Coming Altered: Welcome to Carson, Book Four

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Coming Altered: Welcome to Carson, Book Four Page 19

by Renee Harless

  “I’m pretty sure after everything that has happened you’ll get a pass. And just in case, you always have me to protect you,” she adds in a joking manner as she grabs their cups and toss them into the trash.

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my man card,” he admits as they make their way outside.

  She laces her fingers through his as they cross the street and then jests, “Did you ever have one?”

  “HAT’S THE LAST OF the boxes,” Harlan bellows out from the kitchen.

  “Thanks, babe.”

  Cassidy and her family have spent the past three days loading all of her and Harlan’s things into her new home; which, surprisingly enough, mesh well together. The saying, “It is meant to be,” rings through her mind as she stores the last of her ceramic plates in the cupboard. They weren’t able to close on the house right away, since Harlan refused to not have his name on the deed and his need to return to tour, then Cassidy needed to jet back to New York to finish selling her apartment and work on transitioning her home office back to Carson. A few days turned into a few weeks.

  The paparazzi caught wind of Harlan’s kidnapping, and Cassidy’s rescue, and their relationship became news fodder for about two weeks before a big celebrity break up took over their interest. And since most photographers don’t travel outside of their big city circles, unless they’re investigating, their move to Carson is helping Cassidy regain her sense of control over her life.

  As she breaks down the box she watches two large and tattooed arms wrap around her waist.

  “Can we go christen the bed now?”

  She chuckles at his request. Cassidy had intended on placing her queen-sized mattress in the master bedroom, but Harlan asked that they purchase a new bed, together. He wanted something that held no presence of anyone prior, and how was she able to argue against that? They had the same argument over the couch and dining set, essentially causing them to have to purchase all new furniture for the house, but in the long run it is probably the best decision for them. And it all matched, which makes Cassidy happy.

  “I suppose we can,” she says as she turns in his arms, “but I’d like to show you something first.”

  “Is it your pussy?”

  “Oh my gosh, no!” she shouts as she smacks his arm in a joking manner.

  “Your boobs?” he asks as he stares at her chest.

  “No, you freak. It’s a surprise that doesn’t involve any of my body parts.”

  Cassidy has been working tirelessly with Temple and Shirley to open up a space in their oversized fabric store for a small boutique. What came to be, is her brother stepping in and dividing the space with a new store front, because apparently the Fitzgerald sisters owned the block; which made more sense when Austin explained that the Fitzgerald’s family was one of the first residents in Carson.

  She controls her urge to laugh as Harlan slumps his head in defeat and follows her out the door to her new car. She splurged on a sport utility vehicle after riding in Nikki and Avery’s, and not in need of a car in New York, it became a bit of a necessity in Carson if she planned to make it out of her driveway.

  “Don’t be such a grump. I’ll buy you lunch at Angie’s.”

  At the mention of food Harlan’s ears perked right up.

  Cassidy gazes at him in awe as he opens up the driver door for her, thankful that whatever may have happened in the past lead them to this moment. The one night stand, the pictures, the kidnapping, all leads them to this perfect moment where the two of them are together and happy. Francesca was found guilty of kidnapping and attempted homicide and will spend the next fifty years in jail. Harlan saw that the trial was quick and painless, for both him and her.

  As she turns the car onto Main Street, she glances over to Harlan as he watches the farmer in the field next to the road cultivate his wheat field.

  “Hey, I know we haven’t really had the chance to talk about it, but do you know when you’d like to…I mean…we probably need to book something…” she mutters nervously watching the sun gleam off of her beguiling ruby on her ring finger.

  “Cass, are you asking me when I want to get married to you?”

  “I think so, yes.”

  “Sweetheart, I would have married you the day I proposed if I felt that it was what you wanted. But you deserve more than that. You pick the date and I promise that I will be there waiting with a smile on my face.”

  She turns her attention to him quickly and finds him staring at her profile mesmerized.

