Royalty K.I.N.G McCall's Book of Epic Tales

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Royalty K.I.N.G McCall's Book of Epic Tales Page 7

by Royalty K. I. N. G McCall

  Her father took his glasses off and finally responded to Ziah, screaming at her, "YOU WATCH YOUR TONE YOUNG LADY. AS LONG AS YOU SLEEPING IN MY HOUSE, YOU ARE GOING TO ABIDE BY MY RULES, GET IT!"

  Ziah quickly snapped without thinking first. "WELL MAYBE I'LL MOVE THEN WITH YOUR STRICT ASS!"


  Before she could get her words out, Pastor James smacks her twice in the face and yells.


  This was just the beginning for the James family. What will Ziah do in the world of sin? The streets are cold out there for a youngster and they will show no remorse, even against a pastor’s daughter.

  Chapter 2

  Ziah immediately rushed out the house while holding her face. Pastor James broke down to his knees and prayed as he heard the front door slammed shut.

  Twenty minutes later Ziah brother John walks in after basketball practice and could see his father on the couch upset. He asks his father.

  "Daddy whats wrong?"

  Pastor James paused for a second and answered.

  "It’s your sister son...I mean I pray for that girl, Lord knows I pray for that girl."

  "Where is she? What she do?"

  "Son, she had the nerve to curse me out, so I slapped her and told her to get out, if I got to be disrespected in my own house."

  John eyes got big. He was so shocked of the fact that her sister had cursed her father out, let alone got put out.

  See, John and Ziah were close. Ziah felt like John was the only one that could relate to her when it came to pursuing her dreams. Ziah's mom Mary and her were close up to the point to when Mary got her new job as a dispatcher for 911.

  She worked long hours at night and in Ziah eyes, she really didn't have nobody to talk to other than her brother John. John finally responded to his father words.

  "So where is she?"

  "Son, right now I don’t know and I’m not going to go look for her. I raised her better than that and if she's smart like I know she is, she a be back and apologize in a few."

  An hour had passed bye and Ziah was still over her friend Christine house. She explained to Christine how her dad put her out and Christine offered her to spend the night.

  Ziah and Christine had been friends all through middle school and high school. The crazy part about her friend Christine, was that she stayed with her older brother due to her mom being on drugs and her dad in prison.

  Her brother was big time dope dealer and kept Christine with the finest. Ziah never introduce Christine to her family other than her brother because she knew how judgmental her father was.

  Another three hours had rolled by and Pastor James was still sitting on the couch drinking coffee and praying for his daughter. He gets a call from Mary on her break.

  "Hey baby, what y’all doing?"

  He explained to his wife what all had went down that day about Ziah. She started panicking and worrying about her being out in the streets.

  Pastor James calmed her down and told her everything was going to be ok. Suddenly Mary said, "Oooh, gotta go babe."

  She receives a 911 call from the same house Ziah was at.

  Chapter 3

  "911 What seems to be the problem?" answered Mary.

  The fact that her mom didn't have any idea that the same location from the call, came from the same place Ziah was hiding.

  The words from her husband had her stressing at work. She really didn't know what exactly went down but she knew that her baby girl was out in the streets.

  Mary was the type to always back her husband up but at the same time gave her kids a sense of understanding. But ever since she started working as a 911 dispatcher, she really didn’t talk to Ziah other than talking to her about school.

  "Hello, 911. What seem to be the problem, are you there?"


  Yes, ma’am, help me. I’m in a basement, no wait a minute, I’m in a trunk." The called dropped instantly.

  "Ma’am where are you....Ma’am .....Ma’am?"

  Ziah phone died, leaving her mother not knowing where nor who the caller was. The only thing Mary could do was put out an APB on the first location.

  Mary’s heart dropped as the phone call dropped. She knew it had to been a possible kidnapping but what she didn't know, was that the caller came from her baby girl.

  Later that night after work, Mary made it home and could see her son and her husband sitting at the kitchen table. Both had their phones out trying to reach Ziah but each time they called, it went straight to voice mail.

  Mary, who was already tired from work and stressed about the little girl she couldn't help, made it even worse.

  She walked in and could see their expressions and knew then, that there was no sign of her baby girl Ziah.

  "James where is my daughter?" While crying.

  Pastor James looked back at his phone, shaking his head without answering.

  "James! WHERES MY DAUGHTER?" Louder this time.

  Mary started to tear up and then looked towards John.

  "Baby where is your sister?"

