Captain of Industry

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Captain of Industry Page 30

by Karin Kallmaker

  Suzanne burst out laughing all over again. “It did not hurt me in the least.” She closed her eyes and listened to the rise and fall of Jennifer’s voice as she chatted with Gail. It held no bitter notes, no anxious undertones or looming shadows.

  A while later the kids were both reluctantly pulled out of the pool, and sat drying wrapped in towels, eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

  Even as Suzanne thought she ought to retrieve her phone and check the time, the anxious party planner, who had proven to be once again very good at her job, appeared with her tablet. “I’m sorry, but you all need to start getting dressed or the press conference won’t start on time and that will push back the dinner service. I’m leaving for the hotel now.”

  Lena got to her feet and settled a towel around her neck. “It was too good to last.”

  “Time for sea monsters to get dressed,” Hyde informed the kids. “If you’re quick about it there’ll be time to look at Suzanne and Jennifer’s new Lego room.” Hyde lumbered toward the house with a giggling daughter on each hip.

  “I’ll be ready in time,” her father called from the pool. He began a lazy last lap now that the water had settled.

  They were alone in their bedroom when Jennifer observed, “Lena likes you better than she ever liked me. What were you two conspiring about?”

  “We were just talking shop. You know, I just realized you’re going to be the first character played by an out lesbian who’s an action figure. I think you’re the first anyway. I could look it up.”

  Jennifer slipped out of her bikini. “Later. We need to get in the shower. A gaggle of entertainment reporters and media watchdogs want news, sure, and they want their dinner.” She quickly opened and closed drawers in the large bureau and a small pile of undergarments and hose quickly formed on the bed. “Trust me, though. If the bar opens late it’ll turn ugly. So get naked, Geek Girl.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Suzanne followed Jennifer’s every move with her eyes. A deep ache of pleasure made it hard to breathe. In moments like these Jennifer was simply…Jennifer. With practiced competence she twisted her long hair into a knot on the top of her head, used duck pins to hold it in place and walked into the shower—and she made it all look like a dance.

  One of the joys of being home at the same time was taking showers together. There was enough room in there to reenact Gene Kelly’s splash dance in Singin’ in the Rain, though that wasn’t the kind of dancing she had in mind.

  Jennifer had just finished lathering her skin. She pointed a warning finger at Suzanne. “I can’t get my hair wet. I don’t have time to dry it.”

  Suzanne gestured at the other end of the enclosure. “I’ll shower over here then.”

  “Don’t you dare. I’ve been gone for four days.”

  With a fond laugh and a sigh of pleasure, she spooned behind Jennifer under the hot water, wishing they had all afternoon. Her hands roamed up Jennifer’s slick body to cup her breasts. “I can’t help it if things get a little damp.”

  Jennifer steadied herself with a hand on the nearest wall. “That’s cheating.”

  “We don’t have time for all the ideas I have.” She turned Jennifer to face her and pushed her back against the cool slate.

  Jennifer used one muscled leg to pull Suzanne even closer. “Just what did you have in mind?”

  “This.” Her fingertips teased along the crease of Jennifer’s thigh.

  A soft sigh in her ear encouraged her as did the way Jennifer wound her fingers into her hair.

  “Something to tide us over,” Suzanne whispered and they moved together until both of them were shaky and pleased.

  Jennifer buried her face in Suzanne’s neck. “I can’t believe my heart can hold all of this.”

  Suzanne rocked her close, happy to be breathing and holding Jennifer in her arms. “You’re amazing. We’re amazing together.”

  With a sigh of regret Suzanne found gratifying, Jennifer pushed her away. “We’re going to have to speed it up or we’ll be late.” Jennifer toweled herself mostly dry then disappeared into the depths of their closet. She called out, “Which little black dress works for a press conference and handing some deserving women envelopes with checks?”

  “I’m sure you’ll pick something outstanding.”

  “You’re wearing the new Armani, aren’t you? Can I pick your tie?”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  When Jennifer emerged with a dress over one arm and a silk tie dangling from her fingers, she finally spotted the bow-topped box in the middle of her dressing table. “What’s that?” she asked warily as she draped the clothes across the foot of the bed.

  “A present. I’m buying your affection.”

  Jennifer said, “We really don’t have time,” even as she picked up the small box with the Lego logo. “I already have a Rey Star Wars figure.”

  “I know.”

  Jennifer’s look was appropriately suspicious. She upended the box over the bed and a Tiffany’s bird’s-egg blue ring box tumbled out. “You’re so sneaky.”

  “I just thought we should make it more official than a twist tie.”

  They both glanced at the lampshade on Jennifer’s side of the bed where the silver bracelet and twist tie ring dangled together.

  “Okay,” she said softly.

  Suzanne slipped her arm around Jennifer’s waist as she opened the box.

  A trillion-cut rose diamond centered in a band of glittering smaller white diamonds set in platinum. To Suzanne the sparkle, elegance and strength represented everything that was Jennifer. “I hope you like it.”

  Jennifer gazed at for several moments before throwing her arms around Suzanne for an exuberant kiss. “It’s beautiful!”

  “I was hoping it was simple enough. Not…not like a costume.”

  “It’s perfect, you’re right. I could wear it most of the time, except on camera.” Jennifer’s eyes glittered with tears she blinked away. She tilted the ring into a sunbeam, casting prisms of rainbow light across her own face and the ceiling above her. “Truly beautiful.”

  “I’m so glad you like it.” Suzanne finally relaxed. She’d carefully studied Jennifer’s jewelry and taken notice of what Jennifer chose to wear when it wasn’t for a public occasion.

  “You’re right of course.” Her voice took on a slightly mocking tone. “You and Annemarie and Selena are making speeches about supporting projects that pledge fifty percent participation by women. When Hyde and I make our little speech it would be nice to flash your ring at the world. But I’m not putting it on.”

  She’d relaxed too soon. What had she missed? “Why?”

  Jennifer took a step back. With her hair still piled on top of her head and her body wrapped only in a towel, she put the box in Suzanne’s hand and arched an elegant, meaningful eyebrow.

  Somebody had to do the asking. Suzanne didn’t hesitate to kneel.

  “Jennifer Lamont, will you marry me?”

  “Yes.” Jennifer’s lips curved into a full smile. “I suppose I should admit that you beat me to it. Your ring isn’t ready until next week.”

  A wave of pleasure filled Suzanne so completely that she had to resist the urge to cry. “I look forward to it.”

  The ring fit Jennifer’s finger better than the twist tie. Suzanne kissed it and then Jennifer’s palm. “Let’s go change the world.”

  “I think we should get dressed first.”


  The End

  Bella Books, Inc.

  Women. Books. Even Better Together.

  P.O. Box 10543

  Tallahassee, FL 32302

  Phone: 800-729-4992



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