Thirty Days: Part Two (A SwipeDate Novella)

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Thirty Days: Part Two (A SwipeDate Novella) Page 14

by BT Urruela

  I look at him as if he’s stupid.

  “Bobby, c’mon. Ten hours? It’s the twenty-first century, man. It’s not hard to reach out to somebody. Not if you’re actually into them.”

  “Well, even if that’s the case, it’s not the end of the world. You’ll meet the right girl.”

  “Bobby…” My voice trails as I take a hit and dab it out in the ashtray. “I didn’t initiate this conversation. I’m not the one with the problem here. I. Am. Fine.”

  “No problems here either, man. I trust you,” he says, putting his hands up in defense.

  “Just want to check. I know the effect Joanne has on you, and I saw something with Sami I haven’t seen in forever, if ever, so yeah, I’m gonna bring it up.”

  I set my hand on his shoulder, leaning in. In my most serious tone, I say, “Bobby, listen. I love you, bro. You got my back and I got yours, and that’s how it fucking should be. But hear me when I say I’m okay. I really am. Alright?”

  He eyes me for a moment, analyzing my face before he nods, taking a swig of his beer.

  “Good,” he mutters. “Very good to hear. Let’s just keep it that way.” There’s a brief hesitation, before he adds, “So, this Sami girl…tell me the truth. You’re really digging her, huh?”

  “A lot,” I respond, shaking my head in a bit of a daze before my eyes connect with his.

  “A whole lot. And it feels weird as fuck.”

  “What does?”

  “Just everything. I used to think those first few dates with Joanne, when I really started getting to know her, would never be topped again. They just couldn’t be. We clicked that well. You were at the wedding. You saw it.”

  He nods.

  “And so, over the past three years, all I kept telling myself was ‘it’s not possible. It’s just not possible’, and I really started to believe it…”


  “But now, I don’t fucking know. The time I’ve spent with Sami…it trumps even Joanne.”


  “Yeah. It’s so weird, man. It just fits. It works. It makes sense. There’s something about her that intrigues the fuck out of me. Invigorates me.”

  “Well, I mean, dude, beyond being completely beautiful, the girl’s a total sweetheart. It’s not hard to see how you could dig her so much.”

  “Ten hours, bro,” I remind him, scoffing, the annoyance of having to wait to hear from her rising again inside me.

  “Just give it time. She’s busy with family. That’s. It.”

  I reluctantly nod.

  “Okay, so I bet she texts you tonight. Within the next few hours. I’d put money on it,” he says, finishing off his beer and placing it on the side table.

  “Yeah, well, we’ll see. I’ll take the pessimistic route and just assume she’s ghosted.”

  “No way, Gavin.” He stands, shaking his head. “I saw the way she looked at you. She digs you too.”

  As we make our way inside, I turn to him and say, “Let’s hope you’re right. But if I had the money, I’d bet against you.”

  He chuckles, shaking his head again as he walks to the front door.

  “I gotta get back before Cassandra starts blowing up my shit, but let’s do lunch next week, yeah?” he asks.

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “Don’t overthink it, bro,” he says, peering at me over his glasses.

  “Why not just ask me not to breathe?” I reply, chuckling. “Same damn thing. Get your big ass home.” I motion my head toward the front door and grin. “I wouldn’t want you to get grounded or anything.”

  He pushes me back lightly with his pawlike hand as he opens the front door, walking out onto the steps.

  He turns back, and says, “A hundred bucks says you hear back from her tonight.”

  “Deal,” I state, and he turns back around, laughing and shuffling down the steps.

  “You’re too easy,” he says over his shoulder as he walks down the sidewalk.

  “Tell that to your mom, dude. I was foraging her gray bush within the first ten minutes of meeting her.”

  He bursts into laughter as he disappears into the dark.

  “I feel sorry for you,” he calls out into the night.

  I should’ve texted Bobby at midnight when I still hadn’t heard back from Sami. I should’ve made him bring my hundred-dollar bill to me right then and there, but the thoughts were just too much, and weed therapy won. And as I lay curled up in bed in my spacey stupor, the only thing I can think of is the pillow melting against my face, hating myself for being right. And more than anything, I’m upset. Things with her really did seem different, but in the end, as expected, the ugly truth is revealed.

  Still nothing. Another eight hours down, eighteen total, and I still haven’t heard a thing back from Sami. Against my better judgment, I texted her again this morning, something simple, just making sure she was okay, and not hurt. I felt like an absolute fool after sending it, and it only compounds with each hour that passes without a response.

  Racing through the process of getting ready, as I’m late for a lunch date in midtown, I check my phone every two seconds or so for a text from her. At times, my phone has gone off, and I’ve raced from the bathroom, only to see a text from Bobby, or Andy, or fucking Maria, who poked her head into my life again this morning. Yet again, karma is giving me a good hard fist in the ass.

  Looking like a schlub still, but without any more time to waste, I hail a cab to midtown and he drops me off in front of O’Callahans, an Irish pub through and through. Her choice, not mine, though I’m not going to complain about the opportunity to scarf down some fish and chips.

