  A knock on the top of the car causes Cassidy’s eyes to widen in distress.

  “Shit. I guess it’s time to go.”

  He adjusts his pants in the small space, then he helps Cassidy sit up brushing his fingers through her hair to help straighten the mess. Once Harlan seems satisfied with her appearance, he opens the door to the car and takes a moment before turning around; she assumes it’s to see if anyone is lurking around.

  “All clear, baby.”

  Cassidy steps from the vehicle and stretches her arms high above her head and stands on her tiptoes to lengthen her body. A growl rumbles beside her and she immediately lowers her arms turning her gaze towards Harlan where his eyes are pinned to her ass.

  He grips her hand tightly, entwining their fingers together, and tugs her lightly to fall in step with him.

  “Come on, I’ll show you your space for the next few weeks.”

  They walk across the large asphalt parking area before coming upon six large buses.

  “Holy cow,” she utters as he brings her to the bus in the middle, the same size as the others. “This cannot be for me. I was expecting a large van, or a trailer at most.”

  “Cassidy,” Harlan begins with a hint of anger lacing his tone. “You’re a world-famous designer that we asked to join us. You deserve more than just a van for your work.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”

  Interrupting her explanation Harlan adds, “And besides, you think I’m going to let my girl travel in a van? I’d fly you first class and put you up in five-star hotels every stop if I had a choice.”

  “You really mean that, don’t you?”

  “Of course, I do,” he says as he wraps his arms around her and pulls her close against him.

  She reciprocates his embrace and kisses the underside of his jawline before thanking him.

  “Don’t thank me just yet,” he confesses before leading her up the bus’s stairs. “If you don’t like it I can have it changed.”

  As Cassidy enters the place she is to call home for the next few weeks she gasps in surprise.

  “Oh my gosh!” she declares as her attention moves across the large space taking in the marble floors, cream colored leather couch, sewing table, and dark wood panels.

  “Let me call Ann, we can have it changed.”

  “Don’t you dare!” she challenges as she yanks his phone from his hands and tosses it onto the couch. Once she takes a moment to calm down, she turns her attention back to Harlan and asks, “Did you do this? Because it’s beautiful.”

  “I may have had a little help, but mostly me, yes. It’s why I’ve been so busy.”

  Cassidy wastes no time and launches herself at him, wrapping her arms and legs around the large man who luckily catches her in his hold.

  “Do you want to see the rest?”

  She holds on tight for a moment then untangles herself from Harlan’s body and nods her head enthusiastically before asking him to lead the way.

  They walk through the kitchen and stop first in the bathroom, complete with a soaking tub and a shower, astonishing Cassidy because she has never seen one on a bus before, then Harlan shows her the master bedroom. Colored similarly to the living room, Cassidy instantly feels a sense of relaxation as she enters the space, rubbing her hand gently along the cream-colored linen duvet.

  “This is a large bed.”

  “King-sized,” Harlan admits.

  Turning towards the handsome rocker, Cassidy uses the hand that had been caressing the linens to slide across Harlan’s thigh then up and under his shirt. She presses a kiss to his jawline just as his arm closest to her body wraps around her as his other hand rests on her ass, gripping the muscles and skin as he works to maintain control.

  “I wonder why I would need such a large bed,” she states as her fingers trail across his defined abdomen.

  Harlan turns his head to rub his lips against hers.

  “I can think of a few reasons.”

  Before they have a chance to continue their exploits, a knock sounds on the door of the bus. Harlan groans loudly as he tosses his head back in frustration.

  Cassidy steps back from him and gazes down at his erection, visibly straining against his black pants.

  As another knock sounds Cassidy chuckles and pats Harlan’s chest indulgently, “I’ll get it.”

  She opens the door to find Ryker standing before her with a smug expression.

  “Like your new digs?”

  “Hi, Ryker. And yes, I do. Want to come in?”

  Her brother doesn’t reply, he simply walks onboard and takes a seat at one of the bar stools at the kitchen counter. Truly, the bus is bigger than her first apartment in New York and she is amazed at the quality of work.

  Harlan steps into the kitchen and comes up behind Cassidy, wrapping himself around her body.

  Ryker eyes his movements and Cassidy can’t help but close her eyes as she waits for the condescending words to escape from her brother.

  “Sorry, I’m still getting used to it,” Ryker says surprising her.

  Her eyes must widen in disbelief because he starts to laugh at her expression.

  She feels Harlan move her ha
ir to the side and press a kiss to the back of her neck before untangling himself from her.