  “I was thinking September twenty-fourth.”

  “One year from the day my world was altered. I think it’s perfect,” he chimes in.

  She turns her concentration back towards the road as the bashful blush creeps up her cheeks. Her stomach quivers at the knowledge that the date is lodged as deep in his memory as it is in hers.

  The block where her secret project resides comes into her line of sight and she parks her car along the street about a block away. From here Cassidy can see the final touches of the pediatric clinic coming into view; a new beacon of their small town rising high above the old stucco and wood siding rowhomes turned into businesses. At the end of the main thoroughfare, her sister’s bakery sits with a crowd still waiting out the door to taste her delectable goods.

  Cassidy takes in a deep whiff of air, letting the fragrant smell of cut grass, mulch, pine, and crisp breeze wash around her.

  Harlan steps around the car with a delighted look on his face.

  “Alright, beautiful. Show me your surprise.”

  Cassidy grasps his hand and walks him towards the small entrance with a gray awning showcasing the name Cassidy’s Closet. She watches as Harlan takes in the sign and then peeks through the decorative window before turning his attention back to her.

  “This is yours?”

  “Yep,” she says full of pride as she uses her key to open the door. “I worked with the Fitzgerald sisters to occupy some of their space and they pretty much gave me this entire section. I wanted someplace where I could work and still design clothes. Austin created an office for me on the other side of that wall. But that’s not even the best part,” she exclaims excitedly.

  Grasping his hand, she tugs him through the racks of clothes, the delicate material whooshing as they pass before she yanks him up the stairs in the back of the building. When they arrive at a door she takes his hand and thrusts a key into his palm.

  “This…is my surprise. Open the door.”

  Not knowing what to expect Harlan tentatively opens the door, but keeps his gaze on Cassidy the entire time, watching as she jumps from foot to foot in anticipation. When she can’t control herself any longer she practically takes his head in her hands and turns it to face the room.

  She holds back her cry of joy when she watches his eyes widen in surprise and then her favorite smile grow across his face.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Fuck, baby,” he says as he steps further into the space. “If I didn’t love you before, I absolutely love you now.”

  ARLAN NEVER BELIEVED IT was possible to be this happy, but as his fiancé practically shoves him into the space she created, solely for him, he realizes that he is over the moon in happiness.

  “You made a music studio for me?”

  “Well, I didn’t exactly make it. I had a lot of help and the entire band worked with me to pick out the best equipment. Each of them has what they need if you ever want to record in full,” she explains as she steps over to the production booth. “Oh, and Austin soundproofed all of the walls, top to bottom, so you won’t disturb us while we’re working,” she adds with a quick smile.

  “I can’t believe…”

  “So, you like it?” she questions gnawing at her bottom lip as her first signs of nervousness come forth.

  “I can’t believe you did this for me. I love everything about it, almost as much as I love you.” She smiles radiantly, her shoulders sagging in relief as he walks towards her and wraps his arms around her shoulde
rs. “Thank you, sweetheart. It means more to me than you’ll ever know.”

  Resting her chin on his chest she replies, “I just want you to be happy here and I know music plays a big part in that for you.”

  “You’re amazing.”

  “So are you. And I still want to hear the songs you wrote for me.”

  She has been adamantly requesting to hear the songs he has written about her, especially the one he wrote the day he ran into her at the office when he had hightailed it from the building with the melody resounding in his head. He has a plan for her to hear that one someday, but it isn’t today.

  “Sorry, sweetheart.”

  She grumbles into his chest a few choice words that have him laughing into the soundproof room. Startling him she perks up and rushes towards a closet in the far corner.

  “I almost forgot. I have a gift for you,” she shouts in the space before turning around, stunning him further as if the excitement of the day isn’t enough. “It isn’t from me,” she explains but his gaze is penetrating the gift too much to acknowledge her words.

