Steps to Submission Volume 4: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

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Steps to Submission Volume 4: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles) Page 4

by Lexie X

  Her attention refocused and she saw that the older woman had somehow convinced the girl to take off her panties. Now the massage had moved dangerously close to her completely bare and highly alluring pink slit. Feeling her mouth water and her inner heat rise again at the sight, Piper smiled lightly. I'm such a lesbian, she told herself with amusement. How could I ever have been worried that Isabella had done this to me somehow?

  Even if her evil genius girlfriend had somehow been responsible, Piper realized, she was thankful for it. Breathing rapidly, she brought herself to another enjoyable orgasm as the older woman began fairly blatantly massaging the younger blonde's sex under the pretense that girls did that for each other sometimes, and that it was fine; the blonde still seemed confused and concerned, but, judging by the look on her face and the flush creeping up her neck, the feeling was getting the better of her inhibitions. Watching all this play out, Piper felt more in tune with herself and more confident in her likes and attractions than any time in her life before Isabella. Girls were beautiful—gorgeous, even!—and sex with girls was amazing. It was the only world that made sense at all anymore.

  A light sweat broke out along her face as she brought herself to a third orgasm while thinking about how she would choose the same life every time. The other kind of life just didn't make sense.

  Watching intently as she continued to masturbate, Piper studied the younger blonde's reactions carefully after her inevitable orgasm. There was an immediate and subtle shift in her body language, something Piper had recognized in other girls. After an orgasm, she had noticed girls were much more willing to try new things and pleasure their partners. Hadn't Isabella used that tactic on many occasions? That, and bringing her prey to the edge of orgasm—and then stopping. Were the poor girls doomed either way, really? Once a girl was anywhere near orgasm at the hands of a predatory lesbian, wasn't it already too late?

  For the young blonde in the video, it certainly was. Her host had taken off her own clothes, and now the younger girl was massaging her in return. There was less focus on the rest of the body and a quicker approach to the taboo area, a path dictated by the increasingly direct commands of the older brunette. In very short order, the blonde began rubbing her host's heated mound, her eyes wide and fixated.

  Her own body still charged with arousal, Piper switched hands and began rubbing herself toward a fourth orgasm. They were getting harder to reach with each successive peak, but the in-between buzz was good, too, and there was no way she was stopping before the moment she so desperately wanted to see.

  "Right there," the older brunette ordered, dropping the last vestiges of the massage pretense.

  "Like that?" the younger blonde asked, now in far too deep to back out.

  "Yeah." The woman waited a few beats. "Use your tongue…"

  "What?!" the girl protested.

  Piper rubbed herself furiously and breathed, "Use your fucking tongue!"

  The older woman had a similar harshness in mind. Reaching down to pull the subservient girl forward by her hair, she gave her order more firmly. "Use your tongue."

  "But the massage—"

  "Honey, really," came the condescending reply. "You're naked with a woman and fingering her pussy."

  Her safe context ripped away, the blonde looked down in dismay at her working fingers.

  "Yep," the older woman continued. "You young girls are all the same. Lots of excuses and rationalizations, but, at the end of the day, you're still a lesbian."

  The girl's eyes went wide, as if she truly doubted herself. "A lesbian?!"

  "Straight girls don't get naked with women and finger their pussies, do they?"

  "No…" came the confused reply.

  Tensing her entire body, Piper put her whole arm into getting herself off as her favorite expected moment finally came.

  "So use your tongue, or I'll tell all your little friends how big a lesbian you are."

  Meekly, the blonde lowered her head, defeated.

  "Yes!" Piper breathed, her whole awareness fixated on that slowly opening mouth.

  The younger girl slid her tongue out little by little, eyed the reddened and waiting open folds before her—and took her first lick.

  Piper moaned involuntarily as her fourth orgasm finally broke through and flooded her body with relief and enjoyment. The expressions on that young girl's face ran the gamut from hesitant and confused to surprised and even—eventually—eager.