  “Do you guys want something to eat?” she asks before narrowing her gaze as the two men with her exchange looks. “What?”

  “Nothing, baby. I could go for a drink,” Harlan answers with a wide smile.

  Cassidy mumbles incoherently to herself and then opens the stainless steel, double fridge doors before crying out in surprise.

  “What’s all this?” she questions as she grasps one of the boxes in her hands.

  “I may have called Angie and asked her to send some food for you. Those will last for a week and the freezer is full of meals you can heat up. She put instructions on all the bags,” he says reticently as he tucks his hands in his pockets.

  “Oh my gosh. I already thought the bus was too much, but you had Angie send all my favorite meals?”

  “Well, yeah. But don’t think I acted completely selflessly. Her food is kick-ass and I am hoping you’ll share. I also stocked all of our fridges, too.”

  “I can’t believe you did this. Thank you, Harlan. This means more to me than you’ll ever know.”

  Before Cassidy has the chance to show Harlan how much his gesture means, by taking him to the back bedroom and worshiping his body, Ann enters the bus with no knock, as if she lives there herself.

  “Well, isn’t this cozy,” she spouts off as she takes in the two men inhabiting the bus.

  “Hey, Ann,” Harlan says and Cassidy watches as Ann’s gaze travels over her body appreciatively and then does the same with Harlan.

  The gesture is enough to make Cassidy squirm in place.

  “I need you, Harlan.”


  Hardening her stance but adding a seductive lick of her lips, Ann adds, “I need you, now.”

  ARLAN WATCHES AS CASSIDY’S face reddens in anger as Ann insists on her need for him at the moment.

  “Excuse me, Ann, but what exactly do you need me for?” he replies harshly to the dark-haired woman standing before him.

  Luckily Ann is saved from a verbal tongue-lashing as his bandmates Wes and Jake step onto the bus.

  “Hey, nice digs,” Wes states as he walks through Cassidy’s kitchen as if he is living on her bus, opens a cabinet, and snags a pack of Oreos. “Damn, you got all the good stuff.”

  Jake stands idly at the door typing away on his phone, his long hair tied neatly into a ponytail at the nap of his neck. He and Jake had to draw straws at who got to keep their long hair, obviously, Harlan lost that challenge.

  Anthony, their security guard, enters the bus next and nudges Jake out of the way.

  “Hey, man, I just need you to check over your guitars and make sure everything is stored the way you want. Then we can head towards Atlanta.”

  “Shit,” Harlan replies hating to leave Cassidy’s side.

  It doesn’t go unnoticed that Ann is shooting razor sharp glares towards Cassidy and Ryker as the band steps off the bus.

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” Harlan claims towards Ann, hoping she’ll take the hint to leave.

  She stares at him anticipating his next move, but as he continues to glare at her, raising his eyebrow to question her, she huffs away and stomps out of the bus.

  Harlan moves towards Cassidy as she sits on the barstool next to Ryker who dives into a deli sandwich.

  He twists her on the seat and stands between her legs.

  Leaning towards her he whispers in her ear, “I’ll be back in a bit. Then we can check out that bed.”

  His needy girl replies, “Promise?”

  Harlan doesn’t respond, instead he melds his mouth against hers wanting, needing more, until a cough sounds from behind her.

  “Not sorry, man,” Harlan states without shame.

  His friend only chuckles and concedes that he knows, before adding, “I’ll go with you.”

  As they move to leave the bus, Cassidy perks up and says, “Thanks you guys, for everything.”

  Neither of them replies, instead they smile at the woman before them and then turn and exit the bus.

  “So, did you get it?” Ryker asks in secret.

  “You know that I did,” Harlan replies as they move towards the trailer holding their equipment. “I’m just waiting.”

  “So, what’s up with Ann?”

  “I don’t know. She’s always been like that I guess. I usually just ignore her. I take my orders from Max.”

  Ryker seems to nod understandingly as he helps Harlan check over his guitars.

  “I don’t like the way she looked at Cassidy.”

  “Don’t think too much on it,” Harlan advises, “She is the one that requested Cassidy to do the costumes.”

  “That’s true. Maybe I’ll just have Anthony keep a closer eye on her.”

  “I was thinking the same thing, man. But let’s not worry about it. I want to finish this up and get back to pleasing my girl.”

  “Ew, man. TMI. T. M. I.”

