Sive: Shadow Wolves MC

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Sive: Shadow Wolves MC Page 8

by Daniela Jackson

  “Get out, you bitch,” Axel mumbles and squeezes my ass with his palms.

  I want to slap him in the face or even kick his crotch but I compose myself. My eyes follow the woman who saunters towards the door and disappears behind it.

  “Sive, baby, forgive me.” Axel kisses my tummy and gathers up my nightdress.

  “Nno, A-xel.”

  A lump forms in my throat and tears leak from the corners of my eyes. A burning sensation wells up in my chest, and I suck in a breath.

  Axel kisses my outer thigh and grips my hips, his fingers digging in my flesh, causing me pain. I groan and pull away from him. He is drunk. He should go to bed. I don’t want to have anything to do with him. Another woman touched him after I had touched him earlier. I wince in disgust.

  Axel scrambles to his feet and pulls me into his embrace.

  “Ggo tto bedd,” I say as his hot wet kisses land on my forehead.

  “I love you, Sive.”

  Yeah, really. You are so drunk that you don’t know what you are talking about.

  I liberate myself from his embrace, hold his hand and lead him upstairs. It’s better not to piss him off, I guess. I want him to go to bed because I don’t fancy more familiarity with him tonight.

  I’m moving out first thing in the morning. What else can I do?

  We climb clumsily upstairs, and I shove him towards Zane’s bedroom.

  “I want to sleep with you,” Axel says and smothers me with his kisses.

  He wets my cheeks and lips. His hot breath smells of alcohol. I avert my face even though I want to feel his lips against mine desperately, and move back towards my bedroom, but Axel follows me and seizes me around the waist with his arms. We tumble onto the bed and his body crushes mine, knocking the air out of my lungs. I can’t move. I can’t breathe. The giant on top of me is going to kill me with his weight.

  I huff. “A-xel.”

  His hand squeezes my breast, and I feel his hot lips on my neck as he rearranges his body. That offers me a chance for survival and I clumsily separate myself from him, gasping and groaning.

  “A-xel.” I want to sound serious, but it comes out as a squeak.

  “You are so sweet. My sweet little mermaid.”

  Of course, I am sweet. I can’t talk like a normal person. I won’t yell at him. I can only smile politely when I’m angry or frustrated.

  Axel moves closer to me and spoons me within his body. His chest envelops my back as he buries his face into my neck. His breath scorches my skin. I stiffen in his embrace as his hands wander on my body. He squeezes my breasts and massages my tummy, his movements clumsy and disorganised. Then his hands freeze, his body stiffens against mine and soon his snoring fills the air. He is asleep. I wait a few more minutes and gently take his arms off me.

  I will sleep in Zane’s bedroom tonight.

  “Sive,” Axel mumbles. “Come here, baby.” He pulls me closer to him and covers us with the comforter.

  I will sleep with a drunken stinky animal. Brilliant. Tears prick my eyes again. I wish that incident with that woman of his had not happened. I could still dream of our future together. I could laugh at his drunkenness instead of crying in my pain and disappointment.

  The night is a nightmare for me. Axel’s snoring rasps through the air like a buzz saw working, and I roll in bed. Each time I move away from him he shoots his arms and entraps me in his crushing embrace. So I absorb the fumes of alcohol from my companion as his sweat and scent layers me. I fight for every breath. Finally, Axel rolls on his side and I have a nap.

  I get up when the day is about to dawn and I go to the kitchen to make myself a strong coffee. With a mug in my left hand, I rummage around the ground floor to find a piece of paper and a pencil. A small notebook and a ball pen lie on the shelf with books on motorcycles and cars. I pick them up and settle myself at the kitchen table. Sipping my coffee, I scribble a letter to Axel. It’s easier for me to write than to talk; I don’t know why. The letter starts:

  My dearest Axel,

  I think your life is a bit too overcrowded for my taste. It doesn’t mean that I don’t like you because I really do. I think I’m disrupting your routine too much. I’m grateful for your help.

  It’s time for me to go now.

  I wish I could talk to you like a normal person. I wish things were different, I was different.

