Letting Go (A Mitchell Family Series)

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Letting Go (A Mitchell Family Series) Page 22

by Unknown

  As I felt our noses come in contact, I refused to open my eyes and see him crying. “Ty please don’t do this.” I whispered.

  His lips brushed against mine. “One last kiss. Say good bye to me Van.”

  I felt his hands running though my hair and knew at any moment he would pull my lips against his. “I love him. I can’t kiss you.”

  He didn’t let go. He pressed his forehead on mine. “It was worth a try.”

  When I opened my eyes, I saw the tears on his cheek. I took my fingers and wiped them off. His beautiful brown eyes and long eyelashes stared at me. “You have to let go of me.”

  “I don’t want to let go.” He answered by pulling me closer to him.

  “I mean you have to let go of me in general. I need to know you are going to be fine if I decide to move here.”

  He rested his head on my shoulder. “What if I can’t let go? What if I refuse to?”

  “Please Ty. I need the chance to be happy. It isn’t like you will never see me again. The distance may repair our friendship.”

  He pulled away from me, finally letting me take a step back. “Do you really want to still be my friend. I think I have proved that I am a piece of crap liar on several occasions.”

  “I couldn’t bare not being your friend Ty. We have been friends since elementary school. I can’t just let you go like that.” I grabbed his hand and got him to look at me again. “A part of me will always love you, it just isn’t how you want to be loved. I’m not trying to punish you. I just want you to know how I feel honestly.”

  “I know.” Finally, his demeanor changed. “We better get back on the road if we want to make it by dinner time.”

  Without saying another word about our conversation or embrace, we both got back in the car and started driving again.

  I trusted that Ty knew exactly where we were driving, but as we pulled up to an extremely large ranch, I was a bit confused.

  “Are we stopping here for directions or something?” I asked.

  Ty just laughed and shook his head. “You don’t know do you?”

  “Don’t know what?”

  “Van, this is Colt’s parents place. From the look on your face I would say you had no idea.”

  I looked around as I was driving up the paved lane. White fencing surrounded both sides that led up to a huge two story white house. Behind the house were four giant silos, and five tremendous buildings. Cattle were in every pasture. In all the time that Ty and I had been together, he never mentioned this place or how much money they had.

  “They own all of this?” I asked while driving up the long lane.

  Just as I said it, I noticed the large sign stating it was the “Mitchell Ranch”.

  “Before you get your panties in a bunch, you need to realize that Colt doesn’t care about the money. He went to college and got his business degree. I think he does the finances for quite a few farms if I’m not mistaken. This is all his dad’s. Colt had always been independent. I don’t think he was deliberately keeping it from you, I just think he doesn’t want to be known for it.”

  “He said he built a cabin on the property somewhere. Can we see it from here?” I asked.

  Ty started laughing. “Van they own like five thousand acres. You have to drive to his place.”

  I felt like I didn’t know Colt. It probably wasn’t the big deal I was making it out to be, but I felt like this was something he should have told me. Obviously, asking me to move here, I would have found out.

  After telling me where to go, we pulled up at the front of the house. Ty hobbled out of the car and I followed behind him.

  Chapter 32


  When I got the call about my father, I knew I had to get the first flight out. Through the years, my father and I had grown closer. As a kid, I didn’t have a lot of respect for the man. He let the money and his success dictate our lives.

  I never cared about the money. I never wanted new cars from him, or to be sent to some elite schools. I hated that my friends knew me as the rich guy, so when I went to college, I tried to reinvent myself and be independent. My father had a fit. He said I was ashamed of the dynasty he had created for our family. He didn’t understand I wanted different things for my future.

  It never occurred to me that something could happen to him. We had such animosity between us that I couldn’t stay away and not let him know how much he meant to me. Money or not, he was my father and I loved him. He may be hard around the edges, but he was the only one I had.

  Savanna and I hadn’t left things on good terms. I wanted to keep callin’ her, but she wasn’t returnin’ my calls as it was. I needed to talk to her, to tell her that I would wait for her as long as it took. Being at the hospital didn’t make it any easier. I couldn’t have my phone in the room and it killed me not to go outside and check for my messages.

  My dad wasn’t doing well. I didn’t get the exact details of the fall, but apparently he was on a ladder out in one of the barns when somethin’ caused the ladder to fall. He had ruptured his spleen. Now, I didn’t know too much about that part of the body, but my mother said it was serious and that he could die.

  He had been in surgery since I arrived and all I could do was stay by my mother’s side and support her. She had loved my father since she was a teenager. I had been an accidental pregnancy that created a twenty five year marriage. I don’t think either of my parents regretted being together. They still held hands and wanted to always be around each other. My mother was a wreck. Finally, I contacted their primary care doctor and he prescribed something to help with her nerves. She was reluctant to take it, but he assured her she would still feel normal with no crazy side effects.

  Being that he was being labeled as critical, we weren’t able to be in the room with him. I asked my mother if she wanted to go home and rest, but she insisted that she wouldn’t leave. After being up with Ty the night before and rushing around tryin’ to get here, I was exhausted. I couldn’t leave the hospital, especially not knowin’ if I would ever see my father again.

