Royalty K.I.N.G McCall's Book of Epic Tales

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Royalty K.I.N.G McCall's Book of Epic Tales Page 4

by Royalty K. I. N. G McCall

  Equana called Lexis five times in a row but there was no answer. Worried half to death, she knew she couldn't leave her kids there while she drove Henry car over, so she decided to wait first thing that morning.

  Equana couldn't sleep the rest of that night. Even though she felt peace due to Henry being gone, she still couldn't sleep. Two hours passed, as Equana dozed and woke up to use the bathroom.

  She walked in, sat on the toilet, and heard her phone ring from her bedroom. Wondering to who would call her so late, she quickly got off the toilet and rushed to see a missed call from Lexis, along with a voicemail. She dialed to listen to it.


  The crazy part about it was that it was Lexis number but Henrys voice.


  Equana immediately hung up the phone in rage. She cleared her eyes, looked at her a phone, and dialed again. Saying to herself while dialing and shaking...

  "How the hell? What the hell? No! This can't be happening! Am I dreaming?"

  Equana slapped her face continuously as her phone rung to make sure she was awake.

  "Please enter your pin to listen."

  She entered her pin and once again.


  The echoing words rung in her head, as she zoomed to make sure all doors and dead bolts were lock.

  Scared out of her mind, she quickly checked on her kids and could see that they were sleep. She instantly thought about Henry's gun and went and grabbed it. She knew she never shot a gun, but was willing for the sake of her children's safety.

  She remembered how Henry use to always load it up before he would hit the streets every night. Hell, she also sort of learned through him getting up fast, loading it up, and pointing it towards her when he was mad.

  So many thoughts were running through her head. She went back into the living room and could see her phone in the kitchen where she threw it after hearing the voicemail. She thought about the police and quickly dialed.

  "We're sorry, to continue using your AT&T service...please dialed 1-800..."

  She looked at her phone in disbelief; the phone was off. She knew right then something was most definitely wrong... because Henry never let their phones get turned off, due to all the transfers when it came to dealing his drugs. Suddenly…


  This time somebody knocked at the back door.


  "Lord Jesus help me!"

  Equana said silently to herself.


  Equana quickly cocked the gun back and crept on the floor towards the back door. Not eager to ask who it was, she got up slowly and looked through the peep hole and no one was there.

  Almost panicking, she rushed back to her kid’s bedroom to check on them. Seeing that they were still asleep, she ran back to the living room after hearing a glass break. She quickly shot the gun blindsided to scare whoever was in her living room.


  Still no respond, she screamed and yelled again.


  She could instantly hear both of her kids crying out loud, due to the loud gun fire. She immediately ran in their room and locked their bedroom door. Holding the two in her bed and all out of ideas, she cried and prayed until she heard police sirens.

  She got up and ran back towards the living room window and could see a beer bottle thrown through her window, along with police yelling through her front door.

  "Ma'am please come out with your hands up!"

  At a sigh of relief, she opened her front door and police forced her down, not knowing the whole story. Three hours later, the police informed her about Henrys being bailed out a couple hours prior.

  "Ma'am we don't know what is going on but we would strongly suggest that you go to a relative house until we get to the bottom of this."

  The police explained how Henry was not supposed to been bailed out and that the holding cell team that night was not informed.

  "Officer I have nowhere to go. My mother is dead and my father left me a long time ago. Where am I to go?" Pleaded Equana as she held her kids confused.

  She also told the officers the whole story about her step father being the father of her kids and that her mother died of drugs.

  The officers paused for a second after listening to Equanas heart felt story and replied.

  "Ma'am we hate to tell you this but we just got information before neighbors called that, Henry also may have killed your mother also."


  Equana swallowed hard as the words from the police officer startled her. Finally building up enough to respond.

  "What you mean officer? So you saying he killed my mother?"

  The officer shook his head, as in him hating being the barer of bad news.

  "Ma'am according to Ms. Roberts autopsy results and looking back at records from you mothers a couple years ago, both died of rat poison mixed in with heroine. Now by law, we can't convict Henry unless you testify or have strong evidence. The only evidence we have tied to Ms. Roberts, was from I believe your friend Lexis, that he was the last person around her."

  Equana heart started pounding instantly but responded.

  "Testify? Regarding what officer? What are you saying?"

