The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3)

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The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3) Page 6

by Ashley Love

  I smiled mischievously. "Why not? Afraid I'm gonna jump you?"

  He chuckled. "Actually, I'm hoping you will."

  I laughed, sipped again. 'Casually,' I pulled on my towel and let it fall around my perky ass, exposing my body. Sean breathed in.

  "Damn Allie, you really have an incredible body," he said, looking upon me.

  I smiled, spread my legs. "Look. I trimmed." Sean's eyes followed my hands as I touched my pussy. My lips were shaved smooth, and I had just a little strip of nearly invisible blonde pubes above my clitoris.

  Sean reached over and touched me, tickling the edges of my pubic hair. "Very nice. No stubble," he commented.

  I giggled and cupped his cheek. "Unlike you."

  He blushed a little, keeping his hand on my pussy. I squirmed a little, encouraging him to finger me. He did, sliding his middle finger slowly inside my tunnel. He kept it there, not moving it, just letting me enjoy the sensation. I bit my lip, closing my eyes a moment as I felt his finger curling a little bit inside me, massaging my snug, wet walls. I took a last pull from my cigarette, then stubbed it out.

  "Get my phone, Sean," I said in a soft voice. "It's on the counter."

  Sean looked, saw my phone, then smiled back at me. Gently, he eased his finger from inside me and sucked it as he got up. The alcohol was making me buzz, increasing my libido. I took another swig from the bottle.

  Sean brought me my cell, and unbuckled his pants as he remained standing beside me. I grinned, hitting the buttons, dialing work.

  "Hey, Brittany," I said, making my voice sound scratchy. "It's Allie. Can I talk to one of the managers?" I faked a cough.

  "Yeah, sure. Hold on a sec."

  I listened to cheesy elevator music as I watched Sean get undressed. He seemed to be a little trimmer around the middle. His dick was hard and shiny as it was revealed. Soon, he stood completely nude before me. I giggled softly when I noticed he had shaved his balls. I reached out and cupped the smooth, hanging orbs with my hand. Sean smiled at me and stroked my hair.

  "This is Juan, how can I help you?"

  "Juan," I said into the phone, and coughed again. "We got an on-call for tonight?"

  "Not feeling well, Allie?"

  "Not really. I think I'm getting something." I tickled Sean's balls as I spoke. "I think I'm getting it pretty hard."

  "Don't worry, sweetie," my manager said. He always called me 'sweetie.' "We've got too many on the floor tonight anyway. You need someone to bring you anything?"

  "Nah, I'll be okay," I said, moving my hand up to stroke Sean's dick. A thick, clear bubble formed at the tip. "I've got some juice. I'll make sure to drink it all."

  "Well, if you need something, let us know, okay?"

  "I will. Thanks, Juan." I snapped my phone closed, and Sean laughed.

  "Feeling sick, baby?" he asked, pulling my head toward him.

  "Uh-huh," I said, parting my lips as I looked up at his face. "I need some medicine. Something thick and sweet to coat my throat."

  Sean moaned as I started sucking him. "Mmm, baby, you're gonna get all the medicine you want..."

  * * *

  "So, I got an idea," I said half an hour later, as Sean recovered on the couch. I had swallowed most of his cum, but a little had oozed out from the corner of my mouth and dripped down my chin. I didn't bother wiping it away as I lit another cigarette and sipped from the bottle of strawberry vodka. I glanced at the two twenties Sean had left on the table. He was getting a reduced rate these days.

  "What's that, babe?" he asked, stroking my naked back.

  "Well, I've been thinking about it. About doing it," I said.


  "And...I don't wanna worry about whether or not the guy's gonna stick around. I don't wanna fall in love with him. I want it to be someone I'll probably never see again."

  Sean frowned. "You sure about this?"

  I nodded as I took another sip of the vodka. "Think about it from my point of view. If I never see the guy again, I won't fall in love with him. I'll just have this wonderful memory of my first time, and that'll be that."

  "How are you going to make sure it'll be wonderful?" he asked.

  I smiled knowingly. "I'm not. You are."

  Sean frowned. "Huh?"

