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Spun Page 5

by Shyla Colt

  “You ready?” Wizard looks up from the corner of the couch where he’s sprawled out, watching television.

  I’m still getting used to the sight of him in a domestic environment. He’s a slumbering dragon. Relaxed, but always vigilant and ready to jump to action at a moment’s notice. “Yep.”

  He glances at my bag and nods his head. “I’m impressed.”

  I roll my eyes. “You should know by now, I’m not the stereotypical girl.”

  “I do know. That’s the problem.”

  The mumbled last sentence makes me frown. I am tempted to ask him why, but I’m afraid of his answer. I’ve seen him looking at me with an expression I can’t quite place, and I’m worried he’s regretting his choices. I’ve been kicking up my cleaning and cooking skills, making things I know will please him. It has only made him watch me more. Clearing my throat I shift my weight. “Are you ready?”

  “Yeah, my stuff is already packed in the saddle bags. Let’s get on the road.” He takes my bag and I trail behind him. I hate feeling like I don’t belong in my own skin. Things are changing so swiftly, it’s hard to know what’s up and what’s down. It’s like starting my period for the first time. Emotions are coming in from everywhere and I can’t handle them all. Wizard makes me happy, nervous, and uncertain. He’s such a powerful, confident man. I’m still trying to figure out why he tied himself to me without feeling guilt.


  “Stop what?”

  “Thinking about whatever you’re thinking about.” He scowls. “You get this pinched look. I don’t like it.”

  Maybe if you’d stop and tell me what I was doing to put you in a bad mood, I could relax. He packs my things away, and I climb up behind him, hooking my arms around his lean waist. I place my face against his back. My body is used to him now, but the sissy seat he attached for the longer journey makes me smile. He’s thoughtful that way. It makes his gruffness easy to take. The bike roars to life and I relax. I let the wind and the rhythm of the wheels on the pavement take away my tension and worries. I love being on the back of the bike, because everything else ceases to matter.

  The further we get out of the city, the better I feel. The grays and glass of concrete of the congested streets give way to the lush green alongside the highways. The smell of nature cleanses my soul. Classes, the search for a storefront, and the strange tension that’s risen between us is gone. He covers my hands with his and the corners of my lips curve upward. A part of him enjoys having me here. It’s enough for me. We pull into the campground, and I lean back to hold onto the sissy seat as we go over the bumpy terrain.

  He navigates us to the land we own on the far side of camp away from everyone else.

  When we party, KOC doesn’t play nice with others. As I see the other bikes and tents already lined up, I begin to get excited. It’s been a long time since we did a get together like this. He pulls up into a spot and we climb off. Standing up on my tiptoes I spot Mimi and wave. She grins and returns the greeting, gesturing toward the available spot next to her tent.

  “You want to scout out a place for us?” Wizard asks.

  “Yes.” I’m off like a shot, rushing over to my friend. She opens her arms and I hug her tight. “I’m so happy to see you.”

  “Me too! I told Riker to save you guys a spot. I haven’t seen you in forever. How are things?” she asks, pointedly glancing at Wizard.

  “Girl, I don’t even know,” I admit.

  “Oh no, what’s wrong?”


  “Did you argue?”

  “No. Then I might understand the problem. I try my best to please him, but I can feel everything ramping up. I don’t even know what’s causing it.” I sigh. “I don’t want to screw this up.”

  “Maybe it’s not you. He isn’t used to sharing his space or his life. There’s going to be an adjustment period,” Mimi says.

  Her reasoning is logical, but deep down I’m worried it’s me. That there’s something in me that turns a man sour. A girl’s first love is supposed to be her father, and yet mine couldn’t wait to escape me. What does that say about me? “It’s been almost three months. We never had this problem before.”

  She frowns. “I’ll watch him tonight and let you know what I think, okay?”

  “Thanks, Mimi.” Sharing the load lifts a weight from my shoulders. She’s good at reading people, especially men. I’ve always admired her natural ability to flirt and charm. It’s what makes her a stellar waitress.

