Sleeping Lord Beattie

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Sleeping Lord Beattie Page 13

by Em Taylor

  “Gideon, for God’s sake, I am going to die.” He did not laugh this time. Instead, he renewed his efforts and this time as she reached the peak, he allowed her to fall over it into sweet release. As she shuddered through it, he crawled up the bed and held her in his arms, crooning and stroking her back. His long thick erection jerked between them, leaving a little wet mark on her belly. He was correct, it did seem to have a mind of its own.

  Emily remembered their time in the carriage when they had been naked. She had asked him if he wanted her to put his cock in her mouth. He had said yes, then changed his mind, concerned for her maiden sensibilities no doubt, but she was his wife now. What would he say now?

  It was her turn to roll him onto his back. She expected that he would protest or roll her back but he did not. She straddled him and he did nothing but raise an imperious eyebrow at her. She gave a nervous little laugh as she licked his small dark nipple. That was when he took hold of her braid, removed the ribbon and loosened her hair to fall down over her back and shoulders.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured as he ran his hand through a large tress. She kissed down his stomach. When Gideon drew in a breath and held it, Emily did wonder if she was doing the correct thing. Now he was the tense one. She peppered little kisses down his long hard shaft and Gideon just stared at her, his expression implacable. Was she doing it correctly?

  She took it in her hand and lifted it.

  “Does this hurt?” She did not want to bend it in the wrong way.

  “No.” His voice was barely a whisper. “What are you planning to do with it now, Emily?”

  What indeed?

  She gazed at the purple head, weeping clear liquid and bit her lip. She had started this and she had to complete her mission. She caught his gaze and saw trust there. He trusted her. How had that happened?

  “If I am doing it wrong or I hurt you, please say.”

  A slight smile curved his lips.

  “I shall. Have no fear.”

  “I just put my mouth over it?”

  “If you wish, and move it up and down. Your hand too.”

  She did as he suggested. His guttural moan as her lips and tongue made contact went straight through her.

  He placed his hands into her hair and guided her gently

  “Emily, that is so good.” She smiled around him and continued her ministrations, but it was hard work and she began to tire. Her mouth was aching. Her hand was beginning to hurt. How had he managed to do what he had done to her for so long?

  “Emily, come up here and kiss me. I need your kisses.”

  She let his large member go with a pop and he smiled at her, urging her back to the top of the bed. As she lay along his side, he took himself in hand and started to stroke himself. She looked down in disappointment.

  “Thank you. That was wonderful.”

  “You haven’t released yet.”

  “I’m very close, but you are tiring. Besides, I want you here by my side when I release.”

  Emily was not convinced. She had failed him and she could feel the burning of tears behind her eyes. He drew her into a kiss and her hands started to roam over his taut body. He took her roaming hand and placed them on his balls.

  “Be gentle but explore them,” he said. His own hand was stroking fast and he was biting his lip. She sucked his nipple into her mouth again. “Christ, you’re perfect, Em.”

  Then the warm liquid splashed on her arm and side and onto his body too. His hard body slowly, ever so slowly, started to relax.

  He rolled against her and kissed her slowly and sensually before flopping back on the bed and declaring himself spent.

  Chapter 19

  “I cannot believe that Robert gave you two carriages filled with goods and that we have dressed scarecrows in finery and placed then in the carriages to look like people. It is almost inspired,” said Emily, as they drew out of Aelton Manor estate the next morning.

  “I had not really thought of the logistics of transporting the goods myself, I must say.” Gideon was tired and crotchety but was grateful to Robert for his sage advice. Of course, it was a robbery waiting to happen, especially once they got farther south where food was becoming scarce. Robert had given them oats and maize and some potato seeds. They did not have a lot as the horses could not pull large amounts. Robert had, however, given them his main coach which was large and needed four horses to pull it plus one other. He had been very generous. He had a large stable full of horses, explaining to Gideon that he often sent horses on ahead so that he could travel to London in faster stages, pushing the horses to go farther in a day than Gideon himself had been happy to do.

  Without any humans or baggage inside the two spare coaches, they were able to fit in quite a few sacks of grain. They would travel slowly back down to Herefordshire and give the horses plenty of time to recuperate each evening. Robert had promised to send more grain as soon as Gideon sent back the carriages.

  “Given my brother was going to blow your brains out only two days ago, he has had a fine change of heart, has he not?”

  Gideon sighed. “While I agree your brother is a prize ass and has treated you abominably, he is a peer of the realm and he was brought up to do his duty. In this case, it is to help out those in need, Emily.”

  “I know he’s a good man. I never doubted it. I doubted myself. I still do.”

  “What is it that you doubt?”

  “That I shall be a good wife and mother.”

  “My darling, I am sapped of energy this morning. Your brother kept giving me knowing looks over his newspaper. I have no complaints about your…” he waved an arm as he searched for the correct word. “…abilities as a wife.” He really was bone tired.

  “We only did it once.”

  Gideon rolled his eyes. She was going to send him to an early grave. He was sure of it. “We did it twice. I assume you were awake this morning. Your eyes were open and you must have woken half the house when you screamed my name as your sweet little… well as you pulsed around me.”

