Trigger (Origin Book 1)

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Trigger (Origin Book 1) Page 3

by Scarlett Dawn

  “Quit teasing, Godric,” I panted.

  His lips curved against my intimate flesh.

  My body bowed hard off the bed, his mouth sucking fiercely on my clit and two of his fingers spearing up into my vaginal opening. The world ceased to exist, all noise disappeared as fire shot through my system, igniting pleasure in every cell of my body. My entire being shook as wave after wave of bliss pulled me under into the most enjoyable sated warmth.

  My eyes opened wide when he abruptly lifted my body, as if I weighed nothing, and bashed my back against his headboard. I opened my mouth on a keening cry as he drove his cock—his thick and long as hell cock—up into my tight core. One thrust. Two. Three, and he was totally seated inside me.

  He tensed to move, holding me close.

  I smacked at his shoulder. And with a rapid breath, I sputtered, “Just a second. Wait, wait!”

  Golden eyes full of lust pinned me in place—not like his huge cock wasn’t already. All of his beautiful muscles froze, barely constraining his need to keep going.

  His nostrils flared, and he hissed as he said, “Are you shitting me, pet?”

  I blinked my gaze of desire and shook my head quickly. I whispered as quietly as I could, “I’m not stopping-stopping you.” I jerked my head toward his door behind him, sensual sweat causing our bodies to slide against each other. A small amount of light from the hallway was peeking inside his room from the ajar door. “Your door is cracked open.”


  His striking eyes narrowed.

  I froze like a mouse hunted by a cat.

  Whoever had opened his door…

  Well, I was glad I wasn’t that person.

  He turned his head to the side, and barked, “What the fuck do you want, Jonathan?”

  A throat cleared from outside. “Sir, we’ve been informed your meeting is finally scheduled; it’s in five minutes.”

  Godric kept his attention turned to the side, glaring at the wall—no longer at me. He ground his teeth together even as his gripping arms around my legs pulled me closer, his cock pushing deeper into my channel. “Tell that goddamn asshole he can wait. And shut my door. Now.”

  I bit my bottom lip to keep from moaning in pleasure. His cock was just the right size that the sensation was between pleasure and pain. Perfectly proportioned for my body.

  Jonathan argued, “Sir, he stated—”

  “I don’t give two fucks what he said.” Godric shouted, “Shut my damn door. Or I will bury your furry, motherfucking, unloyal, shit-for-brains ass so far in the ocean, no one will ever find you!”

  The door clicked shut—quickly.

  I blinked a few times at his profile and attempted to lighten the mood. “How do you know he has a furry ass?”

  “I’ve seen his stupid butt naked more times than I can count,” he growled—and I wasn’t going to ask. Then his eyes focused on mine, and his lips landed hard on my mouth. This corporate rich man owned the kiss. He deflected and countered, dominating every move when I tried to take over. When he breathed, I breathed.

  It was the best kiss of my life.

  My moan was soft and fulfilled.

  He pulled back, just to kiss my lips softly.

  My lips curled in yearning. “I like that.”

  He hummed and nipped my bottom lip.

  Not gently. And I liked that too.

  Godric was a man of contradictions.

  His hips pulled back and rammed into me hard enough that I jerked at the loud crash of the headboard. The wood holding it together had cracked somewhere. I was sure of that. With each thrust of his hips, his glorious cock sliding in my wet channel, the frame of the bed splintered. And it didn’t stop him. Or me.

  I ground against him just as hard as he slammed into me, each of us feeding on pleasure alone. My hands gripped his hair again and tugged his face back down to mine. And this time, I kissed the living shit out of him, our tongues rubbing just as scandalously as our bodies were.

  The grooves of the headboard jabbed into my butt and my shoulder blades with each shove, and it only added to the delight of the hard sex he gave. I twirled my fingers in his hair and then yanked his head back in a sharp movement. He groaned in pleasure, the muscles in his neck showing in stark relief. I leaned forward and licked at them, tasting the sweat that glistened on his skin. Damn if he didn’t taste just like he smelled—wild spice and cherries.

