Letting Go (A Mitchell Family Series)

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Letting Go (A Mitchell Family Series) Page 17

by Unknown

  I got ready to say something but he wasn’t finished. I was glad too. I knew exactly how hot she was. I could imagine every inch of her body. I had it memorized.

  “You should talk to her and see if she will open up to you. Just try to find out who the guy is tonight. Here she comes. Act like we are talking about football.”

  Savanna got back in the truck. Her hair was wet and she smelled amazin’. When I climbed in next to her, I couldn’t help but press my leg against hers. We had to touch in the truck while drivin’, but being this close to her, when she was smellin’ so good, was makin’ me crazy.

  We stopped to get something to eat, but I could tell from Savanna’s body language she was uncomfortable. A bunch of people came up to our table and started talkin’ to Ty. I caught Savanna giving me a couple glances and I tapped on her foot with my own. She gave me a half smile and continued eatin’ her food.

  After what turned out to be lunch, we headed back to the farm. I wasn’t really lookin’ forward to watchin’ my cousin paw all over Savanna, especially hearing from him that they really never got back together. Technically, she never cheated on him. And, since they weren’t sleeping together, I just wanted her more. When this began, I was okay just being her friend, but my idiot cousin was proving more and more that he was the wrong person for her. I knew it because I was the person she should be with. I wanted to protect her, and to cherish her every day.

  We parted ways once we got to the farm. Ty had an appointment with a physical therapist, who had arrived minutes after we pulled in. Savanna headed right into the barn to be with Daisy and I made my way toward the corn field. The irrigation system kept turnin’ off, so I promised my uncle I would take a look at it.

  I had all my tools sprawled out across the dirt as I tried to put the new part into the motor. I heard the sound of hooves approachin’ and looked behind me to see Savanna. She jumped down and approached me before I could say anything. In her hand was a bottle of water. She handed it to me and I looked directly into her eyes while I took a big drink. “Thanks!”

  “I just wanted to say hi.” She said.

  I grabbed her chin and leaned into her. My lips touched hers and I kept them there for a few seconds before pulling away. “Hi yourself.”

  “I have to go before they come looking.” She said as she started to walk away.

  I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to me. “He wants me to talk to you tonight about the guy you were seein’.”

  “Really? What are you going to tell him?” She asked.

  I kissed her again before respondin’ “Part of me wants to tell him that you are crazy about the guy and to just give up, but it would look terrible when he finds out I am the guy.”

  Her arms wrapped around me. “It’s the truth. I am crazy about you. It doesn’t help that you are so damn sexy.”

  “Stop talkin’ like that or we will have to get muddy again.” I kissed her one more time, then smacked her ass. “Get back before they start wonderin’. I will see you later Darlin’.”

  I watched her ride away from me. I didn’t know how we were going to keep doin’ this. We needed a solution, before I took matters into my own hands.

  My uncle wanted me to stay here and help out with the farm. I didn’t mind helpin’ or even stayin’, but my problems with Savanna were definitely a huge conflict. Ty had no idea how awful he was to her. The poor girl had been a victim in it all. I felt sorry for her.

  Chapter 26


  I spent the rest of the afternoon with Daisy. We rode out to the hole and then back to the barn. I gave her a good hose down and then cleaned out her feet. She loved it when I brushed her and I decided to braid her mane too.

  When I finally headed back into the house, everyone was heading toward the dining room. Ty’s mother had made her famous fried chicken. We all sat at the table and started making our plates. Colt walked in just after me and I saw Ty’s mother shaking her head. Good thing Ty wasn’t paying attention. Everyone else at the table knew I had been in the barn for the past hour with my horse. Sam came running in the room. She found me immediately. Colt tried not to noticed, but I saw the crooked smile on his face before Ty said something. “She really likes you. That is the second time she ran right to you. Guess I need to get you your own lab.”

  I smiled and tried to just keep eating and ignoring the obvious time bomb that was ready to blow up in my face.

  I insisted on doing the dishes, while all of the men went into the living room. Ty’s mother came into the kitchen with more dirty looks. I turned to her with dripping hands. “Can we please talk?” I asked.

  “What do you have to say Van?”

  “You are wrong about me. I have loved your son since I was a child. I have done everything to make him happy and when he was partying too much I broke up with him to try to make him stop. What happened to him was horrible, but I never cheated on him. I swear to you.”

  She shook her head and folded her hands across her stomach. “You forget that I caught you more than once.” She whispered.

  “We didn’t plan that. It just happened. I am so sorry. I can’t take you hating me like this. Please!”

  She shook her head. “Do you know why I am so angry with you now Van? It isn’t about the accident. My son explained what happened. I know what he did that night.” She leaned over the counter, like it was hard to talk about. “Never in all the years that you have been with my son, have I ever seen you look at him the way you look at my nephew. It’s not just you either. He looks at you the same way. Now I love Colt, but my son is the most important thing in my life. He is going to figure it out. How long do you think you can hide it? How long before he catches you together? Do you know what it will do him?”

  I put my head down. “I’m trying. I don’t know how to tell him. Either way it will crush him.”

