Sensitive ~ Paranormal Erotica

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Sensitive ~ Paranormal Erotica Page 4

by Derendrea

  I pushed my hand against his chest, making him lean back. He obeyed, adjusting his legs and laying with his back on the bed. I rubbed my hands over his tone body, stirring up his excitement. I took his erect manhood in both hands and stroked his length. I increased the heat, concentrating on every inch, inside and on the surface, from the base up to the dripping head. He moaned, gripping the blankets to deal with the sensation. I moved one hand to his sack. I cupped their soft firmness, sending rivulets of sensation through them. Jordan moaned louder. I could tell he was about to cum, so I eased off. I rubbed my fingers up and down his shaft, just letting him feel my touch. I could hear him get control of his breathing.

  I sensed his body, the heat of his blood, the energy of his nerves as they were stimulated with sensation. In the darkness I saw him, every curve and plane, every etched muscle and bone. I rubbed my hands over his skin, mounting him.

  I didn’t have to direct his manhood with my hand. It slid perfectly into my opening. As he entered me, his energies merged with mine. I let my heat and pleasure envelope him. I slowly pushed myself onto his cock, taking my time and savoring every fiber. It was his turn to tense and arch. Taking him in completely, I pushed my pelvis forward to stimulate my walls. I sensed his pleasure. I leaned back, letting my breasts lift, embracing my womanhood, proud of my body and the desire I conjured in my man.

  Languidly I rode his cock, but I still could feel my excitement building. I tried to hold it off, wanting to please him, but I couldn’t help it. I pushed twice more until my body was taken by orgasm.

  Every other time in my life I had reached climax, I had done it alone. This time, Jordan came with me. I could feel the intense rush of power up his penis, coupled with the eruption of bliss through my body. We were joined: mind, body and soul. Our voices rose together in rapture.


  From Derendrea:

  I hope you enjoyed SENSITIVE. All of my stories are based on dreams I’ve had. Please enjoy the following teaser to my historical erotica short story FOR THE KING:

  I woke up alone. I knew I was alone before I opened my eyes, not because of the silence or the chill, but because of the ache in my chest that remained in his absence. Although it wasn’t typical for him to leave our bed without waking me, this welcome to the day did not surprise me. Last night he was so distant. He had turned from me and laid there without our nightly ritual of making love, without even speaking to me.

  Every night for the past thirteen years we have made love, except for a rare occasion when he was indisposed or I was suffering some minor ailment. Even on nights when he returned late from planning campaigns with his court, or from a hunting party or troop rally, when most of the night was spent, he would wake me with the gentle feel of his nakedness atop me. With the smell of soft wood smoke in his hair, he would kiss my neck, push up my nightgown and slip inside me.

  Most nights we went to bed together, and always trying to please me, he would kiss and massage my body until I thought I would burn from the inside. Thirteen years had passed and we had barely ever fallen asleep without our shared juices covering our thighs and wrapped in each others’ arms. And yet, last night I fell asleep cold, alone, and confused.

  Despite our efforts, and the pleasure we experienced from them, I still had not conceived him any children. Sometimes after making love he would trace circles around my abdomen with his fingertips, and I knew he was silently praying for a miracle to happen.

  Such a stark difference to the way he acted last night. I sighed and turned on my side, trying to find comfort on the plush bed and pillows. Not only had my husband ignored me yesterday, my lady in waiting had posed some very disconcerting questions while she prepared my bath.

  “His lordship has been very good to you, Lady Rainha.”

  Wondering why she was deviating from her usual gossip of the affairs of lords and ladies, I responded warily. “Yes, he has.”

  She dipped her hand in, testing the temperature of the water. “It is too bad that no little children have filled our halls.”

  The look I gave her made her quickly turn her gaze away, and I hoped it ended the conversation. I could tell she wasn’t through when she hesitantly approached me. She pursed her lips, holding back something she wanted to say.

  “What?” I demanded.