  I shifted on the couch, facing him. "Okay, this is what I'm thinking: You know a lot of men, right?"

  He nodded slowly. "Right..."

  "And, unless I'm wrong, guys in your field make bank. I mean, you make a lot of money, right?"

  Sean shrugged. "I do pretty well," he said.

  I smiled slowly, the idea in my head making me excited. "I wanna have an auction."

  He blinked. "A what?"

  "An auction," I repeated. "Highest bidder gets to pop me."

  Sean sat up, staring at me with an alarmed look. "Whoa, Allie, hold on a sec—"

  "No, I'm serious," I said vehemently. "I wanna do it this way. You let all the guys you work with know that my virginity is for sale, and we'll see who's got the deepest pockets."

  Sean didn't seem too thrilled by the idea. "Allie, think about this. You can't just...sell your virginity."

  "Why not?" I asked in that simple way.

  "You just...can't. I mean—"

  "Look," I said. "Every girl wants her first time to be special. I'm no different. I'm going to remember the first time I have sex for the rest of my life, so I wanna do it right." I started ticking off on my fingers. "I want champagne, roses, a nice hotel suite, a limo ride...and dinner. And then I'll do anything the guy wants, all night long."

  Sean stared at me, reading my face. "You're serious."

  I nodded firmly. "As a heart attack."

  He looked dumbfounded. " want me to set it up."

  "I'll give you twenty-five percent," I said.

  Sean looked startled. "Well...wouldn't that make me..."

  I giggled. "My pimp? Yup."

  Sean looked away, taking up his cigarettes. "I don't know."

  I snuggled close to him, licked and kissed his ear. "You can be my second," I whispered suggestively.

  Sean shuddered. His dick twitched. I reached down and stroked it, caressing his smooth balls with my fingertips.

  "I-I'll think about it," he said.

  I kissed my way down his body. "You do that," I said, and submerged his dick in my mouth, loving the feeling as it grew hard against my tongue. "Mmmm..."


  "Allie! You got another call party."

  I smiled at Brittany, the petite hostess, as I stood talking with a few of my fellow servers in the kitchen at the restaurant. "Thanks. I'll be right there."

  "Hey, what gives, Al?" asked Mike, one of the guys who had always flirted with me. He was a good-looking guy, five or six years older than me, and under any other circumstances I might have considered going out with him. "You've been getting more call parties in the last couple of weeks than anyone else gets all year."

  I shrugged innocently. "Guess people just like me," I said, and headed out to greet my new table.

  Since Sean had agreed to help me find the lucky guy to pop me, I had been getting a lot of men coming in to the restaurant, asking for me as their server. It was Sean's idea to let them know where I worked, so they could meet me and get a look at me without being obvious about it. I was nervous about it at first, but realized it was a good idea.

  Some of my 'call parties'—guests who ask for a server by name—I recognized from my Sunday afternoon blow bangs. They flirted and chatted with me, asking me questions about myself. Sean had stipulated that none of the men who came to see me would mention the auction, but it was always on their minds, I could well as on mine.

  For the duration of the bidding, I had decided not to see any of my regular tricks. I didn't even blow Sean, much as he wanted me to. I wanted to be hot as hell the night I lost my virginity. But after three weeks without dick, I was getting pretty damn itchy. I told Sean
I wanted the bidding closed soon. I was so fucking horny I couldn't stand it.

  I pranced out to the dining room, anticipating my latest admirer. I was surprised to find a table of three: an older man, tall and good-looking with bright silver hair cut short, a woman about forty or so, glamorous and elegant, and a very pretty teenage girl I figured was my age. My thought that I was meeting one of the men who were bidding to be my first faded. I figured I had a real call-party, someone I had waited on before.

  "Hi. My name's Allie, and I'll be your server tonight. Would you like to hear about our features?"

  The silver-haired man—damn, he was gorgeous! I figured his hair had started turning grey at a young age, because the rest of him didn't look that much older than Sean—gave me a soft smile, his eyes drinking me in briefly. "Hello, Allie," he said in a smooth voice. "You waited on me a couple of weeks ago, you remember?"

