Dare To Love Again

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Dare To Love Again Page 8

by Silver, Jordan

  “Look, sorry, I don’t mean to snap, but as you can imagine, the last few days have been stressful what with me finding out I have a son. I know you mean well, that you’re just looking out for me, and I appreciate it, but trust me, you don’t need to worry. You know me better than that. I only give people one chance.”

  I saw the look of relief on her face before she grabbed her designer bag and headed to the door. For some reason, the bag caught my notice, and I recalled that Giselle used to own one like it. It’s one of the many things she’d left behind when she walked out on me. Remembering that had my mind going off on a tangent, and mom’s words screeched into my head.

  She’d owned tons of stuff like that, and enough clothes for ten fashion shows, but she hadn’t taken a stitch with her. All the bags, jewelry, and designer wear that I’d bought her or had browbeaten her into buying for herself had been left in her walk in closet. Why?

  By the time Dana left, my mind was already miles away from her, and instead of heading out to the garden to join Giselle and my son, I stood at the window looking out as my mind tried to make sense of things. Maybe mom was right. Maybe there was more to her leaving than I’d first assumed.

  Still, I couldn’t get over the fact that we’d had the kind of relationship where she should’ve felt safe coming to me with whatever. There’s no reason under the sun that I could think of for her to have done what she’d done. And just that quickly, my anger was back again, because she’d thrown me away without a second thought and then had had the audacity to keep my son from me, knowing how much I’d wanted to have a child with her.

  Can anyone blame me for my anger and loathing of the woman who’d treated me so poorly? Just then, she came strolling by in the garden below; her cheek pressed to our son’s as she said something to him. The way he cupped her cheek and gave her one of his little slobbery kisses would’ve been heartwarming if I wasn’t in the midst of one of my mood swings where I wanted to gut her ass.

  I turned from the window intending to go after her, but then my phone rang. “Silas?”

  “We’ve got that thing you wanted.”

  “So soon?”

  “Yes. Where do you want me to take it?”

  “The warehouse on the south side, I’ll be there in an hour.” I hung up the phone and looked back out the window where they were now sitting on a bench, watching two blue jays play with each other.

  Okay, mom, you asked me to give her the benefit of the doubt. Let’s see if she deserves it, or if, as I suspect, she’s a disloyal twit who isn’t worth my time. I walked out to the garden to tell my son goodbye. She got fidgety when she saw me coming. Probably thought I was going to take the baby back to Dana again. Since when was she jealous of Dana anyway? The two of them used to get along fine as far as I know.

  I wasn’t too interested in the answer anyway as I crouched in front of my son, who reached his little arms out to me. “Da-da.” The look of surprise on her face mirrored mine. “Is this the first time he’s spoken?” In my excitement, I forgot to talk to her the way I have been since her return.

  She nodded her head with tears in her eyes, and I took my son from her lap, my heart swelling with pride. “That’s right, baby boy, I’m your dad.” I got to share a first with my son after missing so many in his young life. Words cannot express the feelings that overcame me as I hugged him close, fighting back tears of my own.

  I always thought people were full of shit when they’d go on and on about their children’s first this and that, but I’d put hearing him call me dad in his sweet little voice above my greatest accomplishments in the business arena. “Daddy has to go now. I’ll be back soon. I’ll bring you back something good.”

  I handed him back to his mother, and this time dropped the smile when I faced her. “Don’t leave here with my son. I have men all around the house; if you even leave the front door, you’ll be stopped, so don’t get any ideas. If you choose to leave, you can, but my son stays.”

  I got to my feet and walked away, wondering how long it was going to be before I stopped being this mad at her. How long before I want to tear into her with words each time I look at her. That little voice in the back of my head reminded me that tearing into her with anything other than my cock wasn’t on my mind for hours the night before as I climbed into the backseat of my car.


  I’m fucking nervous, me, Calen Addison, the fourth! I finally put a name to the emotion that has been dogging my heels since Silas’s call. It’s something I don’t think I’ve ever felt before in my life, so it took me a while to recognize it. A part of me wanted to turn back and go home to my son, to forget this whole thing, and carry on as I had been.

  It’s been two years; what the hell do I care why she did what she did? I’ve long come to terms with her betrayal. My only concern now is my child and making sure she doesn’t disappear with him again. That’s one side of the story, but a part of me wants some answers even though I find myself anxious about what truths I’m about to learn.

  Thanks to mom and her meddling shit, I can’t just walk away. Plus, the fact that I came inside my ex numerous times the night before with the intent of getting her pregnant. Now in the light of day, I see how dumb that was. I should be doing everything to get her out of my life, not trying to tie her to me even more.

  By rights, I should be on the phone with my attorneys getting things ready to take her to court for full custody. But as pissed off as I am at her and what she’d done, something inside me won’t let me cross that line. Not to mention the fact that I think mom would legit brain me with something if I went that route.

