The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3)

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The Escort Trilogy (Books 1-3) Page 9

by Ashley Love

  "Oh, Allie!" he moaned loudly, releasing the flood gates once more. I let the first shot of thick semen shoot to the back of my throat, then fell back, watching as strands of ropy semen landed upon my breasts, flat abdomen, and pussy. I giggled and cooed, staring at the spitting head of his dick. Then he moved up over me and slipped it into my mouth. I happily sucked the last bits of semen from it while Troy sighed above me.

  He finally eased out of my sticky mouth, and scooted down onto the bed beside me. Without any hesitation, he kissed me tenderly, tasting his own cream on my lips and tongue. We held each other for a while before he got up and retrieved his cigarette case from his jacket.

  We smoked, drank, talked some more. I was aware that I felt different, aside from the slightly swollen and raw feeling between my legs. But the true reality that I was no longer a virgin had not yet dawned upon me. For the moment, I was just enjoying the closeness, the intimacy, and on a level I had never experienced before.

  Passion could not be ignored for long, and after our cigarettes and some 'bubbly,' I all but attacked Troy, pushing him back on the bed amid a flurry of rose petals, and straddled him in a sixty-nine. We licked and sucked each other to the point of orgasm, then I flipped around and impaled myself on his impressive staff.

  And then, only then, did it really dawn on me that I was no longer a virgin, no longer a girl. I had a become a woman, and as a woman, I fucked Troy as hard and sure as I could until he exploded deep inside me.

  God, what sensation. The feel of his thick cream gushing and flooding into my womb, coating my walls and oozing back out around his shaft...nothing could ever compare to that feeling. I savored every moment that his ejaculating dick spent spurt after spurt of cum into my body.

  Afterward, Troy and I took a bath together, cuddling in the warm water beneath the suds. He washed my hair for me, stroked my body from head to toe. He gave me a sweet, soft orgasm as he expertly manipulated my nipples and clit while licking and kissing my ears.

  We finally went to bed, holding each other beneath the covers as amber shadows from the fireplace danced across us. I couldn't stop grinning, feeling so completely and totally satisfied as a woman. I knew I would never forget Troy, never forget the incredible passion of my first time.


  I stepped out of the limousine the following morning, tired and sore but ultimately satisfied. Carlos didn't look at me. I wondered if he was jealous or ashamed. I really didn't care. Troy walked me to my front door, kissed my fingers and then my lips.

  "I want to give you something," he said, reaching into his pocket.

  I smiled up at his face. "Oh, Troy, you've already given me what I wanted," I said.

  He smiled back, and produced a long, velvet-covered box. "I insist."

  I breathed in, then gasped when Troy showed me what was inside. A chain of white gold, adorned with a rectangular charm almost two inches long, studded with tiny diamonds and a single large blue sapphire. I didn't know what to say or do, so I remained motionless as he fastened the chain around my neck. The charm lay just above the valley of my breasts, heavy and thick.

  I looked up at him, trembling with emotion. "Th-thank you, Troy," I whispered, and wrapped my arms around him.

  He gave me a last, sweet, tender kiss before stepping away with a smile. "No," he said. "Thank you."

  I blushed, watching him turn and walk away. I called out to him just as he reached the limousine. "Troy!"

  He turned back.

  I felt my lips trembling, my body shaking. Silently, I mouthed the words: 'I love you.'

  He just smiled, and gave me a last, adoring look. Then he stepped into the limo and was gone.

  I headed inside my apartment, locking the door. My emotions welled up instantly, and I began crying. I didn't even make it to my bed, and collapsed on the couch, sobbing uncontrollably.

  * * *

  I didn't go to class the following day, and called in to the restaurant to tell them I wasn't feeling well. Shari, one of the other managers, didn't seem too happy with my excuse. Oh, well.

  Sean knocked on my door late in the afternoon, and I let him in silently. We sat on the couch for a while, smoking cigarettes. He had brought a pint of strawberry vodka, but I didn't open it. I wasn't in the mood to drink.