  Her eyes glittered with mischief. “There are many handsome men in the court.” She leaned forward, her bodice only half covering her full chest. I sighed in annoyance, not wanting to hear another tale of her escapades. “Men of integrity. Ones who do not share the names of their mistresses.”

  “I’m sure there are.” I clenched my jaw to prevent the insults that came to mind when I thought of her and the names of men of the court she had shared with me.

  She blushed and softened her voice. “Lady Rainha, have you ever considered taking one of the nobles into your bed?”


  “Just for one night. His lordship would never know.”

  I opened my mouth but no words left it. After a moment, my pride overpowered my surprise. “Never.” I turned my back to her. If I hadn’t I wouldn’t have been able to contain my anger.

  What made her suggest such a thing? I wondered as I stretched out on the bed. The urge to get up and start my day drowned out my desire to hide in bed and pretend I did not exist. I started to sit up when the door opened. I lifted the blankets over my chest to cover the thin, dainty nightgown, until I saw whom it was.

  He wasn’t smiling, but his expression was easy. He had tamed his ear-length wavy black hair, that usually was wild when he woke. He wore his tan flax linen tunic and a leather vest, black pants and leather boots. I tried to figure out what occasion he was dressed for. Not a formal meeting with his court or knights. Something casual...

  He left the door ajar and started walking toward the bed. I bent my legs to stand and meet him, but something in his eyes held me. Did he want to make up for last night? Determination in his step and intensity in his gaze suggested he might, but then why did he leave the door ajar?

  He sat beside me on the bed and laid his tan, sturdy hand on my arm. His eyes slid over me, my hair, which was probably falling out of its braid, the lace along the top of my nightgown, the outline of my body beneath the blankets. His gaze returned to my face, but he hesitated meeting my eyes. And when he did, his brows knit together. Something was wrong.

  “Good morning, my beautiful Rainha.”

  “Good morning Lance,” I returned, but tilted my head letting him know I wanted in on his secret.

  “The night before I married you your father made me promise to always take care of you.” I laughed a little, easily able to picture my tall, burly father cornering the young knight I had fallen in love with. “To the best of my ability I have kept that promise.” I laid my hand on his chest to comfort the tension that rippled through his muscles.

  “You have, Lance,” I assured him. He took my hand in his and turned very serious.

  “No, I haven’t. I haven’t provided you with everything you need.”

  “Yes you...”

  “Just hear me out,” he said and placed his finger on my lips. “You need an heir. I haven’t been able to give you one.”


  His warm finger pressed on my lips again. “I’ve been to see the apothecary.” I chuckled, picturing the shadow-loving hunched men with glass bottles jingling from chain belts that lived in a lower room of the castle. “And the midwives,” he added quickly, his serious amber eyes curting my response. He snaked his hand beneath the covers and pressed his palm on my abdomen, causing a short breath to rush through my teeth. “You are the perfect woman,” he said with a smile. “They confirmed my suspicion: it’s my fault you have borne no children.”

  Anger rushed through the sides of my head and my vision blurred. “That’s not true,” I spoke through clenched jaw, more angered at the archaic scholars who fed him that lie than at him.

  He closed his eyes, taking in and re
leasing a long breath. When he looked at me again, the sadness I saw hurt more than my previous anger. “It is true. I am the reason we can conceive no children.”

  I shook my head. “We can keep trying, they can’t know that for sure.” He listened, but his expression didn’t change. He moved his hand lower. His fingertips touched the dip between my legs.

  “We haven’t stop trying since the night we were married.” My lips parted and warm breaths filled my lungs as he made light, slow circles on top of my nightgown. I eyed him, wondering what he was up to. He moved his mouth to my ear, speaking soft but earnest, “You are the only heir to your family’s long heritage. Five centuries of peaceful kingship over the twelve provinces.”

  “I know that.”

  He pressed his hand deeper and cupped my sensitive folds to keep me quiet.