  She got closer to me, but I was no longer afraid she was going to hurt me. “I said things I shouldn’t have to you, but I was just so damn angry. I see that this is hard. I wish I could tell you to stop seeing Colt, but you are both adults, and I can tell that it is never going to happen. He is a good man. He is honest. Figure out a way to tell him the truth, before you both rip out his heart. He has been through too much already. He looks up to Colt, idolizes him even. This will crush him.”

  She scrunched up her face and walked away before I could respond. I refused to cry. Instead I finished the dishes in silence and made my way to the bathroom to get ready to go out. We decided on going straight to the bar since we already had dinner. I grabbed a short jean skirt and a shirt that buttoned up that I could tie around my waist. I was going to wear flip flops, but my boots were better to dance in. I straightened my hair and applied makeup to my face. I hadn’t done it in months and my tan was darker than the cover up, so I only did my eyes. When I stood back and looked at myself I realized Colt had never seen my hair like this. I unbuttoned the top three buttons and let my cleavage hang just out of the top.

  I looked down at my ring and felt myself getting upset. I should have said no. Things would have been over with. Now they were harder.

  When I walked out into the living room, the guys stopped talking. They stared at me with their mouths open. “Do I look bad?” I asked knowing damn well I didn’t.

  Ty started whistling, while Colt kept his reaction to himself. I watched Ty throw a pillow at his cousin. “Dude, get your own.” He said.

  They exchanged a laugh, and I couldn’t help but feel awful. Colt said nothing after that comment.

  We got Ty situated with his crutches and headed out toward the pickup. I climbed in first and felt Ty reaching his hand up my skirt when I crawled in the seat. I could see Colt clinching his jaw when it happened. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel. I pushed his leg with mine for him to calm down.

  The bar was packed, but we found a table in the corner. We got Ty situated and then went to the bar to get drinks. While waiting for the waitress, Colt didn’t
waste any time telling me how jealous he was. “I didn’t like watching him touch you.”

  “I know.”

  “You look beautiful. Meet me tonight. I can’t be with you all night like this and not be able to touch you Savanna.” He grabbed a beer and took a drink. “I can’t stop picturing you naked.”

  I pushed him before grabbing two more beers and heading back to the table where Ty sat. “One for you and one for me.” I announced, handing him a beer.

  Ty didn’t waste any time waving down some of his friends. Within minutes of us being there, our table was surrounded by people. After a half hour, I got up to go to the bathroom and when I came back my seat was occupied by no other than that bitch Heather. She smiled as I approached, but Ty knew how pissed I was about it. Heather on the other hand refused to take a hint. I grabbed Colt by the arm and pulled him out to the dance floor.

  I never turned around to see if Ty was watching. He had given me enough reason to go out and have a good time. Colt responded right away and we started dancing together, trying to keep a good distance so we wouldn’t be too obvious. The truth was that I wanted to grind my ass right into him, until he couldn’t take it anymore. After three songs, we walked up to the bar to order two beers. I looked back and watched Ty doing shots with all of his friends, including the blonde bitch. I changed our order to shots and Colt cocked his eyebrow. “Not a good idea Savanna. I can’t get drunk around you and you can’t get drunk around me. It is fuel to the fire.”

  Before he could protest anymore I grabbed the shot and downed it. “Fuck it!”

  He looked down at the shot and then back at me. I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed his shot, sucking it down before he could respond.

  “Savanna.” Colt said when I signaled for two more shots.

  “Do the shots and then come dance with me. Your cousin is over there groping all over the girl. He isn’t even paying attention to us.”

  “Are you mad about it?” He asked.

  “Colt, please shut up and dance with me.”

  A slow song came on and everyone started gathering up someone to be their partner. I looked toward Ty out of habit and saw him gesturing Colt and I to go ahead. I didn’t waste any time reaching up and touching his strong arms. We started swaying to Luke Bryan singing “Do I”. I couldn’t stop looking into Colt’s eyes even when he looked the other way and warned me to stop.

  His hands were around me. He did manage to touch the exposed skin on my waist. Slowly he moved his fingers as we swayed around to the song. In my ear I heard him singing the song. I wanted to melt.

  His deep southern voice sang “Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you baby? Does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy? Do I have your love? Am I still enough?........Baby do I?”

  I closed my eyes and listened to him. The alcohol was taking effect and we were probably getting way too close, but I couldn’t help it.

  When the song ended we broke apart and headed back to the bar. Colt got three beers and we made our way back to the table. I thought Ty would at least be mad, but he never even noticed.

  He held up the beer. “Thanks. You guys having a good time? You keeping my girl safe out there cuz?”

  Colt put his hands on my shoulders. “She is safe with me.” He nudged me and pulled me back out to the dance floor.

  After a few more songs I couldn’t help but notice Ty had a serious look on his face. He seemed to be involved in a conversation with quite a few people at once. Every once in a while I caught him looking up at me. “Colt I think he is talking about me.”

  We kept dancing. “You are worrying. He is just catching up with people. Relax.”

  We both finished off the beer and I was really starting to feel tipsy. Another slow song came on. Colt didn’t waste any time pulling me into the dance. I was really feeling the alcohol. This time the song was Brantley Gilbert, “You don’t know her like I do”.