  "Momma, we been trying all night. We can’t get in contact with her. I even tried her friend Christine but it was no answer."

  Mary and Pastor James looked up stunned. Pastor James instantly looked up and asked.


  "I know dad I’m sorry, Ziah was afraid that you guys would judge her but she stays on 1216 West Boulevard."


  Mary thought about it, and remembered the voice of the girl that called and instantly recognized the girls voice. It was Ziah's.

  Chapter 4

  Ziah woke up in devastation. All she could see when she opened her eyes was darkness but could tell she was moving in a car. All she remembered was going to her friend house. She didn't know what the reason for her being in that trunk let alone remembering what happen.

  John immediately called Ziah's friend Christine. He remembered the number because when Pastor James use to take Ziah's phone, she would always use his phone to call her.

  As the phone would ring, ring and ring, each time he would hang up and try to keep his mother calm. After numerous calls and attempts, Pastor James immediately took action on himself to call the police.

  Mary was in a daze of shock due to believing that her daughter was the 911 caller that called that night.

  She screamed with tears hollering, "AAWW MY BABY... LORD JESUS PLEASE HELP MY BABY!"

  The police were now on their way and Mary turned full attention on her husband.

  "James why the hell did you have to hit her ...that's not how we handle things James!"

  James immediately snapped back. "Now look here Mary, you don't have to curse me out. Besides she was already storming out the house before I could even tell her to get out."

  Mary jumped up and down screaming once again with tears. John holding her close, made Pastor James feel even more responsible for her daughter being missing.

  The police finally arrived and the family gave them all the information on Ziah's missing. Mary explained the 911 call and how she came to the point that it was a good chance it was her daughter.

  After an hour of interviewing, Sgt. Malone got a call on his C.B. saying that it was no one at the residence of 911 call, which was Christine and her brothers home. He then told the family to keep calm and let them do their jobs.

  By Pastor James being known in his community the local news immediately rushed to their residence to interview about their Ziahs missing.

  Cameras were on and the family along with the community came out to see what happen. Pastor James alongside John and Marry stood beside him. Pastor James continued.

  "Our daughter Ziah Johnson was kidnapped today and is nowhere to be found. She was last seen walking with a blue Lincoln High tee shirt and blue jeans with white sneaker
s. Please...PLEASE if you have any information on our child's missing please give us a call at 1-601-985-1565, WE WILL HAVE A CASH REWARD of $10,000 leading to her founding."

  Later that night after numerous tears and people dealings, Pastor James gets a block call.

  He answered. "HELLO WHO IS THIS?"

  The unknown caller paused for a second and responded. "OOOOOWEEE YOUR DAUGHTER GOT THAT GOOD ....YOU GON HAVE TO COME UP WITH MORE MONEY THAN THAT BOSS!" and hung up.

  Chapter 5

  Pastor James instantly screamed with anger. Mary quickly jumped up and asked.

  "What happen James, who was that on the phone?"

  Mary could see by the squeezing of the phone, made it obvious that James had been on the phone. His loud screams woke Mary up out here tossed and turned sleep.

  He finally told Mary what the unknown caller said and she immediately broke down in tears. John walks in the room and could see his parents up praying. Pastor James called the police and let him knew what was going on.

  Officer Malone told James that they wouldn't be able to get the results from the block call, until the next day at noon. He also told him to not answer any more block calls.

  Pastor James and Mary really didn't sleep at all that night. The fact that he had worship service the next day made it even more difficult.

  The next morning Pastor James and his family went to church. The congregation knew their family situation and greeted them with hugs and prayers. Pastor James preached a word that touched a lot of hearts.

  Despite knowing Ziah's missing, he still managed to build up enough strength to preach the word of God. His message was so strong that it made tears come in the eyes of some of the saints.

  After service James and his family ate out in their church cafeteria, along with the congregation. He checked his phone and could see two miss blocked calls and one miss call from officer Malone.

  He immediately called officer Malone back hoping he traced the number from the block call he received the night before.

  "Officer Malone?"

  "Yea this Pastor James officer."

  "Mr. James we have got the results back on the block call you received, it was from her friend Christine home. We also have some bad news and came to the conclusion that Christine and her brother have nothing to do with your daughters kidnapping."

  Pastor James immediately snapped on the police.


  Officer Malone paused for a second and said.

  "Mr. James we found Christine and her brother shot dead in their home on today. I believe it was a drug deal gone bad and there are still no signs of your daughter."