  I’m too sensitive to be your toy. I’m not stupid and I have my pride. And things like the last night’s incident make me feel so miserable.

  Anyway, I loved being here. Thank you.

  Well, it’s high time to find a cosy space under the bridge. I can hunt rats and eat them.

  I take a shower and walk into Axel’s bedroom on my tiptoes. He turns on his other side but doesn’t wake up so I pick up my t-shirt and jeans. I change my clothes downstairs, prepare breakfast for Axel and put it into the fridge, then hold the letter to him between my thumb and forefinger and hang my bag on my shoulder.

  “Where do you think you are going?” Axel rumbles behind me.

  I shudder and turn around, extending my arm towards him. He looks horrible like he’s just come out of the washing machine. His face is slightly red and he has swollen eyelids and dark circles under his eyes.

  I hand him the letter and wait patiently until he finishes reading. His eyes scan my handwriting, and he scrunches the letter up, tossing it onto the floor.

  “What’s your fucking problem, Sive?” he growls.

  I shake my head in disbelief. My fucking problem is that another woman touched him intimately. My fucking problem is that I’m jealous. My fucking problem is that I’m in love with him and what he did last night is breaking my heart.

  “I got drunk and Wendy brought me home,” he continues. “Nothing happened.” He steps forward, making me step back. “I don’t even have to explain away anything.” His fingers sink into his hair. “We are not even together. Jeeze, you’re not even my wife.”

  Well, he is right, but nobody said that I couldn’t be angry. And I am very angry. I can’t calm that. I also don’t want to go through something like this again. One time is enough.

  I smile at him because overall he is not a bad person which makes his eyebrows raise a notch at me. Correcting my bag, I turn around and rush towards the door.

  “No fucking way,” he rumbles behind me and I hear his strides chasing me.

  His hand grabs my arm, turning me to him, and I hiss in pain.

  “You are not going anywhere,” Axel says in a cold voice. “Understood?”

  His menacing glance immobilises me. He looks like a stone cold killer. My heart pounds and I pull back, trying to free myself desperately. I don’t know that ruthless man in front of me. He’s not Axel. He’s a monster.

  He did that to me yesterday. First, I was scared of him, but then he touched me and I turned into a leaking, brainless sinner. I allowed him to do dirty things to me and I loved it.

  But now, I’m only scared of him.

  “Plea-sse,” I sob.

  “Go upstairs,” Axel says, “and put one of those dresses I bought for you on. I want you to look beautiful for me. Cook something nice for lunch and draw the rest of the boys for Blaze. He will buy all the drawings from you.”


  “I won’t repeat myself. You are staying with me. I will allow you to be angry with me till Saturday.” He releases my arm slowly, watching me with a rigid expression. “Don’t piss me off today, Sive. I’m in a very bad mood.”

  I take a deep breath and leap to the side, but he grips my wrist, wrenching me to him. My feet entangle together and I fall down with my chin hitting the top of the coffee table. Dizziness fills my head, and I’m detached for an instant like I’m floating in nothingness, then a pulsating agony explodes in my mouth. I’ve bitten my tongue. I’m all pain, paralysed. Filled with rage.

  More signals come from my body to my brain, informing me that I’m sitting on the floor and my back is resting against Axel’s chest. His arms e
ntwine me and his folded legs guard both my sides. He kisses my temple, then opens my mouth with his thumb and checks my teeth. Blood dribbles down my chin.

  Axel’s fingers examine my chin and his breath brushes my ear.

  “You see what happens when you don’t listen to me, Sive?”

  The smell of the alcohol in his breath is so powerful that it could make me drunk from just inhaling it, but his closeness is intoxicating to me. I’m scared and torn and in pain.

  Axel tightens the embrace around me, strokes my hair and kisses the top of my head.

  “We are together, Sive.” His voice is surprisingly soft. “I just need to get used to that, okay?”

  No, it’s not okay. He didn’t even ask for my opinion.

  “I need to piss and have a shower, Sive.”

  Romantic, isn’t he? My cheeks heat up and I shrink into myself.