  The way he said that...I caught on right away. I knew I had never seen this man before in my life. I sure as hell would have remembered those dark, commanding eyes, that square jaw, that velveteen voice. But I pretended I did, realizing that this man was one of those bidding to be my first. And how deliciously naughty it was that he had brought along his wife and daughter!

  "Oh, yeah," I said, pretending to remember. "You were having a business lunch with...oh, what was his name?"

  He chuckled, crow's feet wrinkling at the corners of his eyes. "Sean Jackson," he said, then offered his hand. "And I'm Troy, in case you forgot. Troy Holloway. This is my wife, Rebecca, and my daughter, Jenny."

  "Nice to meet you," I said. Troy's wife and daughter both smiled amiably, shook my hand.

  "Troy says you give wonderful service," remarked Rebecca.

  I glanced to Troy a moment with a smile, imagining the 'service' I would love to give him. "I do my best," I said. Damn, just looking at him was making me wet. I had never met a man with such natural charisma, such charm and presence. I got the immediate impression he was used to getting what he wanted.

  And I suddenly hoped I was what he wanted.

  "So," I said buoyantly. "Are we gonna start off with some wine tonight?"

  * * *

  I made sure to take care of my other tables, but my focus was definitely on Troy while he was there. His wife was a funny, intelligent woman who asked me a lot of questions about my life. Where I had grown up, what my major was in college, stuff like that. I got the impression that Troy had brought along his family to make it easier for him to learn about me without being obvious as to why he was there. I found the whole situation delightfully kinky.

  Jenny, Troy's daughter, was a year older than me and very pretty. Hell, she was gorgeous, and I knew that most of the male servers were checking her out. She and I talked a little bit, and I got the idea that we could be friends if the opportunity came up. She was in college, too, although a year ahead of me, and we both knew some of the same professors.

  All throughout the meal, however, I caught Troy's eyes on me now and then, surreptitiously checking me out, assessing me. I flirted with him professionally, as I always did with my male guests, but all the while I was thinking, this man might actually be the one I'll be having sex with for the first time.

  And of all the men I had thus far met, Troy was the only one I truly wanted. My pussy was dripping all night as I imagined feeling him pushing inside me, taking me for the first time. I somehow knew he would make it special for me.

  Toward the end of their meal, as the restaurant was thinning out, I happened to catch Troy getting up from the table to head to the bathroom. He caught my eye, and without having to wink or nod or do anything like that, somehow indicated that I should follow. I did, eagerly, but without being too obvious.

  I met him in the little hall toward the back of the restaurant, out of sight of the other guests. He was, indeed, a tall man, a couple of inches over six feet, I guessed. In his dark slacks and pin-striped shirt, he showed off a well-toned body. My panties were soaked as I stood before him.

  "I've heard a lot about you, Allie," he said to me, smiling kindly.

  "I bet." I was captivated by his eyes. Damn, I wanted him.

  "Is everything they say true?"

  I smiled flirtatiously. "Probably."

  Troy smiled, licking his lips slowly. My legs quivered. I wanted to taste those lips so bad. I wanted to taste every inch of his body, over and over and over...

  "I know we're not supposed to talk about it," he said. "But I've always made my own rules. That's how I became so successful in business."

  I didn't doubt it. Troy was a man, I felt, who took charge, did things his own way.

  "I assume the bidding is going to close soon," he said. "I was reluctant to get involved at first, but after hearing about you, I decided to come see what all the fuss is about. I wish I had come sooner."

  I bit my lip. "Did a bid?" I asked hopefully.

  He smiled, touched my face. His hand was warm and firm. I pressed my cheek against it.

  "No," he said. "But I will, if you want me to."

  I stared into his eyes. "I want you to," I whispered.

  Troy didn't say anything more. He just smiled, took his hand away, and headed into the bathroom. And I was left so weak in the knees that I almost collapsed right there.

  * * *

  "Allie. Hey, baby, what's—"

  I cut Sean off as I paced on the back dock of the restaurant, smoking a cigarette. It had been about an hour since Troy and his family left, leaving me a fat tip. I clutched my cell close to my ear so I could hear over the drone of the air conditioning vents. "Who's Troy Holloway?" I asked.