  Eating up the emotion, Piper worked herself through a long and body-filling high. It wasn't quite the same as actually succeeding at a real seduction, but it still satisfied some part of her that craved this kind of energy. The satisfaction continued to grow, too, as the older woman got off and then the younger girl actually started getting into it and curled up in a sixty-nine with her seductress. That pure and unadulterated fix brought Piper exactly the kind of high she needed, and she continued masturbating until her hands simply would not go on.

  Sweaty and utterly satisfied, she closed her laptop, made a trip out to the bathroom to freshen up, then came back and rolled over in bed, her mind oddly calm and tranquil.

  The plan had worked, and sleep came easily.

  Her relaxed and pleasant dreams were interrupted by a presence climbing on top of her. Isabella's alcohol-filled breath rolled across her face.

  "Let's do this," the blonde whispered in the dark.

  Groggy, but still centered, Piper pushed her girlfriend off. "No."

  "What?" Isabella asked, angering quickly. "You don't say no to me."

  "I'm not doing this."

  "You have to."

  "I really don't."

  Isabella tried to simply pull her by the hair, and then she tried a few insults, but she eventually had no choice but to stomp off into darkness.

  Shaking, Piper realized she'd actually done it—she'd actually regained some measure of control of herself. With her newfound clarity, something else was obvious: something was wrong with Isabella.

  This was the blonde’s classic acting-out behavior.

  Climbing out of her bed and donning pajama pants, Piper crept across the apartment to her girlfriend's bedroom. A small bit of light from the window vaguely illuminated a curled-up figure on top of the sheets. "Isabella?"

  The blonde offered up an arm without looking at her, and she took it, finding herself pulled into embracing her girlfriend from behind.

  "Is something wrong?" Piper asked, clutching her girlfriend close and entwining their legs.

  Her breathing shaky, Isabella nodded.

  "What is it? You can talk to me."

  The blonde sniffled once. "You're going to have to pull this one out of me. Like really force it out of me like never before."

  "Is it that bad? What's happening?"

  Her rare moment of drunken honesty expended on her single statement, Isabella said nothing further. Piper clutched her girlfriend tight as a sudden weight grew on her heart. How had she been so oblivious? How many drunken moments of introspective honesty had they shared the year before? How many layers of backlash and twisted pain had she worked her way through with Isabella?

  Their pure and amazing summer together hadn't suddenly cured Isabella of her inner pains. Those days had only been a temporary panacea, and Piper cursed herself for letting a few warm months obscure everything she knew about the intricacies of the girl she loved.

  And to think, she'd almost done the unthinkable—but, no, Jessie had protected her from herself.

  "I love you so much," she whispered, the emotions of their year together suddenly flooding back in full force. "I will, I'll pull it out of you. I promise. Whatever it takes."

  Clutching her circled arms tighter, Isabella just nodded.

  Chapter 4

  Sitting through class in a daze, Piper found herself stuck in an endless loop of worry. Something was certainly wrong with her girlfriend, but Isabella never made anything easy. In fact, the worse the issue, the more the gorgeous blonde grew cold, distant, and sadistic.<
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  As the teacher droned on, Piper realized that the two of them had probably become so powerfully bound together because of that behavior—and her own responses. Where anyone else would have been driven away, she only enjoyed Isabella's tortures more and more, relishing in every new level of humiliation and mental and emotional pain. Responsible handling of their twisted relationship had won them many great months, but it was still possible to go too far.

  And both of them, recently, almost had.

  Piper eyed her phone, which sat flat on her desk. She wanted to text Jessie and ask her best friend for advice, but it was beginning to seem unfair to put so much emotional burden on her, and there had been a few moments in the darkest lows when she'd almost turned to Jessie as more than a friend. Unlike many other dalliances outside the relationship, anything done with Jessie would have been done without Isabella, and would have definitely been far more than just physical.