  “And you are going with me,” he adds and rises to his feet, pulling me up. “In case you wanted to do something stupid.”

  He drags me to the kitchen, empties a glass of water, growls and drags me to the front door, locking it and closing his fingers around the keys. I’m in a trap, hoping that he’s suffering from the worst hangover he’s ever had. It’s not what a proper Christian should think but I can’t help it.

  We walk towards the bathroom, stopping in front of the door and Axel shoves me at the wall. I sit on the floor and he leans over me.

  “Don’t move,” he says. “I’m going to take a shower now but if you try to do something stupid, I’ll lock you away in the bedroom. Understood?”

  I pull my knees to my chest and duck my head between them. Axel enters the bathroom, leaving the door ajar and I wonder whether he is able to come up with an even worse idea of humiliating me.

  I hear him urinate, flush the toilet and turn on the water in the shower cabin. Then a malicious voice in my head urges me to move. Peering through the door, I witness him stripping off his jeans and stepping into the shower. He turns his face and watches me with a half smile playing on his lips as he lathers his body with a handful of shower gel.

  Steam blows in my face and my eyes roam over his body. I’m mesmerised. Shocked by my own curiosity. I don’t know whether beautiful is a good word to describe a man, but handsome or well built doesn’t do the justice to his looks.

  “Sive, baby, you wanna join me?”

  I freeze and my jaw drops. This is the most ridiculous and embarrassing experience in my life.

  I scramble to my feet, move into the bathroom, and grab his toothbrush, squeezing a pea size amount of toothpaste out of the tube. I open the shower cabin and pass it on to him. In case he came up with an idea to kiss me.

  He starts brushing his teeth and waves his hand at me.

  I don’t react. My eyes flick over his hard on. A thought strikes against my mind again. His cock is massive. Stiff like a pole. I can’t even imagine myself having him inside my pussy. He would tear me apart.

  “Sive, have a shower with me.” He grabs his cock and starts stroking himself. “Don’t make me beg you. Take off your clothes and come inside the cabin.”

  “Nno,” I say, but my core pulsates with need and every atom of my body screams ‘yes’.

  “Why are you so stubborn?”

  I’m angry not stubborn. You are stubborn. Also twice as tall as me, stronger, very dominant, and fully aware that I have nowhere else to go.

  I back up and take a seat under the washbasin. Axel finishes his shower and steps out of the cabin. He grabs a towel and pats himself dry.

  “Take your clothes off, Sive.” He doesn’t ask this time; he commands me.

  His towel lands on the floor with a quit puff, and he stands naked in front of me, offering me a perfect view of his hard cock. My pussy clenches with need. I feel wetness between my thighs.


  “We can help each other.”


  “I won’t touch you. I know you are angry with me.” He leans over me, hooks me under my arms with his hands and lifts me. “Just take off your clothes and let me look at your tits. That’s all.”

  Chapter 15


  I’m scared, no doubt. It feels like on that Friday evening many years ago when Ma learnt about Boulder’s one-night stand, packed our clothes and we moved out of our house to a cheap hotel, leaving him with a bottle of bourbon in his hand. He shouted that he would kill himself and Ma told him she wouldn’t cry over him. Zane cried though. He was morbidly scared that Boulder would take his own life.

  I’m scared that Sive will decide to move out. She can. I’m not holding her captive. I’m just very convincing, I guess.

  I want to take her to my bed and fuck her. It would tie her to me. Women fall in love after just one quick fuck, and she is young, lost and susceptible to my persuasion. It could work.

  I also want to fuck her because I want her badly. Like no other woman in my life before. When did that happen? I was happy with my life how it was and suddenly I can’t imagine my life without Sive. She is a pure tiny thing in my filthy dark life.

  My head is throbbing, but that won’t stop me enjoying that anxious little thing in front of me. The rest of the alcohol evaporated from my blood in the shower. I’m tired but sober, and I want to fuck like an animal.

  Sive looks at me like I’m mad. To be honest, I am.

  My nakedness and my hard cock touching her belly must disturb her, but there is also hunger in her wide eyes. She wants me even though she isn’t aware of that yet.

