For the Sheik's Pleasure (Sheiks in Love Book 2)

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For the Sheik's Pleasure (Sheiks in Love Book 2) Page 14

by Mary Jo Springer

  Again, male merriment filled the room. “That’s right. I’m right behind Diyari in that department.”

  Diyari’s arm slid around Khalid’s shoulder as he jerked him into his side.

  “You wish, little brother.” Taj cut in. “Diyari’s in a league all his own.” He punched Diyari in his bicep.

  “I don’t know how many goats I’ve had to part with in order to keep your neck out of the marriage noose.” Taj chuckled. Walking over to Khalid, he embraced him in a brotherly hug. For a moment, surrounded by the brothers he loved, Diyari rejoiced at being home.

  His joyous thoughts were rudely interrupted when someone at the back of the room yelled, “What about Princess Naomi?”

  Diyari shoved his bell sleeves back onto his forearms, as a taut edginess encompassed him. The attention of all three brothers snapped to Asad, the newest member of the Black Scorpions, their joined glares severing the room.

  Diyari’s eyes narrowed on him. What the hell? Who was this man to question him? The cords of his neck stood out as he physically strained to contain his rising anger. “Princess Naomi is doing just fine.”

  “Is your newest fling aware of your arrangement to marry Princess Naomi when you ascend the throne?”

  Shocked gasps echoed throughout the room. Diyari gritted his teeth as rage detonated within him.

  “Easy.” Diyari’s arm shot across Khalid’s chest to restrain him as he surged forward. He appreciated his brother’s valor, but he could handle this himself.

  His lips thinned into a nasty smile. This stupid man had a death wish. A wish he’d be only too happy to accommodate.

  “You insolent dog!” Taj shouted at Asad. “You are addressing the Royal Highness of B’Quara!”

  Asad advanced toward Diyari and his brothers. “You royals think you can behave any way you like and get away with it. I’m sure I’m not the only man here who is disgusted by Your Royal Highness’s actions, along with the news coverage, pictures, and reminders of his scandalous affairs.” Asad spit on the floor in front of him.

  Diyari stepped in front of his brothers. “Relax,” he said, bracing his palms against their chests, barring them from moving any closer to Asad. Asad should have known when to shut up. He didn’t. The idiot continued sinking farther into dangerous territory.

  Taj forced his way around Diyari and addressed Asad. “You will apologize to His Royal Highness, or you will suffer the consequences. Do I make myself clear?”

  Asad ignored Taj and continued, “My mistake,” Asad sneered. “Your Royal Highness, does your newest conquest know you . . .”

  Diyari was beside Taj in an instant. Taj fought to push past him, but Diyari held steadfast, his arm struggling to restrain him. Khalid began moving up on his other side. Leaning toward his brothers, Diyari whispered for their ears only, “I don’t think my love life is really what’s bothering him. Let us play this game so we can get to the crux of the problem.”

  Taj stared at him wide-eyed, his nostrils flaring.

  “And when we have our answer, this man is mine. Do I make myself clear?”

  Both Taj and Khalid nodded in agreement.

  Keeping his cool, Diyari sauntered into the middle of the crowd, Taj and Khalid falling in behind him and standing in a triangular formation with Diyari on the point. “Since Miss Danvers and my relationship is private, I suggest you watch your tongue.” The hard edge to his voice quieted both Taj and Khalid at his side, though Khalid kept his hand on the hilt of his scimitar. Every man’s focus remained on Asad, waiting for him to apologize to their prince.

  Diyari knew they waited in vain. The purpose of this little confrontation was to drive a wedge between the royal family and their men. Why? What scheme did Asad hope to initiate? Anarchy among the Back Scorpions?

  Crossing his arms over his chest, his arms bouncing off his loaded bandoliers, he waited with the rest of the room. Minutes passed, and silence ruled the meeting place. He wanted this man, on his knees, begging for his life. Diyari drew in a deep breath, fighting to calm himself. Shaking out his hands like a gunslinger seconds before making his move, he waited impatiently for Asad to apologize for the slander of Candace, the royal family, and him. She didn’t deserve this kind of malice.