  "You okay?" he asked.

  "I'm fine."

  "Well, here," he said, setting a thick envelope on my coffee table. "I, uh, only took out ten percent."


  He lifted his hand to stop my protest. "Just, please."

  I nodded, resting my chin on my knees as I sat curled up. "Thanks."

  "Um...don't you wanna count it? At least look at it?" he asked.

  I sighed. "It's not about the money, Sean," I said. I smiled to myself. "It never was."

  * * *

  I didn't show up for work the following day, and ignored the phone calls that followed. Neither did I go in on Sunday. I was done with the restaurant.

  I paid my rent through the end of my lease with the money in the envelope, then headed down to a used car lot and bought my first car, a red Honda with tinted windows. I got a hell of a deal on it since I paid cash. I still had several thousand dollars left, which I put in the bank for a rainy day. I felt no immediate pressure or need to work; with what I had left, I could spend a hundred dollars a day for two full months before I ran out of money.

  I concentrated on my studies, and didn't frequent my 'boys' in the mall. I was as horny as ever, but felt that my days of sucking cocks for DVDs and bed sheets were behind me. I had graduated to the next level.

  * * *


  "Hi, Sean," I said into the phone.

  "I haven't heard from you in a while. You okay?"

  "I'm fine. Do you wanna come over?"

  He was quiet a moment. "Um...yes, but...I'm watching the kids right now."

  I smiled. "I'll pay for a babysitter," I said.

  He laughed softly. "It's not that easy," he said. "My wife's gonna be home soon—"

  "I want you."

  He didn't say anything, silence on the other line.

  "I wanna make love to you, Sean. No strings, no money. I just wanna fuck you."

  "Damn, Allie."

  "Tell your wife you're going out for ice cream," I suggested. "Then call her and say you got a flat. I want you, Sean. I want to feel you inside me."

  He sighed heavily. "I...I don't know."



  "Get over here and fuck me."

  "...Oh, God..."

  * * *

  He showed up about an hour later. Neither of us said a word. I answered the door naked, and Sean's jaw dropped upon seeing me. I pulled down his pants and started sucking on him, right there in the open doorway of my apartment. Laughing voices from the floor below brought us back to the moment, and Sean stepped inside.

  I lead Sean into my bedroom, had him lay down on the bed. We sixty-nined until we both came, and with my mouth full of his cream, I turned around and slipped my pussy down his dick. He had softened a little after his orgasm, but revived quickly enough as I made love to him. It wasn't until my pussy spasmed around his dick did I swallow his thick semen.

  Sean rolled me over and held my legs apart as he pounded my slick pussy. I gasped and moaned and cried out as I came over and over. Sean finally pulled out when he was ready to shoot, and I locked my lips around his tense cock, sucking the cum from his gushing rod and swallowing with relish.

  Sean couldn't stay, and it was just as well. I really didn't want him to. I let him shower as I sat naked on my bed, tapping my cigarette on the ashtray before me. He emerged from the bathroom and got dressed, giving me sheepish, apologetic smiles. I knew he felt differently about me now, as I felt differently about him. Where once I had loved him, now, it seemed, I just liked him.

  My love was reserved for a man I figured I would never see again. In time, I thought, I would get
over Troy, and find someone else. In time.

  But I was wrong.

  * * *

  It was a few days into March when he called me. I was at school, hanging out in the cafeteria, chatting with some of my classmates. Mya and I had become pretty good friends, now that I had the time to get to know her. Just six months older than me, Mya was a cute girl, brunette and voluptuous, with a compact body that exaggerated her curves. If ever there was a female I could be attracted to sexually, it was her.

  I excused myself when I felt the buzzing on my hip from my cell, and snatched it up, stepping away. The number was a number I didn't recognize; I thought it might have been Sean calling me. I had not heard from him in over three weeks.


  "Hello, Allie."

  I felt immediately weak in the knees at the sound of his voice. I found a bench to sit upon as I breathed into the phone. "Troy," I said.

