The Dream of Shadows

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The Dream of Shadows Page 1

by Nicholas Clausen

  A quick word

  My friends, thank you for continuing the journey with me in the third installment of The Dragon Riders of Arvain series. Writing The Dream of Shadows was an amazing experience and I have you, the reader, to thank for that. Before you jump into what I think is my best writing thus far, I hope you know just how much I appreciate you for reading this story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


  Nicholas K. R. Clausen

  Also by Nicholas K.R. Clausen

  The Dragon Riders of Arvain Saga

  Book 1: The Broken Scale

  Book 2: The Clash of Land and Sea

  Book 3: The Dream of Shadows

  The Dream of Shadows

  A Dragon Riders of Arvain Novel

  Book 3

  By Nicholas K. R. Clausen

  The Dream of Shadows

  A Dragon Riders of Arvain Novel

  All characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Nicholas Clausen.

  Published by Create Space

  Printed in the U.S.A.

  Cover art by.

  The Dream of Shadows cover art created by Bobooks.

  1st edition

  ISBN-13: 978-1981025534

  The sale of this book without its cover has not been authorized by the publisher. If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that neither the author nor the publisher has received payment for this “stripped book.”

  This copy is un-edited and unabridged, just as the author had written it.

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  To Amber.

  I love you Hot Wife.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 116

  Chapter 229

  Chapter 339

  Chapter 446

  Chapter 557

  Chapter 671

  Chapter 784

  Chapter 895

  Chapter 9107

  Chapter 10121

  Chapter 11135

  Chapter 12142

  Chapter 13164

  Chapter 14179

  Chapter 15194

  Chapter 16207

  Chapter 17222

  Chapter 18234

  Chapter 19244

  Chapter 20257

  Chapter 21268

  Chapter 22281

  Chapter 23295

  Chapter 24309

  Chapter 25 326


  Elizabeth stood at the top of the Metallic Pyramid, gazing upon the city, her city. The people had been told of the battle that was taking place. To them, it was a faraway problem, allowing the city to carry on with their everyday tasks.

  Elizabeth had made sure years ago that they kept a large amount of armor and weapons at Celestial City, so the blacksmiths didn’t have to make anything more for their impending fight.

  Elizabeth had wanted to go to the battle herself and see the three runaways brought back into the fold. She had wanted to be the one to do it.

  Caine The Silver had talked her out of it. The rider who sat on the silver throne had been adamant that he could handle the young riders and the elves all on his own. He and many others had insisted that it was too risky for Elizabeth to be anywhere near the fight.

  It was a curse for being a rider of a golden dragon. She couldn’t do what other riders did, and she was expected to rule with her mind. She liked ruling, but she was a rider and riders were trained to fight.

  She could hold a sword as well as any of the other riders, and she was ruthless in a fight. Doing whatever was needed to win, no matter what others thought.

  She had reluctantly agreed to let Caine lead the massive attack and had watched him take nearly half their standing force and riders. Elizabeth didn’t think that was enough troops, she wanted to crush them, but Caine had talked her out of it.

  He believed half was enough and that as soon as the elves saw them in force, they would surrender and hand over the renegade riders.

  Elizabeth didn’t like following other people’s ideas when her own burned in her brightly, fighting to be heard by everyone that could listen.

  “Just bring them back alive.” She had told Caine. That had been her one condition to allowing Caine to lead the armies out to the Eytherka.

  A cool breeze pulled at her hair, and Elizabeth closed her eyes for a few moments and enjoyed herself for almost a full five seconds.

  Her eyes opened at the command of her dragon as she alerted her that two silver dragons were flying to the pyramid in a great hurry and they were demanding to speak to her.

  Elizabeth turned and watched the two young silver dragons slice through the sky as they came to land at the base of the pyramid. Their riders not hesitating as they slid off their dragon’s backs and sprinted into the pyramid.

  Herrdiga, her golden dragon flew overhead and landed on the pinnacle of the pyramid, with just enough space for Elizabeth to climb up her side.

  “Let’s go see what these young riders want that is so urgent.” She said, bored with the idea of talking with them before she even saw who they were.

  Chapter One

  Hayden looked over the scarred land around Out Post, saddened by its current state after the battle over Eytherka. The forest had been set aflame by the Metallic Nation’s war machines and their battle between the dragons.

  Trees that had stood for hundreds of years had toppled over and added to the fires that had taken them almost two days to put out. Hayden had thought that the hardest part of the war was fighting in it, but he had been wrong. The hardest part was what came after the fighting was over.

  Sea Serpents, elves, humans and dragons alike had all helped to combat the flames and try to find any survivors. Hayden had worked until he had almost fainted from exhaustion. The elves tried to force Hayden to rest but when he refused Draek grabbed him in his claws like he would a deer and carried him back to Outpost.

  It had been almost a week since the battle, but Hayden still saw the nightmares from the fight. He didn’t even have to close his eyes to see all the bodies they had pulled out of the burning forest.