  She reaches down and holds my hand. “You know if you ever need anything, I’m here for you, right?”

  “I know. I hope you know the same,” I say.

  “I do.” She smiles. “I know you’re worried, but you look happy.”

  “For the most part I am. School is amazing. I never would’ve thought of being a gemologist on my own, but I love learning about cuts, clarity, and the properties of all the different gems.”

  “It would be something unusual like this that would float your boat,” Mimi mumbles.

  “What?” I scoff.

  She laughs. “You’re one of a kind, Nevada.”

  “With a name like mine, you have to be.” We laugh.

  “Come on, let’s get the spot cleared out for the tent.” We clear the area of sticks and twigs as we catch up.

  “Find a spot you like?” Wizard asks.

  I glance up and nod.

  “Why don’t you guys hang out while I get things set up?”


  “Mimi, get her a beer and make her relax, please.”

  “I can handle that.” Mimi hooks our arms and guides me away. “Well, clearly he cares. I didn’t even know the man had teeth. Yet, there he was smiling at you,” she whispers.

  “What? He’s not that bad,” I say.

  “Hah. Says you.” We stop by the row of coolers filled with beers, waters, and sodas.

  “How are you and Riker?”

  “Good. I never knew I could be this happy with a man. After watching my dad beat the living shit out of my mom on a daily basis, I pretty much swore off it. Then I got myself into a situation and Riker was there.” She shook her head. “I got really lucky.”

  I rub her back tenderly.

  “It’s always funny to me when people see Riker or any of the others from KOC and automatically assume the worst. My dad was a lawyer and well respected in our community. People sang his praises. But behind closed doors he was a monster. He controlled every aspect of my life until I met Riker and took a chance.”

  “I’m glad you did. I couldn’t imagine life without you.”

  She grins. “I feel the same. You’re the sister I never had.”

  “Oh God, you’re going to make me tear up.” I sniff. “Let’s start drinking and get happy before they find us sobbing like lunatics.”

  She snickers. “I can just imagine them. What the fuck, babe?” she mocks Riker.

  I laugh. We snag a few long necks and sink down onto a log near out tents. I can’t help but watch Wizard as he works. The muscles in his arms flex and his jeans stretch across to hug his firm ass.

  “Remember how you mentioned that tension?” Mimi whispers.


  “I think I know what it is.”

  “Really?” I turn to stare at her. “Because you’ve only been with me the entire time. How can you have a diagnosis?”

  “Diagnosis? Jesus, college girl, it’s not surgery.” She places a hand on my shoulder. “Its chemistry, babe. Its sexual tension.”

  “What?” I croak, clutching my throat. Could he see me as more than his friend’s daughter? The hope rising in my chest is dangerous, so I quickly stomp it out. “No way, he doesn’t see me that way.”

  “I can tell you from the dance at your party that he does.”

  I shake my head. “No. Don’t even put that in my head.”

  “Why? Do you wish it was true?” she challenges.

  Her question makes me pause. Do I? I glan
ce over at the man who’s handed me the world on a silver platter. My breasts grow heavy. A flash of heat winds its way through my body. Embarrassed by my body’s response, I quickly look away. “Oh my God, I think I do.”

  “You see the way you feel? I’d be willing to bet you a thousand bucks he’s going through the same thing.”

  “What the hell am I going to do?” I ask, flustered.

  “Take a chance, babe.”

  The thought of rejection from Wizard makes me sick to my stomach. “What if I screw everything up? The arrangement works for us right now.”

  “Feel him out and follow your gut. Not your head, but your heart. You’re allowed to be happy.”

  “I don’t think I know what that feels like.”

  “I know. I was like you once, and then Riker showed me a better way. I think maybe you and Wizard could show one another.”

  I marinate on her words.

  “Nevy, we’re all set here,” Wizard calls out. “You want to bring your things in?”

  The childhood nickname is a splash of cold water to my face. “Yeah. I’ll catch up with you in a bit, Mimi.” I stand and walk with him to the bike.