  Godric growled low in his throat when I gently bit the side of his neck. “Do that again. Harder.”

  I sank my teeth in with a decent hold and released his hair to hug him close around his neck. He pounded into me more brutally, and I screamed against his skin. I released my bite to tip my head back and close my eyes, shouting, “Yes, yes, yes. Right there, Godric. Right there.”

  My hearing died a blissful death as I went over the edge and my hands flew up to the headboard to press my body harder against his. His fingers dug into my hips as my legs quivered against his sides, holding me steady for his continual onslaught of wild plunges. He was in complete control of my body as he dove into his own ecstasy, his roar against my shoulder the only sound I could hear floating in shocking heat as I was.

  But he wasn’t done. His cock remained hard inside of me even after coming with such force that I shivered in the afterglow. Godric pulled his cock out of my core and arranged me on my hands and knees in the center of his bed. With one of his forearms to my back, I lowered my shoulders to the mattress. He grabbed my hands and pulled them behind my back, holding both my small wrists in one of his hands. His other palm grabbed my shoulder right as he pushed his cock back into my still spasming core.

  “Oh, fuck me,” I babbled in pleasure.

  “That’s the plan,” he said with a groan. He retreated and then shoved his hips back between my legs, his cock pressing like a dream inside my pussy. “I’m going to really fuck you now.”

  I tipped my forehead against the mattress staring down my body to his legs. “That wasn’t fucking before?”

  “I was being gentle.”

  I groaned. “Oh, fuck me.”

  “Yes, we’ve already gone over that.”

  Godric proceeded to show me just how gentle he had been before. With each new thrust of his hips, my shoulders slammed down into the bed. I opened my mouth and bit the comforter to muffle every scream of pleasure.

  It didn’t help.

  I spat the material out, clenched my hands into fists inside his restraining hold, and chanted his name like he was a god. But I wasn’t completely ashamed—his own chorus of shouts and roars boomed through the night right along with mine. With one smooth move, he tugged on my wrists, yanking my back up against his chest. The bed spun for a moment as dizziness took hold, but he released my wrists and gripped me around my waist with one muscled arm, his constant thrusts never ending.

  Godric’s fingers grazed my neck as he brushed my hair from my shoulder. His lips kissed and caressed from my ear down my sensitive neck, licking away my own sweat. He growled deep inside his chest, opened his mouth wide…

  And he bit me.

  His teeth sank into the soft spot between my neck and my shoulder. I bowed against his body, but his arm around my stomach rose, and he restrained my body effectively. My head fell back against his shoulder as I shouted in pained ecstasy, my mind shattering into the heavens as a climax hit so hard that I lost my breath.

  Time…just gone. Poof.

  Tiny blood drops trickled down my chest from his savage bite, and he came so furiously, I was sure the entire base heard his deep bellow. His cock pumped deep inside my channel, filling me once again with his heated cum. The body pressed against mine shook in the profound glory of carnal joy only mind-blowing sex affords.

  As one, we slumped forward onto the mattress.


  Godric’s lips curved against my back. “You’re still shaking.”

  The side of my damp face was smashed against his comforter. I mumbled, “So are you, big man.”<
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  He chuckled quietly, his accent so delicious. “Big man?”

  “It’s better than what you called me.”

  “Pet isn’t bad.” He opened his mouth and licked along my spine. “I like petting you.”

  His fingers fluttered over my ass and then lower until he was cupping my core. He rubbed softly back and forth to prove his point.

  I moaned. “Okay. Pet is good.”

  The softest lips pressed against my shoulder as he spoke, muffling his words. “I thought so.”

  My eyes closed in giddiness when he touched my clit with a gentle finger. “Again?”

  “Yes, again.” His cock was already hard on my leg that he rested on. “Or are you too sore—”

  His door swung open once more. Just a crack.

