Broken Boundaries

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Broken Boundaries Page 15

by TC Matson

  “I was coming to fill your coffee before you got here,” she says.

  I hold up my to-go cup. “Stopped at the coffee shop down the street on my way in.” I tip my chin to the cup on the corner. “Got you a caramel latte.”

  The corner of her lips curl up and she grins setting off the swelling in my chest. I stand and stalk to her, but stop just in front of her, handing her the latte. I tuck a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear. “You plague my thoughts,” I tell her in a sigh.

  She swallows before blinking up to me. “I’m hoping it’s a good thing.”

  I puff a chuckle through my nose. “Me too.”

  I dip my head and kiss her cheek, restraining every muscle from yanking her into me. I’m trying to respect her wishes. She wants us to remain professional while at work, but I don’t give a fuck if the entire building knows she’s mine.

  “I need you to set up a meeting with David. Preferably now.”

  The way she looks at me, her hazel eyes filled with excited hopefulness, causes a kick in my pulse. “I’m assuming you had a great meeting with Royal?”

  I smirk. “Yeah. You could say that.” Even if I almost cussed everyone out, I was still able to get an extension.

  Her face lights up and it does something to me. Her elation about my success isn’t fake. It’s pure. And it’s fucking with my emotions—the ones I’m fighting so hard against.

  She stretches to her tiptoes and kisses my jaw. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  Twenty minutes later, she reemerges. “David said he’ll be here in thirty minutes. He’s got a conference call this morning,” she says standing across my desk.

  “Thanks,” I gruff.

  “You seem…off. Is everything okay?”

  No. I lean back in my chair, clasping my hands in front of me. “No.”

  “Anything I can help you with?”

  Her eagerness turns me on. “Let me fuck you on my desk.”

  Crimson burns her cheeks. “Besides that?”

  “Let me fuck you out of my system,” I say, partly meaning every word.

  She pulls her shoulders back, standing a bit taller and confident. “What if I don’t want to be out of your system?”

  I stare at her, calculating. I could push her away and continue the path I was on or I can enjoy where we’re going. Dark and twisty, I’m sure. Scary as hell, I know.

  “Then that makes two of us,” I exhale the truth.

  She smiles. “Will your meeting be long? Would you like for me to order lunch?”

  I scrape my bottom lip with my teeth. “I’ll take lunch early and make you a buffet on my desk.”

  She shifts, her face scrunching up. “Your words are aberrant.”

  “I’m a man with a great lay standing in front of me. I haven’t seen you for a few days with the last image of you naked in the bed. Of course my mind is on one thing,” I admit.

  Her top lip curls up in disgust. “Is…Is that all I am for you?”

  As I’m rounding my desk to…touch her, I decide it’s a bad idea and stop, letting my hip fall back into my desk. I shove my hands into my pockets. “This is difficult for me. Forcing myself to keep my hands off you. Respecting your wishes while we’re here. I like what you have and I’d like to have it all the time. Not being able to is messing with my head.”

  Her hazel eyes latch on to mine, listening with intent.

  “It’s not just sex, but I can guarantee if you felt what I feel being inside of you… Trust me. You’d understand the excessive craving I have.” Leaving out the part that she’s stirring something within my chest I know is the best idea.

  It’s as if I hit a switch—a sexy as fuck switch. She strides to me with seductive eyes and surprises me with a tender kiss. If she thinks I’m keeping my hands to myself, she’s wrong. All bets are off when her lips are on me. I snatch her wrist and tug her closer to me.

  She leans back, breaking the kiss.

  “Dammit,” I groan. “Are you sure you don’t want to lock the door?”

  A breathless giggle fills the air between us. “We need to respect your company.”

  I graze my lips across her cheek, resting my mouth next to her ear. “I won’t be able to contain myself for long, Zoey. Day in and day out, I witness your beautiful body walking around here, getting smacked with fleeting visits of your perfume…” I skim my thumb across her bottom lips. “Those sexy, pouty lips…”

  Her body limbers and she leans against me, steadying herself with her hands on my chest. A fascinating desire burns my skin through my suit. Her eyes fall heavy. Those lips part. I splay my hand across her back and dig my fingers in, and then I claim her mouth. Her faint moan grips my dick.