  My father could afford the best doctors and for one of the first times, I was glad he had the money. A specialist was already on their way, but time was of the essence. He obviously had internal bleeding and they were doing their best to get it contained and stopped.

  I took a short bathroom break and when I came back the doctor was standing over my mother. She was shaking her head and crunching up her face as it filled with tears.

  I sat back down next to her and reached my arm around her, as the doctor nodded and walked away. “What is it?”

  “It’s not good Colton. It’s not good at all.” She said as she put her head into my chest.

  My father always told me men don’t cry. I could feel the wetness fillin’ my eyes and tried to fight them. My mother needed me to be strong. I wasn’t sure if I was hurting for myself as much as I was hurting for her. The idea of her being without him was unbearable. He was in his early forties, not some old man. They had so much life left to live. How fair was it that it could be cut short.

  “What did they say?” I finally asked.

  She shook her head. “They are having trouble getting the bleeding to stop.”

  “How long did it take for someone to find him in that barn?” I asked.

  “I don’t know honey. He was in the office on the phone and came rushing out saying that he had to go help Conner since Earl is out with his wife. She is having a baby you know. Anyway, Conner came in yelling that your father had fallen. We called for an ambulance, but when they asked Conner about it, he said he hadn’t seen your father for at least an hour. He found him just lying there.”

  “Hell, that aint good.” I admitted. I squeezed her hand. “He is a stubborn man. He will fight.”

  She looked over to me and tried to smile, but it wasn’t necessary. “I hope you are right. I can’t imagine losing him.”

  I had to look away from my mother. She was tryin’ her damndest to be positive, but rig
ht now we had no guarantee. My father could die any second and there was nothin’ that either of us could do.

  “I am so glad you are here Colton.”

  “Mom, there is no other place I would be. He and I may not see eye to eye, but I do love him. I just wish I could have told him that.” I confessed.

  “He knows. You are both so much alike. You may not see it, but I do.” She said as she stroked my cheek.

  I tried to give her a smile. “Yeah, maybe.”

  “Did Conner go back to the ranch after he dropped you here?” She asked.

  Conner was my cousin and since his father died four years ago, my mother had taken in her sister and her kids. Conner was the oldest and he worked his ass off for my father. He may not have the Mitchell last name, but my father treated him as if he was a son.

  “I brought Sam home. I didn’t know what was goin’ to happen. He took her back to the ranch and said he would be back to get us whenever we needed him to. Is Aunt Karen coming?”

  She shook her head. “She said she would be here after she was done with a prayer tree for your father. I need all the prayers I can get.” She immediately changed the subject. “How is Tyler? I feel so bad that we didn’t come out for his party. You know things are so hectic this time of year. We were sponsoring that festival in town this past weekend and had to be there, otherwise you know we would have come.”

  “It’s fine. They understand. Ty is back to his normal self, minus the fact that he is out of shape and has a bum leg. He walks with a gimp for now.”

  “Is that pretty girlfriend of his taking good care of him?”

  I pulled my arm back from around her neck and looked down. For the first time I felt like I was going to be a disappointment for the news I was about to give her. “They aren’t together anymore.”

  That wasn’t enough for my mom. “What do you mean? They have been together forever?”

  “They broke up before the accident. She was just being a good person sticking by his side until he woke up.”

  “I had no idea. I mean, your aunt seemed to have issues with her, but she is funny about her son. So do you think they will get back together?”

  I chuckled and looked to my feet. “I doubt it. She has someone new in her life now.” I couldn’t look her in the eye. Beads of sweat were formin’ on my head.

  “That town is so small. Does Tyler know the new guy?”

  I couldn’t take it anymore. “Mom, he has known the guy since he was born.”

  She gave me a weird look.

  “It’s me.”

  She put her hands on her face as if it would wipe away what I just said. When she looked at me with her new face, her eyes were huge with shock. “How could you do that Colton? You know better.”

  “Mom, it is so complicated. Ty had been cheating on the girl for years. He used to call me and brag about it. She never had a clue. After the accident, the whole town disowned her. Some people even jumped her and beat her up, calling her a murderer. I happened to be there to witness it. She was alone and injured and I just wanted to take care of her. I wanted to keep her safe for Ty.”

  I rubbed my hands into my head. “We couldn’t help it. I couldn’t stop myself. I tried at first. It just happened.”

  “Does your cousin know? You have to excuse me for being confused. I heard they got engaged at his party.”

  I let out an air filled laugh. “Yeah well, we had trouble tellin’ Ty our secret. He cornered her into that proposal and she couldn’t embarrass him in front of everyone in town. It doesn’t really matter because he caught us the next night together.”

  “I am guessing that is where the black eyes came from?”

  I had forgotten all about them. She hadn’t even mentioned them. With everything going on with my father, she probably hadn’t even noticed. “Yep! It was the first of a few fights between us.”

  “What does your aunt and uncle think of this? They must be furious?”

  “Not really. They wanted Ty away from Savanna. I guess I did them a favor.” I replied.

