Merry Mitchell (Mitchell/Healy Family #3.5)

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Merry Mitchell (Mitchell/Healy Family #3.5) Page 6

by Jennifer Foor

  I made the carriage that you’re riding on, and when the ride is over, we’ll keep it around in the yard, or wherever you want to put it. I don’t’ care if you doll it up with your crazy glitter décor, just as long as when you look at it you think of our special day.

  I love you, and if I could I’d give you the world.

  I’ll be seeing you soon.

  All my love,



  I was wondering if you’d join me and my family in the big red barn, because on this very Christmas Eve we’re going to tie the knot, in front of everyone we know and love. I’ll be waiting.

  When his father saw me tucking the note back in the envelope he snickered. “We’re almost there, darlin’. You okay?”

  “Am I dreaming?”

  “Well, it does take a lot for me to put on a suit, but no, you’re not dreamin’. My son’s in that barn waitin’ on you. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d love to be able to walk you to him.”

  I reached over and hugged Noah’s father. “Thank you for this, for everything.”

  He patted me on the back. “Don’t you even worry about it. You’re already a part of this family.”

  I don’t know what made me do it, or why I couldn’t wait to tell Noah. It just came right out of my mouth. “You’re going to be a grandfather.”

  The man who I was about to call my father-in-law backed away. I watched his eyes gloss over as a smile as big as the horizon filled his face. “Does Noah know?”

  I shook my head. “I was going to tell him tonight. I just…I just wanted you to know.”

  He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “We’ll just keep this between us until you tell Noah. I’ve got to say, it’s the best Christmas gift I think I’ve ever received. I’m sure my wife’s goin’ to say the same thing, after she hugs you to death.”

  We stood in front of the large red barn doors and that’s when it all hit me. “This is where you were married, isn’t it?”

  He held out his arm for me take. “Yep, it sure is. Now I get to watch my son do it. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect location if I didn’t pick it out myself.”

  I faced forward as we opened the doors together, getting our first glimpse of everyone inside waiting.

  I couldn’t contain my emotions as we walked through the threshold. Seated all around the room was the entire family. They stood up to welcome us inside. Straight ahead, standing in a tuxedo, looking more handsome than I’d ever seen, was my beautiful future husband. I almost let go of his father’s arm and ran full-force toward him. This gift, this beautiful surprise was more than I could have ever dreamed. It wasn’t just perfect, it was magical.

  From the lighting, to the music, from the tables to the linens, he’d gotten everything right. The flowers were the ones I’d picked out, and in the far corner was the cake that we’d driven a whole day in order to sample it in person.

  His sisters, so beautiful in their matching dresses, stood next to their brother. He’d gotten every detail right.

  As I continued walking it all hit me. I was about to marry the man of my dreams, the father of my unborn child. With shaking hands I reached out and found his. In his eyes were happy tears, as I continued to fight my own.

  “Hey, darlin’. I’m glad you could make it. I was sweatin’ bullets for a while.”

  “I can’t believe you did this for me.”

  “I did this for us. I knew you wanted everyone to be here, and so with a little help I made it happen.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Everyone got quiet as soon as the music stopped playing. The pastor from our church came out of the audience and stood before us. In the next fifteen minutes we recited our vows to each other, promising love, faithfulness, and a lifetime of being together. I never took my eyes off of Noah, and neither did he with mine.

  We exchanged rings that we’d bought a year before, but never been able to use.

  Then we kissed, and it wasn’t like those kisses that you see in the movies. It was long, messy, and probably way too erotic for the poor pastor’s eyes, not that we paid any attention. This was the happiest moment of my life.

  I’d had a number one hit single, and not felt this kind of euphoria. There was only one thing missing that could make it even better.

  After pronouncing us man and wife, and everyone watching our seductive kiss unfold I took the microphone with one hand, and held on tight to my husband with the other. “Thank you all for this. I’ll never be able to say how grateful I am to all of you. I love you, and I’m happy to be a Mitchell. Now, before we get this party started, I have something I want to give to Noah and all of you for Christmas. You see, I’ve had a secret for a while now,” I heard his mother gasp, because she must have already guessed it. “Noah,” I looked him right in those gorgeous green eyes. “You’re going to be a daddy.”

  The pastor leaned forward. “It must have been from all that kissing.”

  Noah laughed, but I felt embarrassed, only for a second, until the whole family came up to congratulate us.

  It was surreal. Every intimate detail of our perfect wedding was absolutely remarkable. He’d even convinced my agent and managers to come out on Christmas Eve to celebrate. They’d all kept it a secret from me.