  Sean was quiet a moment on the other end. "Troy...Holloway?" he asked carefully.

  "Yeah. Who is he?"

  "He's uh, he's the president of a technology company that's trying to buy us out. Why?"

  "He came in to see me tonight. He said he's gonna bid."

  "What? How the hell does he know about this?"

  I frowned, pulling on my cigarette. "What do you mean? You didn't send him?"

  "Of course not! Jesus Christ, if he knows..."

  "What's wrong, Sean?"

  "'What's wrong?'" he snapped. "I'll tell you what's wrong! Troy's company is trying to buy us out. It's kind of like a hostile takeover. If he knows about this...about you...he might know what's been going on every Sunday. And he might use that as leverage against us...against me."

  "Sean, calm down," I said. "I don't think it's like that."

  "Allie, honey, no offense, but you don't know that much about business. I do. Troy might be using you to take over the company. Damn it!"

  "Are you saying you're not gonna let him bid?" I asked, actually dreading the possibility.

  Sean was silent. I heard faint taping in the background. I figured he was on his computer. "No, I'm not gonna do that," he said. "That would tip him off, and it might make him mad. Hell, if he bids, then...."

  "Then what?"

  "Jesus Christ."

  "Sean, what is it?"

  "I just checked the recent bids on the bulletin board I set up on line," he explained. "The highest bid as of this morning was from Saul, for $5,150. Don't know how he would swing that. Must be taking out a loan."

  I gasped. That much? Just to fuck me?

  "But a new bid was just posted. And I mean, just now. Like...eight minutes ago."


  Sean sighed. "The user name is 'Troymyway.' Son of a bitch."

  "Sean," I said. "What's the bid?"

  He sighed again. "Twenty-five thousand dollars."

  I dropped my phone.

  * * *

  I was shaking as I left work. Sean arrived to pick me up, and said nothing as I got in the car with him. He lit a cigarette, passed it to me, and I took it with twitching fingers.

  Twenty-five thousand dollars, I thought. The amount was ridiculous. That much money? Just to have sex with a virgin? There has to be more to it tha
n that. What does Mr. Troy Holloway want from me? A sex slave? A mistress? Use me to blackmail Sean's company? What?

  I instantly had the feeling that I was involved in something way over my head.

  "He's overwhelming the competition," Sean said as he drove. His knuckles were tight as he gripped the wheel. "Troy's obviously knows who's been bidding. I don't know how he does, but he knows, and he's locking everyone else out. He knows no one can match that bid."

  "So what's gonna happen?"

  Sean gave me a dark look. "You're gonna lose your virginity to a snake, that's what's gonna happen."

  I was suddenly afraid. Troy had turned me on, and I wanted him, but now I wondered just what he wanted from me. Morbid fantasies of being a sex slave, fucking business clients as Troy watched, filled my mind. That wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want to be owned.

  "Close the bidding, Sean," I said. "Do it tonight."

  He chuckled ruefully. "That's sort of like closing the barn door after the horse got out," he said. "No one's gonna meet Troy's bid. Whatever happens now, is up to you and him."

  I swallowed nervously. What the hell have I gotten into?


  As Sean had predicted, by Monday, when the bidding officially closed, 'Troymyway's' bid remained the highest. No one had even bothered to post after seeing that astronomical sum. Sean called me that morning, as I was heading across campus to my first class.

  "It's up to you, babe," he said. "This isn't an enforceable contract, since, technically, it's prostitution. Troy can't sue you. You can take Saul's bid if you want."

  I grimaced. I liked Saul; he was a nice guy. But he sweated a lot and on the two occasions he had joined in the blow bangs, he always came too fast and took a long time to recover. I really didn't want to lose my virginity to a sweaty fat man with premature ejaculation problems.

  "But if I don't take Troy's bid..."

  Sean sighed into the phone. "An auditor arrived this morning, sent by Troy as part of his 'assessment' before the actual buyout goes official. The auditor's been looking into everyone's accounts."


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