Stiff Competition

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Stiff Competition Page 20

by Micah Persell

  Oh, God, she was going to cry. Right here on the stage at her debut. “He’s my partner. I think he will always be. And you still inspire the hell out of me.”

  Several gasps sounded throughout the space—as though anyone in the auditorium didn’t know whom she was talking about anyway. In her peripheral vision, she saw Jesse and Eddie staring at her with their mouths open. She couldn’t look away from Gage, however, willing with every fiber of her being that this meant he forgave her. Still wanted her.

  He took a step toward her, then seemed to stop himself, gripping the microphone stand so hard, she could see his knuckles blanch white even from up on the stage.

  That was all it took. With a screech of metal, her chair shot backward, and she launched to her feet. As she started moving across stage, he started moving again, too, edging around anyone in his way.

  “It appears this panel is over,” the moderator said, mirth dripping from every syllable.

  Nobody in the audience moved. Cassidy didn’t care. Neither, apparently, did Gage, who broke into a slow jog once he got past the rows of chairs. Cassidy pressed her fingers to her lips as she took the stairs two at a time on her way to the auditorium floor.

  And then, seconds, later, they were standing toe to toe, and all of their momentum faded into the ground around them. Gage looked down at her, his eyes darting back and forth as he gazed into her eyes. She craned her neck back, swaying toward his heat as though it were a homing beacon. She wanted to touch him, even reached out a hand toward his broad chest before fisting it and forcing it back to her side. “Gage—” She shook her head. “I’m so sorr—”

  “I’ve missed you so much,” he said abruptly, cutting her off. “Was dreaming that you’d be able to say something to make everything right again. Feeling like an idiot now that I didn’t just talk to you that day—”

  “Oh, God.” She closed her eyes for only a moment, not willing to lose sight of him for longer than that. “I missed you, too.”

  And then his lips were on hers. With absolutely zero finesse. Their teeth clacked together, and their hips bumped too roughly. Her arms tangled with his as they tried to pull each other close.

  It was the best kiss she’d ever had.

  The crowd erupted. Their cheers were so loud that Cassidy momentarily considered drawing away from the heaven she was tasting, but as Gage moaned, slanted his mouth, and licked at the seam of her lips, that inclination died a short death.

  Their technique improved by the heartbeat. By the time Gage had her firmly wrapped in his arms and pulled against his chest, she wanted him so badly she was sure she was going to have trouble walking straight whenever he finally released her.

  Which, it turns out, happened too soon for her taste. With a reluctant groan, Gage worried her bottom lip between his teeth and set her back on her feet. His eyes were glazed as he looked down at her. “We should go somewhere.” His gaze roved over her face, down her neck, and landed momentarily on her breasts before rocketing back to her face. “We should talk.” Then, in nearly the same breath, “God, I missed these freckles.” He trailed the pad of his forefinger down the bridge of her nose.

  She chased the tip of it with her lips. “Yes.” Another kiss to his fingertip. “Please.”

  Gage’s hands skated down her upper arms, and he snagged and squeezed both of her hands before tucking one in the crook of his elbow. They turned to exit.

  Both of them abruptly halted, rocking to their toes and then back to their heels. The entire audience was on its feet, and they were still clapping and cheering.

  How did I even tune that out? The roar was deafening.

  Cassidy felt her chest heat, then her neck and cheeks.

  “Blushing, Gamer Girl?” Gage asked. She could hear the smile in his voice.

  I just made out with someone in front of thousands of people. And she’d do it again in a heartbeat.

  There was a tug on her hand; Gage was leading her toward where Mr. Brown was standing in the wings, holding the curtain and waving them through. She almost tripped going up the stairs, too focused on staring at the curve of Gage’s jaw she wanted to lick to pay attention to her feet.

  Mr. Brown clapped Gage on the back hard enough to make a resounding noise as he and Cassidy ducked behind the curtain.

  “Andrew Brown,” Mr. Brown said, extending his hand toward Gage.