  It took us a long time before we could be alone. The sun had set, and the night sky full of stars shined down over us. The music was loud inside of the barn, but all I could hear was my own beating heart. “I don’t know what to say to this.”

  “Were you pregnant this whole time? Since Thanksgiving?”

  I worried that he’d be mad, but nodded anyway. I didn’t want our marriage starting out with a lie before the reception ended. “Please don’t be mad. I needed to wait until I had everything in order.”

  “In order?”

  “Noah, I canceled the tour. I’m goin’ to still write and record, but I’m getting out of my contract. I love to sing, and perform, but not as much as I love being with you. This baby helped me see that. It’s time I learned how to be a wife, and how to cook, because clearly we can’t keep eating at your parents every night.”

  He chuckled and leaned forward to kiss me. “I don’t think my mom would mind.”

  “So you’re not mad?”

  “Shalan, not only did you marry me, but you’ve just given me the best present a man could ask for. I ain’t mad.”

  “Merry Christmas, Noah.”

  “Merry Christmas, darlin.”

  Chapter 10


  Waking up on Christmas day next to my wife was a gift in itself. Placing my hand on her stomach and knowing that a part of me was growing inside of her was a blessing. I’d never in my life felt happier, and I knew we had so much to be thankful for.

  It was a Mitchell family tradition to have pancakes at my Gram’s house. After cuddling half the morning away, we got up and dressed to see the family. For once I didn’t care about opening gifts or watching football with the guys. All I wanted to do was crawl back in bed with my wife and talk about everything that life had in store for us.

  Breakfast was chaotic, although I think Shalan enjoyed that about our family. Her smile lit up the room, and everyone was so busy talking about the baby that I hardly got a word in edgewise.

  I couldn’t stop looking at her, wondering if our child would have her features or mine. As long as he or she was healthy I’d be okay, and even if something was wrong, I knew we’d do whatever that child needed.

  This was what my father wanted me to see about staying on the ranch. It was this kind of fulfillment that I couldn’t get anywhere else.

  I looked around the room at my family.

  My sister Christian was in love. It was hard to imagine what she’d been through not so long ago. Addison, our youngest sibling had enrolled in art classes, and had also been clean for almost three months. She had a long road ahead of her, but we’d help her.

  Bells and Rusty were already
talking about having another child. My only regret was that they lived so far away.

  Even my aunts and uncles, and all of my cousins seemed to be enthralled with contentment, with the exception of Jake. He stood in the corner alone, with a plate in his hand. I couldn’t understand why he was so bitter, but knew he clearly needed to get something off of his chest.

  I pulled him outside where no one else could hear us. “Dude, what’s up with you?”

  “You promise you won’t say anything to my brother? I mean it, Noah. This stays between us. No pranks or jokes. This is for real.”

  I held out my hand. “It’s Christmas. You have my word, Jake. Did you do something wrong? Are you in trouble.”

  He looked down at the ground, and I could tell this was serious. “It’s about my brother, well indirectly. You know that girl he brought; the chick, Reese, that he says is the one?”

  I nodded. “Does she have a kid? Is she married or somethin?” It was obvious he had a problem with her, and clearly it would have to be something Jax didn’t know.

  “I’m in love with her.” He looked right into my eyes after he’d said it. “I’m tryin’ real hard to keep my distance, but it’s not helping. How am I supposed to watch them together when I want it to be me?”

  I didn’t know how to answer. “Jesus, Jake. I don’t know. He’s your brother. You can’t…It’s not like you don’t have to see him. You two do everything together. You’ve got to figure this out. It can’t come between you. No matter what.”

  Jake nodded. “I think I just needed to tell someone. I’ll be alright. I’ll keep being a dick so she hates me. It’s the only way. I’d never intentionally hurt Jax. You know that.”

  “Yeah, I know, cuz. It’ll be okay. You’ll get past it.” I didn’t know if that was the truth, but I had to at least make him feel better. My cousin was in love with his twin brother’s girl. He clearly wasn’t having a good Christmas.

  Once I went back inside I found my bride talking to my Gram, and my other grandmother. They were all smiles as they discussed me as a small boy. Shalan was glowing. I winked to let her know I was watching. She blew me a kiss, making me wish we were back in that bed.

  Later on, when we were heading back to our house, I pulled her close to me. “We haven’t talked about honeymoons. Is there any place you’d like to go?”

  She pointed to the woods in the direction of our house. “I’d like to be locked up in a large cabin for the next few weeks. Do you think we could arrange that, Mr. Mitchell?”

  “Oh yeah, I think we can, Mrs. Mitchell.”

  The End

  Merry Christmas from the Mitchell-Healy’s and have a very Happy New Year.

  Look For The DOUBLE Release of Jake and Jax on February 8th.





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