An Impromptu Adventure

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An Impromptu Adventure Page 1

by Vivienne Cox

  Vivienne Cox

  An Impromptu Adventure

  A M/M Historical Romance

  Copyright © 2020 by Vivienne Cox

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

  First edition

  This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Also by Vivienne Cox


  This is the seventh novella in the Pirates and Play series. It’s strongly advised that you read the first novel to become familiar with the characters and their relationships.

  Chapter 1

  His internal clock told him that dawn had arrived and he should get out of bed, but his head hurt and for once in his life, James Thomas decided to take advantage of being a Admiral in the British Navy. He’d arise when his head stopped throbbing and not a moment earlier.

  He sighed as the voice of duty that always insistently nagged in the back of his head reminded him that officers had a responsibility to set an appropriate example for their men. Lollygagging in bed as the sun rose was not proper behavior.

  But oh… the bed was quite comfortably warm, the temperature counteracting the pain in his head. Mrs. Worthy must have put on new sheets, as the material under his bare back was decadently silky feeling. He hadn’t known any of his plain white cotton sheets felt so nice.

  Wait a moment - bare back? Why did he go to bed without a nightshirt? His circumstances forced themselves through the throbbing in his head, and James began to realize other aspects of his environment were skewed.

  The bed was rocking, signaling he was on a ship. But he hadn’t been on a ship yesterday. He’d been at the fort and therefore should be sleeping in his house in town. And if he was on a ship, then he would be sleeping in a hammock, not a nice sturdy bed. The sheets meant a bed but the swaying meant a ship… and trying to reconcile those two facts aggravated the pain in his head.

  Even more disconcerting, it appeared the heat originated from more than the silky sheets and the pile of blankets on top of him. A warm body was curled into his own, a head with odd feeling hair resting on his chest. Her hair must be matted from sleep and he could feel pieces of jewelry in it, digging into his chest.

  Damnation, had he bedded one of the town’s whores? And then fallen asleep with her? James Thomas simply didn’t commit such grievous indiscretions. Duty came first, always, and indiscriminate passion endangered both his career and the respect accorded to him as a naval officer. His few sexual couplings had been swift and perfunctory, performed to satisfy curiosity and bodily need. He hadn’t indulged with any professionals after discovering that the act ultimately left him feeling empty and cold.

  Never one to shirk from taking responsibility for his own follies - limited though they might be - James accepted that it was time to open his eyes, learn her identity, and cope with the embarrassment of escaping from wherever he’d fallen asleep.

  Blearily, he opened his green eyes to see… Alexander Cruise’s gleaming brown ones.

  “Hello,” the pirate said cheerily. “I wondered when you were going to admit it’s mornin’.”

  “Argh!” He yelped and leaped out of bed, realizing that not only was he indeed fully naked as the day he was born, but Cruise was quite likely also completely undressed, as the covers slipped down to reveal Alexander’s body to his waist. “What are you doing here?”

  “Havin’ a nice morning cuddle.” Cruise patted the empty space by him. “C’mon back and join me.”

  “Join you?” Did Alexander Cruise seriously imagine that James Thomas would crawl into bed with him? Apparently there was no limit to the man’s presumption, but James would make his position crystal clear. “I have no intention of joining you. You, Captain Cruise, are under arrest.”

  “Under arrest, am I? Well, like that I do. Fine thanks for all I’ve done for you.”

  “All that you’ve done for me?”

  “Last night and all.” Cruise stretched like a well-satisfied cat, arms over his head, the bend of one knee lifting the covers, causing them to slip further down his body, stopping perilously above his groin. James found himself staring at his skin, tanned to an even gold color and marked by more tattoos and wounds than he’d remembered. In response to James’ visual inspection, the pirate asked, “Like what y’see? “T’was rather dark last night. Feel free to enjoy the view as it were.”

  “No I certainly do not like the view,” James snapped, looking away toward his dresser. Only it wasn’t there, because it wasn’t his cabin. He’d never seen this cabin but from the extravagant collection of beautiful but mismatched furniture, it was not on a naval ship at all. Damnation, if only the throbbing in his brain would let him concentrate for a moment. Resolutely ignoring the very naked man in the bed, he focused on his immediate concern, getting dressed. The rest of this farce with Alexander Cruise could wait. Fortunately, his clothes were present, folded on a chair with his wig lying on top. He flipped the pile over to find the breeches underneath, stepping into the legs and pulling them up to his hips.

  “Y’have a most lovely backside, James. All sleek and muscley.”

  Whatever had happened last night… whyever it had happened…comments like that weren’t going to be allowed. In his driest voice, he stated, “I do not appreciate comments of that nature. And my name is Admiral Thomas to you.”

  “Don’t appreciate comments of that nature? I never knew you could sound like an outraged lady of virtue, James.”

