The Sting

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The Sting Page 31

by Kimberley Chambers

  Linda looked at her brother as though he’d lost the plot. ‘Whatever are you talking about?’

  Tommy told Linda what Ray had told him. ‘Look, I need your help, Sis. I need somewhere quiet to stay for a couple of nights. Paul’s family got any unoccupied caravans at present?’ Linda had told him Paul’s family owned half a dozen caravans in a local holiday park and rented them out.

  ‘The family one is free. Paul and I stayed there the weekend.’

  ‘Perfect. You got the key?’

  Linda fished in her handbag, handed him the key and scribbled down the address. ‘I’ll have to tell Paul you’re staying there.’

  ‘I’d rather you didn’t tell anyone. Just in case the Old Bill come sniffing around. Or the Darlings.’

  ‘Oh God! You’re not in any trouble, are you, Tommy?’

  ‘A bit. Nothing I can’t handle though. Anyone asks if you’ve seen me, you just say no. I got a sports bag in the car I want you to take home with you. Hide it somewhere and don’t open it until I tell you to. Don’t worry, there’s nothing dodgy inside.’

  At that moment, Mikey skipped towards them to show off what he’d caught.

  Linda gasped as she saw the lad up close for the first time. ‘It’s like looking at you as a little boy, Tommy.’ She smiled. ‘Hello, Mikey. I’m your Auntie Linda.’

  Mikey eyed Linda suspiciously. ‘Hello. I’ve not got to be tied up again, have I?’

  Linda turned to Tommy. ‘Please tell me you haven’t abducted him?’

  ‘It’s all fine. His mum knows where he is, I swear. Do you know of a shop around here that sells Subbuteo? Mikey’s never played it and I know he’s gonna love it. I need a fishing tackle shop too. He’s never been proper fishing, I wanna take him tomorrow.’

  ‘I can show you where to get both. But I do hope you know what you’re doing, Tommy.’

  ‘I do. Trust me. Come on, let’s go back to the car, pick up the stuff I need. Then I’ll drop you near home.’

  On the journey back from the shops, Tommy spoke glowingly about the past and how happy they’d once been as kids.

  Tommy’s words were heartfelt. Some memories were vivid to Linda, others less clear, and as usual when she remembered their loving, kind, beautiful mother and Hazel, Linda felt tearful. How she wished her mother and Hazel would be there for her wedding. Paul’s mum had offered to accompany her dress shopping, but it wasn’t the same.

  Tommy parked up on the corner of the Pipers’ road. Mikey was fast asleep on the back seat. Tommy took his sister in his arms and hugged her tightly. ‘Thanks for today. You’re the best sister I could ever have wished for. Never forget how much I love you, will you?’

  ‘Why are you being so soppy?’

  Tommy pushed Linda’s fringe out of her eyes. ‘I’m not. Can’t a brother tell his sister he loves her? Look at you, all grown up and engaged to be married. Mum would be so very proud of you.’

  ‘She’d be proud of you too,’ Linda insisted.

  Tommy took the sports bag out of the boot. ‘It’s locked. I forgot the key. I’ll pop it in the post to you.’

  ‘OK. Take care, Tommy. When you’ve finished with the caravan, just put the keys in an envelope and post ’em through the Pipers’ letterbox.’

  ‘Will do.’

  ‘I love you too ya know.’

  Tommy smiled. ‘I might need another favour soon. If I do, I’ll be in touch.’

  If only Linda had known at that point what Tommy had planned, she would have moved heaven and earth to stop him.


  Let me tell you something for free. In this world, everything is smoke and mirrors. Trust no one, don’t even trust what you see, I learnt that the hard way.

  I recall going through every emotion I could think of as I watched Mikey sleep beside me for the first time that night. We were so alike. He had my long eyelashes, sprinkling of freckles across his nose and he also slept curled up in a foetal position as I tended to, even now.

  But I felt so bitter. I barely knew the lad, had been forced to kidnap him to spend time with him. I couldn’t stop thinking about Robbie either. I loved that lad, couldn’t turn my feelings off like a tap, even though he wasn’t my flesh and blood.

  I remember tossing and turning all night. My mind was all over the place. I was more angry with Scratch than Donna. I had never really trusted Donna, but Scratch I had with my life. I’d even disclosed my biggest secrets to her. What a callous bitch she’d turned out to be. The snake of all snakes.