  "Ma'am we need your whole story on Henry. The raping, the dealings, the kids, etc."

  The officer could see Equana looking troubled and confused.

  "Ma'am as of now, let us do our job and try to find Henry. Do you have any idea who may of had bonded him out? Because according to officers back at the office, she claimed that she was her sister."

  Equana quickly went into deep thought thinking about the phone call. She explained to him again, that she received a threatening call from Lexis phone but was in the voice of Henry's.

  "Ok ma'am sounds like whoever bailed him out, he went to take revenge on Lisa's daughter Lexis. Officers also discovered that her home was invaded and she was nowhere to be found or heard of according to family members. Ma'am I'm sorry, but we will have to put you in a hotel under our protective custody."

  Equana eyes got even bigger as the officer continued talk. Seems like going through for her was the common thing.

  "Ma'am don't worry, the hotel we have set up is on the other side of town and we will have officers on duty every other hour to check in."

  Equana gathered her and her kid’s belongings together as the officers waited for her outside. She got her kids dressed and headed outside.

  On the way to the hotel she noticed something fishy about the officer. She noticed him rubbing the inside of the crease of his arm and could see him constantly sniffing and coughing. The same thing her mother use to do when she needed her next hit of drugs.


  "What is really going on? Equana stop tripping!"

  Equana thoughts to herself as they headed to the hotel.

  Looking back at her kids in distress about the whole situation she was going through. The officer could see Equana's worried expressions and body language, by her biting her nails.

  "Ma'am believe me, you are going to be just fine, don't worry. We will serve justice."

  Equana started to cry as the officer pointed to the hotel, which was about a hundred feet ahead of them.

  "This is the hotel. We will have officers to come in and check around the vicinity, every other hour on the hour."

  The officer parked the car in front of the check in entrance.

  "Ma'am stay right here while I go check you in. They already are expecting you."

  The officer got out the car and went inside. Equana looked back at her kids and could see the two were asleep. She turned back forward and started biting her nails again.

  She started to think about her life and all the tragedy she's been g
oing through, which made tears fall again. Suddenly, the officer came out and walked back to the car and opened her door.

  "Ok ma'am we have you all booked and ready to go. Helping her with her things, the officer explained every detail about her staying."

  The room number was 109. The four walked into the hotel room, as the officer looked around to make sure her stay would be comfortable.

  Helping with her last bags, while Equana put her kids in bed. The officer grabbed Equana's last couple of bags and noticed a couple small zip lock bags dropping on the ground. He picked it up and notice that it was heroine.


  The officer looked around quick, as he slowly walked back into the hotel room with Equana. He could hear Equana running bath water in the tub and just shook his head, as he looked at her kids sleeping; Sort of in a way of feeling sorry for them.

  Equana could hear the door open, along with the officer dropping her bags against the thin wooden floor. She walked out the bathroom and could see the officer holding up the couple of bags of what she knew was heroine.

  Gasping for air. "Where did that come from officer?"

  The officer started to laugh as he couldn't believe those words came out her mouth.

  "Let me guess. You're either using these drugs or you helped Henry sell them? Or maybe you think that I'm going to believe that I found these anywhere? Come on tell me Equana?"

  Equana swallowed even harder as she started to tremble, like when Henry use to get mad at her.

  She started to explain. "Sir, Henry must have put them in....”

  But before she could get her words out, the officer interrupted her loudly this time.


  The room got quiet for a couple of seconds.

  The officer broke silence as he walked over towards her swiftly with his handcuffs.

  "Ma'am you are under arrest. Anything you say...."

  Equana couldn't hear none of the Miranda rights that was being said to her.

  She was so shocked that it seemed like her mind was quickly frozen. All she could think about her babies... suddenly....

  "Please, OFFICER NO! I can't go to jail ...I can't...I'll do anything ....ANYTHING OFFICER!"

  Resisting arrest, all the officer could hear was, "I’ll do anything ....ANYTHING!"

  The officer suddenly loosened his grip, turned her around, unbuckled his pants. "ANYTHING HUH?"

  Equana nodded her head yes.



  Equana just laid there, as the officer blackmailed and raped her. Tears soaked up the bed as he got up and buckled his pants up.

  Standing over Equana, he just stared at her bent over. He started to smile and tapped her on the butt.

  "Now that wasn't so bad wasn't it?"

