The Manhattan Incident

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The Manhattan Incident Page 39

by Raymond Poincelot

  10. Year Six, Present Time, PI. Cooper’S Move

  It was late afternoon when Paul, Roberta, Zack and Roxanne stepped out of the limousine along with Joe and Lisa and the two soldiers who had finally agreed that they could be called by their code names, Raptor and Big Cat. Zack had carefully tapped into their heads and quickly stopped. It was apparent that these two were black ops soldiers aptly named for their killing talents. Zack shuddered to himself. Good thing they were on his side. Paul immediately noted the new presence of a doorman resplendent in his uniform. Paul suspected he was another soldier or MI man in disguise. Zack knew the answer, but said nothing. He was MI. As they stepped in, Paul noted new faces on the reception desk. Again, more protection thought Paul. Raptor and Big Cat gave a slight nod to the desk people. Paul smiled. He was right. Zack already knew.

  As they approached their apartment unit within the building, they saw the two soldiers on guard duty at their door. Again Raptor and Big Cat nodded. Big Cat spoke. “Just so we are all on the same page, here’s the drill. Any time one or any of you want to leave the apartment, you must call this number. Your guards are instructed to not let you out unless you do and they have received clearance. The number is easy to remember, just tap in wish to leave, except no spaces and no “e” on end to keep to 10 digits. I know it’s no fun, but it is necessary for your protection. You will have protection with you at all times. We will try to be unobtrusive.” With that, Raptor and Big Cat turned and left. They were on their way to the command center already set up in the building.

  After unpacking and settling into their apartment, no one felt much like cooking dinner. Paul spoke up first. “Let’s do dinner down the Street at Scarpetto’s Restaurant. I’m in the mood for Italian food. Paul picked up his P-Com and tabbed in the number to leave. Immediately, a voice came on. “Yes, what do you want?” Paul explained the dinner out for all, including Joe and Lisa. “It will be ten minutes. We will make reservations and your door guards will let you know when it is OK.” About 10 minutes later, there was a knock on the apartment’s door. Paul opened the door. One of the guards said “You may go now. Leave by the front door. You will be met by an MI guard detail that will accompany you to the restaurant. At the front door a man and woman dressed in casual clothes awaited them. The man simply said, “I am Antonio Adam, follow me. Juliet Snowe will follow behind you. We are to go straight to the restaurant, no stops.” With that Juliet held the door open, Antonio went out first looking carefully to the right and left, then beckoned the others to follow. Paul doubted that those names were real. They sounded so phony. Zack already knew the names were phony, not that it mattered much.

  Joe and Lisa turned to Paul and said, “Wait here. We want a few words with Antonio. Juliet overheard and scowled at Joe and Lisa. Paul watched the animated conversation. Joe spoke rapidly into his P-Com. Several minutes later Joe ended the conversation and handed the phone to Antonio. Antonio scowled as if he heard something he didn’t like. He handed the P-Com back to Joe. Joe and Lisa then came back. Paul said, “What’s up?” Joe and Lisa looked at each other. Finally Lisa spoke. “We wished to clarify some things. MI issued us orders that we are to follow orders from the various new protective details. We respect that call, being outranked. However, the under no circumstances are we to kill anyone who comes after you clause is unacceptable. We just made it clear to Antonio that we will not allow anyone to threaten your life or anyone in your family. Those were our original orders signed by General Straub years ago. We are not MI and are not obligated to follow MI’s orders. We report to General Straub only; we just contacted him via the P-Com. Fortunately, he answered right away. Our original orders are still viable. The General said MI won’t be happy, but he will force Colonel Lanzo to back down.”

  “Evidently, MI wants any assassin taken alive to get a lead back to Cooper. If it turns out to be Cooper himself, they insist upon his live capture. We just told Antonio that should any protective detail be incapacitated or we feel their actions or lack thereof put you or your family under threat, we will take whatever action we deem appropriate. If that means killing someone, so be it. General Straub will have Colonel Lanzo issue clarifying orders soon to the MI detail here and take full responsibility for those orders, including any shit that comes down from MI or higher. He has however, asked us to let the MI group take the assassin alive if at all possible and to use lethal force only when absolutely necessary.” At that point, Joe spoke up. “We just wanted to make sure Antonio and Juliet here are on the same page, since the written orders haven’t come through yet. They aren’t happy, but have accepted the verbal order from General Straub for the moment. Still, I and Lisa, both feel something isn’t quite right here, but we can’t put our finger on it yet.” With that comment, he gave Zack a pointed look. Zack shrugged as if to say he couldn’t offer any input on the matter. He then gave Joe an impish smile as if to say I’ll see what I can do.