  “Having fun?” Wizard asks.

  “Yeah. I didn’t realize how long it’d been since I saw her last, until we started talking.”

  “You’ve had a lot going on recently.”

  “I can say the same for you,” I reply.


  His tone makes me shrink into myself. The awkwardness returns full force. I shove my hands into my pockets and walk to the motorcycle. After I unpack, we emerge to watch the sun begin to set. “It’s beautiful,” I whisper.

  “Yes, it is,” he agrees.

  I look up and catch him staring. Mimi’s words play in my brain on loop. We move closer. Fireworks go off in the distance and we jump.

  “This isn’t right.” He takes a step away from me.


  “I’m going to go grab some beer.” He rushes off, leaving me in front of the tent embarrassed and utterly confused.

  “Fuck.” I snatch up a beer, pop the tab, and chug it. I don’t know what that was back there, but it wasn’t part of our plan. We have a good set up. We respect each other and get along well. This would fuck it all up. I run my fingers through my hair.

  “Hey, Wiz.”

  The throaty purr makes me smirk. Just the distraction I need. “Trixie.” I turn to take in the buxom blonde.

  Her breasts are pressed together in her black corset. “Been a long time since I saw you. You on lock down or something?” She steps closer to me. Her breasts brush against my chest as she trails her manicured nails down my arms.

  Gooseflesh breaks out. She’s been my go-to girl for years. We have a good arrangement; no strings or expectations, just plenty of fun. I shrug. “I’ve been busy.”

  “You’ve been missed.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I ask.

  “Yes. We could get to know one another again today. I can be quick.”

  I’m halfway considering it when I feel a pair of eyes on me. Glancing up, I meet a shocked pair of green eyes and my stomach bottoms out.

  Nevada’s face contorts and she turns and heads for the woods.


  “I’m going to have to pass right now, Trix girl.” I pinch her chin. “I’m sure there are plenty of brothers here looking to have a little fun.”

  Her face falls. I never tell her no.

  I push her to the side and stride after Nevada. Ignoring what’s happening between us is no longer an option. We’re both edgy and emotions are involved. I find her standing on the shore of the lake. “Nevy.”

  She crosses her arms under her breasts. “Why’d you follow me?”

  “Because it’s clear you’re pissed.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” The anger in her voice is poignant.

  I step up behind her. “No, I want to know why.”

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “Why? Tell me why, Nevy.” I place my hands on her shoulders.

  “’Cause you don’t owe me anything,” she mutters.

  “You think I feel like I owe you? That doesn’t make sense.”

  “Isn’t that why you followed me? Because you feel responsible?” Her words are sharp enough to cut.

  Hulk did this shit. Made her feel like she has no worth. I can’t add to that. It’s time to fess up. “I feel many things about you, most of them I shouldn’t. I was trying to save you from me. I’m not an easy man. I can’t give you flowery words or treat you like you should be. I’ve seen and done too much shit. I’m rough and you deserve someone nicer, softer for your first man.”

  She spins and faces me. “M-my first man?”

  “That’s right, the only motherfucker you’re ever going to know. I didn’t plan this out. I’m not good enough for you, but I’m it.”

  “You…you want me?” The stunned expression on her face drives home how innocent she really is.

  “It’s all I can do to keep my hands off you right now.” I smooth her hair down around her face and cup it. “The things I want to do to you, you’re not ready for, baby, trust me. I ain’t never dated a woman in my life, but I don’t want to fuck this up.”

  “You want to be with me?”

  Her whispered words carve out a chunk of my heart. “Fuck yes I do.”

  I bend down and capture her lips. She gasps and I take advantage, like the greedy bastard I am. I slip my tongue inside of her mouth. She tastes like beer and sweetness. Her moan goes straight to my dick. I tilt my head, deepening our kiss. Her arms wrap around my neck and something inside of me gives. I want this with her. I slide my hands down and wrap them around her waist to pull her body against mine.