  Staring absently at her phone, Piper wondered if she should feel bad about so nearly crossing the line. Would Isabella have considered it cheating? Or did it matter what she thought if it felt like cheating? But she hadn't crossed the line. It'd been a moment of weakness, and Jessie had made the hard choice to refuse.

  It stunned her to think that, somewhere in the range of possibilities that comprised her life, she could see herself with Jessie. Who wouldn't want to be with their best friend? She was so strong, and smart, and tough in a hardened, determined, and straightforward manner. She was wholly unlike Isabella, but in no way inferior.

  There was an actual life there. A house, marriage, kids—maybe adopted? Or—

  Anyway, Jessie was one hundred percent a lesbian and confident in who she was. There was a serious and calm love there, and a normal life; a normal life that just happened to be with a girl. Piper touched the edges of her phone lightly, her skin hot and uncomfortable.

  She still had no idea, really, what the future with Isabella entailed. The commanding blonde kept many things to herself, hiding a very deep well of darkness behind her bright green eyes.

  She'd been trying to crack Isabella's current darkness for weeks with no success. This was unlike anything she'd ever seen in the recalcitrant blonde. If it hadn't been for her girlfriend's single drunken honest admission in the dark almost a month ago—Piper gulped—her willpower to put up with Isabella's cold domination might have actually run out for the first time in their year-long relationship.

  And Family Weekend was here; soon, the anniversary of their first date.

  She could still remember it all so vividly—Isabella's mother, Donna, drunk and horrible and verbally abusive; her father, Julian, aloof and on his phone the whole time.

  Defending Isabella and calling Donna a stupid bitch had been an incredibly exhilarating moment. She wondered, now, if that single act had been the tipping point that had won Isabella's love. Everything had changed after that, and the often cold blonde had finally cracked just a little.

  Calming as she remembered how those tumultuous days had turned out alright, she mentally replayed that long-ago night at the dance club in a bathroom stall when Isabella had finally touched her in return for the first time.

  And then, their first date! Paradoxically, she felt herself warming as she recalled in vivid detail going down on Isabella outside the restaurant in the cold and snow, her visible breath mingling with the heated mist from her girlfriend's naked arousal.

  But that fooling around had been a diversion away from the emotions of their date, hadn't it? The only thing that had truly broken through the dating barrier had been a power play—a display of dominance and taking control that had proved she could rise to the occasion when she needed to. Because of that, Isabella had finally admitted her feelings. Was a power play what the secretly pained blonde needed now? Sometimes, Piper knew, nothing could crack Isabella's armor except turning the tables on her completely.

  Knowledge would help. Picking up her phone discreetly, she texted her girlfriend's sister: "Is something going on with Isabella?"

  The reply came a few minutes later. "Sorry," Laura wrote back. "Isabella asked me not to say anything. She said she'll handle it with you. Hope that's alright."

  Goddamnit. Isabella was always one step ahead.

  Facing this new challenge, Piper felt a little better. Having a direction helped, but it didn't change the fact that life had been so fucking amazing with Isabella before it had all been snatched away by whatever was going on with her. Servicing her sexually had become sharply enjoyable. The more hurt, humiliated, and ignored she felt, the more it turned her on, but the emotional half of their relationship had been cold and distant for more than a month.

  Was this what life would be like with her long-term? During the golden days of summer, Isabella had stated that marriage had to be a possibility someday for a relationship to survive, but how could she risk her future on the gamble that the stormy blonde might one day be okay with marrying a girl? And, then, how would they have a house together, or even… children… if long periods of extreme emotional distance kept hitting unpredictably? It just seemed like a path along which disaster was inevitable. If they adopted children together, or… had kids through other methods… a divorce would absolutely devastate them.

