Thorn in My Side (Bunch-A-Blooms Book 1)

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Thorn in My Side (Bunch-A-Blooms Book 1) Page 5

by Shyla Colt

  The words rub me the wrong way. “You think I don’t now?”

  “I don’t think you’ve had anyone worthy of a chase in your life for a long time. It’s impossible when everyone is throwing themselves at you.”

  I turn his words over. He’s right. The thought of the chase stirs my blood. She’s skittish. I’m in a position of power. It would make sense. Clearly, she’s not interested in my money. It’s refreshing really.

  “You might be right, brother.”

  “I have my moments,” Asher says smugly.

  I snicker. I helped him gain that confidence. My soft-spoken, kind-hearted brother had grown leaps and bounds over the year. Now the things others once used against him, served as his strength. Remaining level-headed in any situation was a major plus for a businessman. I’ve been sleepwalking. It’s time for me to wake up.

  “That you do.”

  “Are you going to go after her, then?”

  “She won’t know what hit her,” I promise. Excitement sparks in my belly. I have to go out of town Monday, but I won’t be forgotten in the interim. I’ve never been a man afraid to fight for what he wanted. Why should now be any different?

  My phone chimes. I pick it up and smile.

  “Speak of the little she-devil.”

  Can we talk? ~ O

  If you’d like. ~ L

  “I’ll have to take a rain check on lunch, Asher. I have a phone call to place.”

  He smirks and smoothes his angular cut dark hair away from his face. “Happy hunting, brother.”

  I wave him off as I move into the house.

  Now? ~ O

  Now is good for me. ~ L

  I move into the library in the house and pour myself a glass of Scotch. The phone rings and I wait until the second to answer.


  “Hi,” she says softly.

  “Hello, Olive Bateman.”

  “I’m sorry I left the way I did. I was…concerned.”

  “If I made you uncomfortable, I apologize. It wasn’t my intention. I thought the attraction was mutual.”

  “It was. I mean, it is.” She sighs. “It took me by surprise. I’ve been so busy with work, men haven’t been on my radar for some time. This came out of leftfield and blindsided me. I wasn’t sure what it meant to either of us.”

  “And now?”

  “I can see how leaving looked like a dick move. I didn’t want my mini-freak out to be misconstrued.”

  I chuckle. “I won’t say it didn’t sting my pride. But I’m man enough to take it.”

  “Good. I’m rusty at this.”

  “And what it this, love?”

  “I’m looking for clarification on that.”

  “I want to court you, the way a proper gentleman does. The way I was raised to do. But I’m not a man who turns things off and on like a light switch, so I need you to be sure before we start.”

  “What about our working relationship?”

  “I’m confident we can keep that separate for three more months, don’t you?” I ask.

  “I think so.”

  “I leave tomorrow for England, and I’ll be gone for three weeks. Why don’t we use that as a trial period to test things out? When I come back, we can talk about our next step.”

  “I’d like that lot, Luka.”

  “I like the way my name sounds on your tongue. Say it again for me, Olive.”


  I smile. “There are a few things. If we date it’ll be exclusive.”

  “For both of us?” she asks.

  The hesitation in her voice makes me want to skewer the man who came before me.

  “Of course, love. I’m not sure who you’ve been dating, but you should forget everything about them because what we’re building is in a whole other league.”

  “You sound so sure.”

  “I am. I don’t make a habit of dating those I work with.”

  “Why am I different?”

  “That’s what we’re trying to figure out, isn’t it?” I ask.

  “You don’t think we’re too different?” Her voice is softer and uncertain.

  “I think opposites can attract. I used to think of you as a thorn in my side. You have a sharp tongue, a quick wit, and grit. I’m not used to being talked back to or disagreed with, and you don’t back down when you believe in something. It’s an admirable trait I’ve grown to appreciate.”

  She chuckles. “Believe me the feeling was mutual when it comes to being prickly. I think we both drew blood.”

  “It just means we’ve gotten the first spat out of the way early, love.”

  She giggles and I lean back against the brown leather couch.

  “What are your plans for today? I’d like to see you before I leave.”

  “I’d like that too.”

  It’s a victory I’m going to celebrate.

  “I’ll pick you up in say an hour?”

  “Okay. What should I wear?”

  “Whatever you’ll like. We’ll keep it casual this time.”

  I sip on my Scotch. She’s not the only one who’s unaccustomed with dating. I once had a list of go to places when I wanted to wine and dine, but none of that fits Olive. It makes everything new, and exciting. She’s already got me working for it. I begin to browse through my phone for ideas. I never do anything in halves, but extravagance would turn her off. Olive Bateman, you’re an enigma I aim to figure out.

  A smart man does his research, so when I choose to get her flowers, I went to Bunch-A-Blooms. Willow steered me toward a modest bouquet of yellow tulips, purple Irises, and blue hyacinth with a wink and a smile. Apparently, the wedding planning is teaching me a thing or two, because a year ago I wouldn’t have been able to name the flowers. I told Willow, this was an I’m sorry bundle to make up for being short with her during the week, but I’m not sure she believed me. I knock on the door to her apartment and take in the sturdy structure. It’s a nice building in a decent part of town.