  Now that I was away from her and alone with my thoughts, it was hard not reliving last night. She still felt the same beneath me, still has the power to make me want the way no one else ever has. And she’s in my house for the foreseeable future, nothing and no one to stop me from having her again and again. That thought made me way too happy for my liking, and my body’s response pissed me the fuck off.

  In two years, my dick played possum each time another female showed any interest in me. She’d gutted me so deep that I couldn’t even muster the strength for an emotional affair. My friends had tried dragging me back into the world of the living, but I’d buried myself in work instead, foregoing anything that had to do with dating.

  But it only took one night with her to show me that I’ve only been fooling myself. One night of cumming inside her, sharing myself with her all over again, had at once reopened the wound I’d worked so hard to close when she left me and healed it at the same time. What a mess!

  Jeremy and I didn’t say anything to each other as he pulled into the deserted parking lot behind the old warehouse that had been long out of use. Silas’s car was there as well as one of his team’s along with another that I didn’t recognize as I got out and made my way inside the building.

  I walked into the room to find Silas and three of his men surrounding two men who were seated on plastic crates looking out of place in their hundred dollar suits. “Who’re you? What’s this about?” The older one, who I’m guessing is the one in charge, looked from Silas and his team to Jeremy and I. “I’ll ask the questions.”

  “Do you know this woman?” I held out my phone and showed him a picture of Giselle that I’d taken without her knowledge. By process of elimination, I’d come to the conclusion that I wasn’t the one they were following; why would they be? And though I couldn’t think of any reason why anyone would put a tail on my ex-wife, her ass isn’t exactly the most honest, so anything can happen.

  I refuse to let what happened between us the night before, and my mother’s planted seeds of doubt waylay me from what I’ve always felt. Sure there were a lot of unanswered questions that made a folly of my assumptions, like why she never touched her bank account. And why she’d left all the expensive shit, I’d given her as gifts behind. Still, I wasn’t quite ready to accept that she was any kind of innocent. Hopefully, these men can give me the answers I need.<
br />
  “Why do you ask?” His reaction upon seeing the pic already answered one question, now I wanna know why. Since I’d already told him that I would be the one asking the questions, I didn’t bother to answer him. Instead, I just raised my brow with a hard cold stare, which made him squirm. I’m not sure what Silas said to them when he brought them here, but they looked sufficiently spooked to give me an idea.

  “My client just asked me to keep tabs on the young lady.”

  “Who is your client?”

  “I don’t know we’ve never met before.”

  “Are you fucking with me?”

  “No, I’m serious. I’ve never met my client. My company was hired online through email, and all subsequent transactions have been handled that way.”

  “What is his name, this client of yours?”

  “Like I said, I don’t know; we’ve never actually met.”

  “Really, how do you get paid?”

  “The money is usually wired to an offshore account. I just know this guy as a sequence of numbers.”

  “If you’ve never met, how do you know it’s a he and not a she?” That question seemed to throw him for a sec, but he regrouped fast enough. I was trying to trip him up if he was lying, and that was the reason for my seemingly simple questions, but from his responses and general demeanor, I got the impression that he wasn’t lying.

  “Why would a chick ask us to follow some other chick?” He seemed genuinely perplexed by that, but I could think of a million reasons.

  “When did this start?” He gave me a date that coincided to within a week of when she left, which somehow left me with more questions than answers.

  “You’ve been following her for two years?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “And what did you learn?”

  “Not much, she never leaves the house, except to go to work in the beginning and then to the doctor’s, after a while, she stopped going to work. It got real boring after that, not that it was a rave before, but she became damn near reclusive.”

  “Did anyone ever visit her?”

  “Not that we saw, oh, yeah, the client used to visit, but he’d always make us leave on the days when he was coming over.” He smirked and shook his head.

  “Secretive asshole. Once I thought of staying around to see who I was dealing with, but he actually sent me a text while I was in the car telling me that he was looking at me and I should leave if I wanted to keep my cushy job. The pay is pretty good, so I did as I was told and never tried that again.”

  “So you’re saying you never met this person, don’t have a name. I need all the contact information you have on this person. Email, phone, everything.”

  “I don’t have a phone number; it’s always blocked, and trust me, I’ve tried running a trace on the email address, no dice. This guy is buried deep. I get the sense that he has a real hard-on for this girl, though. Then again, who can blame him? She’s one hell of a looker.”

  He recoiled at the look I gave him and sat back on the crate in silence. “Is there anything else you can tell me about the last two years since you’ve been following her? Anything you can think of that stands out.” He shook his head and looked at the guy next to him. “Pete here takes over from me sometimes, me and the guys work on rotation since the client wants the target watched twenty-four seven.”

  “We were together today because we lost her trail, and we’ve been combing the city trying to find her. I’ve got one more day before the client checks in, and I have a feeling it’s not going to be pretty once he learns that we’ve lost her, dude seems kind of obsessed. You wouldn’t want to share that information, would you?” He gave me what I guess he thinks is a congenial smile, and once again, my glare shut him down.