  Bare feet on the wooden deck made no noise, but James could tell from Alexander’s voice that he was approaching. Determined to get more of his body covered, he pulled the shirt from under his coat and put it on. Cruise’s hands were there before his, buttoning up the front. Refusing to appear intimidated by indulging in a childish display of slapping at the intruding hands, James straightened his spine and glared down his nose at the pirate. Cruise flashed him a smile, lingering over each button. “I love these fancy buttons, James. Had fun undoing them last night, I did.” He looked different naked, the lack of bandana showing his forehead and hairline for once, the exposure of his skin making him appear more vulnerable than his normal swaggering self.

  But no less cocky, James decided sourly, as Cruise began tucking his shirt into his breeches. No - cocky was a bad word to think, very bad - don’t think of looking down and seeing how very cocky Cruise truly was - “Thank you, I can manage,” he said brusquely, stepping away from Cruise’s insinuating hands to finish the job himself, willing to risk the appearance of petulance.

  “I like the hair too. I fancied you’d wear it long under that wig, not all short. Feels nice in my hands, it does. Just enough to hold on but not enough to get in the way.”

  For every battle there was a time to stand and fight, and a time to retreat. When Alexander Cruise made flattering comments and insinuations about bedtime activities, it was time for a strategic withdrawal. “Your opinion of my hair does not concern me in the least. And now if you will excuse me, I will take my leave of your company.”

  He fled out the cabin door, without socks, shoes, hat or wig, willing to leave them behind because he had to escape Alexander’s presence and already had the dreadful sinking idea of where he was and that he wouldn’t be needing those things in the immediate future anyw

  Stepping out onto the deck immediately confirmed his suspicions. He was on the Swift Siren, Captain Alexander Cruise’s pirate ship. Surrounded by a pirate crew with a naked pirate captain in his cabin.

  On the ocean.

  With no land in sight.

  James Thomas was a man who was almost always right in his life. He was sure of his purpose and his position. But once in a while, in extremely odd and unique circumstances, he wished he could be wrong.

  This was one of those times.

  Chapter 2

  Pirates, at least this crew, were not an overly friendly or chatty group. Other than a few baleful glares, they’d stayed well away from him as he walked the Siren’s deck and climbed into the rigging. Most of them knew when to leave a man alone anyway, James decided, watching Alexander Cruise climb the rigging toward him. He’d been sitting on the mast’s cross piece in the ropes for several hours now, at first frustrated by his lack of memory and concerned for what might have happened last night, before it occurred to him that Alexander Cruise had been… simply too teasing. Cruise had played with him, and James had taken the bait like a greedy fish. Trust a pirate to take advantage of an opportunity to make fun of him, he thought sourly. With that realization he stopped worrying about last night. Surprisingly, as time passed, he found himself enjoying the sensation of wind in his face and hair and the sweet dancing motion of a fast well-trimmed ship skimming over the ocean, all without any demands on his time or attention.

  Until now.

  Cruise reached him, hooking one leg over the cross piece, his bare foot twining in the rope. “Rum Admiral?”

  The headache was mostly gone, settled to a dull lethargy, and his throat was dry. James accepted the leather flask and took a goodly swallow of the potent alcohol, appreciating the warmth tingling through his veins. “You drink better rum than I would have expected, Captain.”

  “I appreciate the finer things in life, James. Good rum, a good ship… a good man.” He started to reach toward James - perhaps merely to reclaim his flask - but James caught his hand before Alexander could decide where it would land.

  “Do not even pretend that we spent a night in reckless passion, Captain Alexander Cruise. I know myself. And I know what I would and would not do.” He flung Alexander’s warm hand away from him.

  “Ah, but you don’t know me. Or what I might drive y’to do.”

  “You would drive me to hang you.”

  My god, the man was pouting. Pouting. It was quite astounding how wounded the scourge of the Caribbean could look. “After all we’ve meant to each other?”

  “We. Haven’t. Meant. Anything. To. Each. Other.”

  “All my best efforts, gone to waste for lack of memory,” Alexander mourned.

  “When the Intrepid finds us, I shall capture you and flog the truth out of you. That nothing happened.”

  “Really James - ”

  “Admiral Thomas,” he said, enunciating every syllable.

  Cruise was incorrigible, beginning again with, “James, James me love - ”

  “How do you know my name?”

  “You told me last night, James. While you were kissin’ me.”

  “I did not kiss you last night. And I am certainly not your love.”

  “If you say so, James me love,” Cruise said very agreeably, as if he was a devoted lover tolerating his beloved’s eccentric notions.

  James sighed, staring toward the horizon. This conversation was pointless. He rather fancied that Alexander was enjoying teasing him. Even worse, he was enjoying being teased, a rather novel experience for him. His men didn’t tease him. The Governor didn’t tease him. The wealthy families of Port Merrian didn’t tease him. Everyone in his life treated him with the utmost respect, admiration of his fine character and dignity plain in their every conversation.

  But not Alexander. Alexander didn’t admire him - well, perhaps he admired James’ body - he wanted to tease and play with him, a trait that was dangerously tempting, and one that should be quashed, immediately and ruthlessly. Trying to drag this ridiculous conversation to an end, he asked, “Very well, Captain Cruise. What do you want in exchange for the truth of how I came to be here and what happened last night?”