  Well, nobody fucks with me and gets away with it.

  I’m Tommy Darling and I call the shots. Literally.

  ‘You all right?’ Sam asked, as she unexpectedly returned to the flat the following morning.

  ‘Yes,’ Kim lied. She was anything but all right. She’d barely slept a wink last night and had spent the entire morning staring at the phone, willing it to ring. Every hour that passed seemed like a day. The waiting was truly unbearable.

  ‘Well, I’m glad you’re OK, ’cause I’m bloody well not. I barely slept last night for worrying. I’m truly sorry, mate, for everything. It’s all my fault.’

  ‘No. It isn’t. I should have told Hunter where to shove Operation Sting, not let him bully me into it. To top it all, I had Caroline on the phone first thing. She reckons if Mikey isn’t home by tomorrow evening, then she’ll have to tell Keith the truth.’

  ‘Brilliant.’ Sam rolled her eyes. ‘That’ll be the end of both our careers then.’

  ‘No. It won’t. No matter what happens, this isn’t your fault. If the shit hits the fan, you pretend you knew nothing, OK?’

  ‘Thanks, mate. I couldn’t leave you in the lurch you know.’

  ‘I appreciate that. I’m sure things will work out OK, mind. I’ve already planned a story to fob Hunter off.’


  Kim began to explain.

  ‘Look, Tommy. Look.’

  Aware that his son had got a bite, Tommy stood behind him and showed him how to reel the fish in.

  Mikey’s eyes widened. ‘I don’t want to eat it.’

  Tommy chuckled. The fish was a small carp. ‘Don’t worry. We’ll be putting it back in the water, so it can swim free again. I’ll get you some proper fish and chips later from a shop.’

  ‘I don’t like fish.’

  Tommy put his arm around his son’s shoulders and felt sad as the lad wriggled away from him. He knew everything about the boy he’d raised who wasn’t his. Yet knew so little about Mikey. ‘What do you like then? Do you like chips?’

  ‘Yes. When am I going home to my real mum and dad?’

  Tommy sighed. The lad had perked up yesterday afternoon, but hadn’t enjoyed the Subbuteo so much in the evening. Tommy had also heard the boy crying early this morning, which had made him feel terrible. ‘We’ll ring your mum later, Mikey. Your real mum, Kim, will pick you up tomorrow and take you back to your other mum and dad. But in the meantime, just try and enjoy the time you’re spending with me. I am your real father and after tomorrow, you won’t be seeing me again.’


  ‘It’s complicated. So what do you want to do now? Do you want to go back to the beach? Or the amusement arcade?’

  ‘Both,’ Mikey shouted.

  Tommy stood up. ‘Let’s make a move then. We’ll leave the fishing rods here for someone else to use.’

  Jack Darling shook hands with his bent detective inspector pal. ‘Not a word to anyone about this, obviously,’ Jack said, handing over an envelope that contained five grand.

  The DI tapped his nose. ‘Mum’s the word. You let me know if you need anything else, Jack.’

  ‘Will do. Thanks, Lenny.’

  ‘Well?’ asked Ronnie when his father reappeared at the bar. Donna had phoned his mum yesterday to let her know she was OK. ‘I’m living in Essex and I’m not coming back to South London. I have never been happier and you should be happy for me,’ Donna had stated.

  Suzie had demanded
to speak with Robbie and the lad had let slip John had a red Ferrari and a swimming pool. Jack had got straight on the phone to his contact and requested a list of everyone in Essex who owned a red Ferrari.

  Jack laid the list out across the bar. There was only one owner called John, but he was sixty-two, so it couldn’t be him.

  ‘I bet it’s this geezer,’ Ronnie said, pointing to the name Josh Palmer. He was the youngest name on the list and lived in Loughton.

  ‘Perhaps Robbie got his name wrong, Dad. Or knowing how devious Donna is, she’s told Robbie his name’s John to throw us off the scent,’ added Danny.

  ‘A possibility,’ Jack replied. ‘It’s quiet in here. Who wants to drive over to Loughton and have a sniff around?’

  ‘I will,’ Danny replied. He still hadn’t heard a word from Tommy, and Churchill’s wasn’t the same without his pal. He could do with a change of scenery.

  ‘I’ll go with Dan,’ Ronnie said.