  “Gage Adams.” Gage took Mr. Brown’s hand.

  “I know this wasn’t your intention, you two, but you just made our first game a bestseller.” Mr. Brown grinned broadly. “I’d love to buy my two current favorite people a drink if you have the time. Sometime this afternoon, maybe? I’m sure you’re off to visit somewhere.”

  Behind them, Cassidy’s co-workers were filing in from the stage. Their excitement was palpable, and they waved and smiled at her while casting curious glances Gage’s way.

  No wonder they’re curious. In the past two months, she had barely talked to any of them outside of work, which had led to rumors that she wasn’t interested in relationships or men.

  I just wasn’t interested in anyone who wasn’t Gage.

  Gage nudged her in the ribs with his elbow, and her gaze shot to his, where she could clearly read an Okay with you?

  What am I supposed to be answering? Oh, drinks. “Yes, that sounds great, Mr. Brown.”

  He nodded. “Okay, see you in a few hours. There’s a door in the back,” he pointed behind him, “if you want to avoid the crowds.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Gage said, pulling her that direction.

  Cassidy threw Mr. Brown a quick glance over her shoulder. He winked and gave her a thumbs up.

  God, I love my job.

  The backstage door let out in an abandoned hallway, and at the end of it, two glass doors led outside.

  “Where are you staying?” Gage asked.

  God, she’d forgotten the way his lips moved. She needed to taste them again. “The hotel around the corner.”

  He grinned. “Convenient.”


  His smile wavered, then disappeared. The next instant, he had her backed against the wall. He wedged his massive thigh between her legs, pressing the flexing muscle right against her sex. His barrel of a chest met her breasts, and he gazed down at her, his brown eyes soft at the edges. “Say mmm again,” he whispered. His breath spread across her lips like a caress.

  “Why?” Was that her breathless voice?

  He groaned. “On second thought, anytime your lips move, they drive me crazy.” He dipped down, sucking her upper lip between his teeth, flicking his tongue against the sensitive center.

  Her moan was loud enough to echo down the empty hallway, and her fingers curled into the muscles of his shoulders as she clutched him closer.

  Suddenly, her grip turned claw-like. Two months without him. Almost lost him forever. She sucked in a breath, and even to her ears, she could hear the hidden sob it contained.

  Gage froze beneath her grip. He edged back slightly, keeping his chest pressed to hers but releasing her mouth. “Cassidy?” He reached out a tentative hand and brushed his fingertips lightly beneath her eye. When he pulled them away, they were wet.


  Seeing the proof of her tears on his skin seemed to release a damn of them from within her. Next she knew, she was sobbing.

  “Oh, no.” Gage cradled her face between her hands, trying in vain to catch her tears as they cascaded down her cheeks. “Sweetheart, talk to me.”

  “I’m s-so . . . sorry!” She pulled in a ragged breath. “I fucked up so h-hard.”

  He gave up using his thumbs and instead pulled her face into his chest, holding it there with one hand while stroking her back with the other. “Shh.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Cassidy, I fucked up, too.”

  She jerked back, outraged. “What?” She dashed the tears from beneath one eye. “How could you say that?”

  His lips quirked as though he found her pique endearing. “I bailed. The mome
nt it got tough, I bailed. If I had stayed for even five more minutes, would you have told me you’d tried to delete the game?”

  She sniffed. “Yeah. But that doesn’t make a difference,” she finished in a rush. “I still wrote it to start with.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “And we started an emotionless sex arrangement. Things changed. We changed.” He tucked a wayward curl behind her ear and threaded his fingers through her hair, cupping her cheek. “I wasn’t ready to admit that or make allowances for that change in you.” The first hint of hesitation crossed behind his eyes. “Things did change for you, right?”

  She breathed a humorless laugh. “I fucking love you, so, yeah.”

  He froze.

  Oh, fuck me. She froze too. She’d just said it. Blurted it out.