  Equana didn't respond. Instead, she laid there in an overwhelming daze.

  The officer laughed again and switched back over to his so call, ‘profession’.

  "Like I said before, we will have an officer every hour on the hour, to search the parameter. You are in good hands, so there's no need to worry. We will catch and Henry and justice will be served."

  The officer then walked out the hotel door and locked it from the inside. Equana still laid there and after hearing him leave, she burst out into even more tears.

  She couldn't believe what had just happened. Finally, she got up and jumped in the tub of water she ran before she was raped. She laid her whole body in the tub, even putting her head in the water.

  Attempting to drown herself, she couldn't do nothing but think about her innocent babies that was laying in the hotel room. She immediately raised up, taking deep breaths. She grabbed the soap and towel and rubbed aggressively everywhere on her body.

  Ten minutes later she got out the tub, put on her clothes, and looked out the hotel window. Daylight was just approaching and she didn't get no sleep. Worried half to death for her friend Lexis, she tried to call her again but it went straight to the voicemail.

  Thinking about the drugs the officer found in her bags, she grabbed one, pulled out a needle, and injected a hit inside her. The crazy part about it, it was Henrys when he hid it one night, when they came to a police road block. Equana eventually fell out. Not knowing what she was doing....


  *Boom Boom Boom*

  "Room everything alright in there? HELLO!"

  Babies were crying, room service were steady knocking. Equana finally got up as the room spin in circles. Coming back to her senses, she ran to the door and yelled through the front door.

  "Yeah everything is fine, everything is alright!"

  The maid looked in a worried expression but simply said, "OK, just checking...!"

  The maid moved on to the next room...

  Equana wiped her eyes and shook her head, like she was recovering from an all-night party. She quickly got her babies as they laid on the bed wet, needing changed, and hungry.

  "OK babies...OK....mamas here...mommas here okay!"

  Equana knew that her babies were hungry. And according to things in her eyes, that ‘fake ass police officer’ supposing, the protective service provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  Equana started to think that maybe someone did try to bring something but from the high, she missed it. Suddenly.....


  Equana could hear loud screams from a couple of hotel rooms down. Equana opened the door looked down and could see people gathering around that hotel room.

  She could now hear police sirens. She noticed that everybody who peeped in the room, immediately turned around in disgust.

  Suddenly Equana called one of the other residents over and asked.

  "What happened?"

  The older woman replied, "That lady that was doing housekeeping this morning, discovered a young girl body covered in blood laying in the bath tub. They said the room is filled with blood. I heard the young girl name was Lexis or something.”

  Equana heart started to panic as she immediately rushed through the few detectives that were there.

  Running into the hotel room, it looked like something from a horror movie. She opened the bathroom floor and immediately ran back out. To her surprise, it was her friend Lexis dead, cold blooded.

  Equana ran back to her room, as her babies still stood in the front door. She quickly grabbed their things together to prepare to leave. The media and detectives were full in effect.

  Suddenly, she looked at a text message that had popped up from a number she didn't recognize.

  "You're next...I never knew you could run like that. Hell you never ran when I use to whoop yo ass in our house. Bitch YOU DEAD!"

  Chap-15 THE FINALE

  Equana quickly picked up her youngest and grabbed her two-year old by the hand to leave. Not knowing where to go, she just knew she wasn't going to spend one more night in that hotel.

  Walking out the room, she quickly went the opposite direction of the crime scene. She noticed that it was a Target right across the highway.

  Young helpless Equana had no idea what she was doing but she knew she needed to get help from somebody she could trust. Making it in Target, she rushed her babies in the women restroom. Her youngest started to cry as she calmed him down.

  Looking through her phone in frustration, as the three stood together in one stall.

  "Damn man! What the fuck going on?"

  Biting her nails as she always did when she got nervous. She suddenly heard a knock on her stall.

  "Ma'am are you alright?"

  The elderly woman could hear Equana's cry and asked in concern. Equana sniffed up her tears and finally responded.

  "Yeah we're okay!"

  "Are you sure baby?"

  "I said we're okay!"

  The woman could tell by Equana tone of voice, that she didn't want to be bothered.

Equana gets a call from the officer that raped her; she quickly ignored it. The officer called again, and again, and again... still no answer.

  "What the hell he want!? Damn man!"


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