  Stop Hayden. Draek’s voice gently pulled Hayden away from the edge of despair. Hayden took a deep breath of clean air and closed his eyes. When he opened them the ghosts of the battle had gone, and all that remained in his sight was the tarnished remains of Eytherka.

  Thank you. Hayden replied. He had wondered if any of the other survivors from the battle suffered as he did but the bags under Cass and Shane’s eyes gave him his answer.

  Where should we help today? Hayden asked. Draek was still off hunting so he stood on the landing platform alone but since the battle, Draek had kept their mental connection open at all times.

  I think we should help with the defenses today. Draek suggested. After the Metallic Nation had retreated, presumably back to Celestial City, Kirin had only allowed the elves a short time to celebrate their hard-won victory.

  Once the forest fires had been put out, she had immediately sent half of her people in search of survivors while the other half rebuilt their defenses. She didn’t want the Metallic Nation catching them off guard.

  I think you’re right. Hayden admitted. Up until today, he had been helping find survivors, but the last two days had only yielded up bodies, and he couldn’t take any more of that.

  Hayden waited on his perch, alone, as the elves moved like ants beneath him. He waited patiently as Draek finished his hunt and landed on Out

  Ready? Draek asked as he lowered himself so Hayden could climb up his side.

  Yes. Hayden answered as soon as he was situated on Draek’s back. Draek did not wear a saddle, so Hayden had to hold on with his legs to keep from sliding off.

  Draek walked off the edge of the platform and lazily circled his way down to where the elves were attempting to build a wall around the main camp.

  Before the battle, the trees had provided enough protection from the enemy’s armies. Only the surest-footed horses would have been able to transverse the thick forest.

  Now the trees were gone or greatly thinned, and they were forced to build defenses if they wanted to stay protected.

  The elves were using the trees that had already fallen during the fight that weren’t badly burned to create the outer ring of the wall.

  When Draek landed, Hayden slid off of his back and began helping cut off the branches of the fallen trees while Draek helped put them in place.

  They quickly lost track of time as they labored under the spring sun. Hayden enjoyed focusing on the work because it provided a great distraction from the battle raging within his mind.

  As the sun began to set and torches were being lit by the workers, Draek stopped working and looked up towards Out Post.

  Do they want to talk to us? Hayden asked, guessing what Draek was listening to.

  Kirin requests our presence. Draek confirmed. Hayden wiped the sweat from his brow and climbed back onto Draek. Hayden closed his eyes and enjoyed the air rushing past him as Draek climbed above the remaining treetops and landed on Out Post.

  You should rest my friend. Hayden said as he slid down Draek’s shoulder. This could take a while. It was the first time Kirin had summoned him since the battle had ended and he was sure he was in for a long night.

  I should wait here for you. Draek protested. Neither of them had wanted to be away from the other since the battle, but Hayden didn’t want Draek sitting atop Out Post like a dog waiting for his master.

  Go. Hayden insisted. Find a nice river to lay down in and wash all the soot and ash off of your scales. You are starting to look more like a black dragon than a silver. Hayden knew that they both needed a good bath, but Draek hated being dirty.

  Draek turned his giant silver head to survey the condition of his scales and saw the truth in Hayden’s words. Smoke poured out of Draek’s nose as he growled, irritated with having to leave Hayden.

  As soon as you finish, we fly together. Draek stated. Hayden smiled and put his hand on Draek’s shoulder.

  “We will,” Hayden said aloud as he turned and left to head down the trap door to where Kirin would be waiting for him.

  Hayden took his time as he descended the spiral staircases. He had considered stopping by his quarters to clean up, but he didn’t think Kirin would want to wait any longer then she had to.

  Armored elves guarded the entrance to the throne room where the Metallic Riders had once sat. They allowed Hayden to enter with a short nod and Hayden found Kirin sitting on a wooden throne in the center of the platform.

  “Hayden,” Kirin said in her formal, albeit tired, voice.

  “Queen Kirin,” Hayden said and bowed at the waist.

  “I am sorry for not calling upon you sooner, but I had pending matters that had to be attended to,” Kirin spoke softly.

  “I understand. I have been doing my best to help where ever I can.” Hayden responded. Kirin attempted to smile at Hayden, but he saw the sadness that lingered just under the surface.

  “Please, give Hayden and I a chance to speak in private,” Kirin said, loud enough for everyone in the throne room to hear. The elves that stood guard along the walls turned and marched out of the room, leaving Hayden and Kirin alone.

  Kirin removed the crown from on top of her head and placed it on the arm of her throne. She rubbed her temples and grimaced.

  “Are you alright?” Hayden asked.

  “I am as well as I can be, I presume.” Kirin leaned back on her throne and tried to get comfortable. “How are you?” She asked.

  “I am well,” Hayden replied shortly. Hayden had answered that question thousands of times since the battle, and now it was second nature to him to answer.