  A knock on the door has her lurching away from me like she realized she just kissed the devil. She stumbles to put distance between us. Alarm spirals across her expression, eyes wide, mouth gaped, and she rushes to open the door.

  David doesn’t bat an eye when he enters, oblivious to what was just taking place. He pays no damn attention to her pink swollen lips. Zoey, on the other hand, is saturated with fear and scurries out without looking back. It makes me chuckle.

  I show David to the table and drop a stack of papers in front of him. They’re of every proposal—three of them—I’ve already given a definite yes to because I can’t afford to lose them. Five are waiting in limbo for an answer.

  As he examines them, I keep glancing to the door, hoping Zoey will appear with her smile that lights up the damn room, the same one with the force to mix things up in my chest and mind. Unfortunately, during the entire forty-five minutes David sits here, she doesn’t pop back in. The distraction strains me to listen to David talk his thoughts out loud as he clicks on his laptop.

  David is an older man, great at his job, impeccable actually, and isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind. Under his breath, he tells me several times I’m overloading my employees, stretching the crews to their max—like I didn’t already know. But personally, I pay it no attention. They won’t complain—not to me anyway. They all know if they take care of me, I’ll take care of them tenfold. Bonuses hefty enough to weigh down their pockets. Paid vacations tropical enough to make their fantasies come true.

  I’m a demanding boss—sometimes an asshole—but, I always show my appreciation. Without my employees, I would be nowhere and I know it.

  An hour after David leaves, Zoey comes in. Her normal soft features are hard, mad even. Her sweet eyes are molded over with iciness. She drops a pink “message” down on my desk with an umph.

  “Mandi left a message for you.” Her tone is caustic. “She said it was important you call her back but wouldn’t give me her number. Said you had it. She was worried that after this weekend you wouldn’t take her phone calls.”

  Inwardly, I groan, but I keep my expression blank. “How many ‘I’m pregnant’ calls have you filtered through in the months you’ve worked for me?”

  Her jaw tenses. “Numerous,” she grits.

  I narrow my eyes, leaning my forearms on my desk. “Then tell me why you don’t believe them yet you’re forming opinions about Mandi?”

  She clamps her mouth shut and doesn’t answer me. But her glower tells of all the cussing she’s doing in her head.

  “I’m almost positive she’s calling to apologize for the way she handled herself,” I tell her.

  Exasperation dons in her expression. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, shaking her head before leaving without an argument.

  I don’t pursue her. I don’t have time to deal with it, knee bound on damage control. I know I could’ve explained it, but I’ll get to it later when I’m not trying to concentrate on other obligations.

  “I’m heading out.” Zoey’s sweet voice fills my thought. “Need anything?” she bites, doing what she feels is right, but hating it.

  I check my watch and sigh in disbelief. “Five o’clock comes fast.” I crash back into my chair and give her a charming grin. “Will you go to dinner with
me tonight?”

  She frowns, almost vindictively. “I have dinner plans already. Maybe another day.”

  My stomach twists with an explosion of possessiveness and…jealousy?

  I’m jealous?

  My brows lift. “Oh yeah? With who?”

  Her shoulders sag as I can see the thoughts running through her mind. “Britney and Garret,” she says like it was the last thing she wanted to.


  Sweet, sweet relief.

  “Then I’ll be there.” I smirk.

  She rocks back on her heels and jams her hand on her hip. “It’s not a double date.”

  “I’m about to make it one. What time do I need to be there?”

  Annoyance chomps away at her. “You’ve not been invited.”

  “Am I not allowed to join you?”

  Her eyes…fuck they’re so unforgiving. “No. It’s been a girls’ night parked on my couch for years. Just so happens tonight is boyfriend invite.”

  I study her, thoughts swirling in my mind. I don’t know if she realizes she just gave me all the ammo I needed, but either way, I narrow my view. “If you wish.”

  She doesn’t slam the door, but she doesn’t shut it with happiness.