  He quickly thought back to the conversation he’d had on the phone with Taj, about the possibility of a traitor in the palace. Could a Black Scorpion possibly fit the bill? No, no, no, his mind screamed.

  “I will not apologize to this known lothario.” Asad pointed straight at Diyari as he spoke. Diyari’s eyebrow shot up. The fool did have a death wish. Those words would cost him his life.

  Thirty–three men drew their scimitars from their belts. Diyari held up his hand. “Wait!” he shouted, calling for calm. If Asad didn’t know how close to death he was, he truly was a stupid ass.

  “Put your swords away.” Diyari demanded. “Your arrogance will be your death.” He fired at Asad.

  “Just as your whoring will be yours.”

  “How much longer will you permit this piece of trash to insult your honor?” Taj pushed past him, striding right up to Asad, getting within inches of his face.

  “Taj,” Diyari warned.

  This man was his. He didn’t want anyone else to touch him. He alone would enjoy teaching him a lesson in respect he’d never forget. Maybe the man’s final lesson.

  “Yeah, Taj. Get out of my face, I’m speaking to your brother,” Asad threw the insult at him.

  Diyari rushed to his brother’s side, just in time to ensnare Taj’s fist as he threw the first punch.

  Diyari swung around, pointing a finger into Asad’s face and flicking his nose with his finger. “I’ll give you one more chance to apologize to the royal family for your slander.”

  Asad straightened to his full height. “You are unfit to rule, and I have no reason to apologize for speaking the truth.”

  A surly smile quirked the ends of Diyari’s lips. “Then you leave me no choice but to defend the honor of my family.”

  Asad sniffed his disgust. “Real . . . ly. Do you think you have time? Can you fit me in between your affairs?”

  What the hell was going on here?

  Diyari pushed on, craving the image of his hands around the Asad’s throat, his fingers tightening as he choked the life out of him. Only years of strict discipline kept him from killing the man. Standing toe to toe with Asad, Diyari issued a challenge. “Choose your time, place, and weapons.” He was so close to him, he could smell the man’s sudden rush of apprehension. Diyari savored the moment . . . relished it. Fear made men careless, and when they were careless, they made mistakes. Grave mistakes. This arrogant pup had finally realized he’d bitten off more than he could chew.

  “At the desert council meeting. I’ll have your head on the point of my sword.”

  Not a chance, asshole. Diyari’s smile widened as he nodded his approval. “Agreed.” Stupid fool. He’d impale him within minutes with his saber. Known throughout his country as a cunning fencing master, he was about to put his talent and knowledge to good use. Defending his family’s reputation seemed like a great place to start. “As of this minute, you are dismissed from the Black Scorpions. Please withdraw from this room. The very sight of you disgusts me,” Diyari proclaimed.

  Taj and Khalid seized Asad, forcibly escorting him out the door.

  Khalid returned immediately, stepping into the middle of the crowd of men. “I have important news.”

  Diyari raised his hand for quiet. Yes, it was time they got back to the components of this emergency meeting. “Khalid, what have you found out about these emerging threats?”

  “An attempt on the king’s life took place today.”

  The room erupted into chaos around him, questions flying back and forth between the men. Diyari’s glance bounced between his br

  He moved to stand beside them, his heart threatening to pound right out of his chest “Was he injured?”

  “No. Mainly because they chose to crash his plane.”

  Diyari took a step backward, his hand moving over his heart. “What? He wasn’t on the family jet. I was.”

  Khalid turned toward him and stared into his widening eyes. “Exactly.”

  His gaze sweeping over the men, Khalid continued, “The plane you and Miss Danvers took was supposed to be bringing the king back to B’Quara. He came home early to address the crisis in the oil fields. You, however, took the jet. The landing gear mishap was no accident. The hydraulic lines were severed. That’s why they failed. Make no mistake. These bastards of The National Resistance Group will try again.”