  “No you’re not Hayden, but you will be,” Kirin replied. All of sudden Kirin reminded Hayden of her father Aelfrie when he had sat upon the throne. The thought made him smile but also brought with it a sense of sadness.

  “No matter how many battles you fight in Hayden, they will never be the same, and you will never feel the same after them,” Kirin spoke softly.

  “This was not mine or Draek’s first battle,” Hayden stated, trying to sound stronger then he felt.

  “I know this, but if I am not mistaken when you fought the dwarves you left after the battle did you not?” Kirin asked calmly.

  “Yes.” Hayden nodded.

  “So, while this was not your first battle this was your first time dealing with the aftermath of the battle. Dealing with the bodies, the wounded and those that survived. They don’t sing songs about this part.” Hayden saw the pain etched on her face and knew that it mirrored his own.

  “They say you see the faces of all the people you have killed in battle when you close your eyes. This is not true for me. I see the faces of the elves that died fighting for us. I see the families weeping over the bodies of their loved ones. I see the pain and suffering caused by us.” Hayden spoke until his voice caught in his throat. It felt like he was trying to swallow a rock that was the size of his fist.

  “I know Hayden, I see them too,” Kirin said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

  Hayden stood in silence for a few seconds, as countless images washed over his mind. Kirin finally broke the silence between them.

  “We know we have a hard path in front of us Hayden. I have spoken with our elders and with Cassidy on the matter, and they have come up with a plan. I would like to hear your opinion on it before I make my decision.” Kirin spoke with her queen voice again. Hayden nodded to her and waited for her to speak.

  “We were able to hold off the Metallic Nation, but only with the combined help of the elves and the Sea Serpents. We survived because they were not expecting our tricks, but I fear that we will not be so lucky next time.” Hayden had been thinking along the same lines and knew that she was right.

  “We will need more help if we are to win this war. We will need the help of all the other races of Arvain.” Cass had made similar claims after the battle had ended, but hearing Kirin repeat the words somehow made it seem more real.

  “Here in lies one of the many problems we are facing now. We cannot simply fly to the other territories and ask them for help. Neither can we march our entire forces across Arvain and leave both Eytherka and the Burden Sea exposed to the Metallic Nation.” Hayden knew little of battle strategies, but he did know that it was something he had no choice but to learn.

  “So, you have to find a way to rally the other races while still protecting the forest and sea,” Hayden said, Kirin nodded her head and waited for Hayden to answer.

  “I would guess we should do the same thing we did to get the Sea Serpents to join us. Send someone to the other races and tell them what is going on.” Hayden guessed as he tried to think of the best possible answer.

  “But who are we going to send? An elf wouldn’t be accepted any more than a Sea Serpent would. If one of the three of you were to go, they would most likely think it was a trap or attempt to turn you over to the Metallic Nation as my father had tried to do.” Kirin words began stabbing holes in Hayden’s plan.

  “Not to mention that the Metallic Nation will be planning for us to seek help and will most likely fortify their hold over the other races.” Hayden had not thought about that as a possible outcome.

  “What do we need to do?” Hayden asked.

  “This is where Cassidy’s plan takes over. She believes that the best way for us to get the help we need from the other races is actually to avoid the other Meta
llic Nation strongholds.” Kirin stood up and walked into one of the side rooms off of the throne room. This room in particular housed the giant map of Arvain.

  “The Frost Fangs are our best bet. They are the closest ones to us, and the Metallic Nation won’t put a lot of effort into rallying them since they are nomadic.” Kirin pointed to the southernmost point on the map that was painted all white. “Cassidy plans to send a group of elves and Sea Serpents together to the Frozen Tundra to find the tribes of Frost Fangs and convince them to join us. Once they have enough tribes, they will descend upon the Ice Keep.”

  Kirin pointed to a light blue castle that was sketched on the map. “A small enough group should be able to move throughout the Frozen Tundra and go unnoticed. It would also allow us to leave the main body of our army together.” Hayden knew that the task would be hard to complete, but it sounded like a good idea.

  “What happens after the Ice Keep falls?” Hayden asked.

  “Well if all goes well then we will have an army of Frost Fangs and their white dragons. The group would then lead the Frost Fangs to this point here.” Kirin pointed to another location on the map. “In the middle of the Starlight Plains where we will be slowly marching to.”

  “I thought you didn’t want to leave the forest?” Hayden asked.

  “We don’t want to leave it defenseless. With the Frost Fangs coming up from the south and our main force coming from the east they will be unable to get around us to hit Eytherka. We will wait until the Ice Keep is within our control before the elves and Sea Serpents will move against the Metallic Nation.” Hayden studied the map and thought of the task at hand.

  “I assume that since you called me here to discuss this that you want me to be part of the group that will search for the Frost Fangs?” Hayden already knew the answer before Kirin could respond.

  “Yes.” Kirin nodded to Hayden. “But there are still a few more things to discuss before you can leave.” Hayden raised his eyebrows but did not say anything. “It is about Cassidy.”


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