Steps to Submission Volume 4: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

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Steps to Submission Volume 4: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles) Page 17

by Lexie X

  Her green-haired companion laughed. "There's another electronica concert in two weeks if you want to go."

  "Oh, god. I'm still recovering from the first one."

  "Suit yourself." Jessie smiled, knowing full well that she would still go no matter how many complaints she lodged before then. "What do you wanna drink tonight?"

  She considered for a moment as she ate. "I'm always a fan of beer. Liquor makes for bad decisions."

  Jessie leaned back coolly. "We'll get some liquor then."

  Not expecting that, Piper nearly choked on her pizza while laughing.

  Their next stop was a very large Christmas store with multiple wings nestled near a large highway junction and chock full of people given the travel going on.

  "It's Thanksgiving. Why are people already gearing up for Christmas?" Jessie complained. "The Christmas season starts earlier and earlier every year, I swear."

  Piper couldn't disagree. Wandering and looking at the endless holiday merchandise, she got the distinct impression that the holiday spirit was just another product for sale. For a bit, she just stared off into space.

  Jessie popped into her vision with a grin and held up two bottles. "Peppermint liquor!"

  "Oh god…"

  "It's going to be that kind of night."

  Piper frowned. "I thought you were kidding about getting liquor. You don't usually drink much."

  "It's a road trip!" Jessie replied happily, leading her out.

  Their next stop after listening to songs on shuffle for two hours was a fast food drive-thru with a surprisingly long line. They had no choice but to sit in the car and stare out the windows while waiting, at least until Jessie pulled out one of the liquor bottles. "What do you think?"

  "While driving?" Piper asked, incredulous. "This sounds like a terrible idea."

  "We're only an hour from the motel. A shot or two might help pass the time."

  She frowned. "Jessie, what has gotten into you?"

  "It's Thanksgiving," her best friend replied. "Vacation. And then finals, and Christmas break will be right around the corner. I'm blowing off my family to go on a road trip with my favorite person in the whole world, and life is good. Let's be a little crazy."

  "What if we get caught?" She looked around the line of cars, worried that a cop might be around.

  "We won't get caught," Jessie countered. "Besides, we're girls. We'll get away with it. Just do one shot to pregame for the motel."

  Caught up in her positive energy and the implicit daring of the situation, she relented. "Alright, one shot."

  Looking around surreptitiously, Jessie grabbed empty plastic that had formerly been filled with water and poured some peppermint liquor into it. "Hey, it's clear, too." She took a gulp, grimaced, and then handed it over.

  Taking a swig herself, Piper coughed minty hell. "That's seriously the worst."

  "I know! Isn't it great?"

  They took a few more sips each before they reached the speaker. By then, the terrible taste had killed their appetites, and they decided to just drive off without ordering anything. "Sorry!" Jessie yelled.

  By the time they reached the motel, Piper found herself giggly and warm. She sang a little too loudly to the songs playing and kept the liquor close to prevent Jessie from drinking more while she was driving. Finally parking, Jessie grabbed it and downed several gulps. With a disgruntled sigh and painfully misty eyes, she licked her lips. "This stuff really does not grow on you."

  Piper shook her head and smiled widely. "It really doesn't."

  Jessie checked in and then returned to help carry stuff to their room.

  Dragging her one piece of luggage in with her, Piper immediately noticed that there was only one bed. Jessie had booked the room. Had she done that on purpose? The day's trends had not escaped her. Still, she was buzzed, and it was a road trip—and what Isabella had said, though confusing, still hung at the edge of her thoughts.

  After dropping her stuff in a corner, Jessie flopped back onto the bed and gazed up at the ceiling with a sigh. "Long drive!"

  "For sure," Piper agreed. As she slid back onto her half of the bed, her right arm fell along her best friend's.

  The green-haired girl turned and looked at her. "Is this at all like the hotel room you screwed Isabella's physics teacher in?"

  She blushed furiously. "I can't believe I told you that."

  "You tell me everything!"

  It was true, she knew. It was also true that her total honesty with her best friend had gone far beyond confused commiserating and had begun venturing into something thrilling, intimate, and probably very wrong.