  Piper blinked away brimming tears at the mere thought of her own parents getting a divorce. Her family was arriving just after class, and they formed the bedrock of her entire life. It was that background, she felt, that gave her the strength to be the calm against Isabella's storm. And it was Donna and Julian's dysfunction, she knew, that had helped produce such complex girls as Laura and Isabella.

  Her body tingled and went light for a moment as she realized that she was calmly considering possible life options for a long-term relationship, marriage, and kids—and the choices were both girls. A little over a year ago, she would have never believed her own matter-of-fact sexuality. The struggle had been long, confusing, and difficult, but now the formerly mind-blowing idea that she was a lesbian had become simple fact, and the least of her worries.

  It still hit her at odd times, though, like a late electric answer to unanswered questions she'd asked herself throughout her childhood and teenage years. Relationships with guys had always been a confusing and seemingly pointless affair, but, here she was, weighing the pros and cons of spending life with either of two amazing women, and it felt like her entire heart was on the line.

  Because it was, she realized. Whatever happened, she also knew she owed Jessie an honest conversation. Her best friend deserved to know that she wasn't crazy, her senses weren't wrong, and that there was something amazing between them.

  But that didn't mean a romantic relationship was the right choice. She remembered a conversation they'd had while curled up together, with one brief chaste kiss shared between them: she'd asked if Jessie could hurt her the way she needed to be hurt—the way Isabella hurt her and turned her on—and Jessie had truthfully said no. Isabella might be pushing the hurt too far, but Jessie might not be able to push it far enough.

  A brief bout of unhappiness shuddered up her spine as she comprehended a third option: neither girl might be right for her, and the unknown and possibly tough life of lesbian singlehood might be the only path forward. That thought saddened her deeply.

  The other students around her began packing up, standing, and flowing out of the room. Class was over, but her worried thoughts had only just begun racing.

  Reaching her apartment in the same daze that had made class fly by, Piper was shocked to find Isabella anything but cold and distant. A choir of happy cries greeted her as she entered the apartment and found her entire family already within. Freed from her worries, she dove into the torrent of hugs directed her way. "You all came!"

  Her mother, Angela, hugged her first. "Of course! The family hasn't seen you in so long!" She looked far more rested and happy now that the twins were growing out of their terrible twos; Trent and Thomas both sat laughing and playing with toys at their father's feet. Isabell
a sat with them, running toy soldiers away from the twins' marauding Ferrari and Jeep with a smile.

  Frank sat on one of the couches, a stolid bear occupying the back corner of the living room as he watched over the children. He gave his daughter a grim-faced nod. Piper made a mental note to assault him with a hug after getting past Sam and Brian.

  Her sister had grown nearly an inch since she'd last seen her. "I took your room this summer while you were gone," Sam told her. "Mom says I get to keep it if you skip out on next summer too."

  "Seems fair," Piper replied with a mock sigh and a grin.

  Brian gave her an awkward hug last. "Hey sis," he said, before retreating to the couch near their father.

  "Hey Brian," she laughed, letting him have his space.

  "We met your roommates," Angela commented. "Maisy and… Savannah? Their families were here, too. I thought you said you'd be back from class half an hour ago?"

  Piper nodded. "I got distracted. But I'm here now."

  "Well, should we make lunch here or go out? Do you have a favorite restaurant around here?"

  "I do, actually," she responded, watching Isabella's warm interaction with the twins. "They serve great hamburgers."

  From the back of the room, Frank grumbled happily.

  Angela threw her hands up in the air. "Hamburgers it is!"

  Thomas and Trent both began shaking their vehicles in the air and shouting. "Hamburgers! Hamburgers! We want hamburgers!"

  Overcome by surprise, Piper moved down and joined them in the corner. "You two are talking so well now!"

  Both boys gave her haughty grins. "We're smart. Sammy says so."

  "I told them that one time," her sister chimed in. "Now they think they're geniuses."

  The two boys jumped up, held their vehicles out, and started roaring and running—only to be scooped up in either arm by Angela. "At least they're tiny geniuses."


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