  “What do I want?”

  “You’re a pirate, Cruise. Pirates always want something. What do you want from me?”

  “Ah James my love… I want a kiss.”

  “You claim to have had a kiss last night.”

  “But you don’t remember it. I want you to give me a kiss that you’ll remember. A kiss that neither one of us will ever forget.”

  The pirate seemed surprisingly sincere in his request, making James frown as worry nagging again. Had he done something indiscreet last night? He needed to know. If he refused to kiss Alexander, they undoubtedly would engage in more pointless teasing conversation. Alexander could keep the conversation going interminably because really, there was nothing Thomas could do to stop him. They both knew that on Alexander’s ship, he was at Alexander’s mercy.

  Or he could learn the truth by calling Alexander’s bluff. “Very well. I accept the bargain.”

  Alexander looked thrown for a second, but only a second before he recovered. “Oh goody,” he said, scooting toward James.

  “But we agree on the terms first.”

  “The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth so help me…” Alexander’s rambling stopped, as he tried to think of something to swear on. God apparently wasn’t sufficient.

  “So help you, on the masts of the Swift Siren.”

  “The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth so help me, on the masts of the Swift Siren. The truth of how the fine Admiral came to be an occupant of the Swift Siren in exchange for a kiss from said Admiral’s lips.” Alexander finished with a flourish, then closed his eyes and leaned forward, lips pursed, leaving James to contemplate his next decision.

  What kind of kiss? A light peck? Then Alexander would claim it wasn’t a real kiss and they’d indulge in another round of silly bickering. No, James wanted the truth and Alexander wanted a kiss. James would give him one, the best, most passionate kiss that he could offer, one that Alexander could remember forever. Alexander would have no opportunity to accuse James of reneging on a deal.

  Feeling an odd tingling in his stomach, a new tingling not motivated by the rum, James realized that he was anticipating this kiss was something other than revulsion. He was considering this kiss with interest and a determination to do it right. He would impress this pirate with a real kiss, praying to God he did it well enough that said pirate didn’t realize how few kisses he had bestowed in his life.

  “Erm…I’m waitin’.”

  At the prompt, James scooted forward, his legs touching Alexander’s, tucking the flask into the back of his breeches to get it out of the way. “Release your foot,” he instructed and Alexander did, letting James pull him closer, so that Alexander’s legs were spread wide, resting on top of James’ legs as they straddled the wood cross piece. What came next in kissing? Get the body close. Legs… now arms. James took Alexander into his arms, his arms around Alexander’s slender body. Alexander’s head tilted back and a little to the side, eyes still closed, waiting.

  And James kissed him. Kissed him using everything he’d read or heard. The soft tasting of lips before coaxing Alexander’s mouth to open, sealing their mouths together as his tongue invaded. He explored Alexander’s mouth, the warm flexible tongue, the different texture of the gold-capped teeth, searching for Alexander’s unique flavor blended with fine rum.

  More importantly than the physical touch, he kissed Alexander with longing and lust intermingled, as if the kiss was shouting, ‘You are the one person in this world for me.’ He poured himself into the kiss in the way that he had hoped to kiss Elizabeth, the way that he’d never been able to kiss the ladies of polite society or the whores on the docks. The way he would kiss a lover who could tease him, caring more for the man than the title.

p; Alexander’s body was lean muscle and angular bones in his arms, and his goatee and mustache scratched on the skin of James’ face, but the sensations didn’t deter James from his kiss as he slipped into the fantasy that he’d finally found the love of his life, the one who would meet him fully and always be at his side.

  So caught up in his own dream and the feel of Alexander in his arms, James forgot to breath. Lack of air forced him to stop the kiss as he panted for breath, his eyes meeting Alexander’s wide dark ones. James wasn’t sure what Alexander was thinking, only that he was very surprised. Was that enough of a kiss?

  Should he kiss him some more? Undecided, James leaned backward, putting his hands behind him on the cross piece, waiting to see Alexander’s reaction.

  Alexander opened his mouth to speak, but his words turned into a drawn out yell as he fell backwards, off James’ lap. James grabbed for him, catching him only by the heels, as Alexander scrabbled more successfully for one of the ropes, his body twisting away from James’ hold. The pirate swung into a wide arch, out over the ocean as he slid down the rope and back onto the deck, looking up at the Admiral who had kissed him so thoroughly and passionately.

  Leaving James sitting in the rigging, wondering if he really did know himself.

  Chapter 3

  “I kidnapped you.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Alexander Cruise weaved a little on his feet, then gestured with his hands, as if he thought signs would assist James’ deficient hearing. Waving at himself, “I”, making a grabbing motion “… kidnapped …“, then waving at James, “you.”

  “Yes, I understood that part. For God’s sake, why?”

  Stepping rather grandly across his cabin, Alexander explained, “I had been hanging around Port Merrian a fair bit after our last tryst and I bespied you,” stopping by the Admiral’s chair, he poked him in the chest, “leavin’ the premises, looking all glum n’ depressed?”


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