  Jessie turned on her side and slipped a bit closer. "What was that, your sixth girl?"

  She nodded, growing even brighter red.

  "What did she taste like?"

  "Hard to describe," she explained, despite feeling like she probably shouldn't. Light fingers tracing lines on her arm made it hard to think. "I really don't want to say the word mature…" She shuddered. "More like, as hot and smart as this woman was, that's exactly how she tasted. Fiery. Spicy."

  Jessie's gaze lingered on her mouth as she spoke. "I just can't believe she actually fucked Isabella with a strap-on."

  "Me neither," she gaped, covering her mouth. "I was supposed to be her first time!"

  "You tackle a tiger, you get bit," her best friend teased.

  A few moments of silence passed between them as they just looked wordlessly at each other's faces.

  Heart racing, Piper suddenly rolled away a bit and stared at the ceiling. "Jessie."

  Her best friend moved closer and slid an arm around her. "Yeah?"

  "I know what you're doing," she breathed, feeling the liquor racing through her veins. "You know I can't help but to respond to domineering behavior, and you know I'm attracted to you. If you keep it up, we're going to have sex, and that would wreck my life and make me feel violated come tomorrow."

  Jessie pulled her hand back from completely around her to just along her tummy. "I…" She hesitated. "You're attracted to me?"

  She turned her head and looked her best friend in the eyes from a few inches away. "For a while now, yes. I've been meaning to tell you. You're not crazy, and there's a ton of tension between us."

  Blinking dumbfounded, Jessie gulped once before speaking. "Since when?"

  "I don't know exactly," she said truthfully. "Maybe when I realized I was a lesbian, or maybe just because I love you so much—love our friendship, I mean."

  Jessie nodded and dropped her gaze sadly.

  "You're part of me," Piper continued, her eyes misting. "How many times have we had this struggle? Please don't take my friendship as a consolation prize."

  "You know I don't…"

  "Then what are you doing today? What is all this?"

  Jessie tensed her jaw for a moment, her eyes distant. "I guess I haven't gotten laid in a while. I'm feeling… hot and angry."

  She gripped her best friend's hand. "I can understand that."

  "And you're just there, all the time," Jessie continued. "A touchstone for all the intense sexuality I want."

  She nodded, and then thought for a moment. What parts of herself could she share in good conscience? "Jessie, I thought you wanted to distance yourself from Isabella's web. If you get involved, you'll just be another one of her toys."

  "I know, I know." The green-haired girl wrapped two of her thighs around one leg and squeezed. "But I've been listening to the hottest stories from you for over a year. Your girlfriend got me to go down on her! And you have sex with anyone you want. Why not me?"

  Heavily charged with alcohol and heat, she could only whisper an honest answer. "You know why."

  That brought her friend up short. Jessie studied her sincerity for a moment, subtly awed, and then rolled away onto her back. Staring up at the ceiling in amazement, she said, "That makes me feel… incredible."

  Piper focused on her breathing, trying to remain steady. "I thought you deserved to know, since
you're seriously the best friend I've ever had."

  "I guess I was just questioning myself," Jessie said quietly. "All my senses kept telling me there was this amazing girl that I loved, who loved me back, and that we would be incredible together…" She sighed. "I guess I just wanted to know I'm not crazy."

  "That's what I said. You're not crazy. I just belong to Isabella heart and soul. The way I feel about you… has to be in terms of a friendship. I'll never hurt either of you if I can help it, but she hurts me the way I need to be hurt."

  "I know. We've had this talk more than a few times." Jessie moved to roll away.

  Piper grabbed her by the wrist, heart pounding. "But it's different this time."


  Wondering if it was the right thing to do, but too full of conflicting energies to restrain herself, she gave what part of herself she could. "You could…" She hesitated. Isabella had said she could have sex with Jessie if she wanted, but it hadn't sounded completely on the level. There was no calling her to confirm, either, because her girlfriend couldn't be allowed to know what they were really doing. What path forward would fall within her twisted relationship with her girlfriend? "…you could come with me to a bar, and we could pick up a girl together."