  By some twist of fate, this woman is mine. She thinks I’m worth taking a risk on and I’m not about to let her down. I stomp down the voices telling me why she’d be better off without me, and accept the gift. I haven’t been given many things, so it’s only right I hold on to her for dear life. Her kisses are more satisfying than any piece of trim I’ve ever hunted up. I close my eyes and allow myself to completely experience this moment.

  When we surface for air I rest my forehead against her. I want to sink down and take her next to the water with the moonlight painting her tan skin, but she deserves better.

  “What do we do now?”

  “We go to the tent and get to know one another a lot better.” I move away and grab her hand, pulling her behind me. Inside of the tent, I pull her down beside me on my sleeping bag. I turn on the portable lantern, lay beside her, and bury my hand in her hair. Her body is trembling, and I can practically smell the fear on her.

  “Babe, when I take you, it’ll be in my bed. Tonight, I want to learn you. Do you want that?”


  I can see the apprehension in her eyes. She’s a puppy who’s been kicked too many times. “I’m going to keep you safe, Nevada. You don’t ever have to worry about being hurt with me.”

  “I want to believe that.”

  “Have I ever let you down, Nevy?”

  “No.” She shakes her head.

  “And I’m not going to stop now.”

  “Don’t call me Nevy anymore. I’m not a little girl.”

  “No, you’re not. I tried to fight this. You deserve better. Now, I’m never going to let you go.” I roll her onto her back.

  “I don’t want you to.”

  “Be careful what you wish for, babe.” I rest the bulk of my weight on my forearms and capture her lips. I slip inside of her mouth and learn the taste and feel of her. After a long moment, I pull my lips from hers. “How can you be so sweet, Nevada?” I trail kisses down her neck and trace her collarbone with the tip of my tongue. The flavor of her skin explodes on my taste buds.

  “I…I don’t know.”

  Her breathlessness feeds my hunger. “I want to know how you sound when you come, Nev.”

  She whimpers.

just like that, babe.” I push her T-shirt up and caress her belly, careful to watch her face for signs of distress. The only touch she’s had from a man was a violation. I don’t want to dredge any of that back up. I cup her breast and she arches her back. Her breasts are creamy and just big enough to fill my hands. Her nipples protrude through her lacy pink bra. Unable to resist, I bend down and suck her nipple into my mouth as I roll the tight bud of her opposite breast between my fingers.

  “Oh, Wizard.”

  I release her firm mound with a loud pop. “Gage,” I say to her.

  She buries her fingers in my hair and massages my scalp.

  “That feels good, Nev,” I whisper, letting her know I like what she’s doing. The soft touch is a balm to the rough edges I’ve formed over the years. She tugs me toward her and I reconnect our mouths. I spread her legs with my knee and line our pelvises up. The heat coming from her pussy has me hard as a rock. I grind into her and she cries out, spreading her legs wide as she moves in rhythm. Her shaky breath fans against my skin. I know she’s close, but it’s not enough. I want to feel it. I move my body, and she whimpers in protest.

  “Don’t worry, babe. I’m going to take care of you.” I pop the top button of her jeans and ease my hand inside of her panties.

  Her eyes widen, and she nibbles her lip.

  “I want to feel you come on my fingers.” I trail my fingers down the moist seam of her panties.

  She shudders. Her eyes grow glossy and unfocused.

  “Let me feel that wet pussy.” I slip my fingers inside and moan. She’s slippery wet and neatly shaven. I play with her wet folds and flick her swollen clit.

  “Gage… Oh, God.”

  “Let go for me, Nev. I’m going to take care of you.” I circle her entrance and her hips come up off the ground. “You’re so fucking hot like this.” I ease inside. “Tight, wet, and ready to come for me.”

  “Oh.” Her mouth forms an O.

  I can’t help but think how good her lips would feel around my cock. “I’m going to teach you everything, Nevada.” I circle her walls, slicking my fingers as I work my way inside. She flexes, and we both moan. “You like the way I feel inside of you, Nev?”


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