  “I’ve always known I was lucky to catch the eye of the princess of Lenaneir,” he spoke onto my skin, “but I was not born royalty. It’s your blood that will ensure the peace of the kingdom.” I tried to push against him so I could see his face, but he held me. “Without you, the provinces will fall into civil war.” He kissed my neck with his moist lips and caressed my folds, enchanting my hips to lift in response. “Your time is now. I won’t be responsible for breaking a lineage five centuries strong.” I opened my eyes and moved my pelvis away from his hand.

  “What do you mean?” my voice cracked.

  His hand rubbed my abdomen again and stopped just above where I held my legs tightly together, demanding an answer. He pressed his hand into my stomach and I held my breath.

  “You have to let another plant their seed in you.”

  Shock coursed through me. I gasped and pushed him away, but his arm caught my hip and pulled me back toward him.

  “Never!” I said between my teeth.

  He smiled a little. How could he smile after suggesting such a thing? “I know you would never agree to it. You are too loyal to me.”

  My thoughts went to the strange conversation with my lady in waiting yesterday. He had put her up to asking me those disturbing questions. I angrily pushed his arms off me.

  “Wait,” he coaxed, holding my hands. “Listen to me.” I could feel my body shaking within his grip.

  “No!” I said forcefully. “I swore an oath to you. I will never be with another.”

  “It’s your blood that will make the child rightful king or queen, not mine.”

  “I don’t care!”

  His fingers traced my jaw. “Yes you do.”

  I breathed out my angst, staring at the shades of gold and green in his eyes. I wanted to argue with him, but no words formed.

  He rubbed his hands down my arms and nodded.

  My eyes darted to movement at the door. I held my breath as someone entered our bedchamber. It was Jalin, Lance’s long time friend and governor general. Light leather armor covered his torso and arms, engraved with the black bird insignia of Lenaneir. A chain holster around his waist held a scabbard and sword. Similar to the king in stature, they only differed in hair and bone structure. I looked over his short, combed blond hair, neatly clipped gotee framing his set jaw, and light colored eyes that revealed nothing of his intentions.

  “What are you doing here?” I raised my voice to ask across the spacious room. I had been around armored men so long that the sight of one didn’t disturb me, but coupled with my husband’s strange behavior it sent a chill down my spine.

  Before he or Lance could answer, another man stepped into the room. He was a stranger. I tensed, drawing the blankets back over my chest.

  The man stood beside Jalin, nearly half a head taller and a hand’s length broader. Muscular arms and a broad chest lifted and fell beneath a simple v-neck cotton shirt. His defined facial features shone through well sunned skin. Partially damp, long curly black hair surrounded his face. Oval lines beside his mouth hinted at his age. His eyes were bright, and he stared at me without expression or movement.

  I didn’t have to ask why he was here. I knew when Jalin escorted him in. And it meant that Lance was serious about every word he said.

  “Get him out of here, now,” I commanded, turning to Lance.

  “Please listen to me first Rainha.” His handsome face kept my attention. My eyes traced the curving lines of his etched chin, the subtle rise of his cheekbones, and his back-set narrow eyes. The same face I kissed hungrily while we made love. The same that used to find me during pauses of tournaments, lifting off his helmet to reveal his attractive features. The face of the man I loved, the king.

  I said nothing to him, but kept his gaze.

  “You swore an oath to the kingdom before you swore one to me,” he said with deliberate words. Lance nodded towards the door and Jalin closed it and pushed the bar to lock it. I shuddered. Jalin and the stranger began to approach the bed. I shook my head, hoping Lance would start laughing at the joke he had played on me. He remained serious and I felt my stomach cramp.

  “This man is a loyal citizen of Lenaneir.” I looked back over to the stranger. He stopped a few steps from the foot of the bed with Lance beside him. His expression didn’t reveal any embarrassment or smugness. He clasped his hands behind his back and stared back at me. “His family has carried on a proud tradition of skilled craftsmanship for many generations.” Studying him, I figured he was also chosen because his complexion and hair color were similar to Lance’s. “He is a good, wholesome man. But most importantly,” Lance squeezed my arm to make sure I was listening, “I’ve seen his children.” I turned to meet his gaze. “Healthy, strong, playful children.”