  Jessie stared at her with a mix of hope and wariness. "Seriously?"

  Her nerves on fire from anxiety, confusion, and drunken arousal, Piper nodded. "We can't touch each other, though. And… I think I'd have to film it with my phone, for Isabella to watch later."

  "What? That's fucked."

  "That's how it's gotta be. Even all that's stretching it a bit. Imagine me showing up like hey, here's this video of Jessie fucking some girl and me masturbating to it. We picked up some girl together. Hope you don't mind."

  "Yeah, when you put it that way…" Jessie sat up and ran her hands through her green hair, considering the proposal. "And that's the closest we'll ever be, you and I?"

  Empathizing with her friend, Piper also sat up. "Yeah."

  Gritting her teeth, Jessie winced. "I'm constantly being passed over for some straight girl."

  "It's not like that," she said quietly, touching her friend lightly. "You know why she and I are such a perfect fit."

  "I do. And this isn't healthy. I can't keep pining after you. It's only worse knowing how you feel about me back."

  Piper could only nod. She felt the words, but had no advice that seemed even remotely able to touch such deep pain.

  "So," Jessie mused unhappily. "I can become one of her toys again, or nothing."

  "You say it like it's a bad thing. I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life because of her. She needs me, and I need her, so we can both be ourselves. This is who I am…" She curled her toes. "Her toy."

  Jessie stared at her. "When you say things like that, I can't help but get turned on."

  Thinking of how Isabella made her feel, Piper smiled brightly. "Then let's pick up a girl together. Don't let the rules detract from the experience. The rules are making it possible at all."

  Her best friend took a deep breath, and then finally relented. "Alright…"

  The only bar they could find nearby was populated by a very mixed crowd of travelers. Adjacent to the motel itself, the place boasted an assortment of tired-eyed drivers, grizzled truckers, and random college students on the way to their families for the holiday.

  Ordering and downing another shot, Jessie puffed herself up and prepared to approach people she didn't know.

  Touching her wrist, Piper smiled. "It's not so hard, Jess. Don't worry, I'm with you."

  The green-haired girl let out a breath and adjusted her top to show more cleavage and tattoos. "True." A moment later, she stood and carried her drink toward a certain table.

  Following her, Piper sat with her near a wickedly tattooed girl with long black hair and a lip stud. The girl had a skirt on despite the chilly weather outside, but hardly seemed the type to care. Hard, beautiful, and sultry, she sat alone and texting.

  The girl didn't look up for several seconds. When she finally did, she looked at each of them in turn before giving a terse greeting. "Sup?"

  Rather drunk, Jessie led with what was clearly on her mind. "I love your tattoos." Reaching out with one finger, she traced one long and complex tattoo that ran down along its owner's cleavage.

  The black-haired girl smirked. "What are you two up to tonight?"

  "Nothing much," Jessie replied, visibly interested. "We've got some terrible peppermint liquor back at our room."

  "Sounds like fun."

  Piper tried not to frown. This was all too easy, and the girl had been interested from the start. She seemed like Jessie's type somehow, but not her own. What fun was it to take a willing stranger back to the room? That was just fooling around awkwardly. Who would even be in control? She touched her best friend's elbow a few times.

  Jessie gently ignored her silent protests. "You want to come have some with us?"

  "Nah, but I'm horny," the tattooed girl replied dourly. "You two wanna fuck?"

  Jessie nodded slowly, trying not to seem too eager.

  Piper rolled her tongue in her mouth. Was this really a thing? Were hookups really this easy between girls? It sort of made sense, if lesbians were rare. There were probably tons of attitudes and signals she'd missed by being in a relationship since before coming out. Jessie had been out since high school and definitely knew the culture better. Was it the tattoos? Or was it a certain type of glance? Jessie had picked that girl right out of the crowd somehow. She waited while tabs were closed and then followed Jessie and her tattooed minx back to the room.

  The girl entered last, still texting, and Piper got up and closed and locked the door. "So, what's your name?" she asked, noticing Jessie hadn't.

  "Dusty," the girl replied, not looking up from her phone until she'd been sitting on the bed for a good thirty seconds.