  "How've you been?"

  "Um...good," I replied.

  "I've been thinking about you."

  My heart leapt. "You have?"

  He chuckled softly. "I went in to the restaurant to see you. They told me you no longer work there."

  "I quit," I said simply.

  "Found a better job, did you?"

  "Not really. I'm just...concentrating on school."

  Troy was quiet a moment, and I hung on breathlessly, awaiting his words. "I'd like to talk to you about something, Allie," he said at last.

  "Anything," I responded.

  "How about I pick you up this evening? We'll go see a movie, have some burgers."

  I swooned. "Anything with you, Troy," I said.

  "Be ready at six," he said. "And"


  I rushed home, showered, brushed my teeth and shaved my legs. I carefully trimmed my bush, making sure I was nice and smooth for the man I loved. I tried on numerous outfits, remembering Troy's suggestion to 'dress fun,' and finally settled on a soft pink skirt that barely covered my cheeks, and a matching top with full sleeves that I tied under my breasts. The pendant Troy had given me glittered below my neck. I decided not to wear panties this time.

  I waited for him on the curb outside my complex, ignoring the catcalls from the stupid boys in their cars. When I saw the black Mercedes with dark-tinted windows, I knew it was Troy, and all but ran to the car. He pushed open the passenger door as I neared, and smiled at me when I slid into the seat.

  "You look beautiful," he said.

  My eyes wandered over him in his grey polo and dark jeans. "You're gorgeous," I said wistfully, making no attempt to conceal my desire for him.

  He just smiled as he drove. He lit a cigarette, handed it to me, then lit one for himself. I moved closer in the seat and placed my hand on his leg. He took my hand and settled it directly on his crotch. I immediately began groping him.

  "What kind of movie would you like to see?" he asked.

  "Doesn't matter," I said, stroking and massaging him through his jeans. I could feel his dick getting hard. I wanted to rip open his pants and go down on him right there, but felt I needed his approval to do so.

  Troy slipped his arm around me, pulling me close. "Are you hungry?"

  I shuddered. "Very," I said in an almost desperate voice. I squeezed his crotch urgently.

  "Then why don't you satisfy your hunger, Allie?"

  I whimpered excitedly at receiving Troy's permission. I trembled with desire—with love!—for Troy, and tugged on his jeans. I got the button undone and jerked down his zipper. He lifted up, letting me pull the denim down.

  I sighed with passion, gazing upon my favorite cock in the whole world. Gingerly, as if I was afraid to break the thing, I took it in my hands and lightly stroked it. I caressed his smooth balls, ran my hands along his upper thighs. My mouth watered in anticipation.

  "Go ahead," he said in an impassioned voice, gently pushing me down. His dick stiffened and grew quickly under my ministrations, reaching its full length. I slid down his body, kissing him through his shirt, before gratefully taking his wonderful penis in my mouth.

  "Ohhh, yes," he sighed, stroking my hair as I bobbed in his lap. "That's a good girl. Suck it nice and soft, baby. Suck it and get your reward."

  I moaned and whimpered around his dick, lavishing it with all the attention and skill I had to give. I pushed his delicious cock all the way down my throat, reveling in the feeling of taking him so deep. I held him there as long as I could, letting my esophageal muscles work on him. Troy gasped and massaged my scalp. I was, indeed, his 'good girl.'

  When I felt that he was ready to cum, I slipped up and sucked hard on just the head while stroking the slick shaft with my hand. Troy barely grunted when he ejaculated, but I didn't need to hear shouts and cries to know he was enjoying the pleasure of cumming in my mouth. I sucked out every drop of his wonderful cream, nursed his dick as it softened. I kissed and licked it tenderly once he was spent, then sat up, keeping his load in my mouth.

  I realized Troy had parked in the lot of a theater not far from my apartment. There were people outside the car, some of them trying to look in through the dark-tinted windows. I looked at him, smiling with his semen in my mouth. He produced a linen handkerchief, dabbed my lips.

  "Let me see," he said.