  “You are talking like you are serious about this girl. Forgive me for saying this, but do you think she is after the money?”

  I turned and looked at my mother. She could see in my eyes that she really hit a nerve. “She doesn’t know about the money. It’s the only lie I ever told her. That money isn’t mine, it’s yours. I took Dad’s offer when I built the house, but I don’t need his money. I do fine on my own. As far as Savanna goes, she is the best person I have ever known. She deserves to be happy.”

  She rubbed my arm. “Are you in love with this girl Colton? This is all so sudden. Forgive me for being cautious.”

  “Yes, I love her. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. She is the one. I know it every time I look at her.”

  “If you are sure about this than you are going to have to bring her home for us to get to know her. I can’t have my son marrying someone I don’t know.” She claimed.

  “That might be hard. She just told me she couldn’t come home with me. I asked her to move here with me this fall. She won’t leave school. She is on a scholarship and can’t afford school herself. In fact, right now she can’t afford anything, since she quit her job to be with me more.”

  She turned her body toward me. “Listen here. You are worth it. If she loves you the way you love her, it will work out. Maybe you could wait for her to finish school. I know it will be hard, but it isn’t long when you are talking about forever.”

  As soon as the words came out of my mother’s mouth she realized what she was implying. She and my father may not have that forever anymore. Life was short and you never know when your time was up.

  “Thanks Mom. I promise that you will love her as much as I do.” I grabbed her hand again. “Let’s get Dad home and I will figure out how to drag her here.” I gave my mom a wink. She needed to smile even if it were for a second.

  Before my mother could reply, my Aunt Karen came walkin’ in. “Colt.” She said as she bent over and hugged me. Conner stood behind his mother and gave me a nod.

  “I am so glad you made it home safe.” She looked over to my mother. “Any news?”

  I watched my mother telling my aunt everything she knew.

  Finally a doctor came out from behind the double doors of the waiting room. “Right now he is stable. He isn’t out of the woods yet, but we got the bleeding to stop.”

  I felt Conner’s arm grab my shoulder and we all seemed relieved.

  Once the doctor explained everything to my mother, he suggested we go home and get some rest. My mother refused to go home.

  “You should go home and rest Colt. Karen and I will stay here in case he wakes up. I will call you.” She said.

  I couldn’t argue. I was exhausted. After hugging them both, Conner and I headed out. I needed to get home and charge my phone so that I could call Savanna.

  When I finally made it home, I got the surprise of my life.

  Chapter 33


  Walking into Colt’s parent’s house was surreal. The house was huge on the outside and even bigger on the inside. Some old lady gave Ty a hug and me a quick smile as she led us into the kitchen. “They are all still at the hospital. Conner headed out about an hour ago to go back. It is such a shame about your uncle. I hope he pulls through. He is a good man. He’s always taken such good care of my family.”

  Ty thanked the lady he called Lucy. When we got back into the car he explained that she had worked for them for many years. Her husband had died in some war and she was left alone to raise her daughter. Ty said they had lived here on the ranch ever since he was a kid himself.

  Ty navigated through an old dirt road. There were a few parts where I wondered if he was taking me back into the woods to take advantage of me. After driving for at least ten minutes, we came to a clearing. There was a large lake on one side and a pasture on the other. The road ended in front of a house. Colt said he lived in a cabin, but this was much more. I wouldn�
�t have ever called the two story home a cabin. There was a wraparound porch on the lower level and a deck with two chairs on the second level. It was made from logs, but this was no cabin. To the side was a two car garage. One of the doors were open and I could see a new Mustang parked inside. We were in the right place.

  “Van? You alright? You look like you saw a ghost.” Ty was saying as he waved his hand in front of my face.

  “It’s not little.”

  “Colt’s dad insisted on it. Come on, let’s go inside. I have to piss.” He replied.

  I was instantly nervous. I had driven all the way here and never even considered what I would say to Colt. It had been an impulsive decision completely. I watched Ty hop out of the car and head toward the house. At the last minute he turned and walked toward the woods.

  “Where are you going?” I should have never asked. He just started peeing against some bushes. I gave him a dirty look as he turned and winked at me. “Stupid!”

  I took a few deep breaths and started walking toward the steps. After the first two, my heart was starting to beat out of my chest. I got to the porch and noticed the porch swing on one of the ends. It looked out at the pasture and lake. It was beautiful. I could see myself sitting there with Colt, having morning coffee while laying my head against his shoulder.

  My fists started knocking immediately following my vision. After three knocks, I heard the door creaking open. I heard Ty whistling as he made his way to the porch. I turned to smile and then focused on the door opening. All I wanted to do was jump into Colt’s arms. Everything would fall into place once I had my arms around him.

  Except, Colt wasn’t who opened the door.

  A blonde who appeared to be at least eight months pregnant opened the door. Her hair was wet and she had a towel around her neck. I gasped, unable to say a single word.

  “Can I help you?” She asked.

  I felt Ty wrapping his hands onto my waist. “Where is Colt?” He asked over my shoulder.


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