  “Sir…,” Jonathan muttered with exasperation from outside in the hallway. “You are now over an hour late to the meeting.”

  Godric groaned and banged his forehead against my back. He growled in protest. “That bastard made me wait.”

  “And now you’ve made him wait.”

  My lips trembled in humor.

  Jonathan had some balls. Too furry or not.

  “Fine. She needs to leave soon anyway,” Godric groaned and licked up my spine again. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  Jonathan cleared his throat. “Thank you. I’m sure the men would like to go to bed at some point tonight.”

  Godric glanced up. “Jonathan.”

  Innocence spoke from afar. “Yes, sir?”

  “Shut. The. Door.”

  The door shut—hard.

  “Asshole,” Godric muttered.

  I rolled over under him and peered up into the most striking eyes. I smiled with true delight. “Well, big man, it’s been fun.”

  “It has.” His head tilted and his tawny curls ran over his shoulder. “I’d like to see you again. Would you consider taking a vacation to New City soon? I could come here, but it would be with all the guards.”

  I lifted my left hand and ran the pads of my fingers over his shoulder, his tan skin like silk, absently twirling his hair around my fingers. After a moment of thought, I decided to tell the truth.

  “I’m going to New City tonight.”

  He was corporate. That was where the top corporations were headquartered. Essentially, I was telling him that I wouldn’t mind seeing him again, too. This test drive had been a success in my book.

  His brows rose, but he didn’t comment on my destination. He merely lifted my arm with my silver bracelet and touched his bracelet against mine, stating loudly for his device, “Order: exchange number. Name: Poppy Bree.”

  Golden eyes flicked to mine, waiting for me.

  I paused a second, making him wait before I spoke loudly, “Order: exchange number. Name: Godric Leon.”

  Our bracelets shone white for a moment, the information transferring. We lowered our arms when it was done, the glow diminished.

  Godric leaned down and kissed my cheek with soft lips and brushed his fingers gently over the bruises on my wrists caused by his earlier restraining hold, a tender but silent apology. Then he shoved off the bed and grabbed his suit pants from the floor. I rolled on my side and watched as he stuffed his legs into them, zipping and buttoning.

  He marched to the door and glanced at me. The man didn’t put on a shirt or shoes. Just his pants, his toes even showing. With his hair still askew from my fingers, he flicked a finger at me. “Cover up.”

  I raised a brow at the demand, but I had already been grabbing for the edge of the blanket. I wasn’t keen on his entire guard seeing me naked and freshly fucked. I tucked it over my shoulder and dug my feet down into the soft blanket.

  He finally nodded, done evaluating that I was covered to his liking. Silly man. If we were going to see each other at a later date, he would learn that I didn’t take orders all that well. That only worked in the bedroom with long bouts of sex included.

  With his right hand on the doorknob, he stated, “I’ll leave a few guards outside the door for you. They’ll make sure you make it to your quarters safely.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but he had already turned away and slipped out the door. I hadn’t even needed to cover up. The man had skated out, barely opening the door.

  Jonathan grumbled, “You can’t be serious, sir.”

  “It’s the middle of the night. If he can dare to make me wait this long, then he can see me straight out of bed,” Godric disputed with heat, his tone business-pissed. He swiftly shut the door behind him, blocking out any further argument between the two.

  I stretched underneath the blanket and debated taking a quick nap, but with a glimpse at the clock—almost two o’clock in the morning—I decided against it. My train was leaving at four, only two hours away. I groaned as I rolled out of bed, my body aching in all the wonderful places it should after a delectable night with a man who knew what he was doing.

  I dressed and entered the bathroom to use the facilities. But my reflection gave me pause in the mirror. My white t-shirt was stained red in sporadic blotches near my neck. I pulled it away carefully to examine the damage.

  My nose scrunched at the view.

  Godric had really bitten me.