  Staring into his eyes, I opened my mouth and showed him his own swirling cum. Troy smiled, then gently closed my jaw.

  "Don't swallow it," he said. "Not yet."

  I just nodded, enjoying how kinky my man was. He tucked his dick away and zipped up, then opened the door. He came around and let me out, taking my hand as I stepped from the car. Keeping my lips pursed, Troy's heavenly load sloshing across my tongue, I held his hand as we walked across the parking lot. Eyes were on us, wondering and curious. I felt immensely proud to be with Troy.

  "Action all right?" he asked me once we got to the window.

  "Mm-hmm," I responded, unable to speak.

  Troy purchased two tickets for us, then lead me inside to the concessions stand. "Would you like a soda?" he asked.

  I just nodded and indicated the Diet Coke dispenser on the fountain.


  I nodded again, and pointed to a bag of peanut M&Ms. Troy gave me an amused smile. It turned him on, I knew, that I still had his thick semen in my mouth. It turned me on, too. I loved the way it mixed with my saliva and changed in texture.

  With our drinks and snacks, Troy and I headed to the theater. We passed dozens of people, and I recognized a few faces from class. They waved and said hello. I could only wave back. They gave me curious looks, checking out Troy. I could tell some of the girls were jealous.

  Troy and I sat down and he held me as the previews began. As the theater grew dark, he slipped up my skirt and pushed my legs apart. I stiffened, startled at being so exposed. I didn't dare look around to see if anyone was watching. I just kept my eyes on him as he stroked my slick lips and the stiff button of my clitoris.

  "Spit some of it out, Allie," he whispered in my ear. "Right on your pussy. Then you can swallow the rest."

  I quivered at the kinky thought, and rolled up, positioning my face right above my pussy. I pushed out some of the fluid in my mouth, watching a long, thick glob of cum, glimmering in the light from the screen, ooze down toward it. It broke about halfway down and splattered right on my clit. I swallowed the rest with a sigh, breathing out. I leaned back against Troy, keeping my legs spread for him.

  "Oh, God, Troy," I sighed.

  "You're a delightful woman, Allie," said Troy. "Go on, rub it in."

  Eagerly, I massaged my pussy, smearing in Troy's cum, making my lips and pubic mound shine. My little strip of hair was dark and matted by the time I was done. My lips were puffy, my clitoris swollen and protruding. Troy moved my hand away, replacing it with his own.

  All throughout the movie, Troy kept his hand on my pussy, stroking my lips, rubbing my clit, keeping my arousal constantly heightened. Now and then, peop
le would pass in the aisle and do a double-take, seeing me with my legs so openly spread and an older man fingering me. They gasped and blushed. Their reactions turned me on even more.

  I have no idea what the movie was about. I remember a few scenes, but the most important scene of all was happening between my legs. Troy finally made me cum after more than an hour of sweet torture, and I bit into his arm, muffling my gasps and moans as I spurted all over his hand. He kissed me lovingly, then lifted his hand and bade me to suck all my own cream off his fingers. I did so eagerly, glazing my lips with my fluid. Troy told me to leave them wet.

  I never realized just how kinky one man could be, and how readily I accommodated him. I was conscious of the fact that I was the mistress, the 'other woman,' but that didn't stop me from being madly in love with this man. Anything he wanted me to do, I would, and I told him so.

  "Do you mean that?" he asked as we headed back to his car.

  I squeezed his hand. "Anything, Troy," I insisted. "I'll do anything you want. I love you."

  He smiled, a sort of condescending smile, but one that showed he was touched by my proclamation. "Be careful what you say," he said. "Those can be dangerous words."

  "But it's how I feel. Maybe I really don't know you that well, but I know I'm in love with you."

  "Even though we can never have a life together?"

  Strangely enough, his words did not bother me. The idea of never being his wife, never wearing his ring, never having his children, was not distressing. I understood, somehow, that such a relationship would compromise my love. "What matters is right now," I said.

  "Indeed," he replied.


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