  She opens the door, and I hold up the bundle of blooms.

  “For you.”

  “Luka! Thank you.” She brings them to her nose and inhales. “Please, come in while I set these in water.”

  I step inside and admire the curve of her rear in the short dark blue shorts that show off most of her long legs. She has a cream colored shirt rolled up at the sleeves and tucked into the cuffed linen shorts. It’s a warm day, and she’s taking full advantage of the weather.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going yet?”

  “No, but I do hope you like Jazz.”

  “You like Jazz music?” she asks shocked.

  “Yes. I’ve been an avid collector of Jazz vinyl since I don’t know when. My father introduced me to it, probably in the womb.”

  “I never would’ve guessed that.”

  “You’re not the only one full of surprises,” I say with a wink.

  “I’m pretty boring actually.”

  “You’re extraordinary. I don’t know who told you otherwise, but they lied.”

  She returns her attention to the flowers she’s arranging.

  “We’re going to a place called The Blind Lemon.”

  “I’ve never heard of it, before.”

  “It’s a bit hidden, but it’s been around since nineteen-sixty-three. They have good live music, great drinks, and a laid back atmosphere.”

  “Sounds like my kind of place.”

  I smile. “I thought it might be.”

  “Lucky guess.”

  “I’m an extremely observant man, Olive Bateman.”

  She places the crystal vase on a counter in front of a window. “Let me grab my purse, and I’ll be ready to go.”

  She’s quick. I like that about her. There’s no fussing about makeup which she doesn’t need or expensive clothing. She comes out with a small brown leather handbag.

  “All set.”

  “Hold on, love. We have to take an obligatory selfie.”

  She laughs. “Wha

  “I promised Rachel if I could get you to agree to a first date, we’d send her a picture,” I mumble.

  Olive laughs and wraps her arm around my waist. “Well, we can’t disappoint her, can we?”

  I pull out my phone, and we smile at the camera. I snap the shot and send it to the person responsible for talking me down off the ledge when I discovered my little bird had flown the coop. She gave a female perspective that kept me from shutting down. The emoji-filled response that quickly follows makes us both laugh.

  “I think she might be excited.”

  “Rachel was born excited.” I shake my head and guide her out of the apartment to my car.

  It’s easy being here in the dimly lit room surrounded by soulful music. We’re both working on our second Blind Lemon painkiller, and the distance between us has decreased by the minute. She’s leaning against my side as we take in the band. It’s cozy and comfortable.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” I ask.

  “I am. I can’t believe I never knew this place existed.”

  “Stick with me, and I’ll teach you a lot of things.”

  “I’ve never seen you this relaxed before. I wasn’t sure you ever unwound.”

  “I have a problem with that. It’s hard to turn off when you run a business.”

  “That I understand and my business is a speck of dust compared to yours. Someone reminded not too long ago, you have to make sure to get in downtime.”

  “She sounds smart.”

  “She is. She’s also a newlywed, so I took her advice with a grain of salt.”

  I throw back my head and laugh. It feels good to let loose. She giggles beside me, and I fall a bit further in like with her.

  “I think I’ll have a reason to set work aside now.”

  She smiles bashfully, and I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. I lean in until our lips are nothing but a breath apart.

  “Can I kiss you?”

  “Please do.”

  I brush her lips, and she leans into me. My lids lower and I allow myself to be fully present. Her lips move against mine, and the music wraps around us freezing the moment in time. I grip her ponytail to anchor myself as our mouths slant over one another. I could eat at her mouth forever. She’s an endless well of sweetness and light a man could get lost in. We part and I swear I’m drugged. Her heavy-lidded expression tells me she’s feeling the same. I cup her face and run my thumb over her cheeks. “I’m going to miss this when I’m gone,” I admit.

  “I will too.”

  “Guess we’ll have to do a lot of texting and emailing then.”

  “You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?” she asks.

  “Did I seem like I wasn’t before?” I ask.

  “You’re like nothing I’ve ever experienced, Luka Davenport. I’m afraid this is a dream I’m going to wake up from. Men like you don’t give women like me the time of day.”

  “Pretty women who run a successful business and don’t take our crap?”

  She smiles and shakes her head. “You’re just as impossible as I thought you were.”

  “And yet you smile.” I kiss her temple, and we return out attention back to the musician. I’m in for an adventure with this woman, and I’m ready to enjoy every moment of it.


  “So, how are things?”

  I look up from the book boxes Rachel and I are closing and tying with bows for the guests at the party. Each one is made to look like a popular fairytale, and we’re placing the guest's name on it. It’s tedious work, but the time is flying thanks to my iPod and her company.

  “Something you want to ask, Rach?” I tease.

  “Yes, I can’t pluck my brother for any info. He’s far too private.”

  I laugh. “And I’m an open book?”

  She bats her lashes. “As the person who pushed you both together, I expect some sort of inside information.”

  “Inside information. We’re not a company.”

  She sighs. “I love it when you say we.”

  I snicker. “You’re the one getting married in a month and a half.”