  Eventually they reached Scarpetto’s Restaurant without incident. The receptionist greeted Antonio politely. Antonio smiled at her and said, “Good evening. We have reservations for our party of seven under the name Smithson. The receptionist looked puzzled and said “All of you are together?” “Yes, we are. Is there anything wrong?” “No, I didn’t realize that Dr. Laurent was part of your party. I thought Dr. Laurent’s group was separate from you. He often comes here and his reservations are usually under Laurent.” Antonio had not wanted to call attention to Paul, hence the fake name, not realizing that Paul was a regular here. “Oh, that’s my last name. I am treating everyone. You know, a special occasion.” “Yes, Mr. Smithson, follow me. As requested, you have a table for five and two, with the two being in front of the five and facing the door. It’s a bit of a strange arrangement.” In her mind it reminded her of some of the old mafia movies. She shook that thought away. Dr. Laurent was such a gracious client. It just wasn’t possible.

  After their orders were taken, the waiter came back with the bottle of the super Tuscan that Paul ordered. Paul looked at the cork, swirled the glass, sniffed the bouquet and held it up to the light to admire the color and legs. Paul always enjoyed the ceremonious elements that went with wine. Finally, he tasted it and approved. The waiter filled Roberta’s glass, placed a ginger ale in front of Zack, then he filled Paul’s glass. Joe and Lisa declined the offer of wine as they always did when on duty. The waiter then moved to the table of two where Antonio and Juliet were seated. Antonio gave a no thanks sign to the waiter. Drinking on duty was strictly forbidden by MI for protective operations. The busboy came over with rustic bread and olive oil. Antonio noted that his eyes lingered on Paul. Antonio’s glasses recorded the incident and sent it to the monitoring van parked nearby. Antonio said under his breath. “See what you can dig up on the busboy, his name, any connection to Cooper’s church. Is the call pickup system fully operational?” An irritated voice buzzed in his flesh-colored ear bud. “Of course, it is. We are good at what we do.” “Just checking, Agent Dubrov. Monitor all incoming and outgoing traffic from this location.”

  In the back room Ricardo Calhoun checked the photo he pulled from his pocket. Yes, no doubt. It was him. As one of the trusted Church of the Rapture members whose loyalty was without question and because Paul frequented the restaurant, he became recently employed there at Reverend Cooper’s request. It had paid off. Ricardo went to the bathroom. Taking his P-Com out, he speed-dialed the number he had been given. “Yes, what do you have?” Ricardo replied. “He’s here” and promptly disconnected. All Ricardo knew was that the Church had important business with this person. Why or who was of no concern. Ten seconds later Antonio learned about the call. “Shit,” he muttered. What should he do now? End the dinner or go with the opportunity. Antonio decided to go with the opportunity. He excused himself and went to the bathroom. Juliet gave him the “I’ll watch things here sign.”

  In the bathroom, Antonio placed the call to the van outside. Agent Dubrov answered. Antonio spoke. “We have a situation here, pos
sibly an event will transpire. I need three teams here now, one team outside and two teams inside at this location. I am sending you the coordinates now. Speed is critical.” Agent Dubrov responded. “Got it. Help on the way now.” Antonio returned to his table. As instructed, he shared nothing with Joe or Lisa. Those were his orders. The new verbal orders didn’t actually specify sharing. Antonio never questioned his orders, even when they made no sense.

  About ten minutes later, a repair truck showed up and set up operations around an open manhole. Shortly two groups wearing suits and looking like business men showed up. Joe and Lisa watched with interest. When none of the men ordered drinks, Joe and Lisa knew that their suspicions were right. Joe got up and went over to Antonio Adam’s table. “You bastard, you have three teams here and you aren’t sharing what is going on. We are responsible for Laurent and family safety per orders of General Straub. You heard what the General said. Not sharing is totally unacceptable. I will raise holy hell about this action and if things go wrong, I’ll make sure you get the blame. Don’t expect any sharing from us.” Antonio looked unconcerned and said, “I have no idea what you are talking about. Enjoy your dinner.”