  “That was morning, not our wedding night.”

  “It counts. The sun had not risen.”

  “It had.”

  “No, it hadn’t look, the sun has still not risen. The damned rain has followed us to Cumbria.”

  “It always rains in Cumbria.”

  “Not yesterday it did not.”


  “Anyway, you said you had a question to ask me once we got into the carriage. Ask it.”

  “Oh yes. You said you would explain why Lord Byron had to flee to Switzerland. He did something to his wife. What was it?”

  Gideon groaned and placed his hands over his eyes.

  “My love, it is really not a story that is meant for the ears of a lady.”

  “You said you would tell me when I was no longer an innocent.”

  “I did? Was I drunk when I said that?”

  “You have never been drunk in my presence, my lord.”

  “I may have to remedy that,” he muttered.

  “You are more of a beast than Robert,” she cried and punched him on the arm.


  “That’s for being a beast and for nipping my arm last night.”

  He caught her around the waist and plopped her face down over his knee. There was not a lot of room in the carriage but there was enough for his purposes.

  “Lady Beattie, you will desist from punching me on the arm. I shall not tolerate it.” He was struggling to keep the amusement out of his voice. With his wool coat and shirt on, he had barely felt her fist. Years spent in Gentleman Jackson’s Boxing Saloon meant that a punch barely registered with him, never mind one from a female.

  “Lord Beattie, what are you doing?”

  “Punishing you.” He whipped up her skirt. The sight of her white, rounded bottom made his cock start to harden. Damn, he loved every part of her body. He had a horrible suspicion he was beginning to love her.
He ran a hand over the rounded cheek then dipped his middle finger between her legs.

  Emily gasped and Gideon was now fully erect. He ran his finger through her folds, forward and back, collecting her moisture as he stroked her.

  “This is punishment?”

  “It is if I do not take you to completion.”

  “You would not be so cruel, my lord. Please.”

  “Perhaps. Do you promise not to punch me again?”

  “I promise.”

  He ran his finger up to her puckered hole and prodded ever so gently.

  “See here?”


  “This is why Lord Byron is in Switzerland.” She looked around and gave him a confused look. “Some gentlemen like to use this entrance instead and Lord Byron obviously did.”

  “With his wife?”


  “And his half-sister?”

  “Good God, Emily, I do not know all the man’s secrets. His wife told her mother, from what I can make out. No one seems to care that he had relations with his half-sister, just that he buggered his wife.”

  “That is what it is called?”

  “Yes, my love. That is what it is called. Now, will you stop asking questions?” He really had explained far too much, used far too profane language and said much more than he had meant to. He hoped to God she would not repeat it.

  “I shall stop asking questions if you use those fingers to give me a release. Otherwise, I shall start asking about Mollies.”

  Gideon threw his head back on a guffaw as his fingers found her pearl. Then he leaned close. “Yes, my love, Mollies use that entrance too.”

  Chapter 20

  Five days they had been travelling home and Emily could swear the weather was wetter than when they had left. Every night at the inn, a maid would clean her half boots and dry them by the fire and every day they would be soaked by the time she got to the carriage. Gideon had offered to carry her through the mud but that would be so debasing.

  The hems of her gowns were all now utterly ruined. She had complained about this to Gideon just the previous night when they had been lying in bed. He had chuckled, kissed her deeply and promised to take her to London and buy her a whole new wardrobe befitting of a viscountess. Emily had sat up, indignant.

  “There is nothing wrong with my gowns, except for the ruined hems.”

  “I did not say there was, but you can wear deeper colours now you are a married lady. The dirt is not as noticeable.”

  She had not considered it until that moment. Perhaps her odd spillage would also not be so noticeable.

  He had been lying watching her, his eyes hooded with lust. “Your mind is working nineteen to the dozen Viscountess Beattie. What are you thinking? I become nervous when you start plotting, you know.”

  “Nothing of any import.”

  “I do not believe you.” He had caught her and tickled her until she had confessed, then he had declared it a terrible secret and not worth all the fuss. After that, he had positioned her astride him, shown her how to take him inside of her and how to ride them both to release. It had been wonderful. She had been in full control and Gideon had run his hands all over her body, speaking loving words to her until his release was near. Eventually, his words became profanities as he started to thrust up into her. As his body stiffened and she felt his hot release inside her he told her he loved her.

  Emily’s own release was upon her and she wondered if Gideon knew she had heard his declaration. She had not returned it. She had not known what to say. He had not repeated it. Perhaps he had not meant it.

  Now they were trundling on along in a silent carriage, books at their sides, Emily’s head resting on his chest and Gideon occasionally pressing tender kisses to the crown of her head.

  “Gideon, may I ask a question?”

  “Oh God. Not if it’s about bloody Byron.”

  “You have answered all my questions about George Byron, thank you very much.”

  “George, is it? You are on first name terms with his Lordship, are you?”

  “May I ask my question or not, Your Lordship?”

  “I am shaking in my Hessians, knowing the sort of questions you ask, my love. I may prefer to face down the whole of Napoleon Bonaparte’s forces than have to face another of your questions, but go ahead.”

