—and family life with Else and children: in Graz, 505–506; in Hamburg, 391–392, 394–395, 399, 429–430, 431, 500; on vacation in the Ramsau, 516, 529, 533–534; on vacation at Stolzalpe, 511–512
—health problems of, 175–176, 371; heart ailment diagnosed, 327, 341, 601; on the Vorexpedition, 568
—intellectual influences on: Wilhelm Bölsche, 50; Houston Stuart Chamberlain, 49; Charles Darwin, 49, 50; Wilhelm Förster, 52; Ernst Haeckel, 51; Friedrich Paulsen, 46–48; Max Planck, 53–54, 237
—military service: brief assignment to Estonia, 379; in Bulgaria, 371–374, 378; in combat, 324–327; as director of the Domestic Weather Service, 364–365, 371; as field weather officer in Mülhausen, 346–347, 352–353, 354; home on leave from, 377–378; initial training, 38–42; in the reserves, 51–52, 181, 230; training required of, 320; wounds suffered in, 324–325, 326–327
—as photographer: on the Danmark Expedition, 102, 104, 125, 127, 136, 138, 139, 141, 147, 152; on the Greenland expedition (1912–1913), 300; on a sea voyage across the Atlantic, 464
—polar expeditions of: as dogsled driver, 115–116; Else’s concerns about, 540; frostbite suffered during, 114, 133–134; injuries suffered during, 294–295, 296; meteorological data accumulated from, 162–167; Wegener’s early interest in, 57; and plans for a second expedition to Greenland, 220–221, 224–225, 232, 249–250. See also Danmark Expedition; Greenland expedition (1912–1913); Greenland expedition (1930–1931); Vorexpedition to Greenland (1929)
—publications of, 542–543; Alfonsine Tables, 61–64; on atmospheric physics, 219; in Beiträge zur Physik der freien Atmosphäre, 81, 171, 177–180; on continental displacements, 241–247, 249, 252–264, 265–277, 327–328, 329–338, 348–349, 360, 396–423, 427–428, 432, 435–436, 449–464, 543–558; on dynamic meteorology, 516–517; in Das Wetter, 77; in Illustrated Aeronautical News, 85; as editor of Lehrbuch der Physik, 512–514, 518, 527, 528, 529, 533, 536, 540; on lunar craters, 436–438, 469; in Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 199, 201; on meteorology, 327–328; on meteors, 384; Mit Motorboot uns Schlitten in Grönland, 566, 569, 573, 577; on paleoclimatology (with Köppen as coauthor), 468–477, 486–494, 525; in Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 241–242, 249, 250, 252; reprints of, 322–323; Thermodynamik der Atmosphäre, 199, 201, 203–213, 218–219, 229, 252, 276, 278–279, 327, 358, 361, 362, 600; on tornadoes and waterspouts, 347–348, 353–356, 538, 600
—as teacher and lecturer, 203, 497–498; appointed “Extraordinary Professor” at Marburg, 356–357, 359; on atmospheric physics, 514; clarity of presentation, 196–197, 252; on continental displacements, 241, 438–445, 469, 499, 503, 506–507; at the Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft, 157–160; at the Geographical Institute (Vienna), 509–510; at the Geographical Society (Berlin), 438–445; on impact craters, 391; as influence on younger men, 431; at the Innsbruck Congress, 502–504, 509–510; at Marburg, 171–174, 182, 186, 196–197, 206, 207–209, 226, 312–313, 316–317, 321–322, 323, 378, 381; on oceanography, 512, 513; in Riga, 534; at the University of Graz, 495–496, 497–499, 502–511, 512, 529–530, 559–560; popularity of, 499; at the University of Hamburg, 395–396, 398, 428, 431, 446–447, 449
—university studies: astronomy as focus of, 24–26, 28–29, 31–33, 54–58; beer as aspect of, 29–30; “cosmic physics” as focus of, 54–58; doctoral dissertation, 59–64; in Heidelberg, 27–30; in Innsbruck, 34–37; meteorology as focus of, 28, 33–34; philosophy as focus of, 41–42, 45–48; physics as focus of, 23–24, 28, 31; at the University of Berlin, 21–27, 30–34