  Chapter 6

  Mary could see by the expression on her husband face, that he had just received some bad news. Pastor James quickly got up and announced to the congregation.

  "I’m sorry guys but we have to go, God bless you all and have a wonderful evening."

  Mary and John waved to the rest of the church as they left. Mary instantly asked Pastor James as the three got into the car.

  "James what happen, was that the officer?"

  Pastor James explained the whole phone call situation. Mary burst out with tears as John from the back seat rubbed her shoulder to try to keep her calm.


  Pastor James then remembered the two blocked calls he missed while in church. He also remembered what Officer Malone request of him not answering block calls. He wanted to take matters into his own hands and came to the conclusion to answer the next block call.

  In the back of his mind he was determined to do and pay anything to get his daughter back. Almost home John decided to call who was allegedly dead Christine's. It rung twice and he could tell somebody ignored the call.

  He started to look in confusion as the three walked into the house. He knew somebody had the phone but at the same time was praying his sister was ok. John went into the bathroom and decided to call the phone again.

  He called and the most unthinkable thing happen. He could hear it ringing from Ziah's bedroom.

  Chapter 7

  John eyes got real big. The fact that he could hear Christine's phone ring, from his missing sister room startled him. His heart started to race as he walked out the bathroom.

  He could hear his mom and dad in their room praying and arguing. He walked to his sister door and called the phone again just to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

  He called and again the phone ring came from inside his sister’s room. He rushed in panicking and confused at the same time. He searched the room repeatedly and finally found it from under Ziah's bed. He ran to his parent’s bedroom and could see the two still arguing.

  "MOM ... DAD ... LOOK!" He called the phone in front of them, while the other phone was in his hand.

  The two were still looking puzzled at John, not knowing that it was Christine's phone. Pastor James looking in confusion responded.

  "John what it this? Who phone is that?"

  Tears fell from John face in total shock while responding.

  "Dad ion know how this is possible but while you guys were arguing, I called Christine's phone again, just to see was it a chance she would answer and I heard it ring from Ziah's room.”

  Mary interrupted immediately. "HOLD ON WAIT A MI NUTE....You mean to tell me a dead bodies phone is in our house. The same dead body my daughter was with?"

  Pastor James instantly called the police with no hesitation. Officer Malone picked up and before he could say hello, Pastor James burst out and told him what was going on. Officer Malone looked startled also while listening.

  Mary phone then rings. She instantly picks it up and small voice responded.

  "Momma help me ...please help me... I dont know where im at....Daddy did this to me... tell him im sorry!"

  Chapter 8

  Mary dropped the phone, causing Pastor James and John to look dead in her eyes. Pastor James who just had got off the phone with officer Malone, could tell something was wrong with Mary.

  "Whats wrong Mary, who was that?"

  Mary still silent. A tear fell from her face in disbelief. She really didn't want to believe that her husband, the father of her kids, was the one who was behind his daughter missing.

  She then started to think, "Maybe this is just another random prank call."

  Pastor James asked her again, "Mary who was that?"

  Mary snapped out of all the thinking and finally responded, "It was......It was .....It was."



  Mary heart started racing on a hundred. So much was going through her mind at that time.

  All of a suddden, BOOM.

  Mary passed out. Twenty minutes later Mary woke up to hand fans and wet towels on her head. The first person she could see was her husband.

  She looked around the room and could see her son and Officer Malone. She instantly asked, "What happen....JOHN ....JAMES?"

  Pastor James explained, "Baby we asked you who called you on the phone and you just passed out us."

  All of a sudden she remembered what had happened and it brought tension back on her. Officer Malone butted in.

  "Mrs. James PLEASE, we need to know who was it that called you?"

  Mary finally replied. "IT WAS MY BABY....MY BABY.....ZIAH!"

  She looked dead at Pastor James in disbelief and anger and he immediately caught her drift and quickly grabbed officer Malone gun and pointed at the three.

  Chapter 9

  "Mr. James what is going on, put the gun down sir. Its other ways to resolve this!" said Officer Malone.

  "Daddy whats going on? Whats wrong with you?" screamed John.

  Mary with tears steady rolling down her face, she couldn't say anything. Hell, she couldn't even look her husband in the face. The fact that it was obvious that he had something to do with Ziah's missing, hurt her the worst.
Pastor James then blurted out with frustration and anger.

  "EVERYBODY SHUT THE HELL UP....EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE JESUS....Ziah needed to be taught a lesson. The bible says spare the rod spoil the child!"


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