  “I wondered if, when a lord and lady were forced to marry due to an indiscretion on the lady’s part, after six nights of marriage, it would be truly gauche for the lady to tell the gentleman that she loves him. What do you think?”

  He raised an imperious eyebrow at her and a smile tugged at his lips but he looked like he was considering the question when his lips pursed.

  “Six nights, eh? Hmm, it would depend entirely if the lady and gentleman had got to know each other beforehand. Say, in a long carriage ride to Scotla… What the devil?”

  The carriage was slowing down and there were shouts from outside the carriage.

  The door opened and a man with his face covered pointed a pistol through the door.

  “Not again,” Emily heard herself saying.

  “Give me your jewels and money.”

  Gideon sighed as Emily pushed herself back into her seat. Oh, why did she not ask Aunt Gertrude if she had any more of those fake jewels? Perhaps Gideon had some stored somewhere.

  Then the unthinkable happened.

  Gideon placed his hand over the end of the pistol and pushed the highwayman backwards as he himself jumped out of the carriage, splashing mud everywhere. Emily scrambled over to that side of the carriage to watch the drama unfold. The young highwayman yelped as Gideon yanked the gun out of his hand and caught him by the throat, shoving him hard against the side of the coach.

  “Denholm, get his accomplice. This one looks no more than eleven or twelve. His accomplice can’t be more than seven. He’s in the trees. I doubt he can carry that pistol any distance, far less shoot the damned thing.

  Denholm was already down from the carriage and Emily saw that he was heading toward the boy and John, the stable hand was flanking him on the other side. They were so brave.

  “He’s just a boy, Gideon,” Emily said, as Gideon pulled off the handkerchief hiding the young man’s face.

  “Old enough to wave pistols in the faces of ladies, aren’t you, lad?”

  “Please my lord, let my li’l brother go. He’s just a nipper. He don’t know what he’s doing. Hang me but not him.”

  Hang him! Emily gasped. Would Gideon really have this child hanged?

  “What age are you?”


  “Once I handed you over my jewels, what were you going to do with them?”

  “Give them to my stepfather. He’ll try to sell them at the market for food.”

  “And do you think there is a trade for jewels around these parts at present?”

  “I’d get more money for a loaf of bread than a diamond, my lord.”

  “And your stepfather?” There was a sound in the trees and a man on horseback broke through them and into the field beyond, galloping away from him.

  The boy closed his eyes. “Guess he didn’t want to get hanged too.”

  “Will you go back to him if I let you go?”

  “Don’t know where he lives. We walked here for days. Me and … my brother.”

  “You do not know where you live?”

  “No, my lord. Tis far away though.”

  The smaller boy was being brought by the scruff of the neck up to Gideon. He had a large bruise on his face, but it was old. It had not been dealt by Denholm or John. That much Emily could tell. The boy’s eyes were wide with terror and he was shaking like a leaf on a tree in a stiff breeze.

  “And your mother?”

  “She died a few months ago in childbed. He got her with child and she died having it. Mrs Jamieson, the vicar’s wife said it was her own fault for getting with child before she were wed, but he sa
id it came early. He said it were Jack’s fault it came early cause Jack ran away.”

  Gideon shook his head.

  “Who the devil is Jack?”

  “I am Jack,” said the small boy.

  Gideon raised an eyebrow at the little one. “Are you indeed and why did you run away?”

  “He were gonna kill me, he said cause I let the pigs out by mistake. I couldn’t close the gate. It were too heavy, see.” Then the little boy put both hands over his mouth, his eyes wide with terror again.

  Oh, this was no good. Emily jumped down from the carriage, splashing even more mud all over the place and Gideon had to throw out a hand to save her from falling. He had loosened his grip on the older boy. It appeared that her husband’s aristocratic glare was enough to keep the young man in place.

  “And what is your name? Your brother is Jack.”

  “Gerald, my lord.”

  Emily crouched down beside the smaller boy and pulled him into a hug. She saw her husband roll his eyes but she cared not.

  “It seems, Gerald, that my viscountess has a tender heart. When you are a grown man, you shall understand why it is a good thing to stay on good terms with your wife. When did you last eat?”

  “I found some berries this morning, my lord.”

  Gideon took the boys chin in his hand and lifted it up. “So, I see. The evidence is all over your face, but when did you last eat a meal?”

  “A meal?”

  “Yes, Gerald. You know, potatoes, stew, oatmeal, something filling.”

  The boy shook his head. “We’ve been out here fer days. Mr Bates carn’t cook and his mistress, well she’s just a lass.”

  “He has a mistress already.”

  “I think she’s goin’ to have his babe. She keeps casting up her accounts in the mornin’. That’s what happened to me mother just before she told us she were having his babe.”

  “Sounds like a grave possibility. So, if I were to tell you to get out of here and go home, what would happen to you?”

  The boy shrugged. Gideon looked at Jack then at Emily. Emily caught her husband’s gaze and willed him to have mercy on these boys. He could not leave them here in the middle of nowhere to fend for themselves, could he? She knew not to say anything. It had to be his choice. And they had tried to rob them.


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