  Joe went back and explained to Lisa. “Things aren’t right here. They seem to be getting worse. We need to contact General Straub again and get to the bottom of this situation. Lisa nodded her head yes. Just then Zack caught their eyes and nodded toward the bathroom. Zack got up and left the table. Joe followed. Paul and Roberta noticed and wondered what was going on and looked at Lisa. Lisa gave them the “everything is under control sign.” Paul and Roberta relaxed. Lisa surely hoped everything really was under control.

  Once in the bathroom, Zack turned to Joe and said “Antonio has learned that a call from the busboy fingered Dad and he ordered help. He seems to have orders not to share anything with you. I can’t determine why or who is responsible.” “Thanks, Zack. We really need your help. At this point I’m not sure if Cooper is our only enemy. Let’s get back to the table. I’ll ask the waiter to send out our busboy with more water. See what you can pick up. I have to either get us out of here or help set the trap for Cooper. I have one last question. Does Antonio know about your ability?” Zack responded “Yes, he was briefed, but thinks it is a crock.” “Hmm, that works in our favor. Can people block you?” “Not if they are unaware of my ability, but if they are not thinking about anything, it blocks me. However, sooner or later, they slip and inadvertently the thought leaks out. It could take some time, if someone trained their ability to not think about something. Essentially, I can only pick up on what people are actively thinking about when I am around them. Oh, and to answer your unasked question, I don’t read you on purpose.” Joe blinked, then gave a tight smile and said, “Thanks, Zack. One more question. Are you always this good at picking things up?” ”No, It seems to come and go. Right now it’s going strong, perhaps because of fear for our safety. I think with time I’ll learn more and get better at it.”

  While this conversation was going on, another short conversation was taking place. Ricardo had his P-Com out and had speed-dialed his assigned number. “Yes, what is it?” Ricardo looked around to make sure no one else was in the kitchen storeroom. “Several men in suits have come in. Not regulars. I think I saw an ear bud in some of their ears. They seem to always look around and didn’t order drinks. Likely some form of security. There is a repair crew at the manhole. Looks suspicious, as our utilities in here are just fine.” “Thank you.” Ricardo slid his phone into his pocket just as the waiter, Antonio came in. “There you are. Stop disappearing. Table six wants water now. Get your ass out there or your job will be in trouble.” “Sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  Ricardo poured water into the empty and partly empty glasses and left. Zack turned to Joe and whispered in his ear. “He called someone, told them about security details in here and outside. I got the approximately same thoughts from Antonio. They have a communications intercept going. There is one last thing. I sense Antonio is much more protective of me over Mom and Dad. Why would he do that?” Joe nodded. He was starting to guess why and didn’t like the thought. Paul looked over. “What are you two up to? It’s not nice to whisper around others.” Joe smiled and said, “Just security matters that Zack picked up. Everything is fine. Don’t worry.” Paul wanted to ask Zack all about it, but thought to himself, later when we are alone. Joe thought to himself and analyzed the situation. Whoever Ricardo contacted was aware it was a trap. Maybe it was Cooper, but more likely someone who reported directly to Cooper. The trap wasn’t about to be sprung tonight. It was time to enjoy dinner instead. Too bad Antonio knows this. We must contact General Straub soon. Things could spiral out of control.

  Dinner eventually ended and the party left. As they left, Joe looked back and saw the later suited arrivals signal for their check. He also noted the repair crew at the manhole was packing up. What a wasted effort. Cooper’s operation was more complicated and better than anyone knew. His flock was everywhere and there was no way to know which ones were actually working as spies. Agent Dubrov came to the same conclusion a few minutes later after Antonio spoke to him over the P-Com. Dubrov mused that this operation was not going to be easy. Antonio and Juliet parted company at Laurent’s apartment door, as did Joe and Lisa, since Jamal Williams and Liu Ping were there at the door ready to take their shift. Antonio said “Good night.” Joe and Lisa just glared at Antonio. It didn’t seem to faze him one bit. In fact he seemed to be enjoying it. Joe thought to himself. Let’s see how much you enjoy yourself after we talk to General Straub.

  As soon as Joe got to their office door, he turned to Lisa. “Come in, we can go to our quarters later. We have unfinished business. Lisa nodded, knowing full well that a call to General Straub was next. In the room, Joe called General Straub on the secure emergency channel. General Straub heard the snatch of melody from the title song of the old Bond film, “Goldfinger.” He dreaded answering, knowing that melody meant an important, must answer call from Joe and Lisa. He groaned, guessing what it might be about given their earlier call that evening. Joe and Lisa described the night’s events, the lack of sharing from Antonio, their out of the loop feelings, and their educated guess that Antonio seemed capable of sacrificing Paul and Roberta to save Zack.