  “I know. It’s just been so long since any of us saw the old Luk. It’s the best present I could’ve received on our birthday.”

  I think of the man I first met, and the one who’s called me daily since he left for the United Kingdom are truly night and day. He laughs, teases and tempts me with his smooth accented voice. It’s my favorite thing to hear before I turn in for the night.

  “You know we’re just testing the waters right?”

  She glances over at the vase of pink roses on my coffee table, and kitchen counter. “Are you lying to me or yourself?”

  I glance down at the Beauty and the Beast box and shrug. “This is new for both of us. Everything is always great at the beginning. It takes time to know if something is going to stick and stay good.” I frown as I remember the dark period when I held on longer than I should have. I’ve always wanted to think the best of people, even when they’re showing me exactly who they truly are. It’s a habit I was cured off.

  “I don’t disagree. But that takes nothing away from the fact that what you two have is special. You’ve both lit up since he left a week ago.”

  “Hard not to glow when he sends gifts constantly. I’ve never had anyone do things like that.”

  “My brother doesn’t care for many people. He cut his circle in half after the accident. People showed their true colors, and he traded in quantity for quality. So when he lets you in, he dotes on you. This is his way of making you happy, and showing you how much you mean to him.”

  Her words soothe the agitated part of my psyche that questioned his motives. I wasn’t something to be bought, and I found it hard to believe he was simply showering me with gifts. Men don’t do that anymore. Well, maybe some do. Rach doesn’t find his actions odd, and she knows him far better than me. It’s on my list of things to talk about when he calls next.

  “I’ll keep that in mind. This is a new experience for me, Rach. Your brother isn’t like anyone I’ve ever known before.”

  “And that’s a good thing, I promise you. Even when he makes you want to tear your hair out, and believe me, he will eventually. He only wants what’s best for you.”

  “Is that why you let him get away with steam rolling you?” I ask.

  She sighs. “Our relationship is a little wacky. He’s my brother, but in a way, he’s also my mother and father. This is him playing all three roles. I understand and appreciate that. He’s rearranged his schedule and taken off work to be there for me during this crazy period. I’m not going to thank him for that by being a bitch. I’m getting what I want, and he’s getting to feel like he’s doing a good job. He can be overbearing, but I have no problem standing my ground or sticking up for myself when I feel it’s necessary. Please don’t think his micromanaging of the wedding is reflective of our actual relationship. Spend more time with us first.”

  “I can do that. I’m not a judgmental person. But I look for signs of controlling behavior. I like a strong, opinionated men. My personality is big, and I’d run over anyone who didn’t have certain personality traits, but I learned from experience there can be a thin line. I can’t go back to that place with anyone.”

  Rachel places a hand over mine. “I understand.”

  “Enough about me. You’re the one getting married. How are you feeling?”

  “Excited? I’m so ready to join our lives together. Joseph is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. He saw me. He looked beyond the family name, money, and looks, and he fell in love with my spirit. We like the same cheesy Science Fiction flicks, read the same literature, and love to travel. Every day is fun because I have my best friend at my side. Of course, we have our bickering and disagreements, but it's par for the course, and always blows over swiftly.”

  “How long have you been together?”

  “Three years. I wanted to be sure, because I’m only doing this once, and
he knows that.”

  I’m seeing the steel core hidden behind her sweet nature. With big blue eyes, a waif-like frame, and long, light-blonde hair she’s as All-American as you can get.

  “I think it’s admirable of you to feel that way about marriage. Most don’t nowadays.

  “We had a stellar example with my parents. They were truly in love. We all saw them fight. It wasn’t all hearts and x’s and o’s, but they worked through the rough patches, and came out stronger for it.”

  “My parents married out of college, and they’re still together. They have a funny relationship. He’s an English professor, and she’s an art teacher. He’s serious, and she’s not. They play off one another well. I pretty much think they live in a Romantic Comedy that’s playing in a loop.”

  Rachel laughs. “Not a bad life.”

  “No. My mother is where I get my ridiculousness from. A fact my father likes to remind me of frequently.”

  “And what does he say you get from him?” Rach asks.

  “My business sense and love of books, of course.”

  She giggles. “They sound amazing.”

  “They really are. This reminds me of how long it’s been since I saw them. I need to swing by later this week.”

  We continue our conversation as we package the guests’ gifts. The wedding might be over the top, but it’s personal. Every one of them has pitched in. They’re different than I expected. They use the money to get what they want, but they don’t lord it over people. They’re intimidating at first glance. Tall, gorgeous, and stupidly wealthy, they have an aura of power that surrounds them. But I’ve also seen them be kind, fair, and unassuming. I think I’ve done more than make clients. I’ve made friends. My mind goes to Luka, and perhaps one of my greats. I prescribe to the fact that the luckiest of us have three great loves. Our first love, the one who makes us grow, and the one who lasts forever.

  I’ve had my first two. Could Luka be the last? It’s too early to tell, but he makes me dream again, and that’s saying a lot.

  “Did you get my gift?” he asks.

  I roll onto my back on the bed and smile. “Yes, and as you requested, I’ve yet to open it.”


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