  Slowly, he stroked his thumb across her cheekbone. “What did you just say?”

  In for a penny . . . “I fell in love with you. And that condition has only intensified since that day I drove you away.”

  He drew in a slow breath.

  She braced herself. Too soon. She was about to lose him again. With all her strength, she focused on not dissolving at his feet. I survived before; I’ll survive this time.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  She closed her eyes. Thank you? This is going to be bad.

  “Because, I was worried I was going to have to say the word love first. Way to jump on that grenade for the both of us.”

  She opened her eyes again. “Wait. You mean, you—?”

  He brushed his thumb along her bottom lip, his expression turning serious. “I love you. It was inevitable from the moment I saw you trying to rub one out as you sprawled naked in that gaming chair all those nights ago. I’m sorry I ran. I’m sorry I stayed away. But I want in your life again. On a permanent basis.”

  An unimaginable lightness filled her. “Oh, God, I want that, too.” There was only one thing. “Are you still—?”

  He pressed his lips together. “I haven’t been with anyone since you. Since the night I made love to you.”

  “Is that what we did?” Her voice was that same breathless version she’d never heard herself use before today.

  He nodded solemnly. “You ruined me, Freckles. For anyone else.”

  Her brows drew together. “Then what have you been doing?”

  “Other than camping out on Ryker’s couch and eating?”

  Her brows shot toward her hairline. “You?” The man who never ate a thing he hadn’t planned had spent two months on a couch? Because of her? Why does that thrill me?

  “I, uh . . . ” He rubbed the back of his neck with one palm. The way his biceps flickered beneath his delicious skin distracted her so badly, she nearly forgot he was talking. “I signed with an agent. I’m a . . . model now.”

  Her lips parted. “A model?”

  He nodded, his eyes wary. As though he expects me to make fun of him?

  It intimidated her. Who was she to be in love with a model? She absently fingered the tips of her frizzy hair as she looked down at her faded T-shirt.

  “If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, I’m going to be upset with you.”

  That brought a smile to her lips. She met his gaze. “Kind of how you could be in trouble for feeling embarrassed about modeling?”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Touché.”

  The pressure against her sex increased. He was stirring his thigh against her. “Will you say the part where you love me again?” he asked, his voice a panty-melting blend of husky and vulnerable.

  She pushed to her tiptoes. Threading her fingers through his thick hair, she pulled his face to her, pressing the tips of their noses together. “I love you, Gage. A lot.”

  Again, he sighed, the sound blatantly relieved. “Be my girlfriend?”

  A word they both used to hate. It tripped off his tongue as though it belonged there between them.

  Maybe someday he’ll even ask me to be something else.

  She waited a moment for panic to rush in, and when it didn’t, she smiled. “Yes, please,” she whispered, pressing a sweet kiss to his parted lips.

  With a groan, he took her simple kiss and morphed it into something deeper. When he broke from the kiss several minutes later, both of their breaths were ragged. “I’d like to take my girlfriend to bed now.”

  “She’d like that, too.”

  The weight of his body vanished from hers in a flash, and she immediately missed it. But the look in his eyes as he snagged her hand and pulled her toward the exit, almost at a jog, warmed her again.

  They burst out into the sunshine hand in hand. He pulled her down the sidewalk, his long legs moving much quicker than hers ever could unless she broke into a run. She giggled and took the opportunity to ogle his ass something fierce.

  God bless those jeans.

  “I can feel your eyes on my body, Freckles.” He cast her a lascivious grin over his shoulder, his speed abating not at all.

  “Good.” She licked her lips. “It’s about to be my mouth.”

  His pupils expanded, and he nearly ran into a light pole as they turned into the drive of her hotel.

  He tugged her to a stop. “Hey.” His tone was suddenly serious, and a spate of nerves crawled up Cassidy’s neck, making her roll her shoulders. “I want you to know—”

  Oh, God.

  “Shit, I don’t even know how to do this. How fucked up is that?”