  Pouring some peppermint liquor into their water bottle, Jessie drank some first and then handed it to her guest.

  "Not bad, actually," Dusty said before setting her phone on the nearby nightstand. "So are you two like, girlfriend and girlfriend? Or what?"

  Jessie looked over before answering. "Yeah."

  Piper chose not to disabuse her of that little white lie.

  Dusty leaned back on her arms. "Hot. Femme and butch, I like. You two pick up girls together often?"

  "Sometimes," Jessie lied, visibly enjoying playing at being Isabella. Inspired by that thought, she stepped forward and pushed their guest completely on her back.

  Grinning, Dusty lifted her legs.

  Jessie pulled at her shoes, and then her high socks and skirt. Pretty quickly, their guest was left in only her loose shirt and black panties. Climbing on top, Jessie went in for a kiss, and they began making out.

  Moving to a chair, Piper watched with some concern. This wasn't… it just… she bit her lip. Her body felt cold. It wasn't turning her on. All she felt was gnawing concern about Jessie's feelings and a surreal sense of intruding on someone else's private sexual activities. It simply didn't feel right without Isabella having something to do with it.

  Very carefully, so that their guest wouldn't notice, she started recording on her phone and placed it upright against a lamp on the nightstand. At the very least, Isabella could watch this later—if she wanted to.

  Dusty had her hands up under Jessie's shirt. "Nice! Pierced nipples?"

  "Yeah," the green-haired girl said with a grin, grinding against her guest between deep kisses.

  "I've been thinking about getting that done. They hurt?"

  Jessie laughed sheepishly. "At first, yes. Horribly." Her hand slipped down along smooth thighs.

  Dusty sighed as experienced fingers rubbed the fabric of her black panties.

  Feeling rather heady, Piper watched in a daze. The way Jessie moved, the way she touched and took—she was very much like a boy somehow. Dusty had called her butch, and that was far more accurate than she'd realized. Without Isabella to domina
te her, Jessie was a very masculine lover. It hadn't occurred to her that Jessie was so different from her. Her manner was nothing like Isabella's sickly sweet web of entrapment.

  It was very direct.

  Slipping her hands under those black panties, Jessie grinned salaciously and slid two curled fingers in and out of her guest forcefully. Able to smell a trace of arousal from the two, Piper sat and watched, both confused and entranced. This was a side of being a lesbian she'd never quite seen before.

  Jessie slid her guest's panties off and then flipped her over on all fours. Squeezing pale white butt cheeks, she excitedly explored. After a few moments, she gripped Dusty by the shoulder, slid two fingers into her exposed slit, and began finger-fucking her energetically.

  And Dusty lolled her head back and sighed happily.

  Piper could only stare. This was a thing. Both of these girls had had expectations for how their encounter was going to go, and they'd both been right, as if they'd done this many times before with different people. Realizing that made her feel strange and different for some reason.

  It also occurred to her that she didn't really know how Jessie preferred to have sex. Their story exchanges had almost always been one-way. This new and extremely personal side of her friend seemed best left private.

  Jessie glanced over at her and frowned after noticing that she wasn't touching herself.

  Startled into reluctant action, Piper slid her jeans off and plopped back down in the chair. Rubbing herself atop her panties absently, she struggled with the strange feeling that she shouldn't be seeing this.

  Slapping their guest's ass with one hand and thrusting her fingers in and out hard with the other, Jessie made an eager noise of excitement.

  In response, Dusty clutched the sheets, put her face into them, and gave a low appreciative moan.

  Staring at those fingers penetrating the black-haired girl's glistening reddened slit, Piper began feeling herself warm up. It was a naked girl, after all, and her body instinctively began responding to what it liked. Using her hand, she worked at it, trying to draw her arousal out of the cold feeling this all gave her.

  She brought forth sense memories, too, trying to help the efforts of her fingers. She recalled Isabella's sweet slickness against her tongue and lips, and that certainly brought a spark. She wondered what the exposed sex being finger-fucked in front of her tasted like. Would Dusty taste sweet, musky, or like something entirely new? Something deep inside did crave to add new girls to the library of memories.


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