  I hadn’t ever listened to the words to the song much until Colt started singing them. “You don’t know her like I do. You’ll never understand. You don’t know what we’ve been through. That girl’s my best friend…….”

  He took my hands and pulled them up to his chest. I watched him singing the song to me. Then he pressed his cheek on my forehead and continued singing. I was obviously feeling the effects of the alcohol more and more as I didn’t see anything wrong with our embrace, but as the song started coming to an end and Colt continued to sing, something told me to look over at the table.

  I could see Ty’s breathing from all the way across the room. His fists were clenched and he stared at the two of us. Colt leaned down. “Don’t freak out.” He said before walking over to the table.

  I followed behind him almost scared to look at Ty again. The people he was sitting with started to get up. Ty seemed to relax when we sat down and waited for him to explain.

  “What’s up? You havin’ a good time?” Colt asked him.

  “Why didn’t either of you tell me about the bonfire?” He asked.

  I tried to talk, but Colt held up his hand. “The day I came into town I ran into Brina. She conned me into getting’ Savanna to come out with us. I didn’t know that everyone in town treated her like she killed you herself. We no sooner got to the damn party, when she got jumped. I carried her out of there and got her cleaned up.”

  He turned to look at me and then back to Colt. “Let me talk to my cousin alone Van.”

  I could see the fire in his eyes and was reluctant to get up from the table, but Colt nodded and I walked away. I watched them talking and then I could tell they were yelling. I started walking back but neither of them said anything.

  “Everything alright here?” I asked.

  “It’s fine. There is this party I wanted to stop by. If you don’t want to go, Colt said he would take you home.” Ty announced.

  His words were cold and he looked upset. “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “I need to go to that party to deal with the little tramps that attacked you. You can come with me or stay here, but either way I am going. Colt seems to think you should stay.” He explained.

  “If I never saw Heather and her bimbo friends again I would be fine with that.” I admitted.

  “Can you guys help me out of here?” Ty asked.

  I found his actions odd, but he had been drinking so I didn’t try to over think it.

  We got him out to the parking lot and one of his friends helped get him in their car. He leaned over and kissed me before closing the door and speeding off.

  I looked to Colt. “Was that weird?”

  “My cousin does a lot of weird things.”

  He held out his hand and pulled me back inside. It was getting late and the slow songs were becoming more frequent. After all of our drinks and Ty leaving, we weren’t worried about how close we were dancing. Colt’s hands slid down over my butt and he rocked our bodies together to the rhythm of the music. When the songs got faster he turned me around and let me grind my back into him as his hands played with the skin on my stomach.

  We were both sweating. Our eyes were only on each other. We were being too obvious, not thinking anyone would ever find out. When the last song of the night came on, we were so caught up in each other to realize our hands were everywhere they shouldn’t have been.

  I had forgotten about everyone else in the bar, in fact all I could see was Colt.

  He reached down to my ear and whispered in it. “Let’s get out of here. I need to be inside of you.” His lips drug over my ear. I pulled away and licked my lips. He took my hand and led me out of the building and straight to his truck.

  Chapter 27


  We didn’t bother leaving the parking lot. Colt slid over and took my lips into his mouth. Our skin was soaked with sweat and we tasted like salt. The first thing I reached for was his shirt. I had been so close to his chest all night long. I needed to feel it, to see it. I ran my tongue across each of his nipples before he pulled me back to his lips agai
n. His hand slid up my skirt and I felt his fingers enter inside of me forcefully. I let out a loud moan when I felt them penetrating me. Our kisses got rougher and so did the way he thrusted inside of me. I grabbed the dashboard with one hand and the headrest with the other, trying to push his hands inside of me harder. His other hand untied my shirt and pulled it open revealing my bra. He didn’t bother unhooking it, instead he pulled it down and took my nipple into his mouth. I could feel his teeth dragging over it. I cried out in the night as I felt my body start to tremble.

  As soon as he removed his fingers, I slid over and unbuttoned his pants. He moved over so that I could straddle him. I leaned up and removed my underwear with one hand, while I stroked his hard shaft with the other. I practically jumped right on him, sliding down perfectly over it. He groaned at my first thrust and held my waist. I leaned back against the dashboard so that he could touch my chest and guide me up and down. In just minutes we were both crying out in ecstasy.

  Colt held me tight even though we were both soaked with sweat. “Sorry it was so fast Darlin’ All that grindin’ earlier really got to me.” He admitted.

  “You think it was easy for me? I wanted you when I saw you walking back from the field this morning.” I confessed.

  “We need to figure out what we are doing Savanna. I can’t keep hiding this. I want you in my life. Not temporary either. I want you to come home with me. I will do whatever it takes, just say you will consider it.”

  I leaned down and kissed him again. When I went to say something I heard something loud hitting the truck. I jumped off of Colt and tied my shirt before opening the door. Ty pulled me out of the truck by my hair and stood there staring at his shirtless cousin.

  “You mother fucker! How could you do this to me?” He yelled toward Colt.

  Colt jumped out of the truck and threw his shirt back over his head. He didn’t back down to Ty though. He kept walking toward him.


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