  She was adamant about a meal date, though I pushed for coffee, as I’ve been doing for a good week now. She inevitably won, of course, and now here I am, rushing to meet her, sweaty and ten minutes late. It’s been harder to set these dates up so quickly, and for most of yesterday, I didn’t think I’d have a date for today. Or at least, that I’d have to try harder for it. Luckily, I was able to make it happen.

  I swipe an arm across my sweaty forehead as I scan the bar and restaurant for Jessie, 29, from Brooklyn.

  A strawberry-blonde waves from a small table in the bar section, and I recognize her as Jessie from the photos. I wave back and make my way over.

  “How are you?” she asks as I approach, a bit of disdain in her features.

  “I’m not bad. So sorry I’m late.” I put out my hand for her to shake. By the look on her face, my apology has fallen on deaf ears. “Busy day.”

  “Aren’t you an author?” she questions, and it catches me off guard.

  “Um, yeah, and other stuff, but I just got caught up at the house. Sorry again.” I pull my jacket off and hang it on the back of my chair. Taking a seat, I clear my throat and try to think of how I can get a restart.

  “Have you had a good day?” I ask, in all my glorious originality.

  “It hasn’t been too bad,” she responds dryly, taking a drink of wine after, her eyes flitting around the room.

  “What do you do?”

  “I’m a teacher,” she says, her eyes meeting mine.

  “Oh, nice.”

  “Yeah, it says it on my profile,” she replies, in that same sharp tone.

  I go with it though, putting a palm to my forehead. “I know, and see, that’s a total pet peeve of mine, yet here I am doing it. I totally knew you were a teacher,” I lie, not trying to hide it much.

  “Have you been on SwipeDate long?” she asks, as I motion to the waiter to grab me a glass of the same red wine she’s drinking.

  “Not too long. It’s a damn trip, that’s for sure,” I respond, chuckling. “Have you?”

  “A few months, but I haven’t really met anyone.”

  “Nah, me neither. A bunch of weirdos on there.”

  “Are you calling me a weirdo?” she teases, her tone lightening a little.

  “No, no, not at all. I don’t even know you yet. You very well could be.” I smile. “Complet
ely kidding. I’m just talking about the others I’ve met on there.”

  “You can’t tell me you haven’t met one normal person from SwipeDate.”

  “Well, they’re not all crazy, but I haven’t met anyone who’s blown me away. I don’t really use it often either. I’m still hesitant. And busy.”

  “So, not one woman has been girlfriend material?” she questions, arching an eyebrow.

  I put my thumb and pointer together in a big O and blow a raspberry.

  “Nope. No one,” I say, shaking my head.

  “You’re such a dick.” Her tone changes and her brows dart down toward the bridge of her nose.

  “Excuse me?” I ask, making sure I heard her correctly.

  She leans in closer. “You. Are. An asshole,” she says, drawing out each word.

  “What’s your deal?” I watch as she abruptly digs into her purse.

  She pulls out her phone and scrolls through it before holding it up to my face.

  Before I can focus my vision on it, she says, “I don’t know, what is the deal? Why is it you’re setting up a date with me two days after you’re telling my friend how much you’re into her. It’s a smaller city than you think, Romeo.” As the words spill out of her mouth, my mind processes what my eyes are seeing. Photos of Sami, from her Facebook page, and Jessie’s fake bake orange finger scrolling through the lot.

  Fuck me.

  Thank you Lord for showing me the way. For always being there even when I was ready to turn my back. Thank you for my second chance.

  Thank you Readers for your support, your time, your love and your compassion. I look forward to our interactions so very much. You all have given me new life, a career I never thought I’d have, and I’ll never ever stop paying y’all back for it.

  Britto, Bradford and my little nephew on the way, I love you all so much. Never forget that. I can’t wait to meet the newest member of our family!

  Pops, you’re my best friend and my rock. Thanks for always having my back. Thanks for loving me for me, helping me to bear the burden of my service, and to utilize that burden to do so much more.

  Michelle, Jake, Joanne and Kay, you are as much family to me as my own blood. I appreciate having you all in my life so very much. Thank you for always being so supportive, kind and caring toward me. I love you guys!

  My Book Tribe, you know who you are. I love each and every one of you. Y’all make me a better person every single day.

  Rob and Honey Bear, you guys are the best friends a guy can ask for. I know you’d have my back through anything and I’ve got yours. I appreciate you both more than I’ll ever willingly admit haha. Love ya, dudes.

  Finally, Georgia, you came by complete surprise and proved to me I wasn’t crazy for waiting for something right, genuine and true. I love you, lady, and can’t wait to continue this adventure of ours.

  BT Urruela is a US Army combat wounded amputee, Purple Heart recipient, turned contemporary author who has written both independent and traditionally published books. He is the Co-founder and Brand Ambassador for VETSports, Ambassador for Tampa Sports Academy, Cover Model, Motivational Speaker and Philanthropist. He currently resides in Tampa, Florida with his dogs, Kiko and Scout.

  Other Books

  Broken Outlaw Series

  Into the Nothing, Book One

  Into the Blood, Book Two

  Thirty Days: Part One

  A Lover’s Lament (co-written with KL Grayson)

  Wicked Little Words (co-written with Stevie J. Cole)




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