  All the while I was standing there, I was trying to piece together everything he’d told me. He gave Silas the email address, and he passed it off to one of his guys, who left the room immediately. I know that his top-notch equipment is way more sophisticated than this guy’s because I paid for it, so maybe we’d get something there.

  When I was sure I’d gotten everything out of the PI that I was going to, I headed out, stopping at the door as a thought hit me. “How often did your client ask you to disappear?”

  ‘That’s the thing, for a guy that was so obsessed, he only came a handful of times during the last two years. Funnily enough, the target always seemed a little bit jittery after those visits.”

  Trying to make sense of the picture he painted was like walking through a minefield. Once back in the car, I closed my eyes and rested my head back against the seat, replaying his words over and over again in my mind. Who could this secret person be, and why were they going to such lengths? Did she leave me because of this person?

  It was beginning to look like it. But why? Giselle had been a virgin when I took her to my bed the first time, so there were no hidden lovers lurking around somewhere. This person, according to the PI, had only visited her a handful of times in the last two years, so that didn’t sound like they were having a tawdry affair. And the fact still remains that he has no idea if the person who hired him is male or female.

  Could she be in some kind of trouble? But if so, what? The girl I met and married was too shy and timid to have been involved in anything nefarious. The woman I met again loves her son, our son, too much to put him in danger. Putting aside all prejudice, Giselle isn’t the type to keep my son away from me. Before all this, I would’ve sworn to anyone that she’s fiercely loyal to a fault.

  So why didn’t she come to me if she were in some kind of danger? Why did she leave me without warning? Why keep our son away from me? I could feel myself softening and knew that it was because of what the PI had said about her being a recluse with no visitors except this mystery client who’d only been to see her a handful of times.

  So she didn’t have a lover. At least it didn’t sound like it. So what the hell is it? As I asked myself that question, I realized one glaring thing that I’d missed. I never asked her. Not once since she’s been back have I asked her that question. My pride wouldn’t let me, but it was jarring to realize that I hadn’t even thought of it.

  Then again, if she wanted me to know, she wouldn’t have left in the first place. It doesn’t matter. I’m going to get some answers from her once and for all. I slammed out of the car in the driveway in front of the house and took the steps two at a time while Jeremy went to park the car in the garage.

  I bounded up the stairs with my heart in my lungs when I didn’t see her or the baby downstairs, already imagining strangling her to death with my bare hands if she’d dared take my son when I told her not to. I bounded into the nursery and came up short again.

  Will I always come to a standstill at the sight of her nursing my child? What the fuck is it about that particular sight that touches something deep inside me and makes butterflies take flight around my heart? My cold dead heart that seems to have only started beating again since she came home with my son.

  I hate her for making me feel again for bringing out this weakness in me. It’s because I was feeling this way that I snapped at her when she looked up at me startled. “We need to talk!” I refused to let my eyes lower to her plump tit that my son was now gorging himself on. And what’s more, I refuse to let my mind travel to how it felt to taste her milk on my tongue as I suckled her when we fucked. “Fuck!”


  This is so wrong; I know I should stop him, but when he walked towards me with that look in his eyes, my knees grew weak. It’s a good thing I was sitting, or I would’ve hit the floor under the intense heat in his gaze. I sat wordlessly as he took our son from my arms and placed him in his crib after kissing his little head.

  And when he pulled me up from the chair and lowered his head to my still exposed nipple, I should’ve stopped him. But instead, I found myself clasping the back of his head as I ran my fingers through his hair. Heat gathered between my thighs as my body prepared itself to take him, that easily, with
just one touch, and all the nastiness was forgotten.

  I didn’t complain when he took me down to the floor or when he tore my panties off beneath the skirt of my dress. My breath caught in my lungs when I felt him wrestle with his belt and then his zipper, the backs of his fingers brushing against me each time.

  I couldn’t hold back the sounds of pleasure I made as he slid into me, his thick length stretching me open in that way that I’d missed so much. Even the burn of my flesh from taking something so big and long between my tight folds was welcomed. I tried not to touch him, knowing that I would be giving myself away, showing him too much with my touch, but he wasn’t having it.

  He seemed to know just what I was up to and set about using my body against me. He started out slow, nibbling on my nipple until he brought down my milk, all the while holding his cock still inside me. I wanted him to move in the worst way and bit into my lip so as not to make a sound, but it was tough.

  He switched nipples as he slowly eased out of me only to slide back in again, over and over, with the same slow strokes until I thought I would go crazy. Then he did that thing that he used to do where he’d hold still inside me and flex his hard thick cock against my walls while his fingers dug into the firm flesh of my butt as he held me in place.

  I was still able to hold out, though, still had enough control left not to give in before he did, or so I thought. Once again, as if reading my mind and knowing my every thought, he changed up again, and this time went after my G-spot in full earnest. I had no power against that and was soon swept away in the heat of lust that consumed me as he pounded into me harder and faster each time, using the head of his cock to slam into my spot until I arched my back deep, driving my sex harder onto his cock.


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