  So, they were at war with The National Resistance Group. He and Candace were nearly murdered. For what? To appease some out-of-date strictures? To be a headline for this resistance group to boast about? Was this a war on the royal family, the beginning of a coup? What? And what part did Asad have in all this? This was the closest he’d ever come to being killed because he was a royal. He didn’t like not having answers. Didn’t like it one bit. His entire body shook with indignation. He vowed to hunt down whoever concocted this horrendous plan and make them pay. Being in the crosshairs of a killer did that to a person. And Candace, she was just collateral damage. Cowards! At least Asad had the guts to spit in his face. These bastards hid in the shadows, waiting to pounce.

  Swallowing hard, Diyari asked, “What does this resistance group want? Have they voiced their demands?”

  “They want B’Quara to return to the old-world strictures of our ancestors. They feel women shouldn’t be educated or appear in public unveiled. They don’t want women to have a say in their choice of a husband. Or be allowed to divorce their husbands. Or be allowed to vote in our elections. They hate the fact that modern skyscrapers are being built on historical properties. They want free elections, but they won’t give the name of their candidate.”

  Diyari digested the newly uncovered demands.

  “Cars, hospitals, colleges. Do they have problems with these also?” Taj asked.

  “Yes,” Khalid answered simply. “And yes, they’re deadly serious. They want to force a change in leadership.”

  “By killing the king?” Diyari choked out. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His own people wanted the king dead. Impossible. The building acid in his stomach see-sawed. His father. His poor father a target because he tried to move B’Quara into the twenty-first century. It was absurd. A nightmare. A travesty. And he was determined to put an end to it. Yes, even if it took his life. He’d halt this evil in its tracks.

  “We’ll need to counter their every move.” Taj chimed in, mirroring his frustration. “Get the names of these traitors, this resistance bullshit group. Wipe them out before they get a chance at the king.”

  “I agree.” This was unfathomable. “And as of this moment, I authorize the Black Scorpions to search and find these men. I want them captured . . . alive. I need to interrogate them so we put an end to this . . . permanently.” Diyari rubbed his fingers along the side of his cheek. “And most of all, I want these . . . these . . . vile men to stand trial for treason. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Copy that,” the room shouted in unison.

  Diyari shook his head, clearing the fog of the last few moments. “We need to get to the desert. Our duty is to form an impenetrable wall of protection around the king at the council meeting. The Council Meeting would be the perfect opportunity for these turncoats to strike. Representatives from every corner of the country, people we don’t know, people who may be there to create chaos and murder will be present.”

  “We’ll leave at dawn,” Taj volunteered.

  “This is our call to arms. We will save our nation.” He raised his rifle toward heaven. “For king and country.”

  All the men raised their weapons and echoed his chant, “For king and country.” Followed by, “Diyari, Diyari.”

  As the men filed out of the massive room, Diyari grabbed Taj’s sleeve. “Hold on a moment.” Diyari waited until all the men left the room before he asked, “The background check on Ms. Danvers, did it yield anything worthwhile?”

  Taj’s gaze settled on Diyari’s face. “It was clean. Crystal clean.” Taj shifted his weight to his other foot. “She checked out. Give her a break. She’s who she says she is.”

  Diyari gave Taj a nod as he slipped past him.

  ~ ~ ~

  She’d heard enough. Candace yanked the earbud from her ear and gathered her equipment. Great news! The Black Scorpions provided protection for the king. She skirted along the palace wall as she moved toward the wing of her bedroom. She needed to report her finding to the CIA. But not tonight. Tonight she needed to do research into The National Resistance Group. Apparently, the Black Scorpions had them on their radar also. Yes, tonight she needed answers. Tomorrow when she had more information, she’d be able to alert the CIA and advise them. Then, she’d wait for further orders. She leaned back against the wall, contemplating her ascent to the balcony. Gripping a handful of the climbing vines, she pulled herself up. Placing her feet against the stone wall of the palace, she slowly walked her way up the two flights to her bedroom.