  In her hands, she holds a red Gretsch Black Penguin made of carbon fiber, a replication of the one Ann destroyed during his kidnapping.

  “This is beautiful. How did you…where…?” he questions as she hands off the beauty into his hold where he cradles it like an infant.

  “It’s from your dad, Harlan,” she says surprising him. “He wants to make amends with you, to apologize for how he’s been. I think that everything hit home, and frankly I think your mom smacked some sense into him.”

  “It’s really from my dad?” he asks in astonishment finally tearing his gaze away from the precious gift in his hands.

  “It really is.”

  “Wow, I don’t think anything could have surprised me more today.”

  Nervously tucking her hands into the back pockets of her jean shorts Cassidy claims, “Well, I have one more surprise…”

  He cocks his eyebrows in question his stomach churning at the thought that perhaps she’s pregnant. Harlan glances down at her trim waist quickly then averts his gaze back to her. They hadn’t spoken much about kids, but both wanted to spend time with each other first, neither of them feeling the pull to procreate. But nothing is foolproof.

  “You’re not…” he begins as she opens the door to the studio ready to head down the stairs after placing his new guitar in its stand.

  She spins on her heels eyes wide as if his question is ridiculous.

  “Oh, no,” she chuckles. “At least I don’t believe so. We’ll find out in two weeks I suppose.”

  Harlan follows her down the stairs, watching her hair swing with every step before they make their way towards the entrance of her boutique where she locks the door.

  “Hey, baby,” he murmurs as he wraps his arms around her from behind, pulling her close, feeling her heartbeat thumping in sync with his own. “Congratulations on your new place. And thank you, for this.”

  “Well, don’t thank me yet.”

  Harlan chuckles and leans down to press a kiss on the side of her neck searching for the small pulse point that causes his woman to moan. Just as he finds it he hears the honk of a vehicle driving by and looks up to find Fred Fitzgerald, the ex-Chief of Police, riding down the road waving at the couple.

  She giggles in his arms and then reaches for his hand, guiding him towards the diner.

  Harlan walks through the main dining area towards the back private rooms. He expects to have a nice quiet lunch with Cassidy where he can sit and stare at her while whispering all the things he wants to do with her later that night in bed. His eyes widen in shock and surprise when he finds his parents sitting at a large table along with Cassidy’s parents, clearly enjoying their conversation.

  “Mom? Dad?” Harlan asks as they approach the group.

  He watches in amazement as Cassidy reaches out to hug his mother, as if they’re best friends, then doing the same with his father, stunned when he holds Cassidy close and kisses the top of her head.

  The banter flows across the table as Cassidy describes in great detail some of the things she witnessed while on tour with his band; things even Harlan hadn’t been privy too. He supposes it’s different when you’re gazing in from the outside instead of being in the middle of the mess.

  His parents seem to get along well with the Connelly’s, which is a relief, and despite their rocky relationship, Harlan can’t help but feel grateful that both of his parents are making an effort to make things better, to make things right. Though he still reminds them that he has no desire to run the Brass Sparrows, they seem less and less hell-bent on the situation.

  “Are you heading back to Knoxville?” Cassidy asks as they all exit the diner.

  “We are,” his father replies as he shakes her father’s hand then hugs her mother.

  “Well, please be careful and let us know that you got home safely,” Cassidy reminds them as she hugs them both.

  Harlan actually stifles a grin as he watches a blush rise up the cheeks of his overbearing father as Cassidy squeezes him tightly.

  As she steps away Harlan jokes, “At least I’m not the only one she has that effect on.”

  Cassidy looks between the men who beam madly at her before she shrugs her shoulders and moves towards her parents to say goodbye.

  “I guess I’ll be seein’ ya,” Harlan mentions to his dad as he shoves his hands in his pockets.

  His father’s gaze drifts to the ground as he turns away placing his arm around his wife, leading her to their bike.

  “See ya around.”