  ‘Where you off to? Anywhere nice?’ asked Dave the barman.

  ‘Bit of business. I expect you to have a cocktail waiting for me on my return. I want a Drippy Dave,’ Ronnie chuckled.

  Dumbo grinned. ‘OK. I will make you one.’

  Tommy dialled the number. Scratch answered immediately, as he’d known she would. ‘Meet me tomorrow morning at eleven at the Kings Arms in Clacton. It’s along the Colchester Road. I want us to spend the day together as a family and I want you to tell Mikey the truth about everything. Then you can take him home with you in the evening, OK?’

  Kim was surprised. Tommy no longer sounded angry with her. ‘I’ll be there. Is Mikey OK?’

  ‘Yes. He’s fine. Be warned, Kim, you bring back-up with you, you’ll never see Mikey again – and I mean that. You’ve messed with my head enough as it is. I’m armed and I will shoot him if I have to.’

  Kim felt a shiver run down her spine. ‘I promise I’ll come alone. I have a lot of explaining to do, I know that much.’

  ‘You can say that a-fucking-gain. Tomorrow, eleven, Kings Arms. See you there.’

  ‘What did he say?’ Sam asked.

  Kim repeated the conversation.

  ‘You aren’t going alone, not if he’s got a gun. I’m coming with you.’

  ‘No, Sam. Nobody knows Tommy like I do. If I go against his wishes, he might do something stupid. You know nothing about all this, remember? If you’re with me, you’re implicated. I want you to wait here and I’ll call you if and when I can throughout the day.’

  ‘I hope you know what you’re doing, Kim. My big worry is he takes you and Mikey hostage. How d’ya know that isn’t his plan?’

  ‘Tommy’s not that silly. I’ll be fine, honest I will. Now I must ring Caroline and let her know what’s happening.’

  ‘Your pager’s going off again.’

  Kim had called Hunter earlier. Apparently a new witness had come forward with information regarding the Dean Griffiths murder. Hunter was debating whether to drag Ronnie in for questioning now, or wait until he had a tad more on him.

  ‘Who is it?’ Sam asked.

  ‘My snout. He’s got some info. Wants me to call him urgently on some number. Probably a call box. I’ll ring him from here.’

  ‘All happening today, isn’t it?’

  ‘You could say that.’

  Mikey was excited. Tommy had informed him that Kim would be spending the day with them tomorrow and then he’d be going home in the evening to his other parents. He was still confused over the whole shebang, but didn’t feel as though he was in danger now. Tommy had been nice to him all day, had even bought him some clean clothes, underwear, and a Liverpool football kit. ‘Can I wear my new kit tomorrow, Tommy?’

  ‘Yeah. We’ll get up early and go over the shower blocks. You wanna be nice and clean when you go home. Your hair needs a wash too.’

  ‘Are we going to play Subbuteo again tonight?’

  ‘No. I thought we’d just chat. I’ve got some photos to show you of your real family. Wanna see ’em now?’

  Mikey nodded.

  ‘Go and wash your hands at the sink then. You’ve got chip grease all over them.’

  Mikey did as he was told and plonked himself on the sofa next to Tommy. ‘Who’s that?’

  ‘That, Mikey, is your real nan. She was my mum and she was such a beautiful lady. She would have loved you.’

  ‘What’s her name?’


  ‘Will I meet her one day?’

  ‘Unfortunately, you can’t. She died years ago, in a car accident.’

  Mikey’s lip trembled. One of his nans lived in Australia and his other dad’s mum was dead too.

  ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘I wanted to have a nan. My friends all have one. Some have two.’

  ‘Oh well. You’ve got two mums. You can’t beat that.’

  Mikey jumped up and down. ‘And two dads.’

  Tommy smiled and for the first time felt guilty over what he planned to do.

  ‘Bingo!’ Ronnie Darling grinned, as he leaned against the bar in Churchill’s.

  Jack raised his eyebrows. ‘You found Donna?’

  ‘Yep. First attempt. Her car was parked on Josh Palmer’s drive. Massive fucking gaff he’s got. No wonder her head’s been turned. She always was a materialistic one, our Donna.’

  ‘Did you see the bloke?’ asked Jack.

  ‘No. His car weren’t there. So unless he parks it in the garage, they must’ve been out,’ explained Danny.

  ‘So what now?’ Jack asked.