  General Straub listened. He knew this secret would come out. How the hell did the Earth First Council and MI think no one would know, given Zack’s ability, unless they were highly skeptical of Zack’s talent? Serves the bastards right, tying my hands like that. “Joe and Lisa, you are presenting troubling observations. Are you certain about them?” Joe sputtered, “Yes, we caught Antonio outright hiding things from us and Zack certifies the remainder. We have no doubts at all.” “OK. I’ll look into this. You know I take orders from above, so it might take me a day or so to contact the Earth First Council and apprise them of the problem. I’ll get back to you.” “Thanks, General. We’ll be waiting.” Lisa looked at Joe. “He takes his orders from above. Does that mean he knows what those orders to Antonio and MI are? Or is he in the dark like us and will ask to see the orders? Notice how carefully he chose his words. Perhaps he was deliberately ambiguous or just sincere about not knowing.” Joe smiled, “We’ll never know. Either way, let’s hope he can reverse the orders.” General Straub vowed to call the Council first thing in the morning and have it out with them.

  The next morning General Straub called the Earth First Council Chair. The Chair rotated every two years. The last Chair was the U.S. member, Jefferson Whitcock. Straub wished he were still in charge, as Straub felt comfortable dealing with him. The present Chair was Russian, Bariska Minkov, who was a difficult woman. “Yes, General, do you have news about that thorn in our side Cooper?” “No, Madam Chair, but it is related to that matter. Dr. Laurent’s bodyguards are on to your secret orders to MI not to share intelligence with them. They also know that Laurent is disposable as is his wife and Zack is to be saved at all cost.”

  Straub could hear sputtering. “How
is that possible, General Straub? Do we have a leak? Perhaps the leak comes from you, given your closeness to Dr. Laurent?” Straub retorted angrily. “I am a good soldier. I follow orders even if I don’t like them, you Russian bitch! If you don’t have confidence, I will resign.” “No need, General. Besides, you are still a public hero. Politics must always be considered above all. Can you shed any light on the leak?” “Yes, it is very simple. Did you not believe me about Zack’s ability? On the one hand, you seem to, given your orders that he alone is indispensable. On the other hand, you seem to find it unlikely that Zack could mentally eavesdrop and figure all this out.” “So, General, Zack is a dangerous but critical asset. We want him to discover the secrets of others, but we don’t want him to know ours. It is a true dilemma. So what do we do about this secrets matter? Do you have any suggestions?” “First, allow MI to share intelligence with Dr. Laurent’s bodyguards and I mean full sharing, as Zack will know if you don’t. Two, tell MI that Laurent and his wife are also indispensable. I also think it only fair that all know they are bait to trap Cooper. Oh, one last thing. I will issue orders to the protective details that Joe and Lisa are authorized to terminate anyone who poses a lethal threat to any of them” “You are now being insubordinate! Still consider it done, General. But it comes with a price that you must pay, General. We expect that you won’t hold anything back from us. We also have a task that you will need to do soon. We’ll be in touch later. Have a good day.”

  General Straub didn’t trust Minkov completely. He felt that she had a hidden agenda which likely related to the request to come. Two can play the game, he thought, but it could be risky. Straub trusted only one person completely on base. That was not Colonel Lanzo, given MI took orders from the Earth First Council and especially Minkov currently. No, he trusted only Master Tech Sergeant Munger. Straub hoped that Munger felt he owed him a favor for having trusted him and giving him a promotion even though Munger’s record was tarnished. Time to call in the favor he hoped Munger felt obligated to return. He walked to the elevator and rode down to the communications center where Munger had his office. Long ago the two of them had decided on a shared phrase if absolutely secure communication was required by either one. Munger leaped to attention and saluted. “At ease, Master Tech Sergeant Munger. I’m here on some unofficial R&R. Do you like jazz?” Munger smiled and said, “Yes, I do. Why do you ask?” Munger acted perfectly normal when he heard the secret phrase, “Do you like jazz?” “I like to get to know my important officers a bit better and show my appreciation. So, I am inviting you to my private quarters at 1700 sharp dressed down for cocktails and dinner. I have a fantastic jazz collection which I think you would appreciate.” “Thank you, General. I’ll be there.” As he walked away, General Straub hoped that Munger would be just as agreeable to what he had planned.


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