  Harlan watches as his family takes a few steps and then he exclaims, “Hey, Dad,” drawing their attention. “Thank you for the guitar. It means a lot.”

  His father smiles, a grin that mirror-images his own, and responds, “You’re welcome, son,” before turning back around to head home.

  From behind, Cassidy wraps her arms around his waist and rests her head on the side of his bicep.

  “Good surprise?” she asks as her beautiful brown eyes gaze up at him in question.

  Needing to see her, to feel her pressed against him, he turns in her arms and places his hands on either side of her face, cradling the soft skin in his fingers.

  “Great surprise,” he responds as he leans down to kiss her lips gently. His girl nips at the lip ring he still wears, per her request, and he groans as desire fuels his blood. “I want to show you how much I loved that surprise.”

  “Hmm…How are you going to do that?”

  Pressing another kiss to her lips he pulls back just a breath, their mouths still brushing against each other as he says, “I want to take you back to our house and feast on your body until you’re so wet that your juices spill down your thighs, then I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t even remember your name.”

  Cassidy moans as she presses her body closer to his and licks at his top lip before she replies, “Promises. Promises.”

  “’M NOT PREGNANT,” CASSIDY assures her sister Sydney as they stand along the side of the stage watching Exoneration perform in Vegas. “I was late, but I knew at the moment that I was fine. It was just fun to rile him up.”

  “Why would you do that?” her sister asks as she sways to the music in the cute pale pink dress Cassidy had designed for her.

  “Because sometimes angry sex can be a hell of a lot of fun.”

  Her sister beams at the assessment and surprises Cassidy when she chimes in, “Yes, it sure can be.”

  Maxwell had chartered a plane for Cassidy and her family to come see the band in Vegas for the festival, though she is pretty certain Harlan gave him no choice.

  Turning her head, she watches her sister Everleigh chase down another shot of Tequila as Brooks stands back against the wall with Dylan; Brooks’ eyes locked on Everleigh’s every move.

  “Nothing going on yet with those two?”

  Sydney looks over her shoulder and then returns her gaze to the stage.

  “Nothing tha
t I’m aware of.”

  “Man, the tension between those two is so thick I could slice it with a knife.”

  “Yeah, but you know E, ever since she left for college there hasn’t been a single boyfriend, school was too important. And now she throws herself into her job. She could care less about romance.”

  Cassidy watches as Brooks stalks over to her sister as she pours another Tequila shot from her flask, he snags it from her grasp, and takes a hold of her arm as he argues with her.

  “I don’t think she’s going to get much choice in the matter,” Cassidy adds as Everleigh storms away with Brooks right on her heels.

  Turning back towards the stage, Cassidy watches mesmerized as the lights gleam onto the stage and equipment, her man showcased in a spotlight during one of his famous riffs. The band moves in unison, like clockwork, each of them knowing what the other members will do, where they’ll go. Cassidy finds herself following their moves in amazement.

  On the tour, they had closed their set with their most popular song, the one that skyrocketed them to new heights, but tonight the stage goes black except for a single spotlight in the center.

  A roadie runs on stage with a stool and an acoustic guitar before grabbing two mic stands, one for a guitar and one for the singer.

  “What’s going on?” Sydney asks as she leans close to Cassidy.

  “I have no idea.”

  Suddenly, Harlan stands in the spotlight as he sits on the stool and adjusts the guitar around his body. He had been playing clad in only leather pants, but he has tugged on a tight white shirt, showcasing his taut muscles.

  Cassidy feels her palms begin to sweat and perspiration beads along her hairline as she watches him strum the guitar a few times.

  “I know I’m not normally the one that sings. I like to leave that to pretty boy,” he explains as he gestures off stage. “But I had a very special woman request to hear a song that I had written for her. Even when I thought she was no more than a memory I needed a way for her to always be with me. Cass, sweetheart, this is for you,” Harlan beams as he looks over to her and sends her a wink determined to melt her panties.


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