  HARLAN CAN FEEL THE traces of sunlight scurrying across his skin as bits of sunlight peek around the shades in the bedroom as the bus hits a bump in the road on their way to Atlanta, Georgia.

  His body is still spent, lethargic, after the seven times he and Cassidy had made love last night. They had spent three weeks apart and their bodies hungered for the feel and taste of the other.

  Turning his head slightly, he smiles as his gaze catches Cassidy’s bare back exposed as she lies resting against his chest, her ass covered by a paper thin white sheet. Using the arm her head rests on, he trails his hand up and down her naked spine, watching as goosebumps pucker along her skin.

  He is so transfixed at the site before him he barely feels the soft pecks from her lips against the side of his chest. As her body awakens further, she reaches over slightly and nips at the barbell piercing on his nipples.

  “Did I mention how much I liked these last night?” her husky, sleep-ridden voice inquires as she laves at the skin.

  “Only as much as you praised my tongue piercing,” Harlan jokes as he rolls her onto her back and begins to pay special attention to her breasts, his tongue swirling around the puckered nipple.

  “Mmm,” she moans then adds, “Well, they are worth repeating praise.”

  Harlan takes pleasure in the moans she can no longer bury inside, brought by him and him alone. He turns his focus to her other breast as one of her hands fists in his hair, the other gripping the sheets as her needs flourish.

  One of Cassidy’s legs bend upward, cradling his hips, and he can no longer hold back the yearn to bury himself inside her warm sheath. His cock slides into her effortlessly, his girl already wet and wanting.

  “Fuck, baby. I can’t get enough of you. Your pussy is so fucking tight.”

  Her body shudders at every dirty word filtering from his lips and, as he learned last night, she especially likes when he uses the word pussy.

  “You feel so good, Harlan,” she exclaims as she rocks her body in rhythm.

  He adjusts his hips slightly as his release begins to build deep in his spine, the tingling rocketing forward.

  “Yes, right there! Fuck, Harlan, don’t stop!” she cries out and he quickens his movements wanting to bring her to the precipice with him.

  A growl sounds from deep in his chest as her core milks at his cock bringing his climax to its point.

  Completely spent, he places his arms on the bed, framing her face with his forearms.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful,” he reveals as a slight blush rises on her chest, moves towards her cheeks, and settles across her already heated skin.

  With his cock still buried deep inside her, he bends forward and kisses the beauty still trapped beneath his arms. She opens up for him, their tongues dancing in their familiar rhythm, as they lose themselves into each other.

  He can feel his dick begin to swell inside her and he pulls back as he rocks into her once again.

  “Already?” she asks with a surprised expression as he thrusts a second time.r />
  “Can’t help it. I’m always hard for you.”

  Just as Harlan’s hand slides down Cassidy’s thigh and he prepares to thrust a third time, a knock on the bedroom door sounds.

  “We’re here, Mr. Jax, Ms. Connelly,” the driver acknowledges.

  “Well, shit,” Harlan says as his erection immediately shrinks.

  With a hasty groan, he plops down on top of Cassidy making her laugh.

  “It’s ok, babe. I’m a bit sore anyway,” Cassidy warns as she wiggles beneath him to get free.

  Immediately rolling off of her he asks, “Why didn’t you say something? I would have stopped.”

  “Because I didn’t want you to,” she adds as she tugs on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Kneeling on the bed she crawls over to him and straddles his hips. “I like when you’re inside me.” Kissing him quickly she jumps off the bed and heads into the bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower. Care to join me?”

  Harlan jumps off the bed and smiles as she runs from him into the shower, where he plans to show her how much he likes being inside her, too.

  THE SHOW IN ATLANTA jump starting their tour is like no other. Besides the fact that the crowd is going crazy for them, having Cassidy watching him from the side of the stage has him performing at top notch.

  Sure, he has always been thrilled to perform on stage, it’s like a second home to him, but knowing someone he cares about is watching his performance, he can’t help but want to please them and surpass their expectations.

  The lights dim a bit on their second to last song, a ballad type written to have the girls swooning and giving the guys a reason to pull the person they’re with close. Of course, Harlan wrote the song as a teenager for his girlfriend when he wanted to get laid. But the crowd didn’t need to know that.

  As the song begins and Ryker’s deep voice sifts out into the arena, Harlan gazes over to where Cassidy stands beside his stand of guitars, watching him with a heated expression as her eyes follow the movements of his fingers. Finally, she looks up to his eyes and they lock onto one another. And in a move even Harlan is unsure about, he begins mouthing the words of the song to her - for her.


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