  ~ ~ ~

  Rounding the corner of the building, Diyari jumped back at the incredible sight before him. “What in the name of Allah?” He swore violently. In front of him, scaling up the side of the palace, was Candace Danvers. He tossed his head to clear the image like an unwanted mirage. But no, he hadn’t imagined it, it was definitely Candace. His Candace. By all that was holy, what was she doing? Better yet, what was she up to? Dressed completely in black, she mimicked a ninja warrior. A Beretta dangled from her shoulder holster. He rubbed a hand over his eyes. This was the most sought-after wedding planner in the world. Like an unleased hurricane, questions too numerous to answer swirled around in his head. Was she really in B’Quara to plan his sister’s wedding, or did she have a more heinous agenda? Taj said her background check was squeaky clean—yeah, too clean. Like someone wiped it clean. But why? Surely, she couldn’t be involved in any plot to harm his dad? No, he reassured himself, not her, she was. . . she was what? Too nice, too beautiful. He slapped a hand against his forehead, fighting to remove the uncertainties swarming his brain. He couldn’t. Stunning women made excellent assassins. They used sex to seduce men and then killed them. Was he just a mark to her? A means to get close to the king? If so, why didn’t she take him up on the opportunity to have sex with him and then blackmail him into helping her? He rubbed his sweaty palms up and down the side of his thighs as the ocean breeze picked up, ruffling his hair. Dread swept over him, its cold and malicious tentacles digging into him. He crossed his arms over his chest to extinguish the sobering sensation. Lifting his face into the blustery sea breeze, he swore the wind echoed a dire admonition. Beware! Beware! It cautioned. Had she used him, baited him for information? And like a lovesick fool, he had played right into her hands, his brain mucked up with contemplations of sex. Could she really be that masterful at managing him? Why was she really here? His shoulders sagged. His mind twisted and turned with possibilities. Okay, so calm down and think. Obviously, there was more to Ms. Danvers than he first considered. Much, much more. How much more, he feared to find out. He spat his disappointment into the sand. Damn it! Just when he found a woman who challenged him, she turns out to be . . . “Oh hell,” he swore. What if she . . . he couldn’t even put the thought into words. What if she were part of The National Resistance Group? A steel weight compressed his chest, the staggering weight of betrayal. And who was the clever asshole who’d made a wedding planner an agent? This situation gave new meaning to the old adage, “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” He slammed his fist into the wall of the palace as fury, disbelief, and disa
ppointment choked him. His eyes narrowed on her slender form as she threw her leg over the balcony. Oh, he intended to keep Candace Danvers very close indeed.

  He needed answers. Lots of answers to the scenarios flashing through his befogged mind. He pinched the skin at the crown of his nose, craving the pain. He hated being tagged a fool. He was nobody’s puppet. “Poor stupid little girl,” he spat. He’d make mincemeat of her. He wouldn’t be maneuvered like a chess piece on a board. He’d make it his duty to keep Ms. Danvers from slinking around the corners at night. She may have out foxed the guards at her door, but she wouldn’t get past him again. From this moment on, he’d keep her so close, people would think they were attached at the hip. And . . . and . . . he’d enjoy every minute of it. Two could play at this game. Whatever this game was.

  Withdrawing his phone from his pocket, he dialed Taj. “We have a problem. I’m pretty sure you’ll need to get around a smokescreen in Candace Danvers’ background check.”

  “How do you know someone is throwing up a smoke screen?”

  Diyari shot a hand through his hair. “Well, we missed something. Our wedding planner just crawled up the side of the palace.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Oh, if only that were true.”

  Taj’s long sigh echoed through the phone. “I’ll get on it.”

  Diyari let his phone fall against his thigh.

  Chapter 6

  Getting Candace on that military helicopter was going to take an act of Allah. As they ducked under the spinning blades, she pulled back. Gripping her elbow, digging in, Diyari reassured her. “You’re okay. I’ll be right next to you every step of the way.” Yeah, he’d be sticking to her like glue for the remainder of her stay in his country. Day and night.

  He laughed, unable to control himself. When she glanced at him with those beautiful sapphire eyes, he almost forgot her deception, forgot that she was a cold-hearted woman with who knew what on her agenda. Maybe his father . . . maybe him.


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