  “Sive, let’s go to bed.”

  She growls with frustration. I know, I promised I would not touch her.

  “Take off your clothes, baby,” I say. “I’ll go mad.”

  Sive steps back and pulls her t-shirt over her head, then tosses it onto the floor.

  At last. My finger points to her bra and she unhooks it, bending slightly forward. She is ashamed of her own nakedness; I can see that. Her cheeks are bright red.

  Sweat trickles down my temples and beads my chest so I open the window and hold her hand, pulling her behind me towards the couch. A wave of cooler air blows in my face as we saunter across the living area.

  I know that I’m behaving like an animal. The worst kind of animal. But there is too much tension inside me, too much anxiety and too much of a wild need to have her in every way.

  I sit in the couch and set her on my lap. She straddles my thigh, resting her back against my chest. My face sinks into her hair, and I breathe in her intoxicating scent.

  “I just want to be with you for a moment,” I murmur as my arm crosses over her chest and my hand strokes her breast.


  “I know.”

  My rationality is non-existent, but I’m still conscious that I can’t cross the line Sive has drawn.

  My fingers roll her nipple, and she arches her back against my chest. Her crotch rubs against my thigh. Well, it seems like my little Sive wants to lose herself for a moment as badly as I want to.

  “Touch yourself, Sive, and let me watch you.”

  She shakes her head, but it’s not very convincing.

  “Don’t be shy,” I insist. “Let’s help each other.”

  Sive rests her fingers against her other breast and strokes the nipple lightly as I bite her earlobe. My little mermaid is pure sex now.

  “Good girl,” I murmur. “Don’t be shy.” My fingers close around my throbbing cock and I stroke myself slowly. “I want to see you come.”


  “Sive, that’s okay. We won’t do more; I promise.”

  If she wants more, I won’t mind though.

  Sive wiggles on my thigh as her hand moves down to open her jeans. Her fingers slide under her panties and she starts rubbing herself. I could come just watching her. Her forehead wrinkles and her wide eyes lock on mine.

  “It’s not very comfortable, huh?” I murmur, seizing her around the waist with my arm.

  Twisting my chest, I l
ay her on the couch and pull her jeans down, tearing them off her. She gasps and shakes her head, levering herself up on her elbows.

  “I promise,” I say but honestly, I’m not sure what I’m promising to her.

  I lift myself from the couch, leaning over her. My fingers tear her panties off her, and I part her folded legs. I’m insane and I can only think about tasting her glistening little pussy with my mouth.

  “Relax,” I say, pull her hips to me and kneel on the floor, sinking my face between her thighs.

  She has the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted in my life. My tongue whips over her clitoris and her body shivers.

  “Just relax,” I say.

  Her muscles are still taut and I want to make her feel good.

  “A-xel,” she hums from her throat.

  I could listen to her saying my name for eternity.

  My tongue penetrates her pussy and it’s like drinking from a fountain. My whole face is covered in her juices. Her tantalising scent whips my nostrils. Her taste makes my mind twirl in a daze. My cock hardens further. A tingle goes down my spine.

  Sive collapses onto the couch with a sigh, finally surrendering to me. I push her thighs wider for me, then lick up and down her slit, inserting one finger into her. She lets out a low scream. I close my mouth around her clitoris, pumping my finger in and out gently. Her body tenses and relaxes and I know that she is on the brink so I work her harder. Her back arches and a soft moan leaves her mouth. It’s the sweetest female orgasm I’ve ever seen.

  I’m urged by my most primal instinct as I rise to my feet and lean over her, stroking my cock with more pressure. I slip my palm under her neck and pull her up, then drive my shaft into her mouth. She sits on her heels as her wide eyes roll, still deeply in a haze. Her hands grip my hips and it gives me a perfect view of her back and ass as the most sensual lips in the world wrap tightly around my cock.

  I don’t need more. Just watching her like this. I guess, she’s the right person. I move my hips forward, sliding my cock deeper into her mouth, and she gags. Tears fill up her eyes. I pull myself back and thrust again. Her throat contracts around the head of my cock.


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