  With her heart in her throat, Cassidy said, “Just say it.”

  “I’m totally clean. Got tested when I decided I was done taking clients.” He pulled their intertwined fingers to his lips, kissing her knuckles. “I want to be with you. Taste you. Feel your slick pussy against my cock.” As he talked, his eyes darkened. Cassidy herself found it difficult to breathe. “Do you think,” he continued in a rough voice, “we could see about making that happen soon?”

  “I, uh—” She licked dry lips. Lips that longed to be wrapped around the same cock he’d just casually mentioned. She backed up a bit, and she saw a flare of panic in Gage’s eyes.

  “Too much, right?” he blurted. “Forget I said it. Please.”

  She squeezed his hand. With her free one, she lifted the edge of her T-shirt the slightest bit, revealing her lower belly.

  His gaze traveled that direction, to the small, square patch. His lips parted.

  “I kind of had high hopes for today,” she murmured.

  His eyes widened. “That’s a—”

  She nodded. “Got it last month. When I sent the tickets to Ryker.” Not to mention the check. The one she knew Gage had never cashed, as she’d been watching her account for it avidly, anxious for any sign of him in whatever way she could find.

  He brushed his fingertips over her birth control patch. “I can come in you?”

  Oh, God. She had to clear her throat before she could speak. “I’m counting on it.”

  He made a ragged noise. Hauling her in closer, he pressed a rough, quick kiss to her lips that was over before she’d even had time to realize it had started.

  Then, they were moving toward the hotel doors at an even faster clip than before while her body pricked with awareness. The doorman saw them coming several feet out, and even then, he still barely got the door open for them in time. They raced across the lobby.

  Gage pressed the up button for the elevator several times in a row. She bit her bottom lip to keep from smiling.

  With a ding, the elevator doors opened.

  Empty. She knew exactly what this would mean.

  And, yep, as soon as the doors closed, he crowded her into the corner of the elevator, yanking up the hem of her T-shirt in his fists until he was pressing his hot palms against the naked skin of her back.

  She gasped, tipping her head back as he licked the hollow of her throat. “Shouldn’t I press the button for the floor?”

  “No need,” he rasped against her skin, licking her pulse now. “We’re going down.”

  She couldn’t stop the laugh this
time. God, it had always been like this between them: like she was with her best friend. She just hadn’t realized at the time what a rare and amazing thing that was.

  As he nibbled his way along her jaw, she groped along the side panel of the elevator, peering over his shoulder until—success—she grazed the number 5 with the tip of her middle finger.

  The elevator lurched upward, and he growled in her ear, reaching for the hand that had pressed the button. “I have something else for you to be groping, Freckles.”

  His hot fingers wrapped around her wrist, he pressed her palm to the front of his jeans. He was long and hard behind his fly; her knees went weak.

  “Gage,” she gasped, trying to wrap her fingers around his cock.

  He moaned. “Don’t say my name like that, sweetheart.”

  She fumbled for the button of his jeans. “Why not?” Her hips were already rocking.

  He captured her wrist again, holding her hand still. “Because it makes me want to fuck you right here until you’re screaming it in my ear.”


  The elevator doors opened. And just in time. She had managed to slip the button loose on his jeans, and after that last declaration, she had been moments away from falling to her knees and sucking him deep into her mouth.

  Planting his hands on each side of her head against the elevator wall, he pushed himself away from her as though it was the hardest physical effort he’d ever exerted. “Which room, Cassidy? We need to be there. Now.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  She gazed up at him, her eyes slightly glassy, her pupils huge. For a moment, he worried he’d have to repeat his question, and God help him, if he had to wait any longer to get her naked, it was going to happen right here in the fucking elevator.

  “F-five twenty,” she stammered in a breathless voice that made his cock kick in his pants.

  He jerked a nod and snagged her hand, lacing their fingers and bringing them to his lips for another brief kiss before tucking her hand against his chest.


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