  Easton was right. Normally, I don’t allow those disgusting phone calls to upset me. They come so frequently, they’re sickening, but something about Mandi’s rattled me. Not because she said he had her number. Lord knows how many he has. It was her languished mutter that rocked me.

  “Great. After this weekend, he’s not going to take my phone calls. I should’ve known,” she sighed.

  The way she said it…Ugh! Learning what I have, he normally humps and dumps. Second phone calls are atypical for him. Even though he’s been spending time with me…I’m his assistant. There’s the possibility he’s only doing it to keep the peace, or the piece of easy ass close to him. Yeah. I’ll admit. Saying no after knowing how incredible sex is with him isn’t going to be easy.

  I know for a fact he and I aren’t on the same page. I’m certain we’re not even in the same damn book. I’m stupid to think otherwise. He’s a womanizer. A player. Gets his ego stroked, his dick wet, and bounces out on them.

  I need to slow down, or stop all together before my heart is completely disintegrated. I knew better than to get feelings involved, but how do you stop it. He’s so easy to fall for… Probably said by every woman he’s been with.

  I’m stepping out of my bedroom and into the living room when Britney comes bounding in with Garret in her wake, wielding two large pizza boxes.

  “Supper’s here. Woot!” Britney exclaims, fist pumping the air.

  “Hey, Zoey,” Garret says as he places the pizzas on the counter.

  “Where’s Easton?” Britney asks, craning her neck to look past me and down the hall.

  I grab the beer out of the fridge, placing it on the counter, and then toss out the paper plates before answering her. “I didn’t invite him. It’s a long story. Stupid even.” I roll my eyes.

  Wrinkles appear between her brows and she just stares at me…imploring, quietly twisting my arm to speak up and tell her.

  I sigh, dropping my face to the floor. Embarrassed. “I’m sure I’m overreacting, but a woman named Mandi called today and the way she made it sound…” I trail off to take a breath. “It sounded like they had a fling this weekend.” I glance up to her. “I know he’s not my boyfriend, and I shouldn’t feel this way. I really need to put the brakes on. I’m just…” I trail off again, unsure what the hell I’m feeling.

  She nudges me with her shoulder. “Are you going to talk to him?”

  “Yeah,” I exhale. “Of course I will, but today wasn’t the right time. My emotions were too high to be rational. You know how us women are,” I try to lighten the mood with soft humor.

  She gives me a sad smile and a nod.

  A knock on the door has my head snapping to it. My heart thwacks my chest and my breath pauses.

  “I’m willing to bet that’s not the downstairs neighbor to say we’re being too loud,” Britney says slowly, pointing to the door.

  I look back to her. “Is it wrong I’m hoping it’s him?”

  Amused, she tightens her lips and gives her head a quick shake.

  I pull open the door. Easton’s still in his suit, sans the tie, green eyes vibrant, holding out a bottle of wine. “Am I late?”

  My glare narrows. “You weren’t invited,” I reply feeling like a total bitch.

  “It’s what your mouth said. I’m here to rescue you from being the third wheel. Please,” he adds.

  “I’m not the third wheel,” I say.

  He doesn’t respond to my cattiness. Our stubborn stare lingers before I finally cave because, truthfully, I do want him here. I move out of the way raising my arm and gesturing for him to come in.

  He tips his head to Garret. “What’s up, man? How have you been?”

  Easton shrugs off his suit jacket and tosses it on the back of the recliner so causally, like he’s done it a hundred times. He rolls up his sleeves, grabs a plate, and slaps two pieces of pizza on it, making himself at home.

  “Haven’t seen you around lately,” Garret says. “Carlos ordered a bourbon for you. It’s smooth as hell. Took a taste when it came in.”

  Easton smirks proudly. “I’ll have to stop in soon. Business has been busy.”

  “You’re out of town a lot.” Britney’s tone is so abrasive I cringe. I knew it wouldn’t be long until her big sister, overprotected best friend would kick in. “That’s got to suck.”

  Easton arches his brow haughtily. “I am. Business never stops.”