  The gods help us, he is serious about doing this.

  I was about to make my grand proclamation for them all to leave my bedchamber immediately, but I heard Jalin on the opposite side of the bed.

  “My apologies, Queen Rainha,” he said with a deep bow. When he rose I saw sadness in his eyes, but otherwise couldn’t read his face.

  “Jalin, you have to talk Lance out of this thinking. He’s gone mad!”

  Jalin sat on the bed beside me, avoiding my gaze.

  “Tell him how insane he is sounding!”

  He bowed his head. “I am sorry, my lady, but I will obey the king.”

  “I’ve heard enough of this ludicracy!” I huffed and pushed the blankets off me to stand.

  “Wait,” Lance commanded and his hand tightened on my arm. “Listen to me.”

  “I said I’ve heard enough!” I yelled and tried to pry from his grip. My other hand pounded on his chest but was abruptly seized from the side. I looked over as Jalin firmly pulled my arm back and held it. He met my eyes with calm resolution, and I returned it with a glare.

  “Rainha, listen,” Lance pleaded.

  I didn’t feel fear from their grasps, just extreme agitation. I knew better than to fight them, but I jerked my arms to try to free them.

  “Listen!” Lance commanded. His tone came from the king he had become, and I stilled. My breath was quick and my body shook for action, but I held a moment. Jalin released his grip on my arm. Lance didn’t release me, but his hold relaxed.

  “I knew you would never consent to this,” Lance stated, his voice softer but still inflexible. I started to argue but he preempted me. “You are the future of Lenaneir. Your blood will create the next heir for the kingdom.”

  I bit down on my lip. His palm pushed on my shoulder and slowly lowered my back onto the bed. I felt a tightening in my gut, and a slight twinge in my tender area.

  “You are the daughter of the great King Alteroth. You are the rightful heir of the twelve provinces, ruler of all the lands of Lenaneir.” His hand rubbed across my chest and his fingers stopped on my neck. His eyes burned into mine. “If you really want this to stop, speak the name of your house.” His other hand grasped my hand and squeezed it. “You are the queen of the twelve provinces. Speak the name of your family and your word will be law.”

  End of the sample of FOR THE KING

  Sneak Peek of VALKYRIE ~ An Erotic Thriller

  Not breaking her advance or gaze, she flicked her hand and her fingers snapped back into place. She stood straighter, her bruises fading, her wings spreading nearly half the width of the room. Her walk was slow and seductive. She tilted her head back, letting her hair cascade down her back, but didn’t look away from Jason’s face.

  She was going to take him. She would drink his blood, like she had done Gus’, and restore herself to her full health. His back pressed against the bookshelf. His mind urged him to run, but his body didn’t comply. He was bound by her lurid gaze. She would probably chase him if he tried to escape out the door. He resigned to his fate, imagining what it was going to feel like to have her razor fangs sink into the side of his neck.

  Halfway to him she started to change. The leather patches lightened, turning into regular skin. Her wings shrank with a fleshy crinkle. Her rigid bone structure softened slightly, and with her wings disappearing she appeared human.

  Jason released the breath that had been trapped in his chest. Shit, she was beautiful. Nude, succulent, flawless. He couldn’t stop his eyes from wandering... over her curvy bosom, her ribbed, flat chest, her V-angled abdomen, down to her dark and soft hair-covered pelvis.

  Jason quickly looked back up to her eyes before he got lost in her sex. Her eyes had transformed from shining black coals to coffee-brown coins. Her irises were still large, but almost normal. Jason thought he could read her thoughts as she stopped a foot in front of him. He didn’t see malice lurking in her eyes, but his hands didn’t slacken on the shelf.


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