  ‘Gotta go, ain’t he? That’s the only way we’re going to get Tommy back on the firm and he’s going to get Robbie back,’ Ronnie replied.

  Danny and Eugene glanced at each other. Both were thinking the same thing. They hoped it would be a drive-by shooting, as neither were keen on chopping bodies up. It turned their guts.

  Sipping from a bottle of brandy, Tommy listened to the news on yet another radio station. Still no mention of the dead pervert. He imagined something like that would make national news. Not often a bloke was found with both hands chopped off and his cock rammed down the back of his throat. He probably hadn’t been found yet was Tommy’s guess.

  Mikey was fast asleep in bed. Overall, it had been an enjoyable day. But Mikey was ready to go home, Tommy could sense that.

  Putting his favourite cassette on, the one with all the music that reminded him of Maylands, Tommy took the pad and pen out of his sports bag. No matter what had happened, he could never hate Danny Darling. He deserved an explanation, at least.

  Afterwards, Tommy would plan his outfit for tomorrow. Just because he felt like shit on the inside, he still wanted to look good on the outside. ‘People judge you by what you wear, Tommy. The smarter you look, the further you’ll go in life,’ his dear mother used to say – and she was right.


  ‘You sure you don’t want me to come with you?’ Sam asked the following morning.


  ‘What about if I follow you in my car?’

  ‘Nope. This is my problem and I’ll sort it. I need to talk to Tommy privately anyway.’

  ‘Please take your pager then.’

  ‘No, Sam. After what I’ve done to him, Tommy is bound to be hurt, upset and wary. As I said to you last night, I reckon he’ll frisk me for a wire and who’s to say he won’t lose his rag if he finds my pager. I’m not risking it. Getting Mikey home safe and sound is my priority.’

  Sam hugged her mate. ‘Good luck. I’ll stay here all day and wait for you to call me.’

  ‘Thanks. See you tonight.’

  As Kim left the flat, she hadn’t a clue she wouldn’t be returning that night.

  Tommy wasn’t unduly worried Scratch would turn up at the Kings Arms with an entourage. She might be a lot of things, but she certainly wasn’t stupid. Nevertheless, he drove up and down the Colchester Road numerous times to check there were no suspicious vehicles parked up. He knew what to look for. Jack Dar
ling had shown him the ropes, after all. Fake gas/electric men, road workers or a pretend accident were always enough to put you on red alert. Common set-ups that the Old Bill used.

  Having spotted nothing untoward, Tommy plotted himself up in the Kings Arms’ car park. Scratch would have a fit when she realized Mikey wasn’t with him. Good. She deserved a taste of her own medicine.

  Her little car, that the filth had obviously supplied her with, pulled into the car park at 10.45. Tommy gesticulated for her to get into his car.

  Kim was immediately alarmed. ‘Where is Mikey?’

  ‘Like I can trust you to not set me up. You wired?’

  Kim took off her thin jacket and lifted up her T-shirt. ‘No. I swear.’

  ‘I’ll be searching you thoroughly before I believe that. Tip out your handbag,’ Tommy barked.

  Kim did as he asked. As always, he’d made an effort to look smart, was dressed in a tan Lacoste T-shirt, beige tight-fitting cords and his trademark desert boots. He also reeked of expensive aftershave, but that didn’t hide the stale alcohol fumes on his breath.

  ‘You OK?’ Tommy asked.

  Kim nodded. He seemed very calm, considering. Too calm in fact.

  ‘We’ll drive to a quiet spot. No need to worry. I won’t be touching you up or anything like that. You’re getting married soon, aren’t you? To Jay?’

  The sarcasm in his voice was clear. ‘Yes,’ Kim mumbled. Wondering if she should have taken Sam’s advice and told Hunter everything, Kim said a silent prayer as she put her seat belt on. She had the distinct feeling she was in for a bumpy ride.

  Kim glanced at Tommy. She’d expected a barrage of questions, not silence. He’d said nothing as he searched her and only mentioned the journey and the weather since.

  Tommy bumped his car up a kerb and put the handbrake on. ‘Wait here while I get Mikey. Don’t you dare get out of the car, OK?’ He’d left his son at the Pipers’ house. Catherine was looking after him.

  ‘I won’t. I promise.’

  ‘I want today to be the perfect family day out, even though we’re not the perfect family. For Mikey’s sake.’


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