Wegener, Anna Schwarz (mother), 2, 9, 227, 280; death of, 395; at die Hütte, 12; marriage of, 5; and the Schindler Orphanage, 2, 5–6; stroke suffered by, 314
Wegener, Else (wife): after Alfred’s death, 595, 597–598; death of, 599; in Graz, 495–496, 505–506; in Hamburg, 391–393, 394–395, 399, 429–430, 431, 500; health problems of, 341; marriage to Alfred, 314–315; memoir of Alfred’s life, 357, 399, 449, 599; pregnancies of, 320, 325, 377–378, 423; as translator of scientific literature, 322, 345, 357; during the war, 345, 349, 371, 372. See also Köppen, Else
Wegener, Friedrich Wilhelm (grandfather), 5
Wegener, Hilde (daughter), 340, 345, 371, 372, 500, 576; birth of, 325; death of, 598
Wegener, Käte (sister), 3; death of, 9–10
Wegener, Kurt (brother), 3, 6, 9, 227, 315, 364, 502; as Alfred’s companion, 12, 15, 16, 30, 58; and balloon competition, 95, 96–98; as balloonist, 160; at Cöllnische Gymnasium, 14–16; at the German Marine Observatory, 315, 383, 392; in Innsbruck with Alfred, 34–37; as leader of the Greenland expedition after Alfred’s death, 595, 597, 598; at Lindenberg Observatory, 67–68, 77, 82; at the Physikalischer Verein, 90; science as interest of, 15; at the Technische Hochschule, 19, 30; at the University of Straßburg, 359; during World War I, 347, 354
Wegener, Lotte (daughter), 423, 429, 500, 512, 576, 598
Wegener, Otto (uncle), 5
Wegener, Paul (cousin), 160–161
Wegener, Paul (uncle), 11
Wegener, Richard (father), 2, 10, 190, 227; death of, 373; at die Hütte, 12; early years of, 5; illness of, 371; intellectual interests of, 4, 5, 6–8, 45; marriage of, 5; reaction of, to news of Alfred’s expeditions to Greenland, 95–96, 277–278; and the Schindler Orphanage, 2, 3–4, 5–6; writings of, 7–8, 15, 160–161
Wegener, Sophie Käte (daughter), 9, 500, 576, 598; birth of, 377–378
Wegener, Tony (sister), 3, 9, 10, 12, 16, 160, 181, 227, 500; as caregiver to parents, 315, 371
Wegener, Willi (brother), 3, 9, 10, 12; death of, 14–15
Wegener–Bergeron–Findeisen (WBF) theory of precipitation in cold clouds, 200–201
“Wegener’s Øer” (islands in Greenland), 136, 138–139
Wegmann, C. E., 424
Weierstrass, Karl, 23
Weiken, Karl, 575, 578, 580, 586, 587, 589, 594
Weinschenck, Ivar, 128, 139, 141, 144–145, 149, 154
Weltanschauung (worldview): and scientific advances, 45–48
Westwanderung. See westward migration of continents
westward migration (Westwanderung) of continents, 420, 447–448, 460, 507
whirlwinds (Tromben), 347, 353
White, David, 523
Wiechert, Emil, 206, 208, 217–218, 245, 256, 257, 259, 359, 513, 540
Wiedemann, Eilhard, 405
Wien, Wilhelm, 88–89, 318
Wilckens, Otto, 476
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 14, 98; abdication of, 380
Williams, L. Pearce, 597
Willis, Bailey, 334, 338, 366, 414, 454, 486, 523, 524
Windhosen. See tornadoes
winds: accurate forecasts relating to, 364–365; Georgi’s research on, 536, 537; Wegener’s scientific study of, 158–159, 373–374. See also atmosphere; föhn wind; Piteraq
Wing Easton, I. N., 549
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 71
Wölcken, Kurt, 575, 582, 588
Wolf, Max, 28, 29, 30
World War I: difficult conditions following, 467; end of, 378–380; harsh conditions during, 354, 356, 371, 373; impact of, on scientific exchange, 478; outbreak of, 324, 478; Wegener as weather officer during, 346–347, 364–365; Wegener’s experiences in combat, 324–327
Wright, Charles S., 481, 519
Wright, W. B., 481–482
Wundt, Walter, 57
Wutzke, Ulrich, 97–98, 379
Zechlinerhütte. See die Hütte
zeppelins: as used in polar exploration, 541; as used in war, 341
Zittel, Karl von, 337, 368
Zugspitze, meeting at, 512–514
Zustandskurve. See state curve
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