  It was probably going to scar where each of his blunt teeth had sunk in. I groaned and used a washcloth to delicately dab away any remaining blood. But my shirt was no good. Any of the personnel here would take notice and inform my father. That would not be wise with my current plans.

  I exited the bathroom and examined the plush bedroom. I had been in this one before, escaping to these rooms from time to time for solitude. I knew the VIP section just as well as I knew my own. And since Godric had ruined my shirt, he now owed me one.

  I rifled through his luggage and found a gray sweater that wouldn’t catch anyone’s attention. I pulled it on over my head and pushed the sleeves up on my arms. It was big, but I occasionally wore my clothing large for comfort.

  The weapon he had left caught my attention as I stuffed my hair up into my ball cap. My eyes flew over the weird object. There was a black handle, and then it curved in a ninety-degree angle with a silver barrel that was the same length as the handle. His warning ‘not to touch’ didn’t bother me. I picked it up gently from the bedside table and turned it over in my hands. It was heavier than a knife.

  I lifted the end of the barrel close to my right eye and shut my left. But I couldn’t see anything down the small hole. There was no blade inside it. I sniffed at it, but there wasn’t a smell, no poisons inside. My brows furrowed as I sat it back down.

  No wonder he’d left it behind. It was useless.

  I shook my head and walked to the door, picking up my own blades and strapping them to my legs as I went. Now, these were good weapons. Anyone who wanted to stay alive in this broken section of the world knew how to use a knife. If you had the money to train, you would know how to use a sword. And if you had even more money to train with the best around the world, you didn’t use any weapons. Your hands and feet would work just fine to subdue an attacker—or more.

  I peeked through the peephole of the door.

  The four guards Godric had left behind definitely had pretty and deadly swords, just like the others had. The metal blades gleamed under the lighting outside, allowing me to see them easily in their black uniforms. I stepped away from the door.

  I couldn’t go that way.

  They couldn’t follow me.

  The only other way out was a tight squeeze. But I was little. I wiggled my shoulders and went back into the bathroom and straight to the toilet. There was a small break in the wall where the corners met. I ran my fingers along it until I found the hidden latch. The housekeepers would use these hidden doors back before the base upgraded with electronic entry doors. Visitors were always losing their keys back then.

  I slipped into the small hidden walkway and shut the hidden door without a squeak. I paid attention to where I was walking in the complete darkness, afraid I would trip.
It was my head that jarred back when I rammed into a small area where the ceiling dipped down.

  “Dammit.” I rubbed at my forehead.

  After three minutes of walking in pitch black, I placed my right hand on the wall and slowed my pace. I was far enough away now that Godric’s guards would be a few hallways over. The tips of my fingers brushed dust until they dipped the smallest bit into the wall.

  I stopped and turned, walking my hands up and down the wall until I found another latch. With a little muscle, I pulled the door open and snuck inside silently. I listened in the dark of a different bathroom.

  The room was empty, no VIPs in this one.

  I grinned and shut the hidden door as I strolled out of the quarters with no guards to follow me. Success.


  I yawned behind a fist while making my way through the base. I’d walked the halls of the VIP area without seeing any of the Liberated Army, my father’s foot soldiers. There were many bases all over the world for the LA, but this was the home base for their General—and me, his child.

  The main section came up quickly, and I checked my bracelet again. I’d only wasted twenty minutes eluding Godric’s guards in the hidden passageways. I had plenty of time to take a shower before leaving the base.

  I lifted my head to watch where I was walking, lest I fall on my face, which had occurred more times than I liked to admit. My steps faltered though when I saw what was straight ahead a few more feet. It was a conference room my father typically used to intimidate, where plenty of LA soldiers walked by in their menacing red uniforms, showcasing the power my father had.

  I stopped completely when I saw who was inside.

  My father was there, and he had taken notice of me through the glass barrier. He had twenty soldiers lined up along the walls on his side of the table, and a few others were sitting next to him.


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