  She swallows the bite of pizza. “I read an article once about how most men who travel a lot for business create a perfect way to have an affair.” She’s so damn unabashed.

  “Britney!” I hiss, humiliation creeping up my cheeks.

  Easton glances up, poised from under his lashes, staring her dead in the eyes, and smirks. “Wealth, fame, and power are enticing to many men and women. Passing judgment without knowledge of their personal lives is a bit of a mockery. And coming from experience, don’t always believe what you read.”

  Was that a discreet jab?

  She rolls her eyes heavenward. “Scientific studies aren’t just some supermarket tabloid. A lot of time and research has gone into them,” she counters.

  My stomach is in knots. I’m frozen solid, holding my breath as the battle of lust and protection plays out before me.

  Easton leans his elbows on his thighs and steeples his fingers, tapping his fingers against his lips. “The human mind is an intriguing thing. It has the ability to understand the truth and then misconstrue it with lurid details. It can help us fathom knowledge, grow us, strengthen us. But it also can contort the truth. Our own minds deceive us.”

  The knots in my stomach twist and the discomfort is braiding up my spine. “Garret,” I blurt out. “Do you need another beer?” My eyes wide, praying he understands my urgent plea.

  His mouth is gaped slightly as he slowly shakes his head.


  “Britney? What about you?” I rush out.

  Easton chuckles. “I’ll get you one. Seems you need it.” He pats my leg and then winks.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper-sneer to Britney the moment Easton is in the kitchen.

  “Apparently learning a few things,” she responds bitterly, clearly frustrated at losing at her own game. “Fuck, he’s quick— “

  “It’s in my blood,” Easton chimes in, twisting the top off the beer and handing it to me. “Thinking fast to survive is a natural instinct.”

  “Sounds like you’ve studied up on the player’s handbook too,” Britney deadpans and my heart sinks.

  Easton opens his mouth to respond, but I put my foot down. “Stop. You two are making me uncomfortable. Please. Just stop.”

  “Not my intention,” Easton tells me. “Third degree debates are entertaining at times.” He sit
s beside me, closer this time, and drapes his hand over my knee. He switches his attention back to Britney, smug as ever. “Don’t generalize. I’m not most men.”

  “Sooo…” Garret drags out slowly, finally stepping in to help me diffuse the tension. “I’ve got to get going. I have to work the late shift and I have a few things I need to do beforehand.” He looks to Britney and it’s evident what he wants to do.

  Britney hugs my neck. “Sorry,” she whispers. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” She gives Easton the once over. “Quit being a dick. If you’re in it, be in it. If not, then quit.”

  “Goodnight, Britney.” I’m glaring mad, mortified down to my soul.

  Her and Easton share a look before she shuts the door.

  The moment it closes, Easton slips his arm around my waist and pulls me against him. He peers down. “Your friend is protective of you.”

  “That’s putting it mildly. But you didn’t make a good impression on her either,” I say.

  He puffs a breath. “It’s you I’m worried about.”

  “Yeah,” I say and try stepping away to put some distance between us, but he tightens his grip.

  “Don’t be like this. Don’t be mad.” His voice is tender.

  I swallow my emotions and drop my view to his shirt.

  “Look. Usually when I’m in Texas, Mandi and I meet up. I turned down the offer. She got pretty upset and slapped me. I’m hoping she was calling to apologize,” he says nonchalantly.

  My inner bitch sharpens her claws. “She slapped you?”

  He chuckles.

  “Did you tell her about us?” I ask.

  By the look on his face, I know he didn’t. His smile melts and forms a straight line. Frustration pools into his eyes. “What’s there to say, Zoey? You don’t want me to. You want this a secret. These are your wishes. Not mine.”

  I chew on my lip. He’s right. I don’t want anyone to know because of my own dignity, but at what cost?

  “I’d tell everyone if you’d let me. Instead, you’re hiding the truth. Why? You’re worried you’ll be hurt, but you haven’t given me a chance from the get-go. You’ve labeled me a player without any redeeming qualities or a chance to show you a thing. You question everything. I understand